Archive for 'New Media'
Breaking: The Herald is Back!

After a long hiatus, the deciders at The Alphaville Herald have opted to resume publication of the Internet’s most fairly unbalanced © news source. Netizens will of course rejoice at this news, but some, lost in their 2016 cynicism might ask “why?” The Herald, of course began as the Toto-too of virtual worlds, pulling back [...]
Full StoryNSA’s Keith Alexander Loses YouTube War

1.6% approval rating for Alexander’s vision of Cybersecurity Why does everyone hate my video? Strategic blunder is probably the best description of the last week’s decision to publish Jessica Tozer’s 30 minute interview with General Keith Alexander on YouTube. What were they thinking? After the strangely-edited video was placed in the free-fire zone of open public [...]
Full StoryFBI Summer Reading List!

Barrett Brown Yes, summer is winding down, but it isn’t too late to cram in some late late summer reading. And who better to suggest good solid reading, but the FBI. Dell Cameron, writing in the Daily Dot, has the goods. He gives us the 20 online publications concerning Barrett Brown that the prosecution considers [...]
Full StoryiPhone 5 Map Drives Players To Waze Traffic Sensor Game

Role playing a GPS-enabled sensor in the ARG hive mind I decided to join the Waze traffic map game on my new iPhone last week, after reading far too many stories moaning about how Apple should never have dropped Google Maps from the new version of iOS. The general tone of the Apple Map coverage [...]
Full StoryNoam Chomsky, Anonymous Speak Out on Rap News

#Occupy2012 video documents live manifestation of Prophetseer Emeritus “Turn off your TVs for a start” Featuring a healthy dose of pepper spray – which sources on the UC Davis campus recently learned is basically a food product – the latest Rap News release from TheJuiceNews continues Robert Foster’s grand tradition of “turning bollocks-news into socio-poetic/comedic [...]
Full StoryThe Hand What Taketh

by Pappy Enoch, Philanthropist My enormus fan klub at the Herald will know that I gits me a heap o’ mail thru them-there Internet-tubes. I done writ about this befo’ but I reckon it are too good to omit when it happens again. In fact, I done got this-hear same letter a year ago from [...]
Full StoryThe Great Rod Humble Twitter Metagame

A furry-led cargo cult on Twitter hopes to entice silent Second Life CEO into community dialog A new Twitter-based Second Life metagame raises interesting questions about online identity, social media, and just how unprepared Linden Lab leadership was for the curiously-timed December 23rd announcement of Rod Humble as new CEO. Given the level of investment [...]
Full StoryRap News Asks Hillary Clinton – How Does It Feel To Be Leaked On?

How Ad-supported user-generated content subverts the mainstream media [UPDATE: TheJuiceMedia have pointed out that they depend on donations to fund their productions and do not sell advertisements, so some clarification is in order. I am not suggesting that TheJuiceMedia have adopted Google's ad-supported free services business model. Instead, they are subverting the model by taking [...]
Full StoryGeneration D is for Disruption

Gene Simmons: Be litigious. Sue everybody. Take their homes, their cars Kiss bassist Gene Simmons announced he is fighting back against the “popcorn farts” – that would be Anonymous – for having launched Operation Payback. Anonymous, with its latest operation, has declared war against the media giants. But the content czars are not going to [...]
Full StoryVatican to Launch Virtual World

New-Media Strategy Makes Catholicism Hip Again By Journey Yellowlist, Herald Religion Pew Desk Even as His Holiness Pope Benedict launched a frontal assault against media in general and virtual worlds in particular, the Church has rolled out its own competitor to soon to collapse once-heralded Second Life. Ex Cathedratm will soon launch using a dedicated [...]
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