Archive for March, 2011
zFire Xue Interview: RedZone is not Spyware

RedZone protects users from 77283 people they have banned plus their alts The zF RedZone security scanner scandal continues to churn, creating what seems to be a nearly unstoppable epic thread in the SL Universe forums which has grown to over 320 pages (8100 posts) as of this writing. At the heart of the controversy [...]
Full StoryJustanother Oompa — Post 6 Guy

[Every so often a gaggle of friends and I head out onto the grid to see what's new, get a dose of "Hooooooo's" at a club, and generally have a good time. On one recent sojourn we met Justa, one of the more clever conversationalists I've met on the grid and possessor of several great [...]
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