Archive for April, 2006

King Philip Joins the Cast of SecondCast

I’m listening to Episode #10 of SecondCast at the moment, the first of our two-part podcast with Philip Linden, aka Philip Rosedale, the founder and CEO of Linden Lab. The show isn’t quite as free-wheeling as usual, in part because we had to run our questions by SL’s PR machinery before we could ask them. [...]

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Anshe Returns

An update in the developing story of land baron Anshe Chung’s suspension from Second Life: Anshe reports that around 11:30 am SLT, about an hour ago, her account was taken off hold by a Linden concierge. No explanation has yet been forthcoming, though, and the Herald awaits news from Linden Lab of just what was [...]

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Did Anshe’s Anshe$ Strike Fear in the Wallets of LL?

by Dow Jonas (with additional reporting by Walker Spaight) Even before today’s suspension of Second Life land baron Anshe Chung’s account, SL forum-watchers had been riveted to a thread started by Anshe two days ago, entitled “Second Life Needs Stable Currency.” In the thread, Anshe toys with the idea of releasing her own currency if [...]

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Linden Lab Kicks Anshe in Arrears

by Walker Spaight If it’s an April Fool’s joke, it’s one that’s seriously ill-advised. What is no joke is the fact that Anshe Chung, Second Life’s most renowned land baron and one of Linden Lab’s biggest customers, was not present in the virtual world’s Find interface this morning, indicating the account has been suspended or [...]

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Newsflash: Linden Lab Bans its Best Customer!

In a surprise move, Linden Lab has apparently banned the main account of its best customer, land baron Anshe Chung, after she tried to withdraw more than US$50,000 from one of her Linden accounts and dangled the idea of starting up her own virtual currency to compete with the Linden dollar. The Herald is even [...]

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