Archive for 'Letters to the Editor'
Letter to the Editor: Doom and Gloom Not A Solution to Lindens’ Inner Stupidity
Hello, my name is Paola, I think you must be a very busy person and maybe getting lots of feedback and replies in your mail, I will try to be brief. I read the Herald today (I do not very often), and I was pretty alarmed with your statement about the future of Second Life, [...]
Full StoryLetter to the Editor: Jesus Loves the Little Yiffers

"Give hospitality to the zoosexuals and furries of the furry fandom" – Kobidobidog Saturday, Urizenus Sklar received Kobidobidog’s response to the 2007 Herald story Are Furries Doomed? On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 8:37 PM, kobidobidog wrote: I am sending this to you because you are only one of two humans I can send this [...]
Full StoryCorsi Mousehold: JLU Are Power Hungry Crazed Nutjobs
[Corsi Mousehold has been awarded the “commie” or comment-of-the-week award for her explanation of why the Justice League Unlimited superheros are not welcome in Furnation. The award winning comment is reproduced below. ] Here’s a bit of a story. IN years past the JLU were a welcomed member of the FurNation community. They didn’t bother [...]
Full StoryFalse DMCAs Fizzle – Kalel Venkman Fingered !!!
Typepad ‘fesses up – some DMCA-disputed images, text have gone missing by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Gregory Eugene Turnbow (Kalel Venkman in Second Life) has been identified as the complainant who submitted a DMCA request to Typepad that resulted in removal of content from six Herald stories covering the Second Life Justice League Unlimited. [...]
Full StoryMetaverse SHOCKER!!! — Free SL Accounts Locked Out?

Why are free accounts sometimes disabled to make room for paying customers? by Avil Creeggan Dear Linden Lab, I am a free account. I have been a free account for the past two years. During that time, I’ve dealt with a lot of stuff that, frankly, shouldn’t be happening; flagrant asset loss and dehabilitation, incompetent [...]
Full StorySecond Life Left Unity’s Open Letter to LL
Dear Linden Labs We have been a group within your medium for 17 months. We are a political forum, essentially using the forum as a way to link with people of our political persuasion across the world. We felt this media would be a great way to do that and have managed to link people [...]
Full StoryBots Turfed Out of Liberty Island S
Letters to the Editor I’m writing about the article entitled “Bots Make Mockery of Traffic Statistics” on March 23, 2008 for the Second Life Herald. My name is Doran McCullough and I, along with Organa Ashley, just purchased the land written about from Harold Malpholisto. I want to say, unequivocally, that under no circumstances will [...]
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