Genital Review: Play Sexy (female)

by matthiaszander on 16/04/06 at 5:45 pm

by Chipsen Queso

OK, just like Matthias did last week, I’m reviewing the PlaySexy genitals this week, but for females!  PlaySexy only has one variety, descriptively named "PlaySexy Clit."  Let’s see if it can stand up to the test against today’s standards.  Like last week, this is definately not safe for work.

This is what the PlaySexy clit looks like (on a Hybrid skin by Santana Lumiere) when you first attach it and turn "Highlight Transparent" on.  Otherwise,  you can’t see it at all.  That’s a good thing, because it allows you to see the skin detail, as most skins these days have genital textures built-in since they look much more realistic that way.

One of the functions of the PlaySexy Clit is a pee function, shown just above.  The positioning seems very awkward and out-of-place, and the legs are bent far too much.  The particle stream is also a bit odd, and for best effect, probably shouldn’t be able to be pushed by the wind.  Other than peeing, the PlaySexy clit has 16 commands, all of which are paralleled in the PlaySexy "Commander" Cock that Matthias reviewed last week.

Like the PlaySexy "Commander" Cock, the PlaySexy Clit is around only by touching it – 60 clicks makes you "climax in ecstasy," which releases three particle bursts, the first two of which are shown above.  I don’t know about you, but I think that looks more like a time warp or something, not a climax.

One thing that should be mentioned is that the PlaySexy Clit is very talkative.  It releases six different messages during the arousal phases, which can be turned on or off, though it’s on by default.  Luckily, it’s all in whispers, so it’s not like everyone hears it or something.

I don’t know, I really didn’t like the PlaySexy Clit that much.  It required manual stimulation which makes it much harder to use when you’re in the "heat of the moment," and was pretty unrealistic.  The price was decent at L$799, though.

Function: 2/10
Appearance: 9/10
Features: 3/10
Price: 8/10
Overall: 5.5/10

Matthias will be back next week with a review of Stroker Serpentine’s   BV-3D cock!

8 Responses to “Genital Review: Play Sexy (female)”

  1. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 16th, 2006

    >It required manual stimulation which makes it much harder to use when you’re in the “heat of the moment,”

    Gah, you lazy males and your refusal to do manual stimulation! Geez, they make it SO easy for you in SL, all you have to do is click a mouse, like, that’s work???

    Tip: grasp your um RL member in your left hand. With your right hand, left-tap on the mouse. If you get tired — switch!

    Now, geez, was that so HARD???

  2. Shirley Marquez

    Apr 17th, 2006

    I think the objection to “manual stimulation” is that there isn’t any way to do it with typed commands, only mouse clicks. (Some competing products can be configured to respond to chat commands.) The clicks can be difficult, because you’re also trying to say sweet (or nasty) somethings to your lover (so your hands are on the keyboard, not the mouse), and because the avatars tend to get in the way of clicking on the clit.

  3. Sex & Games

    Apr 18th, 2006

    Second Life Herald: Genital Review Female

    As a follow up to our previous post on the Second Life Herald’s male genital review, comes a new review from the Second Life Herald: Genital Review: Play Sexy (female). One thing that should be mentioned is that the PlaySexy…

  4. ninjafoo

    Apr 23rd, 2006

    Um…… The price was decent at L$799…. How??

  5. sam

    Jul 29th, 2006

    why have the invented condoms

  6. rob

    Aug 26th, 2006


  7. Aidan

    Feb 11th, 2007

    “Gah, you lazy males and your refusal to do manual stimulation! Geez, they make it SO easy for you in SL, all you have to do is click a mouse, like, that’s work???”

    Excuse me? I think these kind of toys are there simply for lazy people. If you use something like this, Xcite, etc. Then I just consider you extremely lazy.

    There’s only -one- way to enjoy a sexual encounter in Second Life and that is by typing up everything that goes on. Text is so much better than premade ‘conversations’ that come out of your pussy or cock.

  8. alyssa

    Feb 15th, 2007

    ur fukkin howls!! thats wen u noe u cant grt n-e REAL PUSSY! lol like get a life u fukkin sick freak!!

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