Archive for August, 2006
SecondCast #29: zzzzz . . .
Second Cast Episode #29 is out, and it’s a real snoozer! Actually, I haven’t listened to it yet (I missed the taping yet again, unfortunately), but as Johnny Ming puts it in his show notes, “The show was so riveting that Cristiano fell asleep.” The crew also interviews SL resident Tony Tigereye, owner of the [...]
Full StoryPublic Outcry Forces SLStats Change — Or Does It?

by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk Big Brother’s watchmaker, Mark Barrett, rides the elephant [Is that like jumping the shark? -- Ed.] “Avatars in second life aren’t the customers, they’re the content. Google is indexing web content, and SLStats is the bridging adapter between the two worlds,” SLStats developer Mark Barrett told me saturday [...]
Full StoryPoof! LL’s Smoke and Mirrors Do Away With Starax Statosky
Starax Statosky is no more! Linden Lab’s magic wand has apparently done away with him. The master scripter, whose own magic wand had become one of the most popular SL diversions over the last six months or so — even being featured by kingpin Philip Linden at a talk at Google — no longer appears [...]
Full StoryTaking a Chance on Chance Takashi

A special profile to benefit the American Cancer Society, by Walker Spaight Chance Takashi “This is The Observatory, my first big build in SL,” Chance Takashi tells me when I meet her in the Caledon Highlands. “Or anywhere, really.” It’s an interesting addendum: the metaverse, for Chance, is broad enough that a “build” could exist [...]
Full StoryThe Six-Fingered Hand – An Interview With Artist DanCoyote Antonelli

by Fiend Ludwig (with photos by DanCoyote Antonelli) “Do you want a table and chair?” he asked me. It was earlier in the year and DanCoyote (DC) Antonelli was preparing the first showing of his art in Second Life, part of Rubaiyat Shatner’s “The Real” at the Ars Virtua New Media Centre, in the Dowden [...]
Full StorySLStats: Is Big Brother Watch-ing?

by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk SNOOPYbrown’s closest friends: Nobody yet. Only people that you have hung out with for at least an hour are considered your friends.– reveals that SNOOPYbrown has no friends *sniff* Poor, poor SNOOPYbrown Zamboni. Here it is August 1, 2006 and doesn’t think he has any [...]
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