Interview with Callie Cline
by Pixeleen Mistral on 25/05/07 at 8:02 am
SL Avatar and MAXIM 100 Girl
by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista
Congratulations CALLIE CLINE! Well, it some doing, but only the SECOND LIFE HERALD got to sit down with Callie Cline and savor her experience for all Avatar kind – being a MAXIM 100 girl! I’ve been a friend of Callie’s forever, and I’ve seen her get excited about things, but never quite this much. This girl was so happy, it echoed through the internet!
SLH> When did Maxim contact you?
CC> They sent me an IM in-world about 3 months ago while i was on my land
at Pontiac’s Motorati Island. i thought it was a joke at first… you
know how it is, when you get those crazy anonymous IM’s from people who have
no photo in their profiles and stuff…
SLH> How did you get that opportunity?
CC> Well, I guess they were looking around for a while, inquiring around
SL, and when they first contacted me i was told i was a “possible”
selection, but not for sure. i really thought it was a joke… they
said they just wanted to touch base, would do a bit more looking
around and just wanted to chat with me a bit… so there was some chit
chat about SL, what i thought of it, stuff like that.
SLH> They OBVIOUSLY noticed your hot bod and ROCKING design skills. Tell me about the process.
CC> lol, well eventually i did meet them, a couple times and each time i
had different hair color on, hahaa, and i explained in SL women to
that, not just styles of hair, but colors too, it’s part of the “no
bad hair day” rule of sl, they thought that was funny. i tried on a
few wigs for them, and i think they got a kick out of it. after our
talks we took some pics with a “brunette & redhead” in the photo,
(ally geer and bianca darling) as they wanted me in my blonde hair,
and the photo was supposed to include the 3 of us, as the “av’s of SL”
and say our names… and then when the mag came out, they had cropped
the photo, just had me, and named me “second life girl” which i
thought was sorta cool cuz it’s like “bat girl” haha, and well i was
told we’d actually be a differen’t number, but for some reason we got
bumped up a few i have no clue how they do what they do or why…
SLH> How did Bianca and Ally feel to see themselves get cut?
CC> well, i for one was shocked, and i felt terrible, but i think they said they were so happy for me. Bianca posted it on her blog
The picture before the Maxim crop
SLH> I can see why you would feel that way!
CC> ya it’s a very sweet post. she talked abou tbeing cut but the whole thing was like, “we did’nt know how big the pic would be,” etc…and you just never know why editors do what they do
SLH> That’s SO true. (*cough cough*) [be careful here - the Editrix]
CC> i know they had all 3 of our names, which were going to go in from what i understood… but i think when they cropped it they named me “SL girl”. My guess is they didn’t know who was who.
SLH> So, how does it feel to be picked by Maxim for their Hot 100?
CC> Hmmm, weird… fun, silly, strange, surreal, unbelievable, just really
strange… i’m still trying to wrap my mind around it.
SLH> And, who ranks behind you? Come on, you must know.
CC> *Callie grabs issue on desk and looks*
96. shanna moaklaer
97. kim kardashian
98. yunjin kim
99. mia maestro
100. noureen de wulf
…and 94 is kelly carlson.
being towards the end is cool cuz you get to be on the first page,
hahaha… honestly tenshi, now that i’m looking at the magazine, it’s
more weird than when i started answering these questions…
What did Ally Geer have to say about the final product? “I was honored to be included, was glad Callie looked so beautiful and she deserved it so much )”
There you have it folks. Beautiful avatars, beautiful people behind them… that’s what makes the world go round.
Economic Mip
May 25th, 2007
“96. shanna moaklaer
97. kim kardashian
98. yunjin kim” behind a virtual girl??? I do not understand. Next thing you know people will be wanting Lindsey Lohan in the top spot. Seriously, what were they thinking, America is strange…
May 25th, 2007
No… America isn’t strange… just dumb.
Due to lack of teachers being interesting to learn on subject in schools everywhere during 1990 till today while Earth continues be populated into the street and farm fields where animals are saying “wtf”. …yes, America is that dumb.
Tenshi Vielle
May 25th, 2007
Nacon, can you put that last sentence in english please? I can’t quite make out what you’re trying to say through the din of “engrish” you’re spewing.
marilyn murphy
May 25th, 2007
wow. congrats to callie cline!! thats a pretty amazing thing there. i dont think i really understand how big sl has become in the media. i am unaware of maxim magazine in rl, but thats quite a thing to be in a rl list of women and actually put ahead of rl women. wow.
i notice comments here saying its dumb. eh. dumb or not, i am thrilled for callie. you go girl!
May 25th, 2007
I’ve read Nacon’s comment 4 times and it still doesn’t make any sense.
I’m guessing English isn’t his first language.
Sadako Shikami
May 25th, 2007
Way to go Callie Cline! And cheers to Ally Geer and Bianca
It might seem silly to some people, but I think the appreciation of Second Life women is fantastic, some of us put more work into our avatars than we put into our real bodies … how many of us have $50US worth of different shades of skin available at any moment? *lol*
Darling for being understanding about editorial decisions
Cocoanut Koala
May 25th, 2007
I can’t read her part in the article. When I click on it, her description is beneath my screen.
Tenshi Vielle
May 25th, 2007
“Second Life Girl- Second Life: a 3-D world that’s imagined, owned, and created by its online resident – was launched in 2003 and now boasts nearly five million inhabitants around the globe. Never taken part in the nerdfest? Isn’t she reason enough?”
May 25th, 2007
Spoiler: it’s a man.
Cocoanut Koala
May 25th, 2007
Thanks, Tenshi!
Hazim Gazov
May 26th, 2007
Artemis Fate
May 26th, 2007
Congratulations and all, but wow that must SUCK for numbers 96-100
May 26th, 2007
You aren’t unique. You may not even have the destiny of making a living room a better place to be, let alone the world.
You are a mindless horde of filth, traversing the universe on a small ball of dirt. A speck upon a speck in the vastness of existance.
The Nigras are coming. We will change this game from a voracious violation of volition into something worth playing. We will turn this game into more than pixel sex and e-cocks.
You think you can stop us? We have this pixel spammer. You die now. Are you afraid? Death to Linden Labs. Death to Neva. Plastic Duck is great.
May 29th, 2007
Er… ‘only the Second Life Herald got to sit down with Callie Cline and savour her experience for all Avatar kind’
Apart from in The AvaStar a week before? (
And it only took SLH a week to copy the idea…
That’s not to mention the fact she writes a column for them as well. Can’t wait for the next ‘exclusive’ story.
Jun 2nd, 2007
so i wonder how fat this girl is IRL.
$20 says she’s over 300 pounds
Jun 3rd, 2007
Im sorry but this is ridiculous. I dont know callie cline(sp) personally but I do know shes a content creator and respect her as such. But wtf were they thinking? Why are they putting a virtual avatar in this magazine? Given ive never heard of this magazine in my life, it just seems a bit absurd. No offense meant, this post has no cruel intentions, im just a bit..shocked.