Archive for 'Currency Traders and Gold Farmers'
Cosbycoin Hack Pops Bitcoin Forum Bubble

CosbyCoin “zing” takes offline Bitcoin - a peer-to-peer virtual currency – has reached the point in the media hype cycle were the inevitable backlash takes hold, and the Bitcoin ecosystem becomes a target for high visibility hacks. The latest incident took place yesterday, when the forums were converted into a Cosbycoin ad site, complete with pictures [...]
Full StoryMMO Project Entropia to Get Banking License
Real life banking license for spacebux? by Idoru Wellman, staff writer Project Entropia has long been known as a hype machine rivaled only by Second Life, and it has also been known as a de facto online virtual casino. Now, according to Ars Technica, it is applying for a banking license – as in a [...]
Full StoryLL Playing Gotcha With Land Baron?

IntLibber Brautigan's frozen accounts can’t sell L$ to pay bills by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk A surprising note appeared on the Ancapistan Capital Exchange website tuesday evening – accord to the press release, IntLibber Brautigan’s virtual land business is having some difficulty covering land tier payments to Linden Lab due to the Lab’s L$ [...]
Full StoryLab Tries to Hide SL Downturn in 3rd Quarter Economic Report

Pay no attention to the player hours logged in September by Jessica Holyoke Fresh out of the Herald‘s Money office, (unfortunately located right next to Jimbo’s) is the 2008 Quarter 3 Herald financial report. The compilation of this particular report was a bit harder to compile as a key piece of data was missing. Zee Linden [...]
Full StoryWorld Stock Exchange Open for Business-mostly

by Jessica Holyoke The World Stock Exchange, WSE, is back up and running. A few new things have been added since the Exchange went down for updates in January. WSE 4.0 is active on After the updates, all balances are now in WIC’s or World Internet Currency. People who opened an account prior to [...]
Full StoryState of the Economy

Lowest profit per capita growth ever in Q1 2008 by Jessica Holyoke Zee Linden recently posted graphs reflecting the strength of the SL Economy here – and Zee is very happy to report that the SL Economy grew by 15%. However, the story is not that simple. By several other measures, the economy growing slowly [...]
Full StoryWSE Swaps Fictional Currencies, Might Be Trading In March

Roleplaying CEO’s pretend stock market still down after 51 days by Jessica Holyoke Who wants Kool-Aid? LukeConnell Vandeverre of Hope Capital Ltd, made an announcement via video link outside of Second Life on Sunday about the status of the World Stock Exchange. (WSE). The WSE went dark fifty one days ago with an announcement that [...]
Full StoryBCX Withstands Fraud Attack

BCX CEO claims Spinchief Akina, iblack Afarensis, chyk2u Arado, and Petrucci Jonson are thieves – thanks Linden Lab for assistance by Jessica Holyoke Travis Ristow Travis Ristow, CEO of BCX Holdings (traded on the International Stock Exchange) send the letter below to BCX account holders and shareholders today. In the letter, Mr. Ristow alleges that [...]
Full StorySecond Life Economy is in a Recession

Residents with a positive monthly L$ cash flow declines for second consecutive quarter by Jessica Holyoke After the banking ban, there are commentators who state that the Second Life Economy is in a recession and then there are the opposing commentators that say that the Second Life Economy is not in a recession. According to [...]
Full StoryFinancial News Update

by Jessica Holyoke A week after the announcement of the upcoming Linden Banking Ban, Lindens and residents are reacting in different ways. The Linden reaction is that "payment of interest", the main prohibition on offering a bank goes both ways. Paying interest on deposits is prohibited, but according to some Lindens that responded in writing, [...]
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