Archive for 'Film'
Randy Filmmaker Reveals Cyber-secrets!

Sunday screening of “My Avatar and Me” proves arrow button key to Second Life bliss!!! Actor/director Mikkel Stolt will host an online presentation of the “documentary fiction” My Avatar and Me Sunday on The film is billed as a journey into cyberspace which becomes a magic learning experience. Based on the trailer, the story seems to revolve around [...]
Full StoryVideo Girl Barbie Will Be Watching

Google to sponsor a line of toys with the soul of a Flip Cam next? Mattel’s latest offering – Video Girl Barbie – dances somewhere between the creepy and cool with an almost perfect sense of iconic and ironic aimed at ages 6 and up – along with what appears to be carefully scripted media [...]
Full StorySupport Virtuality — Help Game A Netflix Popularity Contest!!!
by Idoru Wellman, staff writer The Netflix “Find Your Voice film competition” is a great new game where everyone can participate by forming gangs to vote for the independent film maker that best represents their community and interests. Consider this a more positive version of the gang abuse report used in Second Life to get [...]
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