Archive for 'News from Metaplace'
Class To Be Held…Inside a Facebook App???

by Idoru Wellman, Herald Education Desk On January 28, in what may be the first instance of a university course held inside Facebook, Northwestern University Philosophy Professor Peter Ludlow (known to Herald readers as Urizenus Sklar) recently attempted to hold his class, Conceptual Issues in Virtual Worlds, inside the Island Life application on Facebook. The [...]
Full StoryStarving Metaplace Game Gods Marooned In Facebook

Raph Koster's shipwrecked crew selling cabbage, farming supplies in FB avatar deathworld by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Raph Koster: "We're not talking about overall plans yet… first we learn" Game god survivors of the Metaplace world's apocalyptic loss of traction – Raph Koster and Tami Baribeau (Cuppycake) – did not perish when the Metaplace [...]
Full StoryMetaplace – Pools Closed Due to Lack of Traction

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Tizzers Foxchase got in the last word in Metaplace Central - “POOLS CLOSED DUE TO AIDS” – and seconds later Raph Koster’s user generated virtual world creation service closed permanently last weekend. What went wrong – and how did the end of the virtual world affect the community? Informed [...]
Full StoryGame Gods Play Nostrodamus – Metaplace Apocalypse Jan 1, 2010

User generated content world coming to end – doomed avatars plan killer party for 1/1/2010 by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Raph Koster, overwhelmed by baby dragon gifts lays on the street in Metaplace Central The winter solstice was a dark day for those who invested time in Metaplace – on December 21 players [...]
Full StoryFierce Fashionistas – Metaplace launches Fall collection!!!

The Herald goes backstage at MP's Fall fashion show by Suzie Skybeam Amethyst announces the after-show party Nervously waiting backstage, I watch two channels of chat scrolling up the screen: the public announcements to the audience, and the private instructions to the models. They've taken away spotlight we had at rehearsal (it made the clothes [...]
Full StoryIs ToToM the Metaverse Soundtrack?

Balancing creator, mixer, and consumer rights by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk While I was visiting Soviet Woodbury Saturday, the resident communists took time away from building their new workers’ paradise to rez a brightly colored dance floor and an impromptu worker’s dance party took place to an audio stream from – a French [...]
Full StoryPlayers Dodge Horrific Namespace Collisions!!!

Metaplace developers hope to avoid each other's triggers by Suzie Skybeam Wednesday night, a group of developers got together in a Libertarian coffee shop to discuss what to do about the Metaplace's lack of namespaces. In Metaplace, you can attach scripts from different modules to the same object. For example, a chat system and a [...]
Full StoryNaturism Comes to Metaplace

Players shuck their inhibitions — and avatar clothing by Suzie Skybeam Metaplace's new avatar implementation still doesn't let userscreate their own clothing, but with Tachevert's "Naturist Avatars"module they can take it all off – assuming they have 5500 coins to purchase the module. The Naturist Avatars module description says, "This behavior allows you to add [...]
Full StoryWatch “Another Perfect World” Documentary in Metaplace
by NuMedia Econobot Another Perfect World – a documentary investigating the quest to construct digital utopias – premiers in the United States Thursday September 10 at noon PDT in Metaplace at The Stage. For our readers' convenience, the Metaplace space for The Stage is embedded below. showtime: Thursday Sept 10, 12 noon PDT The film [...]
Full StoryWatching Obama in Ghana from Metaplace/Second Life

Ironic ads courtesy of USTREAM video by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk A bit of unintentional irony was my reward for attending an early-morning cross world Second Life/Metaplace live stream of President Obama’s speech in Ghana today, as incongruous advertisements streamed along with the USTREAM feed rebroadcasting the Voice of America coverage of the speech. [...]
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