WoW guild griefs online memorial service for player that dies in real life

by Urizenus Sklar on 05/04/06 at 1:58 pm

This is interesting. As Shoutwire is reporting, an ingame funeral for a popular player was griefed by a guild in World of Warcraft — griefing event consisting of the attacking guild killing most of the funeral party. Of particular interest to me is the discussion that follows in the wake of this event. A lot of players are saying this is what one gets for having a funeral in game — “a game is no place for a funeral.” On the other hand, this was a player who died in real life, and his friends only knew him through Teamspeak or some such voice server and probably were not in a position to travel across country to have a rl funeral service. The friends logged onto his account and were taking his avatar to a lake where they were going to have an in game service. My tentative conclusion is that the griefers have diseased minds. They made a video of their event, not only to document that they are clueless fucktards, but also to show that they have shitty taste in music and have no idea how to make decent machinima. Video here.

4 Responses to “WoW guild griefs online memorial service for player that dies in real life”

  1. glitch

    Apr 6th, 2006

    yes, well, this diseased mind certainly wishes the Jessie Wars (or the TSO adventures actually) had some video documentation like that one…who could have possibly produced such an objective documentary video on these shocking and horrifying events….?!!?!?

    i guess this is what happens when virtual journalists retire. the Gangs are forced to do their own PR…..

    and, speaking to the art of the machinma, i guess nothing comapares to the highly stylized recreation of the janet jackson titty slip that was posted to herald some time ago. that was a piece of true machine cinema : )

  2. Urizenus

    Apr 6th, 2006

    Ah yes, the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction machinima, now that was a classic!

  3. rod furlong

    Apr 6th, 2006

    this is MONTHS old.

  4. Levi Anansi

    Apr 20th, 2006

    This might be months old, but it does really bring out how the mmo can truly destroy any human belief in altruism. I remember when my friends and I were playing q3f pretty religiously a few years back, a member of he community passed away nickd “zapped again”. He always played a heavy weapons specialist, and he was quite literally deadly with that character. There were times, usually when the servers were repopulating, when we stopped for a minute and chatted. We would laugh over how my medic sicked him, or how he blew me away in a fraction of a second when I thought I was being stealthy. For a week the server he played on allowed no prof selection other than HW in his honor, and we were all very serious and teary when we were playing. Please don’t even get me into the events we put together in swg before the back hand a few months ago….

    The point, the crashers of this thing were obviously, and hopefully, kids. The most we can hope for is that they experience a similar loss sometime in what is to be a short life, and when they turn to the friends they made online for support, they have their systems crushed in similar fashion.

    Can’t help it, I believe in respect for your fellow man, not altruism…

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