Archive by Author

Kal Cartier Says Nicholas Is Not A “Mafia”

…but still admits to some mischief As our readers know, there has been a recent surge of mafia activities in and around Second Life as gang activities have been more in the foreground of late. Last week, I met with two of the prominent members of Nicholas, Kal Cartier, the current commander in chief of [...]

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Tizzers Foxchase: Linden Lab is Linden Lab’s Worst Enemy

I recently interviewed Tizzers Foxchase, the perma-banned Woodbury University faction leader, as part of a post-mortem of the mass delete of the Woodbury group from Second Life. Of course, this is far from the first Linden Lab group ban – many of us remember the mass ban of Voted 5 on September 19, 2006 when [...]

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Is One Song Making a Comeback in Second Life?

Has One Song, the leader of the notorious Associates gang and infamous architect of the Second Jessie War, returned to Second Life? In a surprising development, five years after the Second Jessie War, Karl Fredericks found a mysterious Associates gang calling card owned by OneSong Solo at the Reichstag in Jessie sim. Reichstag being torched [...]

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Say It Ain’t So, D3adly — Avatars United Takes A Hit, Yet Again

You don’t hear much of d3adlyc0d3c lately, except on the comment sections of various blogs. You definitely don’t see him in Second Life. Did the deadly disease get the best of him and take his hacking career down? Not really, says D3adly. But he seems to have gotten “less” deadly, that’s for sure. Explaining that [...]

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