Archive for 'News from Lively'
Google’s Lively is Dead – Requiem to be Announced Soon

Internet ad agency discontinues virtual robot closet sex platform to focus on core business, spend more time with family by By Sigmund Leominster Reports of Lively’s death turn out not to have been exaggerated after all. After the fanfare, hoop-la, bell and whistles of the Second Life killer’s opening, Google have just announced that Lively [...]
Full StoryPrincess of Yaximixche Opens Palace in Google’s Lively

by Idoru Wellman, Inter-world Royal Cultural Affairs desk Reading between the lines of the latest press release from The Royal Press Office at Gukumatz Palace, Her Royal Highness The Princess of Yaximixche may still be suffering from hardware issues that prevent her from visiting her loyal subjects in SL. However, all is not lost, as [...]
Full StoryRobot Closet Sex In Google’s Lively Chatrooms

Experience the joy of the lively tentacle by Pixeleen Mistral, International Affairs desk players rejoice as robot closet thrusts it’s tentacles on demand Google claims their Lively 3D chatroom is a de-sexualized platform where players can safely interact with each other. But the players have other ideas, and have even found a way have virtual [...]
Full StoryLively Lesbian Subtext to Google’s 3D Chatrooms?

Google’s Lively “Heather” & “Vanessa” Avatars Can’t Dance With BoysFighting breaks out in Jen’s Coffee House by Pixeleen Mistral, International Affairs desk I have enjoyed my time in Lively so far, but there are parts of the experience I find troubling – I simply cannot dance with irishJohn36. I met irishJohn36 in Jen’s Coffee House, [...]
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