Archive for 'News from Other MMOs'
Teleplace/QWAQ Liquidated By Financial Singularity?

But transhumanists rejoice as open source software immortality saves Turing Church Online The assets of Teleplace are being liquidated after the business-oriented 3D virtual meeting place hit a financial singularity which prevents the venture’s continued operation, according to a mailing sent to potential creditors – including the Alphaville Herald’s own part time typist/technical advisor Mark [...]
Full StoryGoogle+ Suspends Pixeleen Mistral – Nerfs Data Liberation Front

Exactly who owns my G+ social graph – and why won’t Google let me download it anymore? I was a relatively early Google+ user and spent the last few weeks adding friends to Google+ circles. In doing this I implicitly promoted Google’s seriously over-hyped circle-centric Facebook clone by sending invitations to friends. This was probably [...]
Full StoryWill Twinity’s Avatar Sex Sell?

Metaversum GmbH promotes virtual sex – urges players to "get laid" The Twinity virtual world newsletter and web site are now playing the cybersex card hard – a turnabout after several years of relatively tame promotional efforts. Is this a cry of desperation for population – or a keen understanding the core audience? Whatever the [...]
Full StoryVatican to Launch Virtual World

New-Media Strategy Makes Catholicism Hip Again By Journey Yellowlist, Herald Religion Pew Desk Even as His Holiness Pope Benedict launched a frontal assault against media in general and virtual worlds in particular, the Church has rolled out its own competitor to soon to collapse once-heralded Second Life. Ex Cathedratm will soon launch using a dedicated [...]
Full StoryIt Has to Be Said: Time Beats Money?

I have been taking a break from Second Life lately by playing the MMO Allods Online. Its a free to play MMO similar to World of Warcraft developed by Russians. Seeing how their players respond to a situation is very telling on how MMO’s and virtual worlds might be paid for in the future. World [...]
Full StoryBaby Starves – Korean Couple Pleads Ignorance, Internet Gaming Addiction

The Korean couple who’s child starved to death while they played marathon sessions of an online 3-D game plead guilty to negligent homicide Friday and apparently blamed an unfortunate combination of missing owners’ manuals for the child and Internet gaming addiction. CNN reports that the South Korean couple engaged in 10 hour overnight gameplay sessions [...]
Full StoryGame Over: Virtual World Ends March 9, 2010

Players point to pedo and paintball moderation as possible causes by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk there gone The PG-oriented virtual world is to be closed March 9, a victim of hard economic times, according to There CEO Michael Wilson’s announcement. An FAQ at the site states that the company is buying back virtual [...]
Full StoryEVEonline Player Visits Second Life

Killing time while EVEonline is EVEoffline by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Last night I ran into poopmaster Oh – an ex-Second Lifer who now spends quality time in EVEOnline. While poopmaster Oh waited for EVEoffline to become EVEonline again – the game had crashed – we discussed the relative merits of the worlds, the [...]
Full StoryHRH Princess of Yaximixche Starts 90 Day Virtual World Tour

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk The Princess of Yaximixche is embarking on an ambitious tour of virtual worlds beyond Second Life from December through February 2010. The tour marks Her Royal Highness's first major public appearances since failing gravely ill during the summer of 2009, according to the Royal Press office. Over the next [...]
Full StoryKorea Fails Second Life – Lab To Offer English Classes
Lab curtails Korean language support, closes Korean operations by Pixeleen Mistral, International Affairs desk The Korea Herald reports that Linden Lab has abandoned its Korean localized web site and viewer after allowing its contract with Barunson Games Corp. to lapse. Barunson Games had been contracted to operate Second Life's Korean service in October 2007, but [...]
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