Archive for October, 2004
SL Boxing Partnership Implodes. David Jacobs demos complex.
By Gina Fatale After the success of SLB’s Boxingmania it comes as somewhat of a shock to learn that one half of the partnership that owns Second Life Boxing has become a traitor and demolished the boxing complex. David Jacobs (for whatever reason we cannot confirm yet) has backed out of SLB cursing his long [...]
Full StoryViolence erupts at Park/Fatale Wedding Reception

Seems Pat the Rat was busy covering Elite drama before and after the wedding and hence missed the big shootouts. Ms. Fatale, the reporter/mobster/bride was kind enough to file the unbiased report herself. -Uri By Gina Fatale Before the grand ceremony at the home of Bad-Boy Don Reno Parks and crew, the Bad-Boys received a [...]
Full StoryThe game within the game III: Simcast gets crafty

In previous posts we have covered the development of the simcast project — a medieval themed D&D type PvP game being built on two sims (Simcast and Bedford) within Second Life. In addition to the ususal beating on players and monsters with weapons there is going to be a fairly robust crafting system that includes [...]
Full StoryE-L-I-T-E spells DRAMA! As dancers defect to The Deck, Big John vows: “I will burn u down!”

By Pat the Rat Well kids, sorry for being soooo slow in reporting on this, but what with the Fatale/Parks wedding and the carping in Centreville this gossip columnist has had his/her plate full. For those of you who don’t know, the tight-knit social fabric of Club Elite has imploded, with several dancers and escorts [...]
Full StoryItem Farming is Big Big Business. Is it Good for the Game too?
We know about the dealers in rare pets and cannons on tso, and we know that some dealers make a pretty penny at it, but what of games with lots of players like Lineage (with over a million subscribers)? Well, a recent article in Newsweek International, puts the revenue generated by sales of game objects [...]
Full StoryBob Busch: Triads pwn Dragon’s Cove

Since Liz Montana moved to SL, became Gina Fatale, and went to work for One Song, life has gotten better for the Triad Mafia. Not only do they claim to pwn Dragon’s Cove on their web site, but Bob Busch has recently published a dissertation on the virtual Mafia life in Mick Lite’s new forums. [...]
Full StoryBob Busch: Triads pwn Dragon’s Cove

Since Liz Montana moved to SL, became Gina Fatale, and went to work for One Song, life has gotten better for the Triad Mafia. Not only do they claim to pwn Dragon’s Cove on their web site, but Bob Busch has recently published a dissertation on the virtual Mafia life in Mick Lite’s new forums. [...]
Full StoryStreaming the Prez Debate in SL — sort of
Hamlet Linden has a story in New World Notes about tonight’s presidential debate that is catching air time in the blogosphere. Some folks are gonna stream the debate into the game via NPR, hang out, yak about it, and in Hamlet’s case blog it (yes another Linden sucked into the blogspace vortex). I guess that’s [...]
Full StoryPaging Kale: Cory Linden floats proposal for new SL permissions system
Cory Linden has joined the army of lemmings marching into the bottomless pit that is a personal blog, and while he predicts that the we scribes at the Herald will mourn this development, the fact of the matter is that we now accept it as inevitable fact of life — like flatulence, fornication, and death. [...]
Full StoryOne Song Wins Boxingmania! But not without Controversy…

By Gina Fatale The results from Friday’s Boxingmania at SLB in the One Song vs Tank Levy match are in, and as I predicted, the winner was One Song. The night started off with alot of trash talking between the two rivals and jumping in on the One-Song-hater band wagon was none other than one [...]
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