Archive for 'Stratics'
Avatar of the Year, 2nd Place: Sir/Father Callahan
This choice might surprise some, but not after you hear the facts. Over the past year, Sir/FatherC/Ian has been all over tso, and SL, and usually in the middle of some dramma or other. Beginning the year as a small time simolean dealer, he made a name (and drammatically changed gameplay) by acquiring zillions of [...]
Full StoryStratics hacked/defaced
It appears that the entire Stratics network was victimized by a defacing worm earlier today. No word yet on whether the worm is sophisiticated or just the work of a garden variety h4x0r script kiddy. For sure these worm writers need to think of more creative messages. We are awaiting further information, but given that [...]
Full StoryStratics bans anti-Kerry .sig
Ohhhh Stratics, you’ve done it again! Just when you think the Stratics Thought Police have run out of speech to ban, a stratics user now claims that the following .sig was banned by the Mods:I mean, I’ll be voting for Kerry too, but it would never occur to me to ban a siggy like that. [...]
Full StoryBig Mick Permanently Banned from Stratics!
Well, the tale of Stratics keeps writing itself, and just when u think the plot couldn’t get any thicker, well, it gets thicker! Just days after opening his own chat board as an alternative to Stratics, Mick Lite has been banned from Stratics for having a link to his own board in his bio. You [...]
Full StoryThe Other Way to Run a Forum
Thanks to Toy for passing along this tidbit. While the Stratics Mods are busy falling overthemselves threatening to ban people that provide links to sites that link to sites that link to sites that sell game currency, Robin Linden (an EA escapee, btw) offers the following breathtakingly simple and sane policy for the SL Forums: [...]
Full StoryUO Player Petition: Dump Stratics
Seems as thought TSO Players aren’t the only ones who are fed up with the abuses of the Stratics Mods. I just came across the following petition asking that the UO discussion forums be moved out from under stratics control. The reasons are familiar (petition is reprinted below) and the comments by the signatories are [...]
Full StoryWhy did Stratics ban Sir?

Sir sent me the emails with the pretexts under which Leah permanently banned him from Stratics, and I have to say that I ? even in my advanced state of jadedness ? I am shocked by the whole thing? But somewhat amused too. Following is the ban letter sent to the Sir. Loosen up the [...]
Full StoryAll I can say is … :O

Thanks to the mack of all cyber-paparzazi, Father Callahan, for this screen shot. I think the pic pretty much says it all, don’t you?
Full StoryTigger escapes the 11 city hood for greener pastures

Tigger! [sorry for the delay in reporting this -- earlier draft got nuked. The Good Father's fault I am sure. --Uri] By: Father Callahan According to Sims Stratics sub-Minister of Thought Control, Leah, and this notice on the SWG boards, Ex Senior Online Community Representative for TSO, Tigger is now working on the ‘Star Wars [...]
Full StoryRevenge of the Stratics Mods
Still master of his domain: A Stratics mod fondles his sensual red Swingline stapler while contemplating the next SLH writer to ban from his domain. Well, in the 5 days that have passed since the Second Life Herald published The Story on how links to links to the Second Life Herald have been prohibited on [...]
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