LL Ageplay Shocker: The Company Rules

by prokofy on 07/03/07 at 8:04 pm

Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Community Afffairs

In a reversal of their usual hands-off policy toward inworld lifestyles of even the most extreme type, Linden Lab has unexpectedly come up with an ageplay policy today, which it has chosen to articulate not on the official Blob, but in notecards delivered to some inworld businesses.

A notecard is making the rounds with the following text:

Dear Second Life Resident:

Linden Lab would like to inform you that your land or business is possibly not in
compliance with Second Life’s Community Standards. The depiction of sexual
activity involving minors may violate real-world laws in some areas, and the
Second Life community as a whole has made it clear that it views such
behavior to be broadly offensive. Linden Lab chooses not to allow the
advertising or promotion of age play or related activities in any public
forum — including in-world textures, classified ads, the Second Life
forums, or parcel descriptions.

Advertisements, promotions, or descriptions of such activities must be
removed to avoid account sanctions. Any account asserting an age that does
not meet Second Life’s minimum age of eligibility will be closed.

Linden Lab

The notecard, titled “LL AgePlay Policy” and listing “Chadrick Linden” as creator, is white type on brown and is a non-modify card and appears to be authentic.

It is not yet known which businesses or homes have received the card.

For a lively discussion on the topic and my thorough critique of Tateru Nino’s justification of ageplay on the Blingsider, see my blog.

135 Responses to “LL Ageplay Shocker: The Company Rules”

  1. At Last...

    Mar 9th, 2007


    The term is not being used loosely, the cap fits. Please show me how the APA’s definition of paedophilia does not apply to someone who is roleplaying sex with another child av.

    a) Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent intense sexual urges and *sexual arousing fantasies involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children*.

    b) The person has acted on these urges, *or is markedly distressed by them.*

    c) The person is at least 16 years old and at least 5 years older than the child or children in a).

    As far as I can see the only get out clause is the 6 month period part if the RPer has been doing it for less than that amount of time. The key words here are ‘urges’ and ‘fantasy’. Fantasy is exactly what SL is; and the fantasy of having sex with a child is the fantasy that is being played out by sexual ageplayers.

    Paedophilia has nothing to do with RL actions…nothing at all.

  2. Just a Thought

    Mar 9th, 2007

    Nope, but I’ll step up here D.

    I have no qualms when it comes to attacking little twits whose combined neural mass would never fit on a quark let alone within the vast empty space that resides within their skull.

    If you’d like to delude yourself into thinking that computer data which does not in any way cause the computer in question to form an image of a real, living child is the same thing as the real life act … you need to seek help yourself as it is quite apparent that you can’t tell what is real and what is not.

    All I’ve seen so far on this topic has been a verbal war between those who actually do know the difference between real and fake/imaginary and those who cannot. frankly it sickens me to no end to see such twits and apparent head cases wax idiotic over something which in no way, shape, or form involves real children and which in no way, shape or form encourages sexual activities between an adult and a real child – not for those that can tell what is real and what is not.

    Devon and Detritus are right in their analysis of the core issues in this matter. Reality is – as far as I can tell and in my opinion – correct in adopting a definition that narrows everything down to the most base of factors and actions.

    The amusing part of all this is that not a single fucking one of you can act like the mature adults you claim to be and agree to disagree.

    Not a single fucking one of you was elected to be the all powerful moral decision maker for all of Humanity – hell, even I am not such.

    All of you are individuals with differing opinions – state them, when it degenerates into this sort of war agree to disagree and then shut the fuck up already!

    Lothar, above all else I’m directing the bulk of this to you. You are not the end all, be all of morality – no one is. Deal with it.

  3. At Last...

    Mar 9th, 2007


    Please point out to me where I have said that any of this involves real imagery/children (although I am aware of one place that was decorated with images of real children, clothed, but photoshopped to look as if they were wearing makeup, besides images of Alice In Wonderland getting fucked…what sort of fantasy is going on there???)?

    You seem quite incapable of grasping my point, it’s very odd.

    I forgot that we had reached the arbitary point in the debate where we had to stop arguing…sorry about that ‘Just a Thought’…are there any other threads you would like closed?

  4. Just a Thought

    Mar 9th, 2007

    Funny, I don’t remember aiming my post at you in particular Last, but then I expected about as much.

    I’ve read nearly every response to this blog post and all I’ve seen thus far is the same shit over and over again from all parties involved.

    You have a different view, good for you! state it, debate until it becomes apparent that you’re not going to change the minds of others and then cease. Simple enough logic isn’t it?

    Once it reaches that point there is no sense in continuing the debate – none.

  5. Some Guy

    Mar 9th, 2007

    Hm, it’s ironic how LL did not care at all on this subject at first. Even though thousands of players protested about under-aged sex and porno In-Game. The first protests were very small but still showed how many people were offended with this. LL does NOTHING and states that “Yes, they may look like age play. But, humans do not always grow to a certain height.” This was said by a Linden in the very first protests. Many people were in a rage for this. Clearly, they were under-age. Many people could see this but, LL did not want to get involved. Later, a huge protest by almost every current logged in player was held in sims all together. The location was a store/play house, that was for under-age play. I forget the name but I’m sure it is, Daddy’s Girls. Or something like that. The store featured many under-age theme torture devices, play toys, sexual outfits specifically made for the under-aged, and many more. Lindens find this protest and instead of takeing any actions for the under-age sex store/play house, punish the protesters! Nothing was ever done to shut down that store/play house by LL. Many protesters were banned from the land. LL first kicked everyone out of the sims. It was again, a sad day for SL. LL states that any actions like this may be against Real-World laws. BUT, they do not enforce this. I feel sick when I see things such a In-game kid/ toddler porno. Or of course any sexual actions. This may be what many people like to call *a game.* But such a thing like this is still wrong. It is sad it took so long to get this through the heads of LL. LL always says they will take actions if a majority of players find offense to it, well thousands of players did, but nothing was ever done till now. That is pretty pathetic. I’m sure we all love SL, but, if LL will be so blind and brainless like this again, I thing SL and LL should fall.

    -Some Guy

  6. Lothar

    Mar 9th, 2007

    ” computer data which does not in any way cause the computer in question to form an image of a real, living child ”

    Rarr, rarr, rarr, shut the fuck up. The issue is whether or not its child pornography, not whether its okay to posess it or whether or not “children were hurt making it.”

    Should it be illegal to posess images of people getting killed because people were hurt making it?

    No, it’s just film/VHS tape/a DVD, am I right?

    “not a single fucking one of you can act like the mature adults”

    Does that turn you on?

    “Reality is – as far as I can tell and in my opinion – correct in adopting a definition ”

    No, he pulls a definition out of thin air, arbitrarily and capriciously. I can call myself a “vegetarian” if I say that hamburgers don’t count as meat. But most people would dismiss that as asinine sophistry. Which is what you and “reality” are. Asinine sophists desperately trying to escape the obvious diagnosis.

    “Not a single fucking one of you was elected to be the all powerful moral decision maker for all of Humanity – hell, even I am not such.”

    If that’s so then you have no right to condemn anyone for condemning something else. You can’t even be consistant in that its no wonder you can’t even define words correctly.

    “All of you are individuals with differing opinions ”

    Everyone has an opinion, therefore no opinions are true, and all opinions are equally valid, am I right? :V

    “You are not the end all, be all of morality”

    I’ll say it again: It’s sad and disgusting that condemning pedophilia is considered “puritan” and the use of child pornography by adults is “a perfectly valid form of sexual expression.”

  7. Just a Thought

    Mar 9th, 2007

    Lothar – grow the fuck up and accept the fact that you’re nothing. Literally nothing.

    You do not get to decide the topic, you do not get to decide what is and is not valid in this discussion. you do not get to decide anything and as far as I am concerned you do not get to lay a claim on life.

    Insecure little twits like you who cling to your fucked up sense of right and wrong – acting as if each and every moral debate has an absolute right and wrong – are at the very core of this failed, fucked up experiment we call Humanity and are among those I pray – each and every day – are among the first to die when the end finally comes.

    People like you are at the core of every fucked up fundamentalist group out there – the terrorist groups included. You’re all so afraid of the direction Humanity is going in that you simply must shove your own morals on each and every person on the face of the fucking planet.

    At the root core of all of it is one simple thing: You’re all fucking cowards, too afraid to realize that humanity is now at a stage where we begin to mature at an earlier age, physically and mentally. Frankly I’ll be the first person to put a bullet into the head of someone going after a real child – but I’ll also be the first person that will laugh with glee when the inevitability of our continued evolution slams home in such a manner as it literally kills those like you with how it so effectively shatters your pathetic and old fashioned sense of the world.

    Get over yourself – if you have nothing to add to the debate other than meaningless attacks from a mind so immersed in thinking it is never wrong and holds the secret to all good and evil … you do not belong in any debate whatsoever.

  8. At Last...

    Mar 9th, 2007

    LMAO….are you going for some sort of record in venom-spitting insults here ‘Just a Thought’? I can just picture your buttocks clenching tight with rage as you hammer your keyboard with hamfists. These are some of your greatest hits from just 2 posts…

    “…attacking little twits whose combined neural mass would never fit on a quark …
    … twits and apparent head cases …
    …not a single fucking one of you can act like the mature adults …
    …Not a single fucking one of you …
    …shut the fuck up already!…
    …grow the fuck up and accept the fact that you’re nothing…
    …Insecure little twits like you who cling to your fucked up sense of right and wrong …
    …I pray – each and every day – are among the first to die when the end finally comes….
    …You’re all fucking cowards…
    …People like you are at the core of every fucked up fundamentalist group out there – the terrorist groups included…
    …as it literally kills those like you with how it so effectively shatters your pathetic and old fashioned sense of the world….”

    To be honest I don’t really know what to say to all of that, other than my initial point, which is that people who engage in sexual roleplay with kid avs on a consistent basis are paedophiles. It’s pretty objective really; whether you think that ‘non-realised’ paedophila is a problem is another matter.

    Reality’s theory (1) on paedophilia is ridiculous. By extension it would mean that Hitler wasn’t anti-semitic until he actually ordered the gassing of the first Jew, or that George Michael wasn’t gay until he had gay sex…the examples are endless.

    (1)”Pedophilia is simply sexual activity with real children – as in living, breathing beings. Nothing more – nothing less. The realm of Fantasy – Second Life and all similar venues – do not enter into the equation.
    …Therefore to refer to those who have not taken that final step using these labels show only that people cannot separate the thought from the actual act…”

  9. Just a Thought

    Mar 9th, 2007

    Last ….

    Trying to cover up some deep seated desire of your own? funny, but I’ve always found that the most vocal of voices speaking out against anything at all that they deem immoral are the ones most afraid of temptation.

  10. Just a Thought

    Mar 9th, 2007

    Oh – and have fun kiddies – I’ll be watching in the shadows as those who read my most recent post violently react to it – as they should. After all – I’ve just made one hell of an accusation – and not an unfounded one either.

  11. At Last...

    Mar 9th, 2007

    “Last…Trying to cover up some deep seated desire of your own?”

    No. As I have already said I used to be a policemanm, who for a number of years worked in child net porn. I’ve seen patterns of behaviour first hand, I understand that paedophilia is a condition, it does not necessarily mean ‘child abuse’. I’ve seen images of children under the age of 6 months old that you don’t even want to think about ‘Just a Thought; because it was my job. Yes, I do have a vested interest in this subject.

  12. Just a Thought

    Mar 9th, 2007

    Hmm, a vested interest or a personal crusade?

  13. At Last...

    Mar 9th, 2007

    ‘Just a Thought’…you’re boring me. Go and read up on *what paedophilia actually means*, why it happens, how it happens, how paedophiles network, where they meet, how they exchange ideas, how they are treated etc etc etc etc etc

    But most of all, go and look up what paedophilia actually means. It’s all well and good for you to sit back and throw hand grenades into the debate in the name of ‘freedom of expression’, whilst spitting expletives and insults left right and centre; but at the end of the day, you are pretty ignorant on the subject. Which is actually a good thing. In the froth of your anger you seem to have missed the point I made in my initial post. I am not calling for the hanging in the streets of paedophiles, paedophilia is just a name for a condition. That’s all.

  14. Just a Thought

    Mar 9th, 2007

    I’m quite well versed in what this worthless waste of space that calls itself ‘society’ has to say on the subject Last. That’s the part that amuses me the most: That you could think otherwise.

    As to your intent? I don’t give a damn.

  15. At Last...

    Mar 9th, 2007

    lol…you come across as a bitter, cynical, unhappy, angry and shunned person. Since you are so disdainful of society, perhaps the life of a hermit would be more suitable for you. Then you could sit on top of a pole and shake your fist at the stars. I’ve wasted enough time sitting here posting to you, so this will be my last post….feel free to have the last word ;-)

  16. Reality

    Mar 9th, 2007

    My money is on crusade JAT …

    Colonel, you and I have differing views on this subject and quite frankly it’s apparent that you are not going to change my view, nor am I going to change your view.

    My view does not excuse anyone at all from anything at all and quite frankly I resent – violently – the fact that you would be so crass as to make such an assumption.

    I have not once said that people who have an attraction to living, breathing children do not need help. frankly I’m as opposed to such a thing as you are. I simply prefer keeping them as far away from the real thing as is possible and giving them an alternative to crossing the line.

    Yes, I really do not care about a centuries old ‘accepted’ definition simply because – to me – it is far too broad and does not cut to the root cause and end result. Nor does any label except for child rape – which is the crime itself now isn’t it? By tyeing the crime to the root cause in the manner I use as my definition to Pedophilia, it draws a very distinct line.

    How many ‘Pedophiles’ never cross that line? Are you really so eager to remove everything that may prevent them from crossing that line?

    God I hope not Colonel. My views may be different, I may condemn the act itself … But I do agree with JAT on one thing: Like it or not, we’re growing and evolving in a direction where this very argument may one day become moot.

    Do whatever you want to those that cross the line in Reality – leave the escapists, and anyone else that can actually handle the Fantasy that is second Life and other Virtual venues to do what they want to do.

    If no one is harmed by it – and cases where it happens are the exception, not the rule – it is really none of our business until it bleeds over into Reality and a line is crossed.

    If there were a way to ensure that only those over a specific age were the only ones able to access adult content areas I’d be all for it as it would render a great deal of the concern behind this topic moot: No one under a specific age would be exposed to it.

    As ideal as such a thing would be it is not the case …. and frankly the risks are equal no matter where on the internet you go. it is something we have to deal with and attempt to minimize without removing options that may – even in the most minimal numbers – prevent a person thinking of crossing any line of morality from doing so.

  17. Just a Thought

    Mar 9th, 2007

    You know Last – except for that last one there you’ve got me pegged. I’m quite loved as my fiancee could tell you.

    I hold such views for the simple reason that there isn’t enough evidence to the contrary and for the simple reason that Humanity, no matter how many opportunities they are given to get along with one another in even the most basic way …. Humanity has a track record of fucking it all up over the simplest of differences.

    funny part is, you being a cop – I’d expect you to understand that point of view.

  18. Some Guy

    Mar 9th, 2007

    Hm, it’s ironic how LL did not care at all on this subject at first. Even though thousands of players protested about under-aged sex and porno In-Game. The first protests were very small but still showed how many people were offended with this. LL does NOTHING and states that “Yes, they may look like age play. But, humans do not always grow to a certain height.” This was said by a Linden in the very first protests. Many people were in a rage for this. Clearly, they were under-age. Many people could see this but, LL did not want to get involved. Later, a huge protest by almost every current logged in player was held in sims all together. The location was a store/play house, that was for under-age play. I forget the name but I’m sure it is, Daddy’s Girls. Or something like that. The store featured many under-age theme torture devices, play toys, sexual outfits specifically made for the under-aged, and many more. Lindens find this protest and instead of takeing any actions for the under-age sex store/play house, punish the protesters! Nothing was ever done to shut down that store/play house by LL. Many protesters were banned from the land. LL first kicked everyone out of the sims. It was again, a sad day for SL. LL states that any actions like this may be against Real-World laws. BUT, they do not enforce this. I feel sick when I see things such a In-game kid/ toddler porno. Or of course any sexual actions. This may be what many people like to call *a game.* But such a thing like this is still wrong. It is sad it took so long to get this through the heads of LL. LL always says they will take actions if a majority of players find offense to it, well thousands of players did, but nothing was ever done till now. That is pretty pathetic. I’m sure we all love SL, but, if LL will be so blind and brainless like this again, I thing SL and LL should fall.

    -Some Guy

  19. Some Guy

    Mar 9th, 2007

    If you want to quote and re-post my comment you may but, no need to take my name and e-mail and re-post it as if I did so. Please do not make me look like a spammer. Thank you.

    Now for my Reply on the current comments.

    I, in my opinion, do not think it is right in any way for an adult to have sexual desires for a human under, as I said my opinion, the age of 13. For my view I see it that anyone who has hit puberty and has a mature state in his/her life is considered an Adult. But puberty may come at a different age in life. It is the same for maturity. I think, the reason for setting the age of an adult for 18, is for such a reason. If we all hit puberty and matured at the age of 13, I am sure an adult would then be 13 or older. It is wrong to even look at un-adult humans in a sexual way. This means that, the un-adult does not have to be nude. To me, nudity is of course natural. Nothing would be wrong with public nudity if we were not so perverted in our current world. Even a fully mature man can drool at just the simple *nipple slip* of afew seconds. It is all pretty sad. Especially due to the fact that both males and females have breasts. In fact, males and females are the same in a certain state of development. Males can even produce milk and grow large breasts. Though, it is not “normal”, it is still possible. Anyways, I am sorry for getting so off subject. Back on subject, We may all have a certain taboo in life, but, it is pretty sick to want to make love with another human that hasn’t even hit the state for a ready sex life. Especially when that other human is just a small baby. I am pretty surprised that no one has sued LL for allowing this up to now. Or have I missed something??? Or maybe that, LL is finally taking actions from threats of sue? In any case, it’s nice to see that something has been done, if this is real news.

    Now we all have different opinions, but no need to “flame” us here. Thank you. :)

    -Some Guy

  20. Some Guy

    Mar 9th, 2007

    I would just like to add my opinion to Fur based age-play.

    In my opinion, as long as that fur is Pure-Fur *not like a neko human* it is ok to age-play at any based age. But as I said, if the fur is not 100% Fur, it is still wrong. I am sure you will all agree with this.

    Oh and while I’m typeing… Most people are not age-playing. They are really that age. It is a true fact that SL is made up of MANY under-aged players. The average of those under-aged are 13. The most young player in SL I’ve known/found was 10. We all know it is true. SL is over run by children. I’m sure many age players are not *pretending* to be under aged. If you have seen those active in Teen-SL, you will see it to be very low. Kids, especially teens love games. Adults, not so much. This is fact, so then, More people would be active in Teen-SL. BUT, they are not. That is because they are all on adult grid. Kids all over the world have cellphones, they also can easily grab moms credit card out of her purse. Thus, they can easily join SL. I actually think that the age groups shouldn’t be segregated, since they are already joined both in SL and real life. I think everyone should be able to join as long as they are mature. Children and Adults alike should be kicked/banned if they are not mature enuf to handle this game. Welp, my opinions have been stated, I’m now off to Lay down and watch TV with my wife. Well I’ll be watching TV, she will be reading. Heh…

    -Some Guy

  21. Crispin Lover

    Mar 10th, 2007

    Some Guy, if they’re ten years old, then they’re not age playing. That’s a whole different animal, one for whom the blame lies squarely at Linden Lab’s feet.

    Linden Lab endangers more real children every single day than any age playing.

    Linden lab should be ashamed that they traded the relative safety of children to pump up their subscription rate when they did away with any sort of verification.

    Their policies are atrocious and many of them counter act one another. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Gambling, prostitution, they’re just over the horizon. Taxes won’t be far behind. RL taxes – we’re supposed to be reporting our SL earnings already, but the day is coming where will be forced to comply, because LL will be forced to provide earnings info to the appropriate agencies. This makes the name of the “world” highly ironic. Second Life indeed, because it’s going to become more and more like First Life as time passes.

    The house cleaning is coming. It’s just a shame that just like every other remedial, last minute band aid LL applies to their shoddily managed product, this is a too little, too late, after-the-fact nostrum. It’s got nothing to do with a want on LL’s part to protect the children and everything to do with PR, only they’re about 2 or 3 years late.

    ZOMG! RL governments and agencies are noticing SL! Well DUH. You should have been prepared LL, after all, it was weepy eyed Philip’s plan to have “millions” of residents, right? Did you think that the seamier side of things would just fly under the radar forever? If not, you should have been proactive on this and other issues versus being reactive, especially when you were in the decision making process for open registration.

    Put down the fucking bong for a while LabRats, power down the Love Machine, give the Tao a rest, and start running this thing like a damned business and not some hippie hobby love-in.

    What’s more important Philly Dawg? Running a legitimate, stable, and profitable business, or stubbornly trying to prove to the world that you are not only revolutionizing the web, but that you’re doing it with some sort of bizarre new age management techniques? I can just smell the fresh cut flowers and hear the Enya playing now.

    I just about fell over when I heard Philip say that if he delegated tasks to his employees that “they would quit”. That’s a direct quote. That is an indicator people, of just what we are dealing with here. Either a CEO who is a pussy, a staff who are such spoiled babies that they won’t be told what to do even though they’re earning six-figure salaries, or more likely – both.

  22. Empathic

    Mar 10th, 2007

    Detritus Maloney
    You’ve been the most sensible commenter on this topic I’ve read yet.

    >>Oh, yeah, the agreed upon definition for the last century or two is “nonsense,”
    While the root words Pedo and Philia are of an ancient language, the term itself and it’s usage and definition have NOT been in use for centuries, actually. 100 Years might be stretching it.

    Funny thing is, your vegetarian comment made me think of something Lothar…
    If a vegetarian still desires meat, still dreams of meat, is markedly distressed by their desire to eat meat, but never does, are they still a vegetarian?
    Now reword that.
    If a pedophile still desires children, still dreams of children, is markedly distressed by their desire to sex children, but never does, are they still a pedophile?

    Not that I agree with Reality’s definition of what a pedophile is. Then again, I disagree with ABA’s textbook definition of what a pedophile is too. I know pedophiles who don’t fall under that definition, but are still pedophiles.

    >>I’ll say it again: It’s sad and disgusting that condemning pedophilia is considered “puritan” and the use of child pornography by adults is “a perfectly valid form of sexual expression.”
    I think you fail at general comprehension.
    1. You STILL are not the end all be all of morality.
    2. Quite a few countries have declared stuff like what goes on in SL as NOT being child pornography.

    At Last.
    >>To be honest I don’t really know what to say to all of that, other than my initial point, which is that people who engage in sexual roleplay with kid avs on a consistent basis are paedophiles. It’s pretty objective really; whether you think that ‘non-realised’ paedophila is a problem is another matter.

    The problem I find is not the accuracy or inaccuracy of labeling a person a pedophile based on those traits. The problem I find is the inherit persecution of the pedophiles who have not committed a crime, and have no intention to do so. Pedophiles do not make a choice in the matter. They don’t up and one day decide, “Oh hey, I’m gonna like children from now on,” Nor can they say, “Well, I think today I’ll stop being sexually aroused by children.” It’s much the same with Homosexuals, African Americans, females, the disabled, etc. It’s called persecution.

    And don’t you dare start implying that I’m supporting child molestation. Anyone who DOES attempt sexual contact with a child deserves prosecution. The difference is that being a pedophile is NOT a crime, it’s a condition, and not one that has to be acted on. Society as a whole condemns those who are pedophiles even if they have no wish to act on those urges as though they already had acted on them.

    You claim you aren’t calling for the mass hanging of pedophiles. You are on the other hand fully supporting the shunning and banishment of them, as though this will somehow fix the problem of child molestation. People get so caught up in the thought that someone might be fantasizing about a child that they forget to think about how to actually prevent it from happening and instead react violently against those the are suspicious of.

    Bottom line is, pretending they don’t exist by trying to hide them and push them away from you will not stop it. Closing a safe outlet for them to satisfy their urges in a way that no one actually gets hurt simply forces them to move on to the next method, which may or may not be safe. If you think even for a moment that just anyone can simply suppress things outright with out any kind of release, I’m afraid you have a complete lack of understanding of the human psyche.

    >>giving them an alternative to crossing the line.
    Without alternatives, they must either outright suppress it (A nearly impossible thing to do) or… cross the line.

    Reality hit the nail on the head. I may not agree with them on a lot of things, but at least they understand the human psyche.

    Some Guy.
    I guess it’s people like you who are ready to start lining up the pedos and shooting them dead for their thought crimes. You’d make good friends with Hitler probably. You’re seriously a text book example of a sociopath.

    On top of that, where the hell are you getting these numbers from? You honestly think most ageplayers are in reality the age they roleplay? Where’s your proof? You’re pulling some supposed facts out of your ass just to try and further a weak point. Stop spouting unproven drivel, it only works to weaken your case with those who have a modicum of intelligence.

  23. Some Guy

    Mar 10th, 2007

    They are facts. I’m sure we are all friends with at least one Linden. Ask them nicely and you can get a lot out of them. Also the fact is that most people I’ve known in SL turn out to be under-aged. Most come from my Instructor Classes. Those children are ironically almost all, in some sort of age play group. Now I’ve done my research, and I’ve recorded a lot of this on a simple text document. Now, they may be lieing, they may NOT be children but only saying they are. But well, they all did get banned, so I’m sure they had no way to say they were adult, when they were not. Oh and your right, I would pull the trigger, but not for thought crimes, btw. If its for the greater good, you must sometimes, loose things to gain more things. But calling me a sociopath is not so true. I’m not greedy in any way. I only want the greater good for us all. Also don’t compare me to Hitler, he killed the Jewish for well, being jewish. That is just plain idiotic. Now for ridding people who do such wrong seen in a wide view, well that makes sence. But I’m not saying kill or punish the Mexicans for coming into America. We need them, they MAKE America. For people who are pedophiles, we do not need them. They can have their dirty thoughts, but do anything to a child and, well, to hell with them for ruining someones life. If you cannot understand what damage they can do, then that is sad. Not everyone thinks like the society just because Tom, Dick, and Harry think it too. Understand this, My views and opinions are my own.

    -Some Guy

  24. Lothar

    Mar 10th, 2007

    “How many ‘Pedophiles’ never cross that line? Are you really so eager to remove everything that may prevent them from crossing that line?”


    Yeah, because if it is one thing about people who use pornography, they have absolutely no interest in actual sex. They are completely satisfied with pornography and the appetite that is increased by watching it.

    Hey, let’s legalize posession of real child pornography. Why is it wrong to show footage of crimes? Why should photographs of real children getting raped be prosecuted as long as you had nothing to do with the production of the rape?

    I have a photograph of a man getting shot while he sits in the back of a
    convertible, should I go to jail for posessing that photo?

    Put child pornography, Real and virtual, all over Second Life! It will keep the pedophiles inside. They will never molest a child because they will be perfectly satisfied with their daily masturbatory fantasies using pornographic images.


    “While the root words Pedo and Philia are of an ancient language,”

    Shut the fuck up. The rootword for “Orthopedic” is “child straightening” because only children had orthopedic procedures. Obviously today you don’t have to be a child to have an orthopedic procedure. Stop fucking with the language to justify your retarded position.

    “Funny thing is, your vegetarian comment made me think of something Lothar…
    If a vegetarian still desires meat, still dreams of meat, is markedly distressed by their desire to eat meat, but never does, are they still a vegetarian?
    Now reword that.”

    They are a person who loves meat even if they don’t eat it. They are a meat-lover even if they discipline themselves not to eat meat.

    Meat lover
    Carne Phile

    Child Lover
    Pedo Phile

    Get the fuck over it.

    “1. You STILL are not the end all be all of morality.”

    What does that even *mean*? Yeah, I can’t create moral realities through divine fiat. Who the fuck cares? I can still aptly shoot down you Pedopologists’ stupid arguments.

    “The problem I find is not the accuracy or inaccuracy of labeling a person a pedophile based on those traits. The problem I find is the inherit persecution of the pedophiles who have not committed a crime,”

    If you really care about people struggling with peodophilia then you will NOT be telling them that it’s acceptable for them to be sitting around all day rubbing out ejaculations to images of children getting raped. If you really care about pedophiles then you’ll put a stop to this behavior and demand that they seek psychiatric assistance for their problem.

    “”Well, I think today I’ll stop being sexually aroused by children.” It’s much the same with Homosexuals, African Americans, females, the disabled, etc. It’s called persecution.”

    Telling pedophiles that they can’t put up pornographic images of children, form sex clubs where they can act out their child-rape fantasies isn’t “persecution,” so stop with the shitty orwellian strawmen.

    Countdown till Hitler reference.

    “And don’t you dare start implying that I’m supporting child molestation. Anyone who DOES attempt sexual contact with a child deserves prosecution.”

    You are not a pedophile, you are a pedophile apologist, and your opinions about pedophile pornography (“virtual” or not) are stupid and dangerous.

    “You claim you aren’t calling for the mass hanging of pedophiles. You are on the other hand fully supporting the shunning and banishment of them”

    WTF? Yeah, nobody condemn the KKK, Fred Phelps, the Nation of Islam, etc. Condeming them and shunning them is a slippery slope that leads to murder!

    When you tell the KKK that they can’t put up images of black people being lynched and spread their racist ideology throughout second life you are no different than Hitler and you probably want to murder them because you don’t like their opinions. Yeah, you heard me, you’re a big HITLER.

    “pretending they don’t exist by trying to hide them and push them away from you will not stop it.”

    Not only will allowing them to set up child pornography clubs NOT stop peodphiles from acting on their sexual appetites, but it will normalize it.

    Linden Labs is not the united states of America. Linden Labs is a company. Linden Labs would NEVER tolerate nazi paraphenalia, the KKK, etc. from setting up shop on the grid and coming in by the hundreds/thousands. But they allow lovers of child-rape fantasies to come in and glorify sexual activity between preteens and adults.

    “If you think even for a moment that just anyone can simply suppress things outright with out any kind of release, I’m afraid you have a complete lack of understanding of the human psyche.”

    Because as you know, when someone comes to the psychiatrist with feelings of anger and murder, the psychiatrist tells them to act out their feelings of murder and anger routinely in a virtual manner so they can “get all the crazies” out of their system. They don’t try to counsel them and seek the root of their feelings or medicate them to try and normalize the deviant behavior, they just throw up their hands and say “Well, you can’t change and you can’t control it, that’s human nature!”

    “I guess it’s people like you who are ready to start lining up the pedos and shooting them dead for their thought crimes. You’d make good friends with Hitler probably.”

    **Winner: Most Banal Comment on a Second Life Weblog 2007

  25. archie

    Mar 11th, 2007

    Please don’t try and justify this sick behaviour.

    It’s a form of paedophilia
    and is illegal all over Europe.

    true some might be harmless fun, but its the true sickos who think SL experience is the norm then go out and have a go at this stuff in RL are a menace to all human societal values.

    Murder is not a socially acceptable practice either; so just deal with your hormones and act like an adult for once.

    You should be aware that the Police actively join these groups and the last sting involved 3 police officers who joined the ring.

    Anyone in a professional career would immediately lose their livelihood if caught anywhere need these dengenerates.
    Therefore I agree.
    Stop this illegal activity and if you need help, pls ask for a Pysche referral, or better explain your views to an East End London thug who will help by cutting your balls off and do society a favour.

    ohhhh and I don’t give a damn what your viewpoint is – so don’t bother.

  26. Markus

    Mar 12th, 2007

    As it appears, some ageplay site (like jailbait which you featured some time ago) have actually been taken down or did choose to exit.

  27. Maria LaVeaux

    Mar 12th, 2007

    Fascinating Interplay here. as i said elsewhere, My personal Jury is still out on Age Play between consenting adults, and it’s Possible links to pedophilia. My Own Feelings, it is a Form of Roleplay that I personally Cannot get Into.

    That being said, i Have to reiterate that if one Reads the Linden Notecard, I mean READS it, and Not just the Bits that reenforce thier own Ideas, They will see it ONLY restricts Sexually Explicit (And probably Sexually suggestive) ADVERTISING, and Display of Images in Puplicly Visible Venues. The Roleplay It’s self has NOT been Banned. Someone mentioned One Roleplay Venue that had some Pictures Posted of Alice in Wonderland engaging in Sexual conduct. That would fall Under the Notecards stricture, But persons Dressing up as Alice are Not Facing Any Linden Crackdown.

    Ageplay is disturbing to a Lot of people, A Few of them have made the reasons for thier discomfort known here. I’m not saying whether they are right or wrong, I’m just saying they are Celebrating prematurely if they see this as a Victory, because It Isn’t. Not even Close. It has simply been a restatement of LL’s CS Policy regarding the Public display of Obscene Imagery.
    Ageplay will continue Unabated in SL, It just won’t be advertised like a new Casino, or Nightclub, or it’s Imagery displayed like a Circus Poster. Whether it’s being Hidden from the public eye makes you More, or Less Comfortable is for You to decide, But it’s Still there whether the light is On, or Off.


  28. Arrrggghhhh

    Mar 13th, 2007


    Why all the randomly placed capital letters in your post?

  29. Maxwell

    Mar 13th, 2007

    I find it amusing how everyone on both sides of this seems to be an expert in the human condition when no such expert exists anywhere.

  30. Nacon

    Mar 13th, 2007

    Arrrgghh said: “Why all the randomly placed capital letters in your post?”

    Cause the bitch is shouting them words, yo.

    Maxwell said: “I find it amusing how everyone on both sides of this seems to be an expert in the human condition when no such expert exists anywhere.”

    Totally. …except maybe they didn’t want to admit that they had no life anyway. …thus second life and what not. bah! Welcome to retard-bandwagon.

  31. Maria LaVeaux

    Mar 13th, 2007

    To Maxwell, and Nacon.

    Not shouting mes enfant, Emphasizing.

    We are all to some extent qualified to Comment on the Human Condition Given that we are all Humans, and the Sum Total of our experiences. SL Herald is structured on allowing us to experss Our Opinions. Readers have a habit of Judging how “Expert” these opinions are based upon how closely those opinions jibe with thier own.
    What you are seeing is a Lot of people letting thier emotions run free on what is by it’s nature, a Highly emotional subject; the victimization of Children, and a Practice that May, or May Not be linked to it. I’ve said Myself i haven’t fully made up my mind about the subject of Ageplay and it’s Possible links to Pedophilia. A Lot of Other people Have, and with, or without rational Basis, they will defend thier points of view. Since my Own opinion is not fully formed (I never form Snap opinions as they are usually wrong, having been formed on insufficient Fact, and overabundant emotion) i choose to reserve my comments for points of Law and Verifiable Fact. That’s the Primary reason i Keep telling people that the should Read the Linden Note again. It Isn’t saying what they think (or hope) it is saying.


  32. 95cdd46bcd95cd5adfea16ad0eacd275

    I found your entry interesting do I’ve added a Trackback to it on my weblog :)

  33. Matty

    Apr 16th, 2007

    Ah Well, the thing is there is also PG ageplay… which is a far greater community to I may point out-

    However by stating in my profile I am 3, I can get banned?

    this seems to me a little extreme.

    However what bothers me more is despite banning me for saying im 3, the group known as Roleplayerz still exist… a group used for sexual and bdsm ageplay with over 600 members… Why has LL not acted upon this group, but is willing to act upon someone who for 6 months has had giant caps in their profile saying “I DO NOT DO ANYTHING SEXUAL IN THIS AVIE” hmmmmm It seems very much like they wish for things to be hidden rather than acted upon.

  34. Matty

    Apr 16th, 2007

    Ah Well, the thing is there is also PG ageplay… which is a far greater community to I may point out-

    However by stating in my profile I am 3, I can get banned?

    this seems to me a little extreme.

    However what bothers me more is despite banning me for saying im 3, the group known as Roleplayerz still exist… a group used for sexual and bdsm ageplay with over 600 members… Why has LL not acted upon this group, but is willing to act upon someone who for 6 months has had giant caps in their profile saying “I DO NOT DO ANYTHING SEXUAL IN THIS AVIE” hmmmmm It seems very much like they wish for things to be hidden rather than acted upon.

  35. film anime terbaru

    Oct 4th, 2016

    I just received an answer to my IM question to Chadrick Linden, who confirms that he sent this notecard. However, he has declined to answer any other questions on the subject.

    Whether this will become Linden policy, featured on the blog and amending the CS, remains to be seen.

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