Archive for 'News from Facebook'
Islamist Gangs Terrorize Facebook!
The biggest MMO of them all – Facebook – is being terrorized by gangs of Islamists, filing mass abuse reports against those they target for removal according to ReadWriteWeb. Using tactics similar to those of the Justice League Unlimited, a notorious Second Life vigilante group, the Islamists "single out users they consider ideologically unorthodox (a [...]
Full StoryClass To Be Held…Inside a Facebook App???

by Idoru Wellman, Herald Education Desk On January 28, in what may be the first instance of a university course held inside Facebook, Northwestern University Philosophy Professor Peter Ludlow (known to Herald readers as Urizenus Sklar) recently attempted to hold his class, Conceptual Issues in Virtual Worlds, inside the Island Life application on Facebook. The [...]
Full StoryStarving Metaplace Game Gods Marooned In Facebook

Raph Koster's shipwrecked crew selling cabbage, farming supplies in FB avatar deathworld by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Raph Koster: "We're not talking about overall plans yet… first we learn" Game god survivors of the Metaplace world's apocalyptic loss of traction – Raph Koster and Tami Baribeau (Cuppycake) – did not perish when the Metaplace [...]
Full StoryIs Facebook Killing Avatars Again?
Shocking overnight account death toll! by Senban Babii Frightened Facebook users believe avatar hit squads are to blame for mysterious mass disappearances of e-friends from the popular MMO data mining operation social networking website's friends lists this week. Thisreporter can confirm that 45-50 people on her friends listvanished in the night – survivors who contacted [...]
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