Oops! There Goes the Pr0n too…and the Lindens Observe the Holidays

by prokofy on 06/04/07 at 5:13 pm


By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Community Affairs

OK, so your favourite casino and dance-pad house had to close down over the Feds bustin’ in. Alright, so that ageplay club you once sampled has had to close because of Chadrick Linden carding them. So your teleporter isn’t working. And geez, with the grid messed up again, now you can’t even sell your land or cash out your Lindens you were gonna cash out before some G-man figures out before April 15 that they come from ill-gotten casino wins and even prostitution. That’s ok. They can take away all of that. Because…

…You still got your sim-sweetie and your cuddle poses and you can still hunker down over the long weekend and watch your pr0n…right? Right???!!!! You mean…that’s gone too???

All over SL, TV screens are going dark. Why? Because some of them have stopped working for various reasons. Why is that? Was it a Linden patch? Not particularly, although that always affects something. It’s because Second Life only takes Quicktime, and only Quicktime 7.0 or the latest version — and doesn’t accept movies in Shockwave. A supplier of free or sample adult movies who used to provide their URLs to work in Quicktime switched to Shockwave — and disrupted the business of Dione Jacques of JZ and others dependent on those URLs for their products in SL. So whose TVs still work?

By trial and error, I discovered that @home TV, created by nightlife Overlord, still works, evidently because he either bought the rights to URLs or has *other* URLs still available — and I could confirm from tenants that his TV is working, although I have to say my personal copy on group land in the hotel *wasn’t* working — and who knows why? Commands to these things often just lag out, even when you have the group tag on, and are doing all the right stuff with a deeded TV.

I was going to research other TVs for our readers, but…search people isn’t working. Wait, I’ll use my tried-and-true method of finding somebody’s object or their land and search that way to get their avatar to pull up but…SEARCH PLACES is busted.

Hmm…well there’s always Classifieds! When all else fails, the Lindens usually keep *that* working because it’s paid for — have you noticed how ads there now since the advent of big competing corporations have skyrocketed in price, and are now in the six figures, i.e. US $300-400 instead of US $50-100 for the top slots?

But…even that’s not working. Stacey Sugar, owner of the Barbie Club, has an adult DVD service that contains content that she has the rights to, and is supposed to work, although I understand she has given out notices about Quicktime issues as well.


Oh, wait. I think the Lindens are observing the holidays and making sure nothing works! Devout Christians don’t even speak from the hours of 1-3:00 pm when Our Lord was suffering and dying on the Cross. Earlier this week, devout Jews began to celebrate Passover, and the Orthodox would not so much as turn on a light. If you’re in Central Asia, celebrating Novruz, you might light a fire but remain at home with your friends and family and not do business or go to the marketplace.

“All these people logging into SL to avoid their families is having tragically counterproductive effects,” said Ordinal Malaprop, who reported that she was able to do very little in SL and hadn’t even bothered to try to teleport with more than 34,000 logged on this afternoon.

13 Responses to “Oops! There Goes the Pr0n too…and the Lindens Observe the Holidays”

  1. Lewis Nerd

    Apr 6th, 2007

    The only religion that Linden Lab seem to follow is constant worship of the almighty Ballzup.


  2. Nacon

    Apr 6th, 2007

    Wait… You’re writing this because you were trying to watch porn in the first place?

  3. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 6th, 2007

    Um, Nacon I’m trying to help my tenants get their TVs working. And you are a dick, and never worth responding to P: )

  4. Tenshi Vielle

    Apr 6th, 2007

    Um, Prokofy… you just did.

  5. Kahni Poitier

    Apr 6th, 2007

    Looks like it’s about time to sell everything, cash out and quit.

  6. TV Watcher

    Apr 6th, 2007

    well as a data point, FreeView TV’s are working fine watching Quicktime MOV files and streams.

  7. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 6th, 2007

    as a data point, FreeView continues to be *the worst* TV on the grid — cumbersome, clunky, non-unitive, non-served, and distributed without the group land device required for its use. AND sure, once you overcome all those hurdles, if you get it working, you have to put in *your own* URLs that you yourself find somewhere — not exactly an easy thing for most people. Sorry, no sale — oh, but it’s free…so I guess you get what you pay for *cough*

    UPDATE: got some excellent customer service from nighlife Overlord’s staff. It seems that models made before 2/12/07 have problems in the script, and you have to bring your TV to the store and follow some steps, get the updater, and then obtain a new “clean script” to pop in the TV. Then it works, after some backing and filling with fiddling with controls.

  8. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 6th, 2007

    Um, Tenshi, I respond to trolling fucktards when they impugn or malign my reputation, so as to correct the record.

  9. Ickabod Humphreys

    Apr 6th, 2007

    Sometimes, too much success can be a very bad thing.
    Game over kids. You now can return to playing actual video games again.

  10. Artemis Fate

    Apr 7th, 2007

    “as a data point, FreeView continues to be *the worst* TV on the grid — cumbersome, clunky, non-unitive, non-served, and distributed without the group land device required for its use. AND sure, once you overcome all those hurdles, if you get it working, you have to put in *your own* URLs that you yourself find somewhere — not exactly an easy thing for most people. Sorry, no sale — oh, but it’s free…so I guess you get what you pay for *cough*”

    Oh okay. Well, i’ll continue watching stuff on my freeview that still has and always will work fine and be packaged with the group land device required, while you continue watching…what was it again? Oh right, nothing on your laughably expensive tvs.

    Amazing how despite being entirely proved wrong on this point, you still spout it out as if it were not 100% bullshit. The only thing that’s true about it now is that she no longer supports it because she was sick of working her ass off supporting her Freeview for people who never paid here anything. A point that only became true recently, but started out as an utter lie when you began saying it.

    I respond to trolling fucktards like you Prokofy when they impugn or malign my friend’s reputation.

    You are the biggest griefer the grid has ever had.

  11. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 7th, 2007

    The TVS that are sold with content are only $999 or less. That’s about US $3.70. Hey, have one less latte this month, by a TV.

    Freeview has nothing in it. And it’s hard to use. And it is not distributed with either the proper instructions or the group land device, which frustrates people no end — free things get disseminated like that all over the grid, with no service back-up, no proper instructions inside it, and no group land device.

    I fail to see why, if you happened to have an old copy and as an IRC channeller can grok all the wonky instructions, and happen to have the group land thing, that you can extrapolate from that unique situation to thousands of other people unlike you. It’s called *lack of empathy* when you come up with preposterously arrogant concepts like that. It’s so common in SL, too. That belligerent, tekkie, “Well, my game is working and if your isn’t, you must be stupid or not have the coolest computer so fuck you.” Honestly, it is so brain-dead, behaving like that to other people.

    Freeview doesn’t work. That is, yeah, you can get it to work with a lot of cumbersome bullshit. And no, it was never served. FlipperPA and Pol Tabla distributed it, and would now and then surface, but they never believed there was anything wrong with it, so it was impossible to get them to truly serve it.

    Um, if someone gets tired of serving something for free, hey, I don’t blame them one bit. Then the answer is to start charging. There’s nothing evil about charging for your work and your creations. Make a better TV, charge for it.

    Once again, let’s state for the record: it is not trolling, it is not malice, it is not libel, to explain that Crystalshard Foo’s Freeview does not work, requires cumbersome and awkward steps to make it work, and is distributed often without the very components needed to make it work, which makes it extremely frustrating. It’s more than fine to report this. People picking this up and expecting either an easy play or service or help are misinformed, and will learn the hard way in Second Life: when you get something free, for $0, you get what you pay for: 0.

  12. Artemis Fate

    Apr 7th, 2007

    “it is not trolling, it is not malice, it is not libel, to explain that Crystalshard Foo’s Freeview does not work”

    Actually, that’s EXACTLY what it is. Since even taking half a glance at the freeview folder will show you that both items are exactly where they’re supposed to be (unless some other person is only giving partially of what’s necessary), and that the Freeview comes with a “help” section answering just about every question a person could have if they took the time to read it.

    I’m about as much of a “tekkie wikki” as you, and I figured it out without any help.

    So yeah, saying it doesn’t come with the group land device and that it has no help button is an outright and provably wrong lie. If you’d stop screaming and actually look you’d see that.

  13. Nacon

    Apr 7th, 2007

    Prok said: “Um, Nacon I’m trying to help my tenants get their TVs working.”

    Ohhh! my bad… so what you saying, you’re upset that none of your tenants getting enough porn?

    Prok said: “And you are a dick, and never worth responding to P: )”

    Dick = 2;
    Responding to = 2;
    2 + 2 = 22?

    I dunno what you’re trying to say, but Tenshi just blew your hole.

    Prok said: “I respond to trolling fucktards when they impugn or malign my reputation, so as to correct the record.”

    but but but…. you were trying to help your tenants to have enough porns. What kind of reputation to record is that?

    Seriously, that’s just crazy talk. Sure… I guess my reputation is being smartass but… come on. This is getting retarded, Prok. Go save yourself.

    PS: Artemis just blew your hole too, even I figured out how to use my Freeview by opening up the script editor. It’s not damn hard.

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