Ageplay in Second Life: Interview with Jailbait Manager Emily Semaphore

by Urizenus Sklar on 28/01/07 at 1:07 pm

In real life, Emily Semaphore is 35 and works as a librarian. In Second Life, she roleplays as a 13 year old girl. Together, with Ian Manray (her real life husband, who she met in SL!) she manages Jailbait, a Second Life club dedicated to age-play – often involving cybersex between the participants. In this interview, we ask her about ageplay, her job as manager at Jailbait, what she considers the psychologically healing aspect of sexual ageplay, and what she sees as the troubling aspects of ageplay and society’s reaction to it.

Property description for Jailbait.

Urizenus Sklar: Emily, what is Jailbait, and what is your job as Manager here?
Emily Semaphore: Well, Jailbait is a roleplay club for adult ageplayers. And ageplay is, as many know or think they know, is a form of roleplay related to BDSM which involves two adults roleplaying situations where one is an adult and one is underage. As manager, I keep an eye out for griefers (we get lots but they don’t last long), make sure that no RL minors are here (which is unlikely as most kids who sneak onto the adult grid are going to go pretend to be ADULTS), and generally keep things running smoothly and folks playing nicely with one another.

Jailbait owner Ashley Primrose

Urizenus Sklar: Some ageplay is sexually oriented and some is not. What percentage do you think is sexual?
Emily Semaphore: I would say it’s about 50/50.
Urizenus Sklar: Is that 50% of the participants, or 50% of the activity? or both.
Emily Semaphore: both :)

Urizenus Sklar: let’s take the nonsexual part first. Why do you think people like to roleplay as children?
Emily Semaphore: I think for a lot of people, they are trying to fill a void from their own childhood. Lots of people I know who are involved in ageplay were neglected at best and abused at worst as children. Being able to “play” a kid in a “safe” environment can be very healing for many people. For some folks, it’s just a free ticket to be immature, but that’s a release also.

Urizenus Sklar: what is it for you, if you don’t mind my asking?
Emily Semaphore: For me, it’s all of the above. I survived fairly extreme abuse and I ageplay with my RL husband in a “daddy” role, and from that I get a sense of kindness, love, fulfillment and security I never received from my RL father. It’s deeply therapeutic.

Emily’s RL Husband and also a Jailbait manager: Ian “Daddy” Manray.

Urizenus Sklar: Have you discussed the value of ageplay with any rl psychotherapists?
Emily Semaphore: No, I haven’t, nor do I claim to be a psychotherapist. :)

Urizenus Sklar: Do you spend all your time in SL doing ageplay, or just some of it?
Emily Semaphore: I spend about half my time in second life doing ageplay. My ageplay avatar is an alt for my other account, that way I am able to separate those parts of my play, as well as keep griefers away from my other account. ;)

Urizenus Sklar: I’m guessing that there are different kinds of ageplayers, different ages, different scenes. Do you have a handy taxonomy of the types?
Emily Semaphore: Well, I haven’t exactly charted it. It’s really different for each individual, just like any complex form of roleplay.
Urizenus Sklar: But there are they diaper kidz, and then there are the little girls, etc…
Emily Semaphore: Some people only play in a nonsexual manner, others only play sexually, many mix both. There are teens and tweens and yeah diaper kids >.<

Urizenus Sklar: Are there any internal conflicts between groups of ageplayers?
Emily Semaphore: Well the biggest schism seems to be between those who exclusively play non-sexually and those who play sexually. Many non-sexual ageplayers actively dislike those who incorporate sexual situations into their play. Also, some of the older age kids turn up their noses at diaper play and baby talk, but I haven’t witnessed many actual fights there.

Urizenus Sklar: Why do the nonsexual ageplayers object to the sexual ageplay?
Emily Semaphore: Well, I think it probably boils down to a few things. The biggest reason I feel, is that many people have a difficult time understanding the concept of roleplay and fantasy. Portraying a simulated sexual situation between an adult and a “child” is deeply controversial, and for good reason. We live in a culture where the word pedophile is used in every day conversation and Dateline NBC parades sexual predators out to convince people that everyone is out to prey on their children. So, people assume that anyone who ageplays in a sexual way, must be a pedophile, because they are being aroused by thoughts or by viewing simulated sexual situations between an adult and “child”. The current environment fuels the hysteria, which I feel is part of the reason why ageplay is such a hot topic for debate lately. But people have been playing daddy and his little girl forever, as fantasy roleplay in the bedroom. Schoolgirl outfits are all the rage among women and girls of all ages. Our culture fetishizes the sexuality of youth, but then seeks to punish us for responding to it. In SL, one is able to actually take on the appearance of a young person to almost eerie detail, in ways you cannot do in RL, and that is frightening to people who only see the childlike appearance and are convinced that something illegal or at least completely untoward is happening.

Urizenus Sklar: ok, but earlier you said that for many ageplayers their ageplay is making up for a kind of lost childhood, and is very healing. How does that square with the sexual end of roleplay. Can that be healing too?
Emily Semaphore: Yes. I was molested for years by a family member. For me, roleplaying in a sexual manner is healing because it allows me to RECLAIM my sexuality. Everything I am involved in is consensual, even if it appears not to be (i.e. consensual non-consensuality). It is as though I am placing myself back into that mindset and I can say ‘yes’, and I can say ‘no’, and I can say ‘fuck you mister”. I can also work thru issues where, and this is a deep pain for sexual assault survivors, my body responded favorably to the abuse, and tell myself I am indeed not a bad person for my biology having responded to what was done to me when I was a child. Having discussed this at length with lots of other folks, I think many people are able to use sexual ageplay to a very healing end. Unfortunately, most people have a very hard time understanding this. It’s very nuanced.

Urizenus Sklar: It must be your job [as Jailbait manager] to keep the minors out of here. Do you have a reliable strategy for doing that in the age of unverified users?
Emily Semaphore: Well, as you know, it’s impossible to reliably verify that someone is of legal age to be here. The best we can do, without unfairly penalizing the free account users of legal age, is if we encounter or are told of someone who is a minor, we immediately notify the lindens, and then we ban them. Most people who come here I feel certain don’t actually want to play sexually with RL children. So people do notify us if someone claims they are under 18 in RL. In all of those cases, the person was lying about being underage, in attempts to lure the person into webcam sex. After they were reported to the Lindens, they magically produced age-verification and tried to get back into the club, but I will not take that chance. Also, the point has been made many times, and bears repeating… kids who sneak onto the grid are NOT going to head to an ageplay club. They want to pass as adults (and considering how immature many adults are in SL, they pass pretty well) and hang out at adult clubs and such.

Urizenus Sklar: Are some people better at ageplay than others? What makes for a good ageplayer?
Emily Semaphore: Some people are indeed better at it than others. Really anyone with a strong roleplay background tends to be “better” simply because they have good imaginations, are creative and have experience constructing a story and running with it on the fly.

Urizenus Sklar: Does it help to be more childlike as a person, or is that a nonfactor when roleplay begins?
Emily Semaphore: It probably helps, if you’re the one roleplaying the child. It’s very relaxing to stop being a grownup for a while. :)

Urizenus Sklar: But what about the ones who roleplay as adults. Do you ever worry that there is a bit of misogyny or at least a power thing about them?
Emily Semaphore: I wouldn’t say there’s any misogyny, because there are quite a few boys in ageplay as well, both in gay and straight playing roles. As far as power goes, well that’s actually a large part of the attraction. An intentional imbalance of power, similar to a D/s relationship, is very appealing to many people

Urizenus Sklar: I mean that question to be more general — about the need to be in a power position over children *or* women, and while it is appealing, you might wonder if it is helpful. Do you think it is? I could ask the same question about Gorean masters, of course.
Emily Semaphore: I don’t think it is harmful. I don’t think the people who play the adult side get off on the power position as much as the person in the child role gets off on the “helpless” role. Most of the “kids” i see are the ones calling the shots. So as much as it may seem as though we are being victimized by the big mean people, most of us want to be, in a consensual manner. Also I’m not touching Gor with a 10 foot pole ;)

Urizenus Sklar: As you probably know, in some countries where SL users live, *representations* of sexual relations between adults and children is illegal. Presumably the activity here would qualify. Do you worry that this might force Linden Lab to shut down the ageplay activity?
Emily Semaphore: I do worry about that. But what worries me more is living in a society where people are penalized for sexual thought crime.

Emily keeps watch over the playground from the roof of the…what is this exactly?

89 Responses to “Ageplay in Second Life: Interview with Jailbait Manager Emily Semaphore”

  1. Jesse Malthus

    Jan 28th, 2007

    That was a very enlightening and interesting interview, thanks for posting it.

  2. Prokofy Neva

    Jan 28th, 2007

    I completely reject the “healing” metaphor used here to try to minimize the awfulness of ageplay. It’s intellectually suspect and not credible at all.

    If you posit that “healing” is a major positive feature of this otherwise-reprehensible activity, then that means the paradigm works like this:

    1. Person is abused terribly in RL and develops a yearning to replay the abuse and a fetish in order to “heal” themselves
    2. They select “healing ageplay” activities in SL, recreating the hurtful scenes under the notion of what I call “hydraulic” therapy — that merely relieving or talking will relieve the pressure of the pain that had been suppressed (a facile notion of the human psyche upon which many a cheap dime-store self-help book is based).
    3. They find other abuse victims like themselves and um “heal together”
    4. After a certain amount of “therapeutic ageplay,” they heal up, they’re done, they are ready now to re-join the mainstream of healthy, normal sexual beings and they go back to equal-rights and equal-power, normal sexual relations, perhaps a little kinkier, but not doing awful ageplay stuff anymore.

    The problem is that step no. 4 never happens. They stay put on 1-3 and revolve endlessly. They may even still seek out abusive relationships in RL, and not be “healed” by their ageplay in Second Life. They in fact recreate the painful scenes over and over and over again, and indeed take pleasure in them. It’s not “about* healing — it is merely a kind of methadone maintenance, with dependency still very much part of the experience.

    If you are going to call it “healing” and not demean the word, you have to posit that there is a) hurt b) therapy and healing and c) resolution to return to the pre-hurt and normal phase. C) never happens.

    If an arm is broken, you pull it out straight in a painful therapeutic action, you keep it in a sling for 6 weeks, and at the end, the arm, while perhaps a bit weaker, is healed, straight and useable again.

    In the ageplay “healing,” after the arm is broken, you keep breaking it over and over again, or you keep it in the sling forever. It never, ever goes back to its normal, pre-broken state.

    So there isn’t any healing in this hoax. Instead, they invoke the positive notion of “healing” and endlessly revolve and spiral downwards to deviant behaviours, requiring more and more grotesqueries and more and more stimulus through pain and suffering. That fact that ageplay isn’t hardly ever “vanilla” in SL and always seems to involve a heavy element of BDSM to it is its most troubling feature.

    I think most people seeing this stuff are revolted not so much by some Big Daddy dandling some teenager on his knee in a schoolgirl uniform, which seems merely infantile and stupid, but they’re revolted by a picture of a child of 9 in their pajamas, completely hobbled in chains, collars, spikes, etc. and suffering lashes of a whip or other harm. It is very, very intellectually and morally unsound to describe a scene like *that* as “healing”. It’s not about a father-daughter relationship; it’s about abusing a vulnerable child as a violent adult. It’s awful, and that needs to be stated loud and clear.

    It’s obvious that for these people, whatever their “illness as metaphor” claptrap, the “healing” doesn’t mean returning to a non-sick stage (they admit they are sick by using the term “healing” in the first place. Rather, they are forcing conformity of the rest of the world (NON-consensult coercion!) by trying to bully and intimidate and manipulate the rest of the world (including through this Herald article) into thinking they are “healed” by being able to get to play ageplay for the rest of their lives as their favourite sick fantasy.

    Well, sorry, that doesn’t fly for me, I find it absolutely demoralizing and completely suspect as a proposition. It would be suspect enough to imagine that “ageplay” involving BDSM was going to lead back to normal, healthy relations; that it never does that gives the lie to the concept of “healing”.

    What’s nasty about the ageplay story is that if you are going to cover it, you have to cover the fact that people who practice ageplay, which the Lindens are sanctioning in people’s own homes on their own land, are relentlessly persecuted. And the persecutors, once they get going with their hysteria and self-righteousness, to some begin to look as bad as the original ageplayers.

    In fact, it’s part of the strategy of the manipulative, power-seeking ageplay faction of BDSM, which is always about conniving and deceiving and manipulating, to keep portraying themselves as “victims” and keep portraying the rest of the world as illiberal and intolerant and backward.

    Sorry, but any adult who wishes to force (even though the oft-cited but false “consenting coercion”) another human being to play the role of an abused child and appear to seek abuse is already among the most illiberal, intolerant, and backward on the planet themselves. The mature and tolerant and liberal position on children in modern civilization would be to allow them to evolve naturally and mature by being guided and supported, not physically harmed or mentally coerced or humiliated. And the mature and tolerant and liberal position on adults is to accept the inherent dignity of the individual, equality of the sexes, and civil rights and liberties which involve being free from fear and torture.

    I’m also going to utterly reject the idea that children coming on to the adult grid are always going to want to dress up as adults. All the jailbait people have to do is to imagine themselves coming to SL at 16 or 17 with their abused past and ask themselves sincerely what they’d be doing.

    In fact, if someone has become victimized by a relative or stranger and been abused, the first thing they may wish to do — just like an adult — when given the setting of SL — would be to recreate that scene and seek out others to play it. The idea that a 16-year-old too young for the adult grid who has been abused by an adult is only going to dress up as an over-18 and go seek out unsuspecting adults isn’t a given, as they might just as easily wish to go dress up as the 10 year old they were when abused, or even the 16 year old, and go find adults in the ageplay club. There is no statistical, scientific evidence that underage people stage away from BDSM and ageplay.

    Basically, I’d have to reject any effort that sanitizes the intellectual depravity of BDSM and ageplay by saying that everybody involved makes sure there are no kids on board and they are all “safe, sane, and consensual”. They aren’t. Many people got into BDSM when they came of age of 16 or 17 in RL, in fact, and are proud to tell you that.

    Ultimately, any kind of belief system that seeks to place the power of one human being over another in order to humilitate and control them creates the seed-bed of fascism and totalitarianism. As good liberals, we’re forced to tolerate even the illiberalism of BDSM and ageplay and all kinds of “art” and griefing, even though they all contain within them the mechanisms for undoing liberalism itself. And that’s why I bother resisting the unfounded rationalisms for this stuff because at the end of the day, it’s just one more racket in SL.

  3. Petey

    Jan 28th, 2007

    At least for the illegitimacy of the “healing” claim, Prokofy has it completely right.

    I disagree with that certain power fetishes are “illiberal”. However, I think the rest of the analysis is right.

  4. Anon

    Jan 28th, 2007

    pedophilia is not the act of harming children, it is “Pedophilia is a paraphilia that involves an abnormal interest in children.” — in other words, ageplayers are pedophiles by definition. It doesn’t mean they’re child molesters, but they are pedophiles.

  5. Petey

    Jan 28th, 2007

    Oh nevermind I found some great examples of sexual healing going on in that sim:

    [15:42] Netreek Behemoth smiles as he jumps on the woman, bringing his preteen cock inside her passage. he blushes and moans as he does so, nuzzling and licking softly over her breasts. “I am 12, miss.”

  6. Anon

    Jan 28th, 2007

    Petey, that comment may violate US child pornography laws.

  7. King Frederick

    Jan 28th, 2007

    I think this comment sums it up: “So, people assume that anyone. . . must be a pedophile, because they are being aroused by thoughts or by viewing simulated sexual situations between an adult and “child”.”

    No SHIT, Sherlock.

    an adult who is sexually attracted to young children.

    If you enjoy child pornography, whether real flesh and blood children are involved or not, you are a pedophile.

    “For me, roleplaying in a sexual manner is healing because it allows me to RECLAIM my sexuality. ”

    This is the most orwellian thing I’ve ever read.


    “I completely reject the “healing” metaphor used here . . . After a certain amount of “therapeutic ageplay,” they heal up, they’re done, they are ready now to re-join the mainstream of healthy, normal sexual beings and they go back to equal-rights and equal-power, normal sexual relations, perhaps a little kinkier, but not doing awful ageplay stuff anymore.”

    I’m “embarrased” to say that I completely agree with you and you are completely correct on this. As often as you are morally confused on issues (e.g. conflating stupid pranks with distribution of child pornography) you are completely right here. People who have the problem of being sexually aroused by children have to seek *help*. They should not be tittilating themselves and training their minds and bodies to engage in child-rape fantasies. Routinely pretending that you are gratifying your sexual organs inside the naive body of a child is *not* healing. It’s just satisfying a craving.

    The fact of the matter is: You are getting off to child pornography. Do your friends and family outside the computer know that? You are masturbating to images of adults having sex with children. And you are forming a support system for other people to do the same thing.

    The Lindens don’t allow swazticas or racist imagery even as a *joke* but I rarely hear about them cracking down on child erotica in Second Life. And yes, that includes “virtual” child pornography as the “virtual” part doesn’t get around the fact that it’s still erotica aimed at producing pedophile feelings in adults.

    Second Life is a place where child pornography is tolerated, making fun of people in animal suits is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the TOS.

    I’m kind of glad I’ve uninstaleld Second Life for the time being. It’s nice to get away from the crazy, topsy-turvy universe put together by plywood boxes, sexually-charnged mannequins, and penis-powered windmills.


  8. King Frederick

    Jan 28th, 2007

    Sorry, the extra “Prokofy:” was from something I edited out, and I forgot to edit out that last word.

    Petey: “Oh nevermind I found some great examples of sexual healing going on in that sim:”

    Haha, yeah, I still screenshots pedoplayer profiles. “I am an eight year old who is easily misled by adults, *WINK WINK*”

  9. Petey

    Jan 28th, 2007

    Anon: No, it doesn’t. I hope you were making a lame joke.

    KF: We agree, as usual. That free speech double standard, of course, is a major problem of Second Life culture that is never addressed outside of a few select sources.

  10. Prokofy Neva

    Jan 28th, 2007

    I imagine the Lindens can’t eradicate ageplay because if they make that moral judgement about what people do on their land inside their homes, there’d be no reason not to judge BDSM, or for that matter, homosexuality, or why have any sex at all. There’s no reasonable and fair way to decide which sex is TOS-bannable. It’s ugly, immoral, intellectually indefensible, but then, gay sex could be the same thing to the next guy just logging on. So the Lindens remain agnostic.

    When the Lindens remain agnostic on stuff like

    People are always complaining about my writing and claiming that I morally relativize RL rape with SL rape or that I relativize child pornography with putting out large penis photographs. But I don’t make moral equivalencies. What I do is illustrate that the mechanicms that goes into doing these things is exactly the same — the desire to take glee in others’ suffering. That’s wrong, whether it is fantasizing the brutal rape of a child, or whether it is making unpleasant penis posters and placing them all over someone’s land. The desire, whether really sinister and brutal, or whether a milder form of impudent pranksterism, is all about the same evil impulse: to have power over others, and make them feel humiliated, and take pleasure in it. It’s wrong, regardless of the scale of its brutality, and regardless of its availability of remedies in RL or SL. It is cut of the same cloth.

    Most people who do one bad thing try to cast around and find some dog to kick. King Frederick is part of a group that defaces my RL pictures and puts them out as giant busts inworld and disgraces them; they take cut-off furry heads and put them on my lawn; they scatter giant penises around on me and my tenants, and many ugly and vicious things. Then they say that they’re just trying to get me and others “aware” that this is “only a game” (while what’s clear about this most of all is that they found a really evil little fun game THEY enjoy playing for long hours, griefing others). Then they say this nasty stuff isn’t as bad as child porn or furry capture play or BDSM.

    Yeah. In SL, it’s all relative, uh, sure.

  11. Prokofy Neva

    Jan 28th, 2007

    *When the Lindens remain agnostic on stuff like ageplay or the Bush guy’s extortion signs or Le Pen — and all these things come from the same ugly template of people wishing to have power over others and humiliate others — they help aid and abet it. Then they walk away from the social problem, and then nobody can fight it hard, because if they do, the Lindens ban them for things like weapons or chat log distribution or RL disclosure. It’s one of the reasons the LL paradise is such a Garden of Evil.

  12. another anon.

    Jan 28th, 2007

    Last time I checked, it was not illegal to be a pedophile. It’s illegal to be a child molester. It’s not illegal to be into dolcett fantasy play, but it’s illegal to kill and eat people in the real world. What a person entertains in the mind, no matter how heinous, is not a crime. Unless thought crime really IS what we seek to punish. How is anyone being harmed by this? I felt the article was well thought out and I thank you for presenting this side of this world.

  13. Chris Senior

    Jan 28th, 2007

    Ever heard of a group called Second Life Children? They put on child avies and do innocent RP like riding skateboards and playing kickball. From the one SLC member I spoke to, it seems like SLCers hate to be called ageplayers because of child sex aspect.

    I don’t blame the innocent kid RPers for wanting to disassociate themselves from Emily Semaphore and her ilk one bit.

    And if the ageplay pedos get their feelings hurt because they’re one of the most hated of SL lifestyles, that’s just too damn bad. Free speech cuts both directions. Deal with it.

  14. Ouchquack

    Jan 28th, 2007

    I hate lazy transcripts of interviews posing as articles. Be a writer! Report! Don’t just trancribe. Anyone can do that.

  15. Petey

    Jan 28th, 2007

    ” Then they say this nasty stuff isn’t as bad as child porn or furry capture play or BDSM.”

    Oh god, Prokofy. You wrote something reasonable and then you had to go and ruin it with this.

  16. Petey

    Jan 28th, 2007

    @another anon:

    The point is the improper normalization of child sexualization, and the misguided notion that it is healing as opposed to harming.

  17. another anon.

    Jan 28th, 2007


    How can you say that it is improper normalization of child sexualization when 1) no actual children are involved, and 2) nowhere in this article does the interviewee claim she is trying to normalize any kind of behavior? It sounds to me like she is just sharing her own experience and those of people she knows.

  18. anon 1

    Jan 28th, 2007

    @ another anon:

    Pedophilia is classified as a mental disorder, e.g. not normal, not supposed to be normal. Showing it as something okay for grown adults to do is presenting it as not a disorder. Consequently, if it’s shown in a way absent of the mental disorder, then it is being shown as “normal”.

    “1) no actual children are involved”

    — ‘child sexualization’ doesn’t have to involve children. It’s a verb describing a sick thought process.

    “2) nowhere in this article does the interviewee claim she is trying to normalize any kind of behavior?”

    — She doesn’t have to claim that she is trying to normalize it; it’s patently obvious when she said, “I don’t think it is harmful”.

    This chick needs professional help, as do all pedophiles. Sexual acts with children is one of the few 100% truly evil deeds in this world. Having people need to act out fantasies of such evils can not possibly be healthy by any stretch of the imagination.

  19. King Frederick

    Jan 29th, 2007

    Just in case you guys thought I was kidding about the gross moral equivocation of Prokofy Neva:

    “Then they say this nasty stuff isn’t as bad as child porn ”

    What stuff?

    1. Making a caricature of Prokofy Neva
    2. Making comical objects that appear to be severed furry heads
    3. Scattering giant penises

    All the same as child pornography. Why? Because they “come from the same place” which is “the desire to hurt others.” Hello, there are lots of reasons people “hurt” others. Not only that, but there is something called scale and proportion. Using that moron-morality you can turn everything into a gray mush where a saturday night live sketch ridiculing the president becomes just as bad as Child pornography because both of those things “hurt” people. The operative term “hurt” being left vague and decontextualized.

    “Most people who do one bad thing try to cast around and find some dog to kick.”

    Because I like to play stupid tricks on people, and make caricatures of people, I have no moral grounds on which to condemn child pornography. It’s all clear now! The reason that I find child pornography sick is because I’m trying to distract myself from my own depravity: Making comical, sophomorphic builds using furry heads.

    How did I sink to such depths? How can I condemn the person who creates and distribtes *child rape pornography* when I myself like to drive around in a car shaped like a banana shooting people with a gun that sprays bugs bunny heads?

    It all comes from the same place. When I shoot you with a gun and those bugs bunny heads bounce of your avatar’s abdomen, my motive is the same as the person who produces pornography depicting 8 year olds being raped for his and his community’s pleasure: The desire to do vaguely negative things to people.

    I can’t believe it, my moral universe is collapsing. I apologize for all the insults that I have ever levied against anyone in these comments or in second life or on Second Citizen. I had no idea when I called you a “dummy” that my comment was in the same spirit as a person who likes to masturbate his penis by fantasizing about a nine-year-old girl getting raped by her father.

    I really, truly, honestly didn’t.

    I didn’t not know when I laughed at a caricature bust of your face that I was channeling the spirit of a thousand pedophile hitlers. I did not know that the desire to pull harmless pranks on pompous, humorless, lifeless golems was powered by the same spirit that drives a man to create images depicting a nine year old boy getting raped in the shower.

    Who could have known? Today, young people, such as myself, simply don’t have the moral clarity.

    And yet, all this time, I was yammering on about how bad child pornography was. The whole time I was criticizing the

    (thousands of images of preteen children getting fucked by older family members)

    in your eye while ignoring the

    (I like to put a furry head with googly eyes on a stick and pretend it’s a severed head)

    in my own eye.

    It came to pass that I happened upon a portrait in my attic. It was a terrible, mottled form, a man. But not just a man. It was my second life avatar. I knew in my heart that it was mutilated by my heinous deeds in an innucous virtual platform on virtual land owned by a morbidly obese old woman who will die alone. As I stare into its dead, cold eyes I am confronted by the debauchery of a Second Lifetime squandered on sinful prims. I remove the knife from my vest pocket and I plunge it into the portrait.

    When they find my body they find a coin. And on that coin is printed these words:

    “They take cut-off furry heads and put them on my lawn. . . they say this nasty stuff isn’t as bad as child porn”

    I am buried by the oak tree.

  20. Another Mind

    Jan 29th, 2007

    To sum up the views of each and every person that condemned this article:

    “OMFG, they’re saying the use of non-living computer data to create a fictional environment where adults can be children and do whatever they want to do is just sick and wrong!”

    The response of those that have not stepped off the deep end, to those condemning this article:

    “WTF is wrong with you? They’re not hurting anyone, leave them be.”

    My response, to both sides:

    Grow the fuck up people. At the end of the day you’re arguing over computer data. The avatars in Second Life, the text on some questionable web page …. It is computer data, not alive and incapable of being harmed.

    The person being interviewed is correct, no child or preteen/teenager that has gotten into the main grid is going to want to go to the sort of place where they’d be acting their own age. That is another argument out the window.

    Finally I’d like to say that if you people spent as much time tracking down the REAL Pedophiles – you know, the ones that go after and abuse/molest REAL living, breathing children? – then perhaps you’d find that the people using this as a means to ‘heal’ would eventually vanish. age play would be back to the normal things you would only hear about second hand as bedroom fun between consenting adults.

  21. Prokofy Neva

    Jan 29th, 2007

    If we had doubts about King Frederick’s absence of moral clarity and his relativization of his own immoral deeds by scrutinizing the immorality of others, that’s all removed now. We can see it here by his sick post which itself manages to indulge in horrendous child pornography on the way to pretending to condemn it; what he is really after is manipulation and power over people. It’s best not to get dragged into any discussino with him.

  22. Return of Anonymous

    Jan 29th, 2007

    I am marveled by the brilliant use of logic that seems to flow from some peoples minds, truly astounded. By the excellent generalizations people seem to draw from one persons experiances. Of course they then proceed to tear down everything that person had the courage to express cause afterall, the cultural jewels of pure unadulturated truth that seem to flow from the minds of the supportive community are just astounding.

    How truly remarkable is the reasoning that what doesnt work for some people musn’t work for everyone. Cause we all know how sound that is, afterall, everyone is the exact same right. Ohhh yeah, thats right, I remember now, people are different, silly me for forgeting. Still, excellent use of generalization, pat yourself on the back for that one.

    Oh yes, lets take a look at the healing metaphor, i love the logic that you reach this stage where your just over it and ready to return to normal….whoever suggested that is truly astute in their understanding of the human mind, you wake up one morning and poof all is forgotten, except things dont work that way, perhaps they do on the same planet where all that dignity, equality, and what not flows freely. Oh yes what a travesty power exchange is, obviously someones never had their girlfriend on top, or probably had a girlfriend at all that they dont regularly apply hand lotion to. Of course this isn’t true people carry their pasts with them, save brilliant people who seem to have developed a four step program for better living. Theres is a difference between finding acceptance through healing and this all better thing some people think seems to happen at some mysterious point. Ofcourse if we’ve developed the means to just cut bits of our personalities out and move on, then by all means pass the magic pills around.

    Lets spare a moment for the poor RL children who’ve gone to the trouble to sneak on to the adult grid….cause after all its our responsibility to watch out for them, after all the parents who have no idea what their children are doing all day have no obligations.
    So, while some sit in front of their computers smiling over their clever use of the word illiberal, their kids are upstairs running around a BDSM dungeon playing lets strap little billy to the butterfly chair, Kudo’s to you then.

    Dear me, with all these deviant run around i dont know how society hasnt collapsed. I’m just glad we have watch dogs to guard against the propaganda from the evil ageplay orginization attempting to portray themselves as the victims, cause thats what they wanted all the time. At the same time, these dogs sit sucking the toes of some strapless pump in their leather recliner, cause no one with a stick so far up their backside can’t have one or two kinks, or they surely would have removed it by now. Cant be comfortable sitting on a moral high horse with something so large stuck in your rectum.

  23. An Insider (the mole)

    Jan 29th, 2007

    Something Awful is just a cove of frustrated griefers whith patetic lives in past, present and future. A groupthink hive of lame BOFH’s not-completely-nerdy cocksuckers, who enjoys twisting and defaming each other secret fetishes behind hypocresy, and pretending it is the extremely cool thing on the intarwebs.

    Indeed, SA is full of closeted pedophiles, furries and homosexuals, who just cannot hate themselves in secret, so they hate each others behind a silly mask of comradeship and testosterone.

    They will make anything at any cost just “for the lulz”, because they need their daily fix or they’ll became “an hero” in their mom’s depresive basement, or next they frigid ugly uncaring wives and ungrateful kids.

    Blame an unhappy childhood, the system, the Illuminatis, the commies. I dont care, they just fail so hard behind all this glorious e-battles they have electronically, exposing the things that not fit their lame and freaky post-modern tastes with agressive puerile humor that promises to stimulates their amigdala at the end of a behaviorist laberynth.

    And in their little maniqueistic minds, they belive they are making good, cleaning the world from the undesirable, the “others” who attempts and risk their way of life. LOL, stop playin the cool smartypants facist, and go back to your gameboy, you’ll have less failure leveling up your pokemon and showing it to your overprotective workaholic parents for more time in the hug box.

    Goons needs to remember that “internet serious busines”, love it or leave it, friggin e-moralists.

    1.- Wake up
    2.- Smell the espresso
    3.- ?????
    4.- Profit

    King Frederick and Petey just needs to “Lurk Moar”, or get laid, more often and with more quality. Alas, that is not probable as you have showed to us among these days.

    I have to confess you guys gave me good lulz in the past with all your flamebaits, but lately, your efforts seems so pathetic, and you are drinking so much your own kool-aid and pee, that “reality check, press button” is the best Protip you’ll have. I pity the fool!

    “Internet, serious busines” second lifers are lame, but you are the meta-joke of ‘em.

    P.S. Thanks for the new lulz, now you are the source of them.

  24. Petey

    Jan 29th, 2007

    I can’t believe you, Prokofy. I honestly cannot believe it when you equivocate sophomoric pranks within a vast irreverent graphic chatroom to the dissemination and propagation of real child pornography.

    I just can’t.

  25. 4channer

    Jan 29th, 2007

    SA is a horrible, horrible irony in that its users started out sarcastically mocking and parodying the inane behavior of freaks and morons on the internet, but that mockery became a culture, and the original actions that were once sarcastic began being repeated in earnest as part of a group identity. Essentially, they’ve become an incredibly distilled version of what they used to mock just due to this behavior becoming reinforced: insular, cliquish freaks full of jargon-laden catchphrases in an environment where flailing idiocy is rewarded.

    I mean, don’t get me wrong, 4chan is a fucking cesspool too, but the anonymity means you won’t be banned on sight just for not talking like a complete crayon-eater. And at least 4chan is genuine and acknowledges its depravity rather than the bizarre puritanical hypocrasy at SA.

    Oh, also, they all pretend anime is disgusting and perverted and they only watch the good plot ones of course but they fast forward past that HORRIBLE fanservice and it’s so pedophilic ugh. Meanwhile they all have Haruhi avatars. They’re worse than Fred Gallagher, bunch of sex-starved Victorian faggots in denial.

    tl;dr to put it in their terms they’re all creepy as hell

  26. 4channer again

    Jan 29th, 2007

    Yes, but my point is that they all go OH MAN THIS ANIME FANSERVICE IS SO TERRIBLE UGH GOOD THING I’M NOT INTERESTED IN *SEX* THAT WOULD BE CREEPY, while at the same time being totally into Haruhi and a bunch of other series that are totally fanservice laden. Same with ageplay and furries.

  27. Petey

    Jan 29th, 2007


    I am happy to say I have only once been in the Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse and that was by mistake.

    Yeah, SA may not be the pinnacle of originality and may sometimes be hypocritical.

    At the same time, I’m not an ageplaying furry animefreak, so if you don’t mind I’ll continue to be critical of certain aspects of SL without being a hypocritical puritanical Victorian faggot.

  28. Grammar time

    Jan 29th, 2007

    Dear Mole, you’re fairly good at writing and it is only with positive intent that I say use a spellchecker because it will let your words come through as truly intended.

  29. IMHPO

    Jan 29th, 2007

    This dichotomy sucks. I go to 4chan when I’m drunk and want to troll/be a fucking moron. I go to SA when I want to have discussion with out a bunch or weaboos or emos injecting their idiotic opinion into the fray, I go to Y T M N D when I want to show off my graphic art skills. And I go to F A R K to hear political opinions with out all the extraneous community bull shit. Fuck this faction bull shit, we overlap, and we out number you. Shut up with this faction shit!

    BTW, WTF With this:

    “I’ll continue to be critical of certain aspects of SL without being a hypocritical puritanical Victorian faggot.”

    Petey, at least… rent a life… In real world… dont be like me…

  30. Anon

    Jan 29th, 2007

    Well Petey, I have read your post in the that forum, and the texts of the SL safari…

    And I think you are pretty representative of the SA guy depicted here. Not matter what you say…

    I dont want to even mention King Frederick, that is more obvious.

  31. 4channer again

    Jan 29th, 2007

    The problem is, as stated, that SA is pretty much full of hypocritical morons who are on the whole more idiotic than the average 4chan user and just like to act like they’re “just pretending”.

  32. aNON

    Jan 29th, 2007

    @4channer again

    Not only “just pretending”, but doing it and then taking pictures of it for posting them on the internet as a proof that they are innocent, pretending they are being critical to lifestyles, playing the internet’s undercover agent, enjoying it while in the closet and outside it, before making the operation public and after it, when the flamewar is heated, with all the communal reinforced psycophant trolls dancing in the forums, licking the hand of the reverenciated “content creator”, who in charge licks “lowtax” hand in gratitude for such life-fullfilling position. Oh! Such happiness is not for mere mortals…

    And if they claim they didn’t do it directly, then probably they were even more closeted and coward to only befriend the ppl who does the dirty work, and even thanks them and gives them credit, then uses the media collected by those lowest individuals, that accumulates inside photobucket and youtube accounts, that if you ask me, are full of really twisted freaky stuff that is in “their interests”.

    And for what? Well, just for increasing internet fame and profit, while still being legal, feeling themselves morally unreproachable and awesome. A truly Champions of Teh Intarwebs. (Capitalized)

    Such magnificent persons deserve the world and no less.

    What? Hypocrisy you say? well…

    That is indeed, not hypocrisy. But who will belive me? Im such a cynical person.

    And cynicism is not a good trait, and is worst when mixed with hypocrisy. Only dumber trolls will admire me for being such an awesome guy, until they’ll stab me in the back and sell me for some easy lulz.

    Will I really became appreciated by anyone? Poor little me. *sighs and pouts*

    Then, farewell my friends, and best wishes! And do good always, for is kinda easy for me! :D

  33. LOL SA

    Jan 29th, 2007

    SA is like fucking Victorian England, all they do is make horrified shocked gasps at stuff they find on the internet or in anime as if they were TOTALLY UNAWARE such stuff existed, give themselves pats on the back for being clearly above it all, and then secretly beat off to it. No exceptions.

  34. other4channer

    Jan 29th, 2007

    SA used to be cool, but now it’s about acting shocked whenever something disturbing comes up.
    Most of the time SA is ego stroking of reterded people trying to suck up to the mods.

  35. 10bux

    Jan 29th, 2007

    The SA fags are competing to see who would suck Lowtax ass most toroughly.

    Each week they provide him with free content for his shitty fag-ridden website.

    No wait! not only do they provide free content but they actually pay for the honor to do so.

    got 10bux?

  36. King Frederick

    Jan 29th, 2007

    “Grow the fuck up people. At the end of the day you’re arguing over computer data.”

    Oh, I thought we were arguing over child pornography, but okay.

    “no child or preteen/teenager that has gotten into the main grid is going to want to go to the sort of place where they’d be acting their own age.”

    That’s not relevent. It doesn’t matter if no child is participating in the creation and production of pornography that sexualizes preteens. That’s a red herring used by pedoplayers who should not be producing pornography depicting the rape of children in the first place.

    “Last time I checked, it was not illegal to be a pedophile.”

    Last time I checked it was legal to be a neo-nazi or a member of the KKK. What would be the Linden reaction if 3,000 Neo Nazis and members of the KKK set up shop in Second Life and started distributing their material? I seriously doubt you people would be using this same kind of rhetoric nor appealing to the lofty value of free speech to justify their presence in Second Life.

    “if you people spent as much time tracking down the REAL Pedophiles”

    In case you didn’t read the dictionary, anyone who is sexually attracted to children IS a real pedophile. And should be seeking help. Would you let a pedophile ageplayer babysit your preteen children if you knew they spent the last 3 years masturbating themselves to fantasies of raping preteen children?

    Prokofy Neva: “We can see it here by his sick post which itself manages to indulge in horrendous child pornography”

    My post INDULGES CHILD PORNOGRAPHY? My post making fun of your idiotic conflation of child pornography with silly, vulgar pranks, was ITSELF child pornography? Hahahaha, you really are completely batshit insane, you know that?

    “By the excellent generalizations people seem to draw from one persons experiances. Of course they then proceed to tear down everything that person had the courage to express”

    I love living a lifestyle of child pornogrpahy and producing child pornogrpahy for myself and other people to participate in. Don’t tear me down because I have the courage to live this way!

    “Lets spare a moment for the poor RL children who’ve gone to the trouble to sneak on to the adult grid….”

    Let’s spare a moment for the poor RL children who have to come in contact with librarians who spend their lives sexualizing children.

    “A groupthink hive of lame BOFH’s not-completely-nerdy cocksuckers, who enjoys twisting and defaming each other secret fetishes”

    Hello new ironic BYOB title

    “King Frederick and Petey just needs to “Lurk Moar”, or get laid, more often and with more quality. Alas, that is not probable as you have showed to us among these days.”

    Shoop da whoop im chargin my irony

    “hey were even more closeted and coward to only befriend the ppl who does the dirty work”

    wah wah wah Someone from somethingawful took a screenshot of me getting a blowjob from a tiger in a diaper.

    “cynicism is not a good trait”

    Cynicism is a WONDERFUL trait when its directed at the shit we’re talking about in this “thread.” The fact that people have to resort to some kind of convoluted, trite “4chan rulz!! SA sucks!” ad hom attack not only requires cynicism towards people trying to justify child pornogrpahy — it demands it. But to morally confused morons who can’t tell the difference between vulgar, sophomorphic pranks and _child pornography_ I can see why this could confuse some.

    “SA is like fucking Victorian England, all they do is make horrified shocked gasps”

    Yeah, horrified shocked gasps with monocles falling to the ground like a rain of glass discs — from our penis tower.

    Because if you like sophomoric jokes you certainly can’t object to images of children being raped, nor with the presence of thousands of pedophiles living next door!

    “give themselves pats on the back for being clearly above it all”

    I hope that one day everyone can pat themselves on the back for being above child pornography. I mean, the conflation of child pornography with pranks and harmless, vulgar fun is really idiotic.

    “Most of the time SA is ego stroking of reterded people trying to suck up to the mods… The SA fags are competing to see who would suck Lowtax ass most toroughly.”

    :argh: Ozma banned me for posting untagged spoilers and now I’m going to submit my rage to the Internet, I dont need this shit Im going to bitch endlessly about it whenever I have the opportunity, fuck da mods :argh:

    I guess these morons didn’t see the 4chan memes in the SLS videos. Because 4channers play with SAers all the time. Rumor has it some 4channers are able to see the difference between joking about killing furries and _child pornography_ as well.

    gb2 7chan

  37. King Frederick

    Jan 29th, 2007

    Just so its not lost in the response to the 4chan FORUM DEFENSE SQUAD:

    Prokofy Neva: “We can see it here by his sick post which itself manages to indulge in horrendous child pornography”

    My post INDULGES CHILD PORNOGRAPHY? My post making fun of your idiotic conflation of child pornography with silly, vulgar pranks, was ITSELF child pornography? Hahahaha, you really are completely batshit insane, you know that?

  38. King Frederic fan

    Jan 29th, 2007

    Por king frederick, needs a pacifier, he is such a lulz cow!

  39. CAPS

    Jan 29th, 2007

    “Petey here lowtax listen:

    my dad is one of eight and i have a huge family

    im always around kids and i teach at little kids camps in the summer etc

    so i have a pretty high tolerance for cute kids

    but when i saw the video of your daughter laughing and laughing and then taking a big dump on your lap on your wifes site, i lost it

    its like all this time the only thing needed to create the cutest baby in the world has been a magical union between an asian women and an internet person and you guys just did it

    congrats man


    –the internet”


  40. Prokofy Neva

    Jan 29th, 2007

    You taking notes still, Uri? I think these posts are all written by the same person. Apparently 4chan is some kind of spin off from SA/W-hat/v-5 whatever, or a splinter group, and they feign having faction fights, each competing to be more gross. Just a technique.

  41. nevar 4get

    Jan 29th, 2007

    I dont know what’s going on here, but for what I have read, maybe these 2 SA guys needs an Enciclopaedia dramatica entry to catalog all the lulz as internet’s most serious pedo hunters, maybe they’ll deserve working for the federal bureau of party van, hehe

    but Im to lazy, damn…

    btw, as far as i know, real /b/tards does not tolerate even SA, so stfu.

    4chaners, 7chaners, 12chaners, you name it, we are legion. we have even raided guys from tom green to that white supremacist nigra-lynch monger hal turner, and defeated all his skinheadz and used them as lulz cows.

    So your silly Second safari whatever is just creative amateurish stuff at griefing…

    So, dont fuck with anonymous, because anonymous nev4r 4get.

  42. King Frederick

    Jan 29th, 2007

    “4chaners, 7chaners, 12chaners, you name it, we are legion.”

    Jesus Christ you people make me embarrased to use even be assosciated with you by virtue of the fact that we both use the Internet.

    P.S. I am the one who created the Mario Moshpit and the Zombie bomb. And I think you’re a moron. So feel free to use the creation of someone who thinks you’re an unfunny moron.

  43. King Frederick

    Jan 29th, 2007

    Oh, and by the way, the reason they are posting here is because “channers” (not all of them) are notorious for not only tolerating child pornography but posting it on their forums.

    Here is what I’m talking about, These URLs contain shitty, poorly drawn children getting raped:

    “4chaners, 7chaners, 12chaners, you name it”

    Xchan: Too Shitty to Create Our Own Jokes

  44. King Frederick

    Jan 29th, 2007

    “they feign having faction fights, each competing to be more gross. Just a technique.”

    You’re simply uninformed and ignorant. These “chan” types (not all of them, again) hang out on free image boards and hold a resentment towards somethingawful – the place where they ninety percent of their jokes and material – for God knows whatever reason. Their idea of an “invasion” is to just spam a bunch of particles and release a self-replicating bomb. But they’re too pig-ignorant to make their own stuff, so most of the time their bombs don’t even work.

    I remember one time one of them happily announced “This Sim is now Over. LOL!” and released a replication bomb. Which lagged the sim a few FPS before the bomb was returned. They then sat around awkwardly while they were banned one by one. MISSION SUCCESS GUYS, LULz!

    They’re so fucking stupid that until recently they planned their “invasions” on a public forum:

  45. Prokofy Neva

    Jan 29th, 2007

    I’m not the one who equivocates child pornography with anything. I don’t rate these things on scales, I don’t equivocate them, I don’t try to assign a value to which thing in the SL hell is worse and why because no matter what I said, it would somehow never be enough for those in W-hat. We don’t have child pornography in SL; we have sick adults who dress up as children and emulate child pornography, which as gross and immoral as it is, is something the Lindens themselves have decided isn’t the same as illegal child pornography. That’s sad, but that’s the law of the land. I can *hardly* justify child pornography, or its cunning emulated SL edition, but that’s just what W-hat does, trying to drive people into corners with their depraved rhetoric.

    Why? Because *they* are the ones trying to say their antics are not as bad as child pornography, not me. I haven’t said anything remotely of the kind. Nowhere do I say “child pornograph is as bad as w-hat”. or “W-hat is the same as child pornography.”

    No. I said something different, which these cunning assholes try to foist off as something else. I said, “W-hat says they’re not as bad as child pornography”. That’s what indeed they do say. And that’s not hard to do, eh? Because what could be as awful as child pornography?

    And they’re the ones who play this manipulative, power-hungry game as a way of trying to confuse and throw people off balance, and try to distract from their own crimes. They cast around for the one really awful thing in SL, they grab on that and talk about it more than any sane or decent person ever should, committing the gross act of the thing itself in the process, then they wind up the pitch and say, “See, we’re not as bad as THAT”. And bludgeoned to death that way, the gullible public goes along with hit.

    It’s merely a grand exercise in moral depravity, in minimizing the criminal, and rationalizing the malicious. If they find something that is truly worse than their antics, they’re happy and actually need that thing to go on existing so they can always point to it and say, oh, but that’s notus. They try to whitewash themselves next to that awful thing.

  46. King Frederick

    Jan 29th, 2007

    “I’m not the one who equivocates child pornography with anything.”

    “defaces my RL pictures and puts them out as giant busts inworld and disgraces them; they take cut-off furry heads and put them on my lawn; they scatter giant penises around on me and my tenants, and many ugly and vicious things. Then they say that they’re just trying to get me and others “aware” that this is “only a game” (while what’s clear about this most of all is that they found a really evil little fun game THEY enjoy playing for long hours, griefing others). Then they say this nasty stuff isn’t as bad as child porn”


    “Then they say this nasty stuff isn’t as bad as child porn”

  47. Another Mind

    Jan 29th, 2007

    @ King Frederick: I hate to be the one to break this to you, but your arguments have been over age play in a virtual environment and have been equating this to the real thing. It is not the real thing.

    I would allow anyone that can tell the difference between fantasy and reality, data and life, to watch over just about anyone simply by virtue of their apparent ability to know that what they see on a computer screen – provided it is not in the form of pictures of real children – is not real.

    I condemn real child pornography, not the use of a virtual representation of such, nor the cartoonish/anime style drawings commonly seen on the more well known sites (the sort that pop up when you head to some sites without a pop up blocker).

    That said, I would never allow some radical with no observable ability to separate such fantasy from reality. Let me be quite clear here as to what I define as a Pedophile: A person who engages in sexual activity with a real child.

    By your own definition the fantasies some married couples conduct behind closed doors would be considered Pedophilia. After all, there are married couples that like to play the bad school girl/teacher type thing, or daddy’s little girl. I personally see no difference between that sort of thing and the use of a virtual environment to do the same thing – after all, it’s not their wife the husband is seeing when they’re engaged in such play. Perhaps it is, but it would be a much younger version now wouldn’t it?

    In the future please attempt to base your retorts on the subject matter at hand and not on real life issues: that was not the initial intent of this topic nor does it have any bearing whatsoever on the use of a virtual medium to create such things. I would much rather have the real criminals restricted to some place on the internet where the only ‘action’ they get is the sort in a fantasy: however that will never happen as the majority of them prefer the real thing over some virtual representation.

    In short: Please have all of your facts, statistics and other data in line and ready to be presented should you decide to make an attempt to disprove or attack my response to your obviously emotional responses attacking anyone that deigns to tell you the difference between the real thing and some make believe world.

  48. saddened at the lack

    Jan 29th, 2007

    So much fighting, my babies! So much strife! Do you not see? You’re all on the same side! Yaay!


    Go outside, fatty.

  49. Anon

    Jan 29th, 2007


    Seriously, don’t you people feel the tiniest bit of shame about making delcarations about things that have nothing to do with you?

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