Archive for 'Herald Literary Suppository'
FBI Summer Reading List!

Barrett Brown Yes, summer is winding down, but it isn’t too late to cram in some late late summer reading. And who better to suggest good solid reading, but the FBI. Dell Cameron, writing in the Daily Dot, has the goods. He gives us the 20 online publications concerning Barrett Brown that the prosecution considers [...]
Full StoryThe Interchangeable Man
by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate She found herself an interchangeable man to fill her needs and her demands If he is not there when she has desires a few spare parts are all she requires An arm here, a leg there; she likes this kind of chest and this kind of hair These animations and [...]
Full StoryRose-Tinted Monitor
by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate I saw the world through a rose-tinted monitorIllusions in a pixel painted boxLove and beauty, hope and faithAll in one place, we talked There it was, within our graspWorld peace and brotherhood of menThe end of war, the end of famineAn electronic Eden once again So paint the world as [...]
Full StoryImmersion
To sleep, perchance to dream… by Kris Dibou The problem with total immersion is that you must come up for air or you will suffocate… I suppose it is like a sailor being lured into the sea by a beautiful mermaid; he is so enamored with her that he does not realize he is drowning; [...]
Full StoryAlien28 vs Plagiariser – part 3

The fight to recover L$50,000 and win Zilu's customers continues… by Coke Supply
Full StoryAlien28 vs Plagiariser – part 2

An angry store owner, a suspicious alien face hugger — and a plot to bankrupt Zilu !!! by Coke Supply
Full StoryAlien28 vs Plagiariser – part 1

A shocking take of content theft, SL business treachery, and aliens — based on a true story by Coke Supply
Full StoryParadise Lost
by Kris Dibou It occurred to me today that SL is like a gourmet meal that you eat backwards. Allow me to walk you through this meal beginning with the dessert. 1st Course: Dessert You’ve joined Secondlife and discovered a world of beautiful women and handsome men, where there is no disease to pick up [...]
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