Police Blotter

by Urizenus Sklar on 07/01/06 at 4:53 pm

Blotter Don’t look now, but we are running the RSS feed of the Linden Police Blotter so you can keep daily tabs on all the sordid badness in SL (scroll down — it’s in the left column).  "Teen accessing main grid – Suspended 14 Days"?  WTF, must be turning 18 in two weeks!  Par-Tay!

3 Responses to “Police Blotter”

  1. Prokofy Neva

    Jan 7th, 2006

    Hey, way cool! I was wondering when someone would get that started again. For extra credit, archive it, and make it searchable by topic, so we can finally see patterns of prosecution, whether prosecution is too heavily tilted to sandbox shooters and too light on forums insulters, etc. That’s the current impression we get from the police blotter.

  2. Triona

    Jan 19th, 2006

    Curious to know how they’d identify someone as being a teen on the main grid.

  3. Urizenus

    Jan 20th, 2006

    I think that if they become suspicious they contact the account owner and ask for age verification to be sent. Photocopy of drivers license or something.

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