Archive for 'Off the Grid'
This is for you Gene! Pat the Rat and Uri Out Anonymous!

Special to the Herald by Pat the Rat and Urizenus Sklar Anonymous feebly attempts to out-tongue the leader of the Kiss army. Pat the Rat and I were sitting around doing shots of cough syrup with whippet chasers when Gene Simons called: "Uri baby, I need you to do a solid for me". "Sure thing [...]
Full StoryKendra Bancroft Moves on to 3rd Life
Maddie Blaustein, the operator of Kendra Bancroft, explores the next world By Kris Dibou Gregg Barrymore of the Antiquity sims announced the passing of his good friend Kendra Bancroft. Said Gregg, "Last night I learned of the passing on Dec 11 of a dear friendKendra Bancroft. I hereby decree her rezday June 16 to be Kendra [...]
Full StoryGoogle’s Lively is Dead – Requiem to be Announced Soon

Internet ad agency discontinues virtual robot closet sex platform to focus on core business, spend more time with family by By Sigmund Leominster Reports of Lively’s death turn out not to have been exaggerated after all. After the fanfare, hoop-la, bell and whistles of the Second Life killer’s opening, Google have just announced that Lively [...]
Full StoryRemembering Cory

by Urizenus Sklar, from the Missing Linden Desk Cory sipping tequila in the Herald Hospitality Suite at the Tribeca Grand Hotel As I write this I am drinking bourbon from a paper cup, listening to country music, and waiting by the phone in the vain hopes that Cory Linden Ondrejka will call and agree to [...]
Full StoryTaking A Vacation From SL

Too much of a good thing? by Lacie Babenco About 4 weeks ago, I came to the conclusion that I needed to take a break from my time in Second Life. Why? Simply put, I was feeling my RL was run down in general and realized I needed to refocus and re-prioritize how I did [...]
Full StoryOff the Grid with Walker Spaight: Making the Virtual Market
Fed chairman Alan Greenspan ponders the Linden-dollar exchange rate With Linden Lab still considering hiring a virtual Alan Greenspan to manage Second Life‘s economy (as Philip mentioned in a Town hall meeting some time ago), we got to thinking: If game companies hate the trade in virtual items and currency so much, instead of trying [...]
Full StoryOff the Grid with Walker Spaight: The Making of a Post Six Grrrl
Diamond Hope, Post Six Grrrl When I first met Diamond Hope she was standing in Walleye sim wearing shorts, white boots and a skimpy white halter top, a pistol strapped to her right thigh. A ribbon of thong peeked out from below her shorts, inviting my imagination. My imagination, I’m not ashamed to say, took [...]
Full StoryOff the Grid with Walker Spaight: A Bow to the New Games Journalism
The New Games Journalism takes a swipe at the ResistanceImage stolen from LucasArts Of course it’s the pot that calls the virtual kettle black. Or should I say, calls it “nigger”?
Full StoryOff the Grid with Walker Spaight: Showdown in Street City
The Second Life Herald is pleased to announce the debut of a new column by Herald Editorial Director and Raving Correspondent Walker Spaight: Off the Grid will appear on a strictly irregular basis, featuring news, thoughts and varied offerings culled from Walker’s wanderings. Enjoy. To slap an eye on Louise, who has stolen my heart, [...]
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