Cole DeSantis – Post 6 Man
by Pixeleen Mistral on 02/03/07 at 7:26 pm
[This week we have a super special treat - our Post 6 Man is Cole DeSantis - a proud figure in Second Life, as photographed by my dear friend - Marilyn Murphy - the photographer/visionary behind Players, SL’s in-world erotica magazine. Cole definately raises the bar on what is possible for the men of SL - as you'll see below. - the Editrix]
I am Cole DeSantis, and I am a proud man. At the moment, I am proud to be a Post 6 Man. Searching through back issues of the Herald, I see only beautiful and intelligent women, plus the well respected man of Eros, and it is a great honor to join their ranks. I am also proud to know Marilyn Murphy and her friend Jaime Wheeler, who hung out during my photo shoot. Who wouldn’t want to get naked in front of those two beauties?
It has been my good fortune to develop a Second Life much like my First Life, except that I am smart enough to embellish my good traits and minimize my less desirable ones. I own a RL construction company in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States, and I am also a fit African-American. So while my avatar has developed into a muscular black guy, my natural entrepreneurial spirit evolved into SL business ventures. From hobbies like writing and photography to contracts for consulting, management, and security in the SL entertainment industries, I have found a great balance between responsibility and fun in this virtual world. I always try to leave some time for RP, combat, and girls. I am a red-blooded man, after all.
I have all kinds of theories about Second Life’s inhabitants, and stories about my favorite moments and people in SL. For your benefit, I’ll save that shit for editors to hide deep in their obscure publications. If you want to chat, though, just send me an IM. In truth, I prefer to listen to other people’s stories, so maybe we can trade a few. Granted, I have my irritable moments, but I am generally a very receptive, polite and respectful man. I am proud of that.
Mar 2nd, 2007
I think he bought my RL Body Double.
Felicia dagger
Mar 2nd, 2007
OMG! As if the Post 6 Grrls weren’t enough to make me, um, excited, lol. I wish I had been there to “hang out” at that photo shoot! Cole you’re the hottest avie I have seen in SL
Mar 2nd, 2007
Wewt! Wewt! Brother Man Cole! Wewt! Wewt!
Xianna Deledda
Mar 2nd, 2007
Aaaah….Cole DeSantis…one of my favorite SL activities. He truly is a fine man in body and spirit – and when I say “fine”, I mean, smokin’ hot. *wink*
Great choice Ms. Marilyn Murphy! You’ve gained a fan!
Maria LaVeaux
Mar 2nd, 2007
Sorry chere,, even if i Wasn’t a Lesbian,, Ick.
I never could abide Greasy Muscle specimens.
Myrrh Massiel
Mar 2nd, 2007
…wowsa – i normally skip right past the post six entries, but cole’s avatar is t3h shiny!..
Jaime Wheeler
Mar 2nd, 2007
Oh Maria, this man is no greasy muscle specimen…
The best thing about Cole is that he’s even smarter than he is kind, and he’s even kinder than he is good lookin’. And we can all see that he’s VERY good looking.
Thanks Cole, and save me a spot in your next photo shoot!
Clarrice Cinquetti
Mar 3rd, 2007
Nice Pecs, I mean Pics ;D
Thanks Herald for listening to the Women who wanted to see some guys
Mailee Manga
Mar 3rd, 2007
As I told you, you are on your way to become one of the most famous people in SL and I hope you will be
You are wonderfull!
Cole DeSantis
Mar 3rd, 2007
Wow, I appreciate all the comments! Let’s see… 1) Urizenas, your royalty checks are in the mail, man. 2) Felicia, hah, thanks
You can come to any future shoots 3) Noto, shuttup Bro, lmao 4) Xianna, you flirt, YOU are the smokin’ demon 5) Thanks for checking me out, at least, Maria 6) Cole smiles at Myrrh, showing his shiny teeth 7) Jaime, that is such a great post, thank you!
Glad you are pleased, Clarrice, and I am thankful to the Herald and Marilyn, myself 9) Mailee, you are wonderful too
But I think you’d make a better famous person than I would, lol
Cole DeSantis
Mar 3rd, 2007
BTW, we ended up doing two photo shoots, and Marilyn’s guest at the second one was SarahLouise, who is entirely too lovely not to get an appreciative comment from me. It was too late to get her in my Bio, so here’s a post to say “Thanks for the shoot support, SarahLouise”
Tenshi Vielle
Mar 3rd, 2007
While I’m sure this man is a fine hunk of meat and a very nice person, the whole “photo-based skin” bugs the hell out of me. It’s scary to me, really. I don’t like that crossover.
turd inspector
Mar 3rd, 2007
why does his dick look like a burnt turd? and that skin is just.. well… scary.
Mar 4th, 2007
One word: SLURP!!!
GREAT shoot Cole! Great Pics!! Great Guy
Mar 4th, 2007
Great work on the avie, it’s very realistic. It shame muscle marys do nothing for me
Jolie May
Mar 4th, 2007
As a former P6G I am extremely excited (LOL) to see a PSM…..:D.
You look fantastic!
Amazing, if you fancy dropping me an IM in world I’d be honoured…:D.
Cole DeSantis
Mar 4th, 2007
Thanks for continuing to post comments! I will try to respond to everyone, so here goes. 11) Tenshi, I never aspired to having a photorealistic skin until I attended a recent modeling competition. I was so much more impressed by the ladies who had made every effort to look their best that I decided to, well, “make that crossover” to the more realistic skin. Once you leave that newb skin behind, why should you stop getting better? 12) Quit talking shit, turd. 13) Thanks Brace! I visited your blog, and hey, you do much more valuable stuff than I do. It seems I am impressed by another beautiful lady! 14) LOL bubbles, I have never been called a Muscle Mary before, but I appreciate the avie compliment. 15) Thanks for the enthusiasm, Jolie! Watch for that IM, I would definitely like to meet you
Ava Fleming
Mar 6th, 2007
Cole…welcome to the ranks!!! This was a HOT idea, getting some Post 6 guys into the pages. I think it’s gonna be hard for the other guys to live up to your pics. Mine are somewhere in the archives…look me up! Great job!!!
uncanny vielle
Mar 6th, 2007
oo…nice set of man boobies ya got thar ya big pillow biter!
What say we meet behind the shed for some dirt track racing big guy?
Cole DeSantis
Mar 9th, 2007
Well, its ben a great week, and in a few hours I am an archive, but thanks again to the Herald and Marilyn Murphy. We’ll round out the comment responses, though… 16) Thanks Ava! I didn’t start nearly so much controvery by looking good (as you did a year or so ago)… but look how you were such a trendsetter! I’m sure you’re just as lovely and cutting edge now as you were then. 17) Hah, thanks, uncanny, but last time I went behind a shed with a girl her boyfriend caught us… wait… you’re not a girl, are you?