Archive for 'Sights and Sims'
Bowling and Griefing Going Strong in Second Life

by Justine Babii When I was last a Second Lifer I learned quickly that it’s important not to get too excited about the “Events” listed in the SL search, as most will be a huge disappointment. Empty sims trying to sell or rent lots, struggling clubs, and sex bed sales made up the majority of [...]
Full Story3 Sims That Will Make You Want To Return to Second Life!

by Cayce Urriah, Mandalorian Reporter Hoi Herald readers! It’s been some time, but with the total concurancy of SL dropping, it’s time for your favorite helmeted journalist to step in and show off some of the best sims in Second Life again. Even as griefers pummel the grid, even as Redzone revivalists plot to gain [...]
Full StoryPlanet Thyferra – May the Force Not Shove You Off a Bridge!

by Meleth Oakleaf I teleported into the sim and was greeted by the now familiar note card of information and vendor market. Though this time with two distinctions, I was standing in front of a shuttle and the note card included a quick overview of the overall thrust of the role-playing story on Planet Thyferra. [...]
Full StorySecond Life’s Pandora Na’vi Roleplay – Breathtaking Beauty and Lag

Multilingual players use Na'vi speaker/translator to bridge language gap by Meleth Oakleaf Like many places in the world SL has caught Avatar fervor. While it was my original intention was to review a single Pandoran role-play environment, a combination of lag and frustration led me to explore the two most highly traffic-ed Pandoran roleplay sims, [...]
Full StoryArt Deco Utopian Gardens

by Prince Plutonian "Art Deco Utopian Gardens embody what the word utopian stands for." Thoseare the words Alexia Speizer uses to describe her own slice of the SLpie. Looking around, you can certainly see why she'd say that. Being inthe Gardens, I instantly felt at ease, a little more relaxed. From thetrees to the flowers, [...]
Full StoryDean’s Vegas Club: Cher Celebration

Cher – Believe! by Lavinia Carver Dean’s Vegas Club – what a Cher celebration it was! First of all, there was a pretty good turnout, but of course, I came fairly late in the day. There may have been a bigger crowd earlier – you might expect that from a Cher crowd. What I do [...]
Full StoryGotham: City of Heroes – And Villains, Too

by Lavinia Carver Gotham Just randomly browsing round the metaverse can actually prove useful. I found that out a little while ago, when I stumbled upon Gotham. I had first seen Gotham when it was mid-construction, so it didn’t look too good. It also took forever to build, so I personally thought it would take [...]
Full StoryMore Evil than Tinies, More Sinister than Furries, More Preverted than Elves: A New Race Arrives in SL

Purrsnicketys Prove there is no Bottom to Cute By Urizenus Sklar, at the post-tiny life form desk Yesterday Second Life witnessed the birth of a new race of virtual critters – Purrsnicketys. Their basic design is due to Phoenixxx Dragonash, who in RL is Ashley Speranzella-Evans, a free-lance fantasy artist. They are built and scripted [...]
Full StoryJimbo Quality Enhances Leadership Image

Jimbo buys presidential quality hair by Jimbo Quality After my last article, I sensed that there was something missing from my campaign to become President of Second Life. I sensed that the people had expectations of me that I wasn’t meeting. My team hit the streets and conducted extensive research to find out what my [...]
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