Archive for September, 2006
SecondCast #34: And Now, The News
The latest episode of SecondCast, the only Second Life podcast that matters, is now available for your listening pleasure. We stick to the news in episode #34, covering Grid crashes, power outages at Linden Lab, and Hamlet’s recent video interview and wandering tongue, among other things. With special guest co-host, machinima queen Moo Money, for [...]
Full StoryCrocodile Tears in Baku

Lindens claim 60 banned, yet W-Hat’s can only find 22 “missing”Linden leaves memento at goon gravesiteBanned avatars use IRC Link to chat in-world by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs Desk The W-Hats remember their own I arrive in Baku sim and meander over to a small goon graveyard, when — right on cue — Mephiston [...]
Full StorySecondCast #33: From Music to MySpace
There’s a new SecondCast on the air: in Episode #33 we talk to Mike Prevost of Muse Isle, a Second Life venue for live music performance, and Cylindrian Rutabaga, who often plays there. An interesting look at what it’s like to gig in the virtual world. Plus, listen along as the SecondCasters pimp their MySpace [...]
Full StoryLinden Lab Plans Fixes After Grey Goo Fence Fails

Stronger defenses and object blacklists coming soon by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk “Work I already did will be locked and loaded for emergency deploy,” said Linden Lab code cowboy Andrew Linden yesterday. I was talking to Andrew after a pair of grid attacks hit Second Life Monday, resulting in complete SL grid shutdowns [...]
Full and Electric Sheep Play at Bobblehead Baseball

Tiny Boston Red Sox go head-to-bobblehead with wee New York Yankees in new stadium seating 45 By Pixeleen Mistral, Herald Sports Desk “We’re super psyched,” said Hank Hoodoo of the Electric Sheep Company virtual world services firm, talking about a “real-time, virtual world enactments” of two Red Sox-Yankees games that will take place in Second [...]
Full StoryLL Swings Ban Stick, Stays Mute on Chat Log Leaks
Asking questions that Linden Lab will not answer by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk This week started on a happy note, as the Lindens completed their temporary weekend ban from answering the phones and began nibbling their way through the monumental task of resetting passwords for 660,000 avatars (or is it really 260,000?) after [...]
Full StoryLinden Lab’s Data Disclosure Violates LL’s TOS
Residents advised to reset passwords, or create more unverified alt acccountsby Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk Linden Lab warned itself Friday that it had probably violated its own Terms of Service by disclosing some (maybe all?) of an internal database holding customer’s Second Life names, real life names, and real life contact information. This [...]
Full StorySkywriting Something Awful — Satyr Sim Prim Hacks World Map

W-Hat associates take to the skies to air grievances by Pixeleen Mistral, Herald National Affairs desk The skies over Satyr When I stopped by Satyr sim Saturday afternoon, SL resident Gene Replacement told me, “It is kind of dumb that it’s totally cool for people to sell chat spies but we’re not allowed to have [...]
Full StoryBeeb Seeks Avs For MMORPG Doc
The BBC is in production on an hour-long television documentary on massively multiplayer online games, and they’re looking for subjects to interview. If your avatar is “more like you than you are” — or even if you’re just a noob — get in touch with them and maybe you too can appear on British television. [...]
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