Goons Boldly Go…
by Urizenus Sklar on 21/11/06 at 1:44 pm
Yes yes I know this is badly dated. We are talking *early* November already. But I didn’t come here to bring you the n3wz, I came here to bring you the *tr00th*. And today the truth takes the form of Something Awful goons, suiting up ala Kirk, Spock, and…who is that bald guy anyway? (hmm must be Picard)…and voyaging on the USS Prokofy Neva to explore the strange new world of Second Life (from sky boxes to age play playgrounds).
The full Captain’s log is here. All this courtesy of our goonish friend Ensign Petey. Someone give this goon a promotion already!
Nov 21st, 2006
Prokofy Neva
Nov 21st, 2006
>voyaging on the USS Prokofy Neva
Fuck you, too.
Nov 21st, 2006
“Fuck you, too.”
That made every ounce of effort I have ever expended in these articles worth it.
Tomas Hausdorff
Nov 22nd, 2006
So, the Something Awful people are still around? Sad.
Prokofy Neva
Nov 22nd, 2006
My GOD are you naive, Tomas.
Of COURSE they're still around, they're the ones who brought you CopyBot, duh.
Nov 22nd, 2006
“they’re the ones who brought you CopyBot, duh.”
I’m the one who made the video and organized the scenes you see in there, and I had nothing to do with copybot. Nor have I had anything to do with gridcrashes or software sabotages, not that that matters.
For those that liked the video, we got a real fun one coming up next week!
You can see other videos here:
Nov 22nd, 2006
“they’re the ones who brought you CopyBot, duh.”
I’m the one who made the video and organized the scenes you see in there, and I had nothing to do with copybot. Nor have I had anything to do with gridcrashes or software sabotages, not that that matters.
For those that liked the video, we got a real fun one coming up next week!
You can see other videos here:
Nov 22nd, 2006
(Sorry, didn’t mean to spam, my browser froze up and I hit “Post” more than once”)
And For the Record, Petey didn’t have anything to do with any of those things either.
Nov 22nd, 2006
Video was kool, the story on the site was a bit crap
Nov 22nd, 2006
Actually im surprised secondlife herald posts stories like this that make allegations towards businesses in SL… oh wait.. nagh im not surprised.
Nov 22nd, 2006
“make allegations towards businesses in SL”
Is there some reason that a store needs to sell an anatomically correct preteen girl avatar? Or child avatars in adult clothing, make-up, and “sexy” poses?
Nov 22nd, 2006
of course i dont believe any of it!
Nov 22nd, 2006
oh please, lets not start this again. Those of us who know a thing or two about the child AV community know that those Something Awful goons ARE goons and their article is a joke. Many just find it funny. Whats not needed is someone making this into another one of those crappy childsex abuse topics that go on and on and on and never resolve becos theres never anything to resolve it. So just drop it old boy, yor waisting your time!
Very funny vid Goons!,… bad luck to the business that got picked on.
Nov 22nd, 2006
“Whats not needed is someone making this into another one of those crappy childsex abuse topics that go on and on and on and never resolve”
Making anatomically correct avatars of children for the purpose of eroticizing children. What is there to be ‘resolved’? And it’s not like we hacked into the server and destroyed their business. We only criticized it. And any business that makes money off of erotically-charged images of children is ripe for criticism, don’t you agree?
I find the level of pedophilia in SL disturbing. The bestiality is bad too. There are terribly misogynist fetishes but at least they involve images of adult women.
Lupus Delacroix
Nov 22nd, 2006
I love Prok’s all inclusive statements
“My GOD are you naive, Tomas.
Of COURSE they’re still around, they’re the ones who brought you CopyBot, duh.”
Just because some groups share members doesn’t mean one group is responsible for the others doings.
At one time I was a member of the republican party, and of a marching band, this doesn’t make the marching band responsible for the war in Iraq.
Pull the other one bag lady…. its got bells on.
Tomas Hausdorff
Nov 22nd, 2006
>My GOD are you naive, Tomas.
>Of COURSE they’re still around, they’re the ones who brought you CopyBot, duh.
Prokofy, if you had one iota of common sense you would realize my point: Something Awful only has relevance because we grant it to them.
The fact that we are still talking about them, that Uri, you, and people like you give a damn about them or anything they have to say, is even more pathetic than they are. Every posting like this “news” item, every mention they get, simply encourages them to giggle and vomit up some more pointless and disgusting garbage in hope of getting yet another reaction.
Something Awful is a total waste of oxygen. A pathetically inept group of whining children who have never learned that humour and satire need not be disgusting and crude. But frankly, some people like that kind of thing, and so long as they stay off my radar, I don’t care.
Nov 22nd, 2006
“Something Awful only has relevance because we grant it to them”
Oh, honey, don’t grant yourself that much importance. SomethingAwful has a following of hundreds of thousands of readers who enjoy its irreverent comedy.
“Every posting like this “news” item,”
I don’t see it as any less important as all the temptest-in-a-teapot dramas that happen in the magical land of Second Life. A land which doesn’t even have a name, it’s just “the grid.”
“simply encourages them to giggle and vomit up some more pointless and disgusting garbage ”
People find the satire funny, you don’t. Fine. Judging from your blog I see that you enjoy pretending you’re a child on the internet. Fine. I have nerdy passions too. I like World of Warcraft. But my arteries don’t stiffen with rage any time people poke fun at one of my hobbies.
“group of whining children”
Irony explosion
“humour and satire need not be disgusting and crude.”
Please tell me how you satirize a community of pedophiles or bestiality-lovers without coming off as “disgusting” or “crude.”
What’s “disgusting” and “crude” are the people who cover their clubs and homes with child and animal erotica. The animal erotica being slightly less horrible, but still pretty darn bizarre.
Nov 22nd, 2006
Correction — I confused Tomas with Loki. Tomas does not pretend he’s a child on the internet, he pretends he’s part human, part wolf, and part dragon on the internet. Nevertheless the point still stands.
Nov 22nd, 2006
Freddy thats ok, i forgive you for mixing me up with someone else whos arteries stiffend with rage. But could you at least now write a big cynical comment about Thomas, i dont think “he pretends he’s part human, part wolf, and part dragon” makes up for the wrongful rant you made at my expense.
Nov 22nd, 2006
“the wrongful rant you made at my expense”
I’m not sure which rant you’re talking about — just the mention that you pretend you’re a child on the Internet? I hang out with people who think they are robots, ostriches, and anthropomorphic human waste. Unless you’re engaging in child-erotica, I don’t see that as particularly awful. Weird and nerdy, possibly, but I have weird and nerdy hobbies too.
Nov 22nd, 2006
Freddy you was referiing to my blog in yu last post and thought the rest of your comment was directed at me. I did not read it properly and did not realise you was quoting thomas. Im sorry i called it a rant.
I like weird and nerdy.
Tomas Hausdorff
Nov 22nd, 2006
Thanks, Freddy, for clarifying your mistake- when you called me “honey”, and started referring to a blog, I really started to doubt your sanity, or at least your fact checking ability. I had to double-check to make sure it wasn’t Prokofy writing.
For the record and since you brought it up: yes, my avatar has fur (and scales), but I’m not part of any sort of “furry” culture. To be honest, the first I really heard of “furry fandom” was when I came to Second Life. I’ve been role-playing for over 25 years and, even though I’m not serious about it in SL, I tend to prefer a non-human character in part because it forces me to think outside the box a bit.
As for furries themselves…well, what little I’ve picked up suggests to me that they are just as varied as any other group of people, good, bad, weird, nice, scary and otherwise. Being a furry, at least from what I can see, is more about not being human than about having sex with animals /shrug
Regarding erotic or sexual Age Play: okay, that’s one I don’t get at all. It bugs me, but…what consenting adults do etc etc. I’ve lived a sheltered life: I’m gradually figuring out that my “vanilla” lifestyle is not the only game in town
When it crosses over the line into anything *not* involving consenting adults: that’s criminal.
As for Something Awful- I don’t like their humour, and I think I make that point. I doubly don’t like the way they draw and perpetuate stereotypes. But I’ll admit right off the bat that my posting was unnecessarily denigrating given how little I know or care about the folks who consider them selves part of Something Awful. Chalk it up to inadequate caffeine…or maybe too much caffeine. My main point was: I don’t like SA or the (possibly stereotypical/generalized) group-think they project, but thus far I have no particular reason to hate them. I *do*, however, believe that Something Awful’s importance is grossly over-inflated by certain individuals.
In short: my comment was along the lines of “don’t feed the trolls”