More Lessig!
by Urizenus Sklar on 12/01/06 at 12:06 pm
As Hammie Linden is reporting, Lawrence Lessig, the Official Hero of the Second Life Herald ™ will be visiting Second Life Next Wed. at 5:30 PM Linden time. Author of Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace and Free Culture, he has long stressed the idea that we are in danger of swapping out of a world in which the laws that govern us are established by democratic deliberation for an online world in which we are governed by the way the world is coded by unelected and quite often unenlightened computer programmers. Too bad the Lindens don’t get his message. Or maybe it’s a good thing they don’t, because if they understood what he was saying they probably wouldn’t have set this up. But I rant. Here are your specifics:
Date: Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Time: 5:30PM – 7:30PM Pacific Standard/Second Life Time
Place: Borrowdale/41/56 (the Pooley Auditorium)
Prokofy Neva
Jan 12th, 2006
Can’t wait! And I imagine the Lindens have already spun this guy hopelessly to assure him they have all kinds of “democratic tools” like…um…that thinger at where we can’t vote no! Hooray! Let’s all be *positive*!
It’s a *good* life…
Now, our code-is-law dudes have already ensured that this meeting has the proper filters, because in order to literally get into the building, so to speak, you have to join the group “Free Culture”. So hurry, anybody who is interested, because these groups fill up and then they just shut them down, because only so many avs can fit. Yes, they can have repeaters, but like the “no can vote no” function, repeaters only let you hear, not talk back.
Honestly, I wonder sometimes why I put up with this place…
joe public
Jan 12th, 2006
>>Honestly, I wonder sometimes why I put up with this place…
mmm, I believe you are not alone in that regard.
I suspect that it fulfills some deep seated psychological need.
Avah (Fallen Hasp)
Jan 12th, 2006
I wonder why you put up with it too.
Prokofy Neva
Jan 13th, 2006
Because it needs to be changed. I don’t believe we should live in a world where we can’t vote no, and where the programmers who code law have absolutely no checks or balances on them. Hell, no.
TrannyPet Barmy
Jan 22nd, 2006
“Now, our code-is-law dudes have already ensured that this meeting has the proper filters …………”
“….. and where the programmers who code law have absolutely no checks or balances on them …..”
Strangely Prok, going back a month or so now, did you amongst others not tell me that i was wrong when i suggested that “code is law” with regards to the story about the FBI being asked to step in by LindenLab’s ?
And here we are now, you’re actually advocating exactly the same that you argued against not so long ago ?
You may be able to have them beleiving of you what you want them to for a few over bloated posts Prok, however, long term, you’re really starting to show a lacking in continuity
You need to make up your mind Prok, as can be said of a few others, and stop chopping and changing, picking and mixxing what you agree/disagree with at any point in time simply to fit your current arguement.
Ultimately, the long term lack of continuity with in your posts, will of course contribute to the degradation of your integrity short term in each seperate post
Could be time to give up the ‘breeze’ Prokky.
TrannyPet Barmy