Archive for 'War and militias'
NSA’s Keith Alexander Loses YouTube War

1.6% approval rating for Alexander’s vision of Cybersecurity Why does everyone hate my video? Strategic blunder is probably the best description of the last week’s decision to publish Jessica Tozer’s 30 minute interview with General Keith Alexander on YouTube. What were they thinking? After the strangely-edited video was placed in the free-fire zone of open public [...]
Full StoryMPAA’s p0wned by Anonymous

Hactivists use MPAA web site to spread anti-copyright message The cyberwar between the Anonymous hactivists and recording and motion picture industry interests heated up earlier today when the site was hijacked to display an anti-MPAA message in support of the embattled Pirate Bay bittorrent tracker site, then redirected viewers to the site. As [...]
Full StoryOperation Payback is a Bitch: Hactivism at the dawn of Copyright Controversies

As operation Payback is a Bitch finished up its second week, things seem to be winding down. For those unaware of what went down, here’s a recap: The operation is launched by Anonymous against the entertainment companies, in particular MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) and RIAA (The Recording Industry Association of America) and their [...]
Full StoryHistory of Star Wars Roleplay in Second Life

Mandalorian sects unite to war against the Galactic Dominion by Cayce Urriah The first major Star Wars Roleplay was Korriban, created by the Dark Lords of The Sith, the first Sith group in Second Life. Shortly after, The Jedi Alliance formed the sim New Holstice. In this era, late 2005, combat was fairly primitive. Using [...]
Full StoryWhy is Jeanne Whalen Stonewalling Me on Her WikiLeaks Story?
Urizenus Sklar unretires (again) and explains!!! Picture this. It was Sept. 17 and I was kicking back with a glass of Ransom Gin on ice while celebrating the publication of my article on WikiLeaks in The Nation, when the mojo wire crackled to life. I had incoming email via an anonymous remailer routed through Belgium. [...]
Full StorySilver Hawk Leaders Split After Mercenary Brother Commandos Alliance

Command shakeup leaves Lockjaw and Fanzos in charge by Metallicoe Keng, war correspondent Last Friday, two of Silver Hawks leaders, Bicket Burt and Dayna Lavilleresigned from their positions in Silver Hawk leaving Corwin Lockjaw and Fay Franzos in control of SH. The Silver Hawk military that oncestood on two SIMs now resides on the one [...]
Full StoryPN Occupies Justice League Unlimited Base

Justice Hall set afire, defaced — 9 JLU superheros defeated by 3 PN griefers by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk In the wee hours of New Years Day 2009, the Justice League Unlimited’s base was overrun by 3 members of the PN griefers, who defeated 9 JLU members to take control of the Hall of [...]
Full StorySL Military Crisis – Ascendant Iniative Splits
by Vegna Fouroux, Military Correspondent The 2nd of December is the day that will be come to be known as the Day the longest and biggest Alliance in SL MIlitary History fell apart. I am, of course talking about the Ascendant Iniative. Now it seems that the Spartans, 39th M.H.T.F. Blackwatch, the Guerilla Rebels and [...]
Full StoryArms Race Continues – Alliance Navy Developing New Weapon Systems

Marine mech sub-division, railguns, fleet refit could lead to more immersive combat experience by Metallicoe Dezno The Alliance Navy mech being developed I was contacted today by Alliance Navy officer luca Vasilopita, who asked if i would be interested in seeing and reporting on some new AN equipment. Of course, being a gadgets and technology [...]
Full StorySL Military Yiff ‘N Tell
“At least you weren’t recording this or anything” by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk & Vegna Fouroux, military correspondent Christoph Naumova – leader of the Vanguard Militia – has been frantically denying he was involved in a fur phone sex seduction posted to YouTube last week. At stake is Mr. Naumova’s reputation and leadership authority, [...]
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