Allison Ersetu – Post 6 Grrrl

by Pixeleen Mistral on 16/02/07 at 11:31 pm

[Editrix’s note: Allison Ersetu is our erotic and erudite favorite this week. Allison is Marilyn Murphy's latest discovery - and Marilyn is - as always - the photographer/visionary behind Players, SL’s in-world erotica magazine. After our readers learn more about Allison I am sure they will want to seek Solace - I know that I'm now interested in studying both Anthropology and Allison.]


I got started in SL when a friend asked me to help out with a building project, and having studied architecture for a while in school, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to use some of the skills I learned and hadn’t used since. The project came off well, and I became interested in the relationships people – including myself – were forming in SL. The concept of a virtual world was new to me at that point, and the idea of relationships being forged in one was still novel.

I study Anthropology now, so spending a few hours a night in world didn’t seem too at odds with my schooling. I should say that I wasn’t studying these relationships per se, but actually just participating in them, and generally enjoying myself. I found that SL was a great way to explore aspects of my sexuality that I couldn’t in real life on account of pesky little things like good taste and discretion and reputation. SL seemed to free me from those constraints and as a result, my sexual horizons were broadened considerably. What fun.


I still build when the mood strikes me, and help out with various projects my friends are undertaking. Currently I’m helping a guy named Aeolus get a new coffee house off the ground. It’s called Solace, and I think it has promise of being a interesting place for people to convene and talk. When I first explored the grid, I was unpleasantly surprised at the number of huge loud crazy spaces completely devoid of people. My favorite places I’ve seen in SL have been small and quiet, with the guarantee that someone will be there when you want some company. My SL self isn’t so different from my real life one after all.


So basically, I’d love it if any of you dropped me a line sometime, I’m always up for a cup of coffee and a chat. I’m usually up for other types of things as well, which in the name of modesty (yes, modesty, said the girl posing nude) I will leave unnamed. Have fun.

2 Responses to “Allison Ersetu – Post 6 Grrrl”

  1. Girl8

    Feb 19th, 2007

    Very beautiful, Allison. This makes me wonder why you feign modesty when I see you. At any rate, I really enjoyed your post.

  2. archie lukas

    Feb 22nd, 2007

    Lovely girl
    a wonder to behold and thanks for sharing your self with us

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