Archive for 'Fashion and Fashionista Drama'
Fashion-Forward in Second Life: The Viktor-Viktoria Fashion Show

by Justine Babii - SL supermodel/fashionista I logged into SL the other day for the first time in ages, and only one of the old gang was online. I haven’t been a regular here in years, so I guess this should be no surprise. I IM’d my friend and then ended up hanging out with her. [...]
Full StoryKicking Second Life Addiction – A Life Outside The Grid

by Tenshi Vielle – founder & former publisher of Shopping Cart Disco I joined Second Life in 2006, and it wasn’t long before I was meeting folks on the grid and making a digital name for myself, something I never had when I was growing up. As a child, I was far too smart and [...]
Full StoryPhilip Linden’s Shocking New Avatar

A character from the Blue Oyster bar more interested in playtime than business? Shocked players across the grid struggled to come to terms with game god Philip Linden’s new look reacting with disbelief, facepalms, and sqeee shrieks. Informed of Philip’s new style, performance artist Vaneeesa Blaylock said, "wow – out of all his SLCC promises… [...]
Full StoryFashionista Review: Look at Them-There F*cking SLipsters

by Pappy Enoch, Alphaville Herald Fashion Desk Since I are a fashion expert (I done found me the best set o’ clothes ever and don’t change ‘em, till they wears out) I got me some "ethos" (that am what a city feller said, but I punched him anyhow) on this-here subject. Ol’ Hamlet Au, over [...]
Full StoryFierce Fashionistas – Metaplace launches Fall collection!!!

The Herald goes backstage at MP's Fall fashion show by Suzie Skybeam Amethyst announces the after-show party Nervously waiting backstage, I watch two channels of chat scrolling up the screen: the public announcements to the audience, and the private instructions to the models. They've taken away spotlight we had at rehearsal (it made the clothes [...]
Full StoryStolen Goods Free-For-All At Burning Life

Who is the culprit – what will LL do in response? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk a wonderland of stolen content – courtesy of the Neillife viewer? Tenshi Vielle at Shopping Cart Disco just broke a shocking story – a huge cache of pirated content has been passed around at the Burning Life. [...]
Full StoryHow Profitable is the Second Life Fashion Game?

by Tenshi Vielle I recently ran a very informal survey at Shopping Cart Disco in attempt to learn what Second Life's fashion designers cash out of Second Life per month. The results are summarized in the table below — the average earnings for all designers was $850 USD/month. Inexperienced designers claiming to take home an [...]
Full StoryBetter Than a Freenis – Tenshi Gets A Boob Job

by Tenshi Vielle, fabulous fashionista Skin: Blowpop Skins, Bikini: Shai, Hair: ETD Ladies, digital boobs are no longer good enough for us. There are places the skin layer simply cannot go. That skin you love so much might just need a little enhancement for that special night out on the town. Nobody wants to look [...]
Full StoryWhy the SL Avatar Mesh Fails

by Tenshi Vielle, fabulous fashionista slmesh.jpg – Courtesy of Annyka Beckers, creator of Blowpop Skins Inan amazing feat of web-stumbling, it has been revealed that 3D mesheswork best when they do NOT contain triangles. Triangles, due to theirodd nature when subjected to division createbumps and humps in the avatar's appearance. We, of course, see thisnearly [...]
Full StoryFashionista’s Process: A Retrospective

by Tenshi Vielle, classy and fabulous fashionista There are many processes any goodFashionista goes through when becoming properly attired for an eventor blog post. Tonight, my friend Niki played National GeographicPhotographer to my wild African Lioness as I got dressed for a blogpost at Shopping Cart Disco. In good NG fashion, Niki joined me forshopping [...]
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