Get a Life – AgePlay Fun And Games Turn Ugly

by Pixeleen Mistral on 20/11/06 at 12:20 pm

by Heartun Breaker, syndicated advice columnist.

Heartun Breaker could help you!

HEY HEARTUN: I have been playing around in Second Life since 2004 and in that time I’ve had two significant romances. About a year and a half ago, when I was last single, I started exploring AgePlay. I liked the freedom, the role playing and — I admit it — the boundary pushing nature of young love. Then I met (name deleted) and my life changed. I’ve never felt more alive, not even in real life. We did everything together. And I mean EVERYTHING. Since I’m married in real life, I thought it was especially nice that (name deleted) didn’t ever break his role or talk about anything outside of SL. Until the other day. That’s when he complained about his parents. Turns out, he really IS in Junior High! I keep telling myself that we’re not doing anything wrong, but part of me says it is. I just love him so much, and I don’t ever plan on seeing him in the real world. What do you think? ~ UNSUSPECTING MRS. ROBINSON

DEAR UNSUSPECTING: What you are doing is absolutely normal, and acceptable, and will not hurt him. That is, if your name is Borat and you are from Kazakhstan! All of the First World, and most of the Second and Third World countries think what you are doing is WRONG! Even Kim Jong Il thinks what you are doing is sick. Just face the facts: you were attracted to Age play because the rules of adults did not apply — but then you found that there was an adult in your relationship and that adult is you. So be the adult. Ditch the kid, right now.

HEY HEARTUN: I’ve been in a 3 year online romance that started in There, went to The Sims Online for a while and has been in Second Life for about a year and a half now. Both of us are married in the real world so we never exchanged info outside of the game, what we have here is special but absolutely limited to here. That’s why it has been particularly upsetting to me that she hasn’t logged on in more than four months now — with no warning, or explanation. At first I thought her computer might have died. Then I worried that maybe she died. I may never know. I will always miss her, but after four months I’m resolved that she isn’t likely to come back into my life. Is four months enough before moving on? Part of me says it is, and part is… ~ GRIEVING ALWAYS

DEAR GRIEVING: Online relationships are measured in dog years. Four months is a long time and you are right to look for closure of some kind. I agree that you will likely grieve your loss always, but you deserve to move on. But you and I both know that she could just show up again some day too. I recommend that you treat this just like someone who loses their spouse at sea. You have waited a sufficient amount of time to declare her dead. Gather your friends for a wake. Put up framed pictures of her. Everyone wear black. Share with each other how much you miss her. Then get on with your lives as best you can. Just be sure to take pictures of the wake in case she walks in the door some day. She’ll want to see those.

HEY HEARTUN: I am into scat and recently broke up with my ‘toilet’ and am looking for another. But there is only one scat-related group in Second Life and we don’t have much group interaction. No meetings. No events. No cocktail parties. How do I go about meeting someone new? Oh, and I noticed that YOU are a member! Cool! ~ BROWN BEAUTY

DEAR BROWN ~ Yes, I am a member of many groups in Second Life — representing a wide variety of recreational relational experiences. Experience is good for a columnist and I’ll try anything once, twice if I like it. I hadn’t noticed until you pointed it out, but there are not a lot of scat-related activities or locations or goods available in Second Life. Maybe some bright entrepreneur (entreprePOOer?) will put up a shop selling toilets with gestures and outhouses with a party pit. Meanwhile, if there are no cocktail parties for poo-poo players why don’t you hold one? The Scat Lovers group has nearly 60 members. I’m sure you can meet a nice toilet if you throw a fun party. Just make sure none of those Water Sports people spike the punch.

Get A Life is the most popular and widely syndicated advice column in Second Life — known for Heartun Breaker’s down to earth common sense and witty reason.

If you have a question for Get A Life just IM it to Heartun Breaker. Or send e-mail here: All submissions become the property of the Heartun Breaker. We reserve the right to edit submissions for brevity and clarity. No ‘real’ SL names will be published. No part of this service may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Heartun Breaker, except that an individual may download and/ or forward articles via e-mail to a reasonable number of recipients for personal, non-commercial purposes.

13 Responses to “Get a Life – AgePlay Fun And Games Turn Ugly”

  1. OMG

    Nov 20th, 2006

    Yo. Don’t get involved in online relationships. It will just bring you closer to the inevitable lame day. Casual cybersex? Sure. Friends online? OK. But “online intimacy” is an oxymoron just like “military intelligence.” Get a life!


  2. Ouchquack

    Nov 20th, 2006

    A ‘toilet’ is a relationship? O.0

    NO WAY!!!

  3. Quimby Rothschild

    Nov 20th, 2006

    “A ‘toilet’ is a relationship? O.0″

    Come on now, don’t crticize what you don’t understand. I just got out of a relationship with a very beautiful, yet psychotically deranged, toilet myself. I was talking with the medicine cabinet about the whole mess last night. She said I should get back out there and find another toilet to get my mind off the other bitch, but I don’t know. I think I’m done with toilets for a while. I have my eye on a really hot bathtub but she has a boyfriend. I guess it’s just going out drinking with the toaster for the foreseeable future. Bummer.

  4. pedo

    Nov 20th, 2006

    pedo alert !

  5. Gino McAllister

    Nov 20th, 2006

    with Age play you mean the ageplay as in pukable pedofilosity?? as in statutorial rape and abuse of the younger?? OMFG HOW SICK IS SL GETTING AND WHAT IS NEXT INDEED!!! I believe that these age play fools messing with kids shoud be banned from SL the same way I feel any fuckhead that rapes or abuses a kid shoud, no not be shot in his moron head, but tortured all day long, every day! Destroy the bastards like they destroyed the kids! I PUKE ON THOSE SCUMS!! wether they do it in a online game or in RL ITS SICK AND DISCUSTING!!!

  6. humanoid

    Nov 21st, 2006

    I agree with Gino McAllister, and various illiterate fuckwits. But I’m being redundant…

    We should definitely ban the age players. Then we should go after the bestiality players (furries), then the torture advocates (BDSM), and the slavery advocates (Goreans). When we’re done with them, we can shut down all the weapon shops (including light sabre sales) and combat sandboxes, as they glamorize violent crime and encourage people to kill in RL. If we have time left, we can go after all the sexual fantasy sims and clubs that allow escorts on the premises. They obviously exploit women and glorify rape.

    God forbid we should be able to do things in a game that aren’t legal or ethical in RL. That would just ruin the whole point of playing! Rest assured that Gino and I pray for the day when SL is sold to a gigantic parent corporation that will ban all this ‘imagination’ stuff, and make SL just as sterile and mainstream as a television sitcom.

    Thank you, and goodnight.

  7. KR

    Nov 21st, 2006

    Here we go again. Mention the words ‘age play’, even in jest, and all logic goes out the window and the insults start flying. I know it’s hard for some of you people to comprehend, but, see, it’s a virtual world. Ya know, on your computer. It isn’t real sex. It isn’t statutory rape. You are not abusing a child. You’re both just operating little pixelated dollies. Even if the person operating the other one is 12, it doesn’t make you a paedophile. Got that? No. Didn’t think so. Ok. You can carry on spluttering into your koolaid and screaming ‘perverts!’ and ‘paedos!’ now.

  8. ouchquack

    Nov 21st, 2006

    Age Play is NOT de-facto pedophilia… but once she knows that the person behind the pixels is a RL child, and does nothing to stop having virtual sex with that child, all bets are OFF!

    Maybe the Lindens should start up Credit Card authentication again to cut down (not out, obviously… nothing is perfect) on the number of children playing in the adult grid. It might just ratchet down some of the horrible griefer crap that seriously escalated after they dropped the responsible practice.

  9. Caralina

    Nov 22nd, 2006

    I totally agree about age play being sick… haven’t any of you watched dateline??? Just because it is over the internet doesnt mean that it is “okay” in anyway… you are just as sick as those pervos in rl!! If you act on it in SL… I think you are horrible preditor and monster… that is just SICK SICK SICK!

  10. Ro Goodliffe

    Apr 11th, 2007

    “Yo. Don’t get involved in online relationships. It will just bring you closer to the inevitable lame day. Casual cybersex? Sure. Friends online? OK. But “online intimacy” is an oxymoron just like “military intelligence.” Get a life!


    While that is entirely baseless, and Irrational, so is the feelings that define humanity. Unlike your baseless generalization however, There are intelegent people leading our military, there’d have to be or else we would be gone.

    As for online relation ships, The emotions a player feels in any given socal cituation are real, and no amount of logic be victorios over Those irational imotions.

    While everyone is Focused on the player admiting fault here, It seems no one has mentioned that the Juvinile was here illigaly, and consented in the relation ship for a long time. I’m not telling people its right or wrong but i wont sit by and let you bash humanity in general.

    It is our ability to feel, to act irationaly, that proves we are above the animals. (No offence Furies i mean actual animals.)

    From the Deks of:

  11. Ro Goodliffe

    Apr 11th, 2007

    “with Age play you mean the ageplay as in pukable pedofilosity?? as in statutorial rape and abuse of the younger?? OMFG HOW SICK IS SL GETTING AND WHAT IS NEXT INDEED!!! I believe that these age play fools messing with kids shoud be banned from SL the same way I feel any fuckhead that rapes or abuses a kid shoud, no not be shot in his moron head, but tortured all day long, every day! Destroy the bastards like they destroyed the kids! I PUKE ON THOSE SCUMS!! wether they do it in a online game or in RL ITS SICK AND DISCUSTING!!!”

    Second Life is no sicker than real life, and as you mentioned, this concept is not new. (Spesfficly because there is a word for it in the english language)

    And your entidled to your opion, and in america entilded to express it, Unfortunatly So as am i.

    Two Mature Consenting individuals, Regardless of Age and Orgian, may do what ever the hell they want. Emphisis on Mature and consenting, There is not an agelimit for mental matureity, as proven by those mentaly handy caped out there.
    Secondly Consenting: Unlike real life, in the online world, and expecialy second life, you are not bound to anything or anyone, and can leave at will. There is no feeling of entrapment, no forcing a person to do anything.
    Ageplaying at its core is no diffrent from any other kind of relation ship, There are emphisises stressed, and preffrences pandered to, but genergaly agreed on prior to getting together.
    For example: Homosexuals, Sadists, Hedorosecuals, ect.
    Peoples actions are driven by their emotions, gilt is only one human programing another, and remorse the product of that programing, regardless of how “off-beat” a person’s programing is with Darwin’s theory, they are still driven by the same powers that guide any of us.
    The diffrence is, that Socity is begining to come to acceptance with these other groups, and while Age Play may be “Immoral,” “Creapy,” and “Just wrong.” That is mearly just the result of your Pre-Programing properly taking effect.

    Congradulations, Large Animals do Not need to eat you. However.
    Just as any Pornigraphic Cituation, if either party takes offence, they are One Click away from it.

    From the Desk of:

  12. Riona McMahon

    May 2nd, 2007

    Listen…I’m actually into age play, but on the other end of the spectrum. I like being “Daddy’s little girl,” so to speak. (Actually, I’m more into a teacher/student thing than a Daddy/little girl thing, but whatever.) I am an adult woman, and in NO WAY WHATSOEVER do I advocate pedophilia or child molestation. I think anybody who harms a child in *any* way should be locked up for a long, long time. At least for me, age play does not have anything to do with actual pedophilia. It has to do with A) my natural submissive inclinations and B) a longing to reconnect with the innocence of my childhood. I love children and work with them on a regular basis. The fantasies I participate in in the privacy of my bedroom with other consenting adults has never, nor will it ever, bring harm to any child.

    Of course, some people interested in age play may indeed be interested in actual pedophilia. Some people who are into BDSM may also be into actual nonconsensual rape, too, but that doesn’t mean that a majority (much less all) of them are. I realize that this is a controversial topic, but try to remain open-minded to things you don’t understand.

    Thank you.

  13. none

    Aug 11th, 2007

    I don’t think you’re hurting a horny junior high student by letting him act out his fantasies, however now that you know his age, you should probably stop for your own protection since now you are aware of his age.

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