Aurel Miles – Post 6 Grrrl
by Pixeleen Mistral on 13/04/07 at 9:14 am
[Editrix’s note: Aurel Miles has been taking some time away from her writing to work on a super curvey look that swept the judges at the Post 6 Grrrl pageant off their feet. Marilyn Murphy - the visionary, photographer, and publisher of Players - SL’s in-world erotica magazine - captured this special girl and her special look in this week’s Post 6 Grrrl feature. Enjoy the pictures - and look forward to some writing from Aurel in the near future. ]
The night before I was chosen for this shoot, a friend and I were talking about our avatars and how we had customized their appearance. I joked that some of the skins made my derriere drop right off. It has to be rebuilt afterwards, this body doesn’t match the ideal so I had to customize her myself.
My avatar has real curves, she was built to look like me, she’s not a stick figure and I’m proud of that. Of course, in real life I’d never dress like this but that’s the beauty of second life – post-apocalyptic cowgirl one day, Miss Moneypenny the next.
I’m really pleased to be a Post Sixxx Grrl because in second life it’s all about your imagination and your willingness to express yourself, even in a beauty pageant here; it really is what’s inside that counts..
In real life I’m a writer and graduate student of communications. Second life is a fascinating place for someone in my field to meet people from all over the world and to watch the development of new media.
Here, everything you see and touch represents how a real person thinks about the world. You can literally walk through someone’s mind. It’s all art and I find that very intriguing.
Exploring the world has been the most fun for me so far. I’ve seen dozens of different places and have barely scratched the surface. I particularly enjoyed Svarga, Seacliffe and
Info Island. Already I’ve seen so many new and exciting galleries, I’ve lost count.
When I’m not playing Sky Captain of the Betasphere(!) or visiting friends at their builds, I like to hang out at Cafe Trivia, it’s like a second home.
Thanks to everyone at the Herald and to Marilyn and SarahLouise in particular for answering my many questions and making the shoot as much fun as it could be.
Ryker Beck
Apr 13th, 2007
I think the Beauty Pageant is an incredibly innovative idea, and the first I’ve seen so far in Second Life. I hear there will be one this afternoon, that I plan on participating in if I can. Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention!
dandellion Kimban
Apr 13th, 2007
I just wander why all the snapshots (hard to call them photos) of post6 grrrrrrrls are the same? One face shot, one with boobs and one from above.
General Cronon
Apr 13th, 2007
I was thinking the same thing, I mean I’m glad that you are not a suck and honest like me. She looks the same as all the other girls and her essay writing style seems the same. I mean very questionable.
Apr 13th, 2007
She is a cutie.
It’s great to see another art lover here too! However, it may very well be my screen – but I only noticed it with these pictures. The brightness/contrast or saturation seems a little high to me. I am a fan of bright colors, but I also like subdued colors as well. That might be fun to experiment with in the future.
I’m a bit confused by the amounts of negative feedback left, without any advice or suggestions for improvement. In any case, just know that there are still people who appreciate the effort Marilyn and others put into this.
~Rosabelle Vieria
dandellion Kimban
Apr 13th, 2007
“I’m a bit confused by the amounts of negative feedback left, without any advice or suggestions for improvement.”
get a new photographer;
do some journalist job and make an interview with the girls. Don’t make them write their own stuff because they all do the same text (which is not their mistake, partially).
marilyn murphy
Apr 13th, 2007
get another photographer: tried it. didn’t work. twice.
have the girls fill out a questionaire:
so u really want them to answer questioins about what their favorite actor/book/club/sex position/etc.. is?
Apr 13th, 2007
Aurel, I love how the shoot came out! It was great fun watching you at the pageant.
Congrats, you’re a wonderful Post 6 Girl!!
Please don’t pay any attention to people who continue their broken record comments acting surprised at things that are common knowledge, or simply making up BS to bring you down. You did great and had a GREAT attitude throughout the contest.
“She looks the same as all the other girls and her essay writing style seems the same. I mean very questionable.”
Kaizer Soeze did it :O
dandellion Kimban
Apr 13th, 2007
just for the record:
None of my previous comments had anything against Aurel.
I just noted that photos could and should be better. That remark could appear after any of Post6 articles. My apologies if anybody got it wrong.
marilyn murphy
Apr 14th, 2007
well, dandellion, contact me in world. demonstrate your fantastic photographic skills. if all you are is a photoshop junkie forget about it. but if you are genuinely genius in your abilities we will have you do some post sixx.
*this has always resulted in laughably bad results or nobody shows up.
General Cronon
Apr 14th, 2007
I wasn’t saying the woman in the pictures was bad, but the photos look the similiar if not 98% the same as all the other ones….booies then face shot. Honestly, that doesn’t always turn I man like me on(seeing i have a huge imagination).
Try to not be nude for once, no fake essays. I mean “You know I have been doing very well in my time in second life. I met nice people(I mean I met weirdos on the way, if i was on at some point)went the great parties and dance my buttie off.
I want to thank blah blah blah, for this opportunity to pose nude and get weird ims”
All I am saying is for suggestions: Think of something knew reality show for the girls, try not to be playboy learn to tease lol>
Apr 14th, 2007
I’m sick of Secondlife, and the herald – there isnt nearly enough banal, half assed griefing going on. Dont you people know how to make crappy comments that really mean nothing and are totally nothing to do with the article you’re commenting on? Gosh, watch some more daytime tv, for gods sake…
Prokofy Neva
Apr 14th, 2007
I thought this shoot and the essay was perfectly fine. It seemed to be more innovative than most and even more curvy than most. It’s mean-spirited to attack people who have put themselves out here like that.
My only beef is the top-down shot here makes this avatar look like she is crippled or deformed, due to the odd angles of the arms and such. Not always the most flattering angle. Still, I can forgive even that : )
marilyn murphy
Apr 14th, 2007
ty prok, now thats an honest and good observation. i wasnt having my best moment on that one i can see. actually when i was working on it i was dwelling on the eyes and didn’t care for them much in it.
the model is curvier than most and wrote a truly different piece. of course the kids just want to tear someone down, facts be damned.
dandellion Kimban
Apr 14th, 2007
Don’t be so touchy. “Kids” were benevolent. Don’t be personally offensed just because of one remark. I probably was out of the rhythm and tact but you are really overreacting.
Uma Troell
Apr 15th, 2007
I think Aurel looks visually beautiful in her pics and sounds like she has equal inner beauty from reading her bio. It’s not easy to open yourself up to such scrutiny and I give all girls who are confident and poised enough to do it a vigorous…”You go grrrl!”
Apr 16th, 2007
Same thing, different av. Where exactly is the creativity that is in SL?
marilyn murphy
Apr 16th, 2007
obviously just between your ears. you are the last word on what is good and right in the world.
Apr 17th, 2007
Miss Murphy I am a amateur photo bug in SL and if you ever require snapshot services I’d be more than happy to help. I have done one shoot with one of your fabulous Post 6 Grrrls, Jolie May. Those photos and other examples are on my SLProfiles page if you’d care to have a look. As for references ask Jolie hehe we had a great time. I like to take pics using my own backgrounds or in different places in SL. I aslo have a portfolio I can send you inworld that cycles through some of my work. Please let me know if you need any assistance.
marilyn murphy
Apr 17th, 2007
berfie. how sweet of you. let me explain something to you.
unlike some here, i really don’t feel qualified to judge others work. most people make photographs that are not what i would do with the model. i attribute this to just personal taste and style, not that mine are better or theirs is better, better is to subjective and who am i to say? i have been fortunate to have made my living in sl based on what i do. i have been doing it for a long time.
when people started heavily photoshopping pictures i felt inadequate and like i had fallen behind in the technology and would become just old hat.
however, it turns out that well lighted pictures that show avatar detail are still useable and appreciated by many.
berfie, i can’t do anything with your portfolio. in this area/business/hobby/undertaking everyone in sl has a camera and what you do to stand out and make it something special is what your style is.
i wish you all the luck in the world. please remember tastes vary. do what suits your taste. if its not popular, thats ok. if it pleases you is what counts.
Apr 17th, 2007
Oh I understand completely ma’am. I enjoy your work and just thought I’d offer to help. Keep up the good work.
Apr 17th, 2007
Oh I understand completely ma’am. I enjoy your work and just thought I’d offer to help. Keep up the good work.
yvette tzara
May 24th, 2007
i dunno. i like aurel. i think she is cute. and if you don’t like it, you know where to find me – in sl that is.