Open Letter to Linden Lab
by Pixeleen Mistral on 30/04/07 at 7:09 am
Metaverse residents ask LL to fix the game
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
In an attempt to entice game maker Linden Lab into fixing problems with Second Life, an open letter asking that long term problems with the virtual world be fixed before more new features are added has been signed by over 600 players and virtual world entrepreneurs.
The open letter comes in response to both stability problems with the world and Linden Lab’s retreat from contact with their customers – the world’s residents. This retreat has been in progress for some time as the Lab has removed resident forums, and most direct customer contact – apparently in an attempt to cut support costs.
The cost cutting measures and focus on new features at the expense of stability may exact a toll as Cristiano Midnight points out, “it is much easier to retain customers when things work as promised”.
However, the social network effect – or wanting to hang with your friends – tends to blunt criticism of the Linden’s product, and those with significant investments in the game are not likely to migrate out of Second Life in a hurry. This platform stickiness may be what the Linden game gods depend on as they continue to rework their world despite the protests from its residents. It should be clear to all that Second Life is a never ending beta test – but it is significant that residents are organizing large scale protests of the way in which the beta test is being conducted.
Here is the text of the open letter:
In the past eighteen months, Second Life has expanded, growing from a small community of early adopters to a platform supporting millions of users. Linden Lab has created a world that inspires a deep level of passion in its users and provides unprecedented opportunities to share creatively, socially, and financially.
With explosive levels of growth often come unexpected problems. In keeping with your company’s policy and rich history of resident involvement, we the undersigned would like to take this opportunity to address some concerns that we feel have gone unanswered for too long.
There are some consistent, ongoing problems that are getting worse under heavy load, not better, and are not simply irritants but problems that are causing financial loss in some cases, which is unacceptable. Here is a brief list of the main concerns:
* Inventory loss – this is a devastating problem that is worsening. We have no ability to protect our own inventories through backups, and are trusting you to protect that data. This is the highest priority. Sensible inventory limits (on non-verified accounts only), combined with better management tools and ways to protect our inventory ourselves would help to mitigate the problem as well. Regardless, this cannot continue – we will not accept financial loss as a feature of Second Life. It is your responsibility as service provider to ensure our data is not lost, and you are failing us.
* Problems with Find and Friends List – we continue to see search outages on a far too regular basis. It is bad enough trying to get anywhere without being able to use search, but many users are also paying money for classified ads. Our friends lists just do not work reliably any longer, after years without an issue with them. If America Online/MSN/Yahoo can provide presence information for hundreds of millions of users, surely there is a way to make our friends lists work again.
* Grid stability and performance – teleports fail quite regularly, especially under heavy load. Attachments end up in places they did not start out in, and sim performance varies wildly. None of this makes for a very pleasant experience for users. Long promised improvement to physics and scripting would help dramatically to reduce these problems, but there are a lot of other scalability issues as well. It often feels like the grid is coming apart at the seams. The promised use of limiting logins of non-verified accounts during peak load has been severely lacking. This would be an effective interim solution to load issues, but Linden Lab seems unwilling to use it.
* Build tool problems – the importance of build tools that actually work as promised cannot be overstated enough – we rely on them to create content. Prim drift, disappearing prims, imprecise placement, problems with linking and other issues with the tools need to be addressed. Too much time is being spent trying to work around the problems.
* Transaction problems – inventory deliveries are failing with an alarming (and annoying) frequency, leaving merchants with the burden of replacing missing content and having to try to confim the transaction in the first place. We trust that our L$ balances are accurate, but given recent problems, that is a cause for concern as well, and one we place our full trust in you to ensure its accuracy.
We remain fully supportive of Second Life and are more than willing to continue doing our part to help, but our confidence is steadily being eroded due to a general lack of communication and the apparent failure to successfully address the many issues detailed above. What we are asking for is that these problems are addressed immediately, ahead of new features, and that we are able to see tangible improvements. We accept that this will not happen overnight but it also cannot be allowed to continue indefinitely either.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
Prokofy Neva
May 1st, 2007
Um, I am not an “old girl” but perhaps that’s what I ought to be calling you, as you are often described as “effeminate”. And you are a card-carrying member in good standing of Second Citizen, you chose to do all your organizing there, it is to SC that you turn for support and most of your signatures, including those who grief me, so, I’m sorry, you’ll have to take ownership of this awful milieu and bear responsibility for their griefing. You also presided and participated in the Second Cast show where Walker argued with you, where you completely minimized the griefing of me and therefore created a publicly-broadcasted climate of impunity.
It seems to me that you’re the one constantly returning here with unseemly haste, when you should be basking poolside, having retired your white robes for a moment to work on your movie-star tan, as your movie deal is being prepared. Enjoy your 15 minutes in the sun, Cristiano, but…what will it take next week? I mean, you can only be in Business Week and get the Lindens to look at open letters like this once every six months!
I don’t understand why my legitimate criticism of this ill-conceived exercise of yours is a “clusterfuck”. If your really cared about the issues of your protest, you wouldn’t be wasting time responding to me, you would have used this momentum to get MORE press instead of the already-converted CNET and Reuters, you could have used your PR machine on snapzilla to have everybody post pictures of themselves protesting or whatever — but you don’t do stuff like that because you’re not serious. You are a Nervous Nelly at the Gate.
You got the signatures you needed, you got media coverage, and you got the Lindens to answer — oh, and moo got her inventory back, so mission accomplished! Now you can safely go back to your villa and sip your martinis, as your limousine liberalling is done for now. That will leave the rest of us to sit in these dreary and sometimes outrageous Linden office hours and continue to try to post to their JIRA, which is complex, idiotic, and annoying — but something I and others have nevertheless posted to, and to go on doing all the stuff that dissidents who aren’t limousine liberals do full-time.
reneebob, you’re an idiot. I don’t know how many times I need to post and say I’ve lost inventory including expensive items, too. So? It’s not a major issue and I will not be bullied into saying it is.
Ian Betteridge
May 1st, 2007
Prokofy: “a seat on the board representing tier-payers..”
Oh, now who’s making demands based on class?
“It’s not a major issue and I will not be bullied into saying it is.”
That’s because you’re rich in SL terms and can afford to replace expensive items – something that the unverifieds, who tend to be cash-poor, cannot. Don’t pretend to be the defender of the unverifieds – sitting there with your multiple sims owned you have absolutely no concept of what their experience of the game is.
“That will leave the rest of us to sit in these dreary and sometimes outrageous Linden office hours…”
The reason why they’re dreary and outrageous when you’re there is because you grief them, making personal attacks and spamming the chat with non-stop verbage. I know – I’ve read the transcripts that you’ve so-proudly posted on your blog.
May 1st, 2007
It is really quite simple when you read some of the comments left here in response to the concern quite a great many people have shown:
No matter what the cause is, there will always be those that are too blinded by their own hatred for others who will say anything and look for any reason to attempt to discredit even the most noble of causes. to these sorts it does not matter what the cause is … No, to them what matters is who champions a cause.
Personally I have issues with this particular cause myself – but only specific parts of it. I have far more issues with the attitudes shown in these comments, in particular with all the bashing Prokofy has been doing. Of course Prokofy’s comments are not the only ones I have issues with …
It seems to me that people such as Rugal have forgotten the issues other services have had in the past with logging in – or for that matter remaining logged in. In this age of High Speed Internet connections, most people have forgotten what dial-Up was like …. as well as the early days of DSL and Cable connections. I can clearly remember it being a royal pain to log in and stay logged in when it came to my Service Provider. Second Life’s issues? Not nearly as annoying if you had to sit through five to ten disconnects an hour. Want to talk about crashes before ever getting to a log in screen? Many service Providers – back when they had their own interface – constantly added new features which, when compounded, broke the new versions of the program for people. The difference between them and Second Life? when a required upgrade is indicated, this means that there is no option to go to an earlier version which worked.
The solution? figure out what is causing the issue, be it your Operating system, Hardware, other software …. and fix it – or find another service to use. I fully expect a future update to break the Client for me … when that happens I will do whatever I can to fix it on my end.
There is no such thing as perfect compatibility. second Life requires, however, your machine to be as compatible as is possible when these updates occur.
That about ends my tirade on the issue of log ins and crashes.
On to what I have noticed in these comments … In cases like this – a computer program with severe issues server side – what matters most is the cause not the person championing it.
If I agree with a cause, I sign my name to it (the only time anyone ever sees my name at that). If I do not agree with a cause I voice my concerns with the cause, suggest what can be done to alter it for the better and – here is the most important part – move on!
Prokofy, if you had a cause I agreed with, I’d add my name and voice to it. The same with Chris or any other person. to be honest however I am not surprised that you are unable to separate the cause from the person championing it.
Honestly, how hard is it to look past a hatred of a single person or a group of people to help out a cause that is sincere and may just bring about change? (No, do not answer that – it is a rhetorical question.)
I simply cannot fathom the mind of a person that is incapable of judging an individual as that individual and not as a member of a group, nor can I fathom the mind of a person who cannot separate the cause from the person.
Of course I also cannot fathom the mind of a person that places a computer program in the same light as real life, maybe it is just me … I live in the real world and can tell the difference between what goes on in Second Life and what goes on in Real Life. I plan to start a business (very small one) soon, just a little something to get my building and scripting skills up beyond what they are right now. I will not be placing any real world assets into this, as doing so is a foolish risk and one I am not willing to take.
Should it get off the ground, great! If it fails? I’ll learn from the failure for the next attempt and not complain about it.
All of this aside, I have a serious question now and quite frankly will not ask such a thing in world: Prokofy, Chris, anyone else …. what is the cheapest rental rate out there for a plot of 512m2 land?
Inigo Chamerberlin
May 1st, 2007
Interesting response from LL. They receive a letter asking that further shiny be suspended and all resources turned on improving stability, existing functionality and killing the piles of bugs.
Their reply?
Well, first the CEO can’t even comment, Robin has to – excuse me? This is effectively a vote of no confidence from the customers in Linden Lab. It’s quite a serious matter. Shouldn’t it be addressed by the CEO?
Robin shovels on all the spin possible and refers us to ineffective (Knowlegebase) or unusable (Jira) ‘resources’ – oh, not to forget the hugely irrelevant Wiki… Except, the letter isn’t asking for that information, is it?
She then goes on to tell us that Cory will do a Town Hall (where LL will cherry pick the questions asked) to discuss the issues raised. Sorry? Corey? Has he been promoted to CEO then?
WHERE THE HELL IS PHILIP? What use is a CEO if he can’t fulfil the responsibilities of a CEO and be front man for Linden Lab? Not just a conferences and interviews – but when his management decisions come home to roost?
Meanwhile Robin tells us that LL will be ‘drafting a response to provide more details on the specific issues that were raised’…
Actually, I don’t think any reply of that nature is required.
Other than possibly a few lines to the effect that ‘we are pulling the plug on all further feature introductions until such time as the Second Life platform stability is drastically improved and the existing bugs removed’.
Too bad – because that isn’t going to happen, if the Linden Lab management has it’s way, by the looks of it.
Oh well, maybe one of those directors will take a little more interest in his investment?
Cristiano Midnight
May 1st, 2007
Of course you losing expensive items is not important to you – you blow $2500 a month on SL just on tier alone, so what’s a few more L$ to replace stuff you’ve already bought once or twice? However, for those without the luxury of your income, it does matter. Just because it is not an important issue in your own little bubble doesn’t mean it is not important to others. Most people don’t like things they have paid for just disappearing on them. Your attempts to minimize this issue are really quite telling.
Prokofy Neva
May 1st, 2007
Prokofy: “a seat on the board representing tier-payers..”
>Oh, now who’s making demands based on class?
The class of people who pay tier is a huge class of people, and pays 80 percent of the Lindens’ bottom line. It’s a class that deserves to be heard. There’s nothing elitist about this class, that goes from the lowly 512 owner to the owner of more than 512 islands, Anshe Chung. And there’s nothing wrong with making demands based on classes, and to try to pull that out of what I’m saying is silly.
My critique of the FIC’s letter is that they achieve their class struggle by trying to shut down or severely restrict another class, the unverifieds.
I don’t achieve my class struggle, such as it is, by calling for the annihilation of heavy restriction of another class of people in SL. I don’t say that other classes can’t struggle and be represented in any way they’d like, too. I merely look to the interests of my class, the tier-payer, which is the largest and most diverse class with the greatest vested interests, collectively, in SL.
>”It’s not a major issue and I will not be bullied into saying it is.”
>That’s because you’re rich in SL terms and can afford to replace expensive items – something that the unverifieds, who tend to be cash-poor, cannot. Don’t pretend to be the defender of the unverifieds – sitting there with your multiple sims owned you have absolutely no concept of what their experience of the game is.
I have 17,000 items in inventory, but probably 90 percent of that inventory is related to my rentals. I don’t have a home, vehicles, furniture myself, oddly enough. Most of my inventory goes to the business, providing free houses to people in the rentals, and various infrastructure — games, benches, kiosks, docks, etc. etc. I have also commissioned a number of major builds. So the components of all those builds and such are in my inventory.
I don’t think I own a single thing that costs over $1000, probably one skin or something. I just haven’t spent the time that most people have “playing Second Life” by dressing up my avatar, making a house, socializing, entertaining, watching movies, etc. as most of the time in SL is running my business.
As I’ve already said multiple times, I deal with many customer complaints, and inventory loss is not the major complaint. When these complaints do come in, most are solved by the cache-clearing that moo only recently seemed to discuss and begin to believe in.
>”That will leave the rest of us to sit in these dreary and sometimes outrageous Linden office hours…”
>The reason why they’re dreary and outrageous when you’re there is because you grief them, making personal attacks and spamming the chat with non-stop verbage. I know – I’ve read the transcripts that you’ve so-proudly posted on your blog.
I don’t grief them, I ask hard questions the Lindens don’t answer. They and their fanboyz filibuster and distract with the non-essential. We need more people to show up and ask the penetrating questions. My transcripts easily show the problem, for those who are intelligent enough to recognize it, and aren’t trying to get attention to themselves by trying to attack a vocal critic.
Cristiano Midnight
May 1st, 2007
PS – if you are going to hold me accountable for participating at Second Citizen, you need to hold Cocoanut accountable too. In fact, she was in the top 15 posters on the site in March – #14, with 464 posts for the month (I did not even chart in the top 50 in March). She is no more guilty than I am – the idea is one of your dumbest yet.
Prokofy Neva
May 1st, 2007
Of course you losing expensive items is not important to you – you blow $2500 a month on SL just on tier alone, so what’s a few more L$ to replace stuff you’ve already bought once or twice?
I don’t see how “blowing on tier” which is in fact a business supporting hundreds of other people is at all relevant to inventory. I’ve already described my inventory above, most of which is related to this business.
>However, for those without the luxury of your income, it does matter. Just because it is not an important issue in your own little bubble doesn’t mean it is not important to others. Most people don’t like things they have paid for just disappearing on them. Your attempts to minimize this issue are really quite telling.
Once again Cristiano, nice try baiting on this non-issue, and nice try deliberately and tendentiously misreading what I’ve already written now 10 times. I have lost inventory. Including expensive things, if expensive is defined 1000 or 1500 — I don’t tend to buy individual items for more than that. I have many things disappearing, and for me, notecards and items like info kiosks, which aren’t “expensive” but really needed day-to-day in my work, are really annoying and cause more lost time and business than some expensive Ming vase replica.
Once again, Cristiano, read my lips: inventory loss is not something I minimize as a problem, but it is not the major problem for most people in Second Life. I realize you are out of touch with any big stream of customers, as you don’t have them. But trust me, it is not the problem you and your little friends imagine.
In fact, your little friend moo already got most of her inventory back, making the Lindens huff and puff to return it, so I can’t for the life of me understand why you’re still here bitching.
You can bait and harass me all you like, but that doesn’t change the facts of the matter: inventory loss isn’t the major issue for people. Many people experience temporary loss but get it back with cache-clearing. Some people with seemingly permanent loss even get the Lindens to fish it out again, like my neighbour who got the Lindens to dredge up his $18,000 Tringo ingo whatever machine. So I guess in a week where you’ve bitched, but the Lindens have in fact restored most of moo’s inventory, and where I don’t see 100 posts here saying OMGODZORZ inventory loss is THE big issue, I’d have to say you are full of shit. As always.
May 1st, 2007
Hmm, perhaps I should add that no one person is empowered to speak for all of the users of Second Life, let alone a majority.
Prokofy Neva
May 1st, 2007
>PS – if you are going to hold me accountable for participating at Second Citizen, you need to hold Cocoanut accountable too. In fact, she was in the top 15 posters on the site in March – #14, with 464 posts for the month (I did not even chart in the top 50 in March). She is no more guilty than I am – the idea is one of your dumbest yet.
Cocoanut fights the evil on SC. You endorse and foster it. Big difference.
Prokofy Neva
May 1st, 2007
>Io, who is hardly the elite of anything.
Io, who gains all her identity by being on SC, and riding the coat-tails of the elite.
May 1st, 2007
“The class of people who pay tier is a huge class of people, and pays 80 percent of the Lindens’ bottom line.”
Raging fucktard hypocrite.
shockwave yareach
May 1st, 2007
Observations on personalities thus far, based on their own writings and not on other’s comments or opinions.
Prokofy: Longwinded revolutionary who doesn’t realize that she herself is “the man” since she’s a major landowner and businessperson. Sees class discrimination everywhere, even though there is no concept in SL of race, religion, creed, age, sex, wealth.
Cristiano: Tech type more interested in tuning machines. Could care less what others do with the grid so long as it’s working well. Wants what he has to work for his own reasons. Has some people skills, but prefers coding and creative endevours.
this is a classic battle – the people person versus the engineering person. Frankly, there’s not a thing that can bridge this gap. Been trying to formulate one for years. HR types and Engineering types will never get along and it is pointless to try to.
*rings bell* Next round in the endless prizefight.
Onder Skall
May 1st, 2007
Well… not that I think this will ever get read now that there are dozens of comments, but for what it’s worth…
Alright, I admit it: I’d forgotten about your request for a citizen’s seat on the board. It’s a good idea. I would definitely support it. Even a moron in that position would do good just by virtue of the fact that they’re actually in-world and know what’s going on. The thing is… how do we get it? Realistically, we ask, the board says “no”, and that’s the end of it. It needs to be taken. You have a good understanding of history… how is this usually done? (Disregarding military solutions, of course!)
Oh and… the type-casting! Goodness gracious! Putting people into categories is useful and practical at times, but it’s also very dismissive of the details. Come on now, we’re smarter than that.
> With all due respect, Prokofy gets no sympathy. She is just doing what she always does – being as contrary as possible, blaming everything on people she hates, and criticizing – it is all that she knows how to do. Those who can’t criticize.
You got quite a bit more flippant later as well, and downright crude towards others who weren’t being rude… I assume you have history. Let this be a public statement on my part: I do not appreciate it when people belittle the opinions of others without addressing them. It cripples any hope for enlightenment.
Whether you disagree with them or not is irrelevant. Whether you have a problem with the tone is also irrelevant. I share a few of Prokofy’s sentiments despite not sharing her style, and so by extension feel a bit frustrated at this type of refusal to consider the issues being raised. Disagree if you must, vehemently if you must, but at least disagree with the issue raised.
Besides, by doing this you disregard what I said as if I didn’t say anything. Here, let me copy/paste it for you: “After all, you listed a LOT of opinions and asked us to sign off on the ENTIRE thing. For those who believe in saying what they mean and meaning what they say it’s not so easy to just pop your name up there.”
I’m not even taking you to task on the point or asking you to justify yourself. You have nothing to feel guilty about, as you acted as your conscience dictated at the time, and so I’m definitely not asking for anything as abhorent as an appology. I’m just asking for understanding. Is that in you?
> The grid stability issues are addressed in the letter – actually almost all of the items listed ultimately come down to grid stability problems – asset server problems, teleporting, attachments, etc. It seemed more important to address the fact that it is failing under the heavy load – when you have high levels of users, then it all starts to come undone.
Ok… we’re just going to have to agree to disagree on the point, mainly because it’s purely an opinion on editorial style which is highly subjective. When I’m writing, as soon as I say “well really they all have to do with the same thing”, it all gets deleted and I focus on that one thing that they all relate to. When you hold the specifics up as the main points, rather than as arguments in favor of the REAL point, it all gets muddled. Like I said though… it’s a subjective argument about editorial style, so if you don’t agree then whatever, I’m cool with it.
To be honest, a letter that said very little other than “Make Second Life work without the frequent and pervaisive errors. Do not roll out any new features until you have.” would have been completely adequate. Even Prokofy would sign that.
Nice critique!
That’s based on what they’ve written? Really? I’d have spun it quite a bit differently… but… enh.
Cristiano Midnight
May 1st, 2007
I love how you keep making some reference to Moo’s inventory loss. This has never been about that, so I am not sure why you are fixated on it. It didn’t even factor into this process She used support channels and got her inventory back, thankfully. I know off the top of my head probably 30 people who have suffered signficant inventory loss, never to get it back. Not through flushing their cache, begging the Lindens, or chasing after them with an itemized list of what to replace. I probably get 2 or 3 customers a week asking me to help them replace things they have los. So again, while it may not be an important issue to you, it does not mean it is not an important issue. Is it the most important? No, but warranted inclusion. The integrity of our data is definitely a high priority, especially since we have no ability to protect that inventory. Your customers are renting land from you, you are not their mother – why would they come to you about inventory loss anyway? There’s not a damn thing you an do about it.
I knew btw that you would come back with the lame “Cocoanut fights evil” response. Yeah, with her recipes and family anecdotes? She takes part willingly in a forum and posts all kinds of things, and is no more responsible for the words and actions of other people than I am. That is just pathetically silly. I don’t endorse griefing – and again I will state that you are the worst griefer I have ever seen. We have been subjected to two years of you abusively taking out your mental and gender issues on SL. Thankfully after awhile, all that volume of bullshit is reduced the equivalent of a gnat buzzing around.
Io Zeno
May 1st, 2007
“Io, who gains all her identity by being on SC, and riding the coat-tails of the elite.”
OOoooo, meow!
Some commentary from a woman who’s entire sense of self-worth is based on imagining herself a revolutionary in a cartoon world on her computer.
What coat-tails are those? What am I getting out of this deal, do you imagine? I don’t have one Linden on my friends list.
In fact I don’t know any. I don’t ask anyone for anything and get no special favors because I know some of those you consider “elite” for whatever reason. The idea that people just hang out together because they enjoy each other’s company is so foreign to someone who thrives on creating enemies, isn’t it? Sad, really. You need some friends, Prok. You’re a sad, lonely woman.
marilyn murphy
May 1st, 2007
onder: i do enjoy the art of brevity.
“Make Second Life work without the frequent and pervaisive errors. Do not roll out any new features until you have.” i wish it had been simply that, truly.
since this is what we have, and it was created by several cooks, it’s what we have. if prok or anyone had come up with that, and was working to get it slid under Linden Labs door, i would have helped any way i can. its not the messenger, its the message.
any letter that went beyond that basic message would find detractors, and people refusing to sign based on some point or the other.
i am doing what i can to get this particular letter out because its there, its something, its trying.
Artemis Fate
May 1st, 2007
“Cocoanut fights the evil on SC. You endorse and foster it. Big difference.”
Do you even LISTEN to yourselves sometimes?
reeneebob Birmingham
May 1st, 2007
Fine, I’ll put it in terms that you’ll understand, since you use them often.
You are a fat cow.
I am sick and tired of you going on about YOU YOU YOU and how YOU are the end all be all. SO end all be all that you got banned by LL from participating in town halls.
You negate everyone’s experience if they 1) aren’t you, 2) aren’t one of your friends (who I hope have radar for the knife you’ll sitck in them at your first opportunity), and 3) post at SC. The fact remains that the only person who listens to your blather is you, and the sad fact is that you don’t even realize it.
Coco fight the evil? DO you even listen to the paranoid schizo shit you spew 98% pf the time?
May 1st, 2007
Prok said: “..riding the coat-tails of the elite.”
Prok said: “Of course you losing expensive items is not important to you – you blow $2500 a month on SL just on tier alone”
Ever heard of a expression “Time is Money”? Having people lose their creation, which they spend their time on does sucks.
And of course, you’re still an idiot. Any item that was brought with $$Lindens… is also brought with REAL Money. $$Lindens are not some kind of made up toy like back in the beta era. Get on with the program, lady.
Prok said: “Um, I am not an “old girl”‘
….heh, ok… an old shemale then?
Prok said: “I don’t believe the job of the press or blogs is to be “positive” about Second Life, although I’ve had my share of “fun” and “positive” pieces. LL has its PR department and agency for that, it doesn’t need me. It also has the legion of paid-for blogs and papers to do that.”
Yup, you’re 100% right, they don’t need you cause you’re an idiot. Turn out that they HEARD me making suggestion about the signs on the map that would evade large corporate investment into SL. Still waiting for Mootykips to say something about “because the developers are still ROLLING IN CASH whatever you do” statement that doesn’t seem to give a reason why they are listening now all of sudden, on the same day I posted.
Prok said: “You can bait and harass me all you like, but that doesn’t change the facts of the matter: inventory loss isn’t the major issue for people.”
Do you even LISTEN to yourself?
LL has decided to agree that it IS a major issue for the people. Go look up on their blog. You can tell they don’t want to “admit” how much investment damage it could have been if they ignored Cristiano’s Letter.
Keep posting Prok, you’re getting funnier.
May 1st, 2007
I am sorry to sound pedantic, but can forum or comment threads ever be a place for calm rational discourse instead of name calling and personal attacks. I find it very hard to excavate pertinent information from obviously intelligent, informed and experienced Slers when there is so much negative noise surrounding the few pieces of good information. Maybe it’s just me. Are there forums or blogs that don’t have so much unpleasant rancor? I thank those that have managed to teach me something with their articles and replies. I guess I just find it hard to read between the personality conflicts.
shockwave yareach
May 1st, 2007
Berfie: of course they can. But it requires all persons involved to a) behave like rational, courteous individuals, and b) ignore people who only stir up trouble instead of being constructive. Since this is open forum and there’s no control over who can post, you have to take what people say with a grain of salt. Some people are constructive. Some people whine now and then when there is reason to whine. Some people can’t see a positive in anything. Some people just like to create trouble whereever they go. You learn to filter what is being said into the 4 categories as you read.
Io Zeno
May 1st, 2007
Berfie, when Prokofy is involved, as she often is on the Herald, rational discourse is quite impossible.
Tabatha Dagger
May 1st, 2007
I found this on the SL blog today….
Power to the Sim People
Project Open Letter
Monday, April 30th, 2007 at 10:54 PM PDT by: Robin Linden
Today we received a letter signed by over 1,500 Residents requesting that Linden Lab focus on performance improvements in several areas in Second Life. We’re drafting a response to provide more details on the specific issues that were raised, and scheduling a Town Hall with Cory for later this week. We’ll also give you an opportunity to ask questions to be answered at the Town Hall.
While we finish pulling together the information on the work we’re doing, I want to highlight some of the options you have for finding out project status and giving us input. Some of these options are relatively new and you might not be aware of them, but they have been expressly designed to provide you with more information, insight into and involvement in the development process.
Prokofy Neva
May 1st, 2007
>I love how you keep making some reference to Moo’s inventory loss. This has never been about that, so I am not sure why you are fixated on it. It didn’t even factor into this process She used support channels and got her inventory back, thankfully. I know off the top of my head probably 30 people who have suffered signficant inventory loss, never to get it back. Not through flushing their cache, begging the Lindens, or chasing after them with an itemized list of what to replace. I probably get 2 or 3 customers a week asking me to help them replace things they have los. So again, while it may not be an important issue to you, it does not mean it is not an important issue. Is it the most important? No, but warranted inclusion. The integrity of our data is definitely a high priority, especially since we have no ability to protect that inventory. Your customers are renting land from you, you are not their mother – why would they come to you about inventory loss anyway? There’s not a damn thing you an do about it.
Once again, I didn’t say that inventory loss is somehow “not important,” I simply spoke the truth about it: it is not THE most important issue for most people as they log on every day.
You can go on tendentiously misrepresenting my position if you like, but it only speaks badly of you, and reveals your ever-present bad will, even though you style yourself as the Avenging Angel.
If you know a list of 30 people with permanently lost inventory, could you post it?
My customers *always* come to me about lost items because they figure it’s somehow related to land. Sometimes they put out something that never rezzes, or they crash and it’s gone, or it autoreturns, and in most of these cases, they get it back.
The sequencing of all this is very clear: moo lost her inventory. Then you began the drum-beat on SC.
Um, I don’t “take out my gender issues” on other people. If they hadn’t outed my gender against my will *cough* there’d be no “disconnect” for them to fuss and fume about. Seldom have I met a more intolerant bunch than the GLBT types, especially the gay men, when it comes to my particular choice for Second Life. It’s really an outrage and a disgrace to those who claim to be liberals, even of the limousine kind.
One of the worst concepts of the Lindens and their tekkie and FIC pets is this notion of “construction”. Only “constructive” criticism is allowed. Only “moving the conversation forward” as Daniel Linden put it. It’s the most arrogant crap I’ve ever seen anywhere, it puts the Soviets to shame in terms of mind control. Who the hell gets to decide what is constructive or destructive? I find Cristiano’s open letter destructive, undermining the rights of the verified and putting bugs in the Lindens’ ears about them. Hell, the Lindens might even find him “destructive” with this go-nowhere bitchy and whiney letter. Yet, he’s entitled to make a whinescraper like that, and anyone who criticizes it is then suddenly “not contructive”. Really Orwellian stuff.
and shockwave, you couldn’t be more wrong that there aren’t classes and isn’t discrimination in SL. Of course there is! That’s at the heart of what’s wrong with SL, the privileging of the tekkie and artist elite by the Lindens and their continual breaking of the land barons’ backs.
I hardly think I qualify as a ‘major land owner’. My God there are probably hundreds of people in SL now who own more than me and certainly make more money than I do in rentals.
May 1st, 2007
Berfie… you should attend SL Insider site where Prok doesn’t bark on.
Prok said: “Once again, I didn’t say that inventory loss is somehow “not important,” I simply spoke the truth about it”
uhh Prok, you said “that doesn’t change the facts of the matter: inventory loss isn’t the major issue for people.”
Don’t bother lying something without admitting statement.
Remember Micheal Crook?
Don’t do it.
(Hell, go for it. Be an idiot.)
Btw, no one said anything about you as “major” land owner. Just a renter.
Keep posting, Prok, getting crazier.
Artemis Fate
May 1st, 2007
“One of the worst concepts of the Lindens and their tekkie and FIC pets is this notion of “construction”. Only “constructive” criticism is allowed.”
Yeah, who would have ever thought that people would only want advice and not some crazy old person screaming at them every minute of the day?
“It’s the most arrogant crap I’ve ever seen anywhere, it puts the Soviets to shame in terms of mind control.”
This statement is the most arrogant crap i’ve seen anywhere, so you beat yourself out there. Trying to compare soviet oppression to this letter? For a guy who prides himself on connecting to Russian culture, you should be ashamed of yourself for that statement, i’m sure all the people who went into the Gulag for their thoughts would disagree with your overblown exaggerated nonsense.
“I find Cristiano’s open letter destructive”
Well that’s because you’re a jackass, if the letter had been written by Cocoa, you’d be applauding it as a crack in the FIC wall, and real cry of power to the people, but since it was written by one of your long time enemies, you automatically hate it.
“and shockwave, you couldn’t be more wrong that there aren’t classes and isn’t discrimination in SL. Of course there is! That’s at the heart of what’s wrong with SL, the privileging of the tekkie and artist elite by the Lindens and their continual breaking of the land barons’ backs.”
There’s always a bit of preference, like high paying customers such as landbarons get more rights than a lower paying customer, hence the reason that Anshe has escaped the permaban numerous times despite atleast one major public violation of ToS by buying a user account and publicizing the desire for more (the Lindens simply changed the ToS rather than ban her), or Prokofy getting away with outright screaming, insulting, and harrassing just about every person to make a slight disagreement with him on the forums, getting banned there and not in SL (as the rule at the time was a ban from the forums meant a ban from SL). Because LL is a corporation and most of all they want to protect their high paying members like Anshe and Prokofy. Of course, despite all of Prokofy’s posturing and dreaming as some kind of hero of the people and the light against injustice, he would never speak against his land baron pals or the land business in SL, and only sees REAL violations of “justice” when it threatens his business. A false prophet if there ever was one.
“I hardly think I qualify as a ‘major land owner’. My God there are probably hundreds of people in SL now who own more than me and certainly make more money than I do in rentals.”
And hundreds of THOUSANDS who don’t. That puts you on the top of the pile in terms of land owning and rentals.
May 1st, 2007
PN for evr!
May 1st, 2007
Prokofy, you do not speak for everyone in Second Life. You do not even speak for a majority. All you can speak for is yourself or a specific group.
Prokofy Neva
May 1st, 2007
Prok said: “Once again, I didn’t say that inventory loss is somehow “not important,” I simply spoke the truth about it”
uhh Prok, you said “that doesn’t change the facts of the matter: inventory loss isn’t the major issue for people.”
That’s exactly what I said, so I don’t know why you’re flying into a tizzy finding some “hyprokisy” — it is NOT the most important issue for most people. I faile to see them lining up here or on other threads to confirm this.
Gosh Artemis, if I’m ever feeling low, if I’m ever feeling down, I know there’s always YOU to accord me way more importance than I’m worth, letting me know I’m “at the top of the heap”. WOOOT!
Mabb Dilweg
May 2nd, 2007
Hey, I signed that letter, does that mean I’m FIC now?
May 2nd, 2007
You’re trying to make it seem like the word “issue” is not “importance”. Which now you are saying it is an importance “issue”…. it has been the same issue they were saying. At first you said it’s not an issue. Meaning it wasn’t importance. Are you trying to be the new dictionary or something?
Prok said: “Gosh Artemis, if I’m ever feeling low, if I’m ever feeling down, I know there’s always YOU to accord me way more importance than I’m worth, letting me know I’m “at the top of the heap”. WOOOT!”
awwwwww …I mean Awwwwwww man, that is so sad. I’ll go create a group to send you some nice candles to cheer ya up, cause it’s so “importance” for you.
keep posting, Prok, you’re getting lame.
Cristiano Midnight
May 2nd, 2007
Sorry, with everything going on with the letter, it has taken me a bit to get caught up on comments. I assume you are referring to my responses to Doc and One Song. Yes, there is definitely a history there. Yet, you will note, in the case of Doc, I considered the advice given and followed through on taking an extra step of contacting the board of directors. I did not have anything personally against Doc. The same cannot be said for One Song and Prokofy Neva.
When it comes to One Song, I’m sorry, but I will not ever take anything he has to say to be of any value.He could tell me the sky is blue and I would consult someone else to confirm. He lost me when he defended his friend attacking a black female SL resident and telling her she was nigger dog bitch and not worthy of living because she was inferior. That was just one of the many things One Song did in SL. Sorry, I do consider the source in the case of who I am taking advice from. Racist apologist scammers don’t rank highly with me. For background on that, see:
And as for Prokofy, I do often read her more lucid points and often even agree with them once you get past the mountain of words- however, it is most often lost under so much hyperbole, nastiness, labelling and outright lying often that the message is lost. When you address the lies with verifiable truth, then she points and says “look, over there, I meant that, not that!”. It is what I mean by “clusterfuck” – you cannot have a discussion with her. If you disagree at all or address a point, out comes the verbal baseball bat. While I admit it is fun to watch her go all batshit insane over the smallest of things, after two years, it is repetitive and sad really.
May 2nd, 2007
Ok.. I tried my effort in SL to get people to pass her a candle to show her a support… I got a few, maybe 4 or 5?
But too many people seem to know her and wish not to show her support at all, which is sad. Also, one of them told me what she was telling him.
I ask him to copy and paste for me before he signed off.
Prokofy Neva: it’s griefing because he doesn’t like my criticism of moo money’s careerism at the VT memorial, that’s all
“John Doh”: VT? what did you say?
Prokofy Neva: I hardly said anything, I just objected to moo money filming it and advancing her career by making machinima of something like that
……wtf? O_o. what the fuck is that all about? damn, I was trying to see how many people cares about you.
(Not very many, so it seem.)
One Song
May 2nd, 2007
Cristiano Midnight,
Now your resorting to telling people lies too? I guess that makes you even lower than I thought of you before.
“When it comes to One Song, I’m sorry, but I will not ever take anything he has to say to be of any value.He could tell me the sky is blue and I would consult someone else to confirm. He lost me when he defended his friend attacking a black female SL resident and telling her she was nigger dog bitch and not worthy of living because she was inferior”
Are you insane? I never called anyone that nor would I ever. I’ve called people dykes, homosexuals, trannies. But I never insulted anyone by they ethnic background. I’m not going to entertain your idea of listing all the things I’ve done in SL that would be too many to list. In fact, to me that either shows how ignorant you are or how self deluded. If you truly don’t know I suggest you do a search for One Song in the Herald or Google. That will give you a start.
Why am I even bothering replying to your ridiculous posts? That I don’t know.
“For background on that, see:”
Oh and you give us a link of your crappy site as some kind of evidence to top it up too. Absolutely ingenious! Frankly, why don’t you just get lost you retard fuck?
I bet if there was a voting pole at least 9/10 people wouldn’t want to hear your verbal diarrhea. In order to write posts that are interesting enough for people to read they would have to be at least true in its content or at least partially true.
I defended Death Grace’s rights to have his own perspective and views. I never defended what he did nor support it, and I still don’t. And for the record if was your lady friend can’t remember her name that flipped out when she heard Death Grace was in the Associates and high ranked officer.
She was actually doing extremely well in her interview until then. I don’t blame her for not liking that someone that she found intolerable was in the group. Saying this we did not like how she reacted when she found out, her first line of defense was exactly what your doing here right now. Labeling us racists and write countless forum posts defaming our good organization. She pretty much made us all enemies the moment she did that. And thats exactly what she did. For that alone I wouldn’t piss on her if she was on fire despite if she is black, asian, white, brown, pink, orange, violet, green, you name it. I was so furious that day I actually called Linden Lab that very day and had a huge and long debate with them that people shouldn’t be allowed to be falsely accused or defamed specially people that have a high reputation or popularity factor that they have to maintain. Resulting defamation based on lies is just real low play and that should be a ban able offense and against the TOS. As usual they chose the easy path that they usually do and was not to get involved.
The whole irony of the whole thing is that if Death Grace was never mentioned in the interview she would have been a member of our organization, I guess bad things sometimes happen for a reason. I thank God everyday that we found out about her ways sooner rather than later.
Prokofy Neva
May 2nd, 2007
BTW, everybody, if you were ever wondering, Nacon is a SL last-name. And it goes with the first name “Vincent” to make “Vincent Nacon,” who is the SL avatar who is such a persistent troll on the forums. If you wish to send a note of protest for his behaviour, send him a parrot out of the Libary, since most of what he does is parrot back something someone says with some nasty barb that he thinks passes for insight.
Gosh, you have to love it when Herald stories unearth old feuds that are like 4 years old now lol? Even when they are 2 years old it’s funny enough.
I’m seriously wondering what Cristiano’s next move is, and whether now he has the grand masses of 1,500 behind his white flowing robed back, whether he will now actually push for change, or let down The People once again.
Cristiano Midnight
May 2nd, 2007
One Song:
I didn’t lie about anything, in fact, oddly, you confirmed the whole thing you claimed I was lying about – I was speaking about Death Grace. Glad you clarified that you gay bash but aren’t a racist. Bravo for you. I can’t imagine why anyone could possibly freak out over the fact that you had someone who openly attacked Jews and people of color in SL as not only an officer, but one of high esteem who you praised as your friend. Your friend’s right to have his own views stops when he uses them to attack others.
Anyway, I don’t need to make bullet points of your sleazy reputation – it is well known what a complete and utter bottom feeder you are. Remind me again what you have contributed to SL?
May 2nd, 2007
Alright… This subject has caused me to become more than simply of an avid reader of the Herald. Tonight, I wish to join the ranks as a contributer. It’s ok… I have thick skin. Bring it!
I could ask the question, “Why does each subject deteriorate into an argument over ‘classes” of residency within SL by the time I reach the bottom of each thread.completely ignoring the main text of the original post… but I won’t.
Instead, I will simply respond with my perspective of this “Open Letter” and my original thoughts and complains… with this preface: I do not pay for my account monthly. Perhaps that means that I am among the ranks of the “Unverified” masses, I really don’t know… nor do I care. I am here, therefore I am. I do not have a premium account. What is the point, really? The opportunity to own land? What land? Anyway… here I am, quietly getting to know some of you through your frequent posts.
I read that “Open Letter” within moments of it being posted, and quite frankly I agree with most of it. I have been here for a short time and consider myself a “retired veteran” of another world looking for something fresh and new… something less linear and a place where I can “create” a little and aquire the small satisfaction that comes from my creations being appreciated by others. I consider myself to be an “animator-in-training”… one who has the time, patience, and disposible income to throw at this world, yet is hesitant to make the financial investment required to make something worthy of such a grand vision. I say “vision” because it is not yet what it could be…. hence my support ot the “Open Letter.”
I am willing to invest my time, money, and effort to create content for this world… when this world is stable enough to validate my investment.
Until then, I will simply aquire ideas… for this world or the next.
One Song
May 2nd, 2007
By the way I’m sorry to say this Prok, but I tend to agree what Artemis says is pretty what you generally are and do. Despite me highly disliking that character of an individual Christiano is I never said his letter was “Destructive” or “FIC in nature”. Even if I think there is a possibility that may be some some truth to that also.
You do have the high tendency to automatically disrespect anything or anyone you consider an enemy, bad in everything that they do.
Truth is and it hurts me to say this, even people like Christiano are likely to have offered something good in his life. I know that’s an almost a crazy statement to make. By first impressions it will seem highly improbable and flawed in its very foundation. But also probably a lot closer to the truth than anything else. People should be “judged” or “applauded” by looking at all their actions, “good” and/or “bad”, and not solely for their monetary actions.
I personally believe that despite that that open letter to LL created by Mr. Cristiano hardly speaks the voice of the people, and largely has an evil ulterior motive, name spamming, carrier of the voice of the people for a microscopic bit of sense of self-achievement; that is only intended to mainly accomplish things for his self interest only. It’s highly likely it may also have something good in it’s nature; even if it was not what it was primarily designed for. That sounds like a crazy notion I know, but that’s just how things are.
So please do me a favor Prok, before you reply to this post please really take your time to think about what you’re saying. Read it back to yourself a few times I challenge you to be truthful with yourself for at least once in your life. Then you may be awarded with some eternal inner peace.
One Song
May 2nd, 2007
“Anyway, I don’t need to make bullet points of your sleazy reputation – it is well known what a complete and utter bottom feeder you are. Remind me again what you have contributed to SL?”
It’s funny how you always have to resort to those baseless accusations and outer non-sense vocabulary to get your propaganda across.
I never said I bashed “Gay people”, all I said is that I’ve called people Gay, homosexual, dyke, lesbian before, despite if they were or not. I can’t say I am particularly found with homosexuals that is for sure, but I do respect their right to do whatever the fuck they want as long as its not in public. But you don’t care about that all you care about is believing on those very sad lies you tell and defaming the innocent. Funny thing is I bet with all that bullshit you didn’t even sucker 1 single naive soul. Which makes you terrible at what you enjoy doing most, telling countless lies. It’s quiet sad frankly. I can’t imagine anything that is sadder right now. You should be embarrassed!
As far about you asking what I did in SL, funny you insist on asking again.
My answer to that is: I’m not your servant do your own homework. Or get lost. In fact, just please get lost you will be doing everyone a favor including yourself. It’s funny observing your moronic uncreative self, fighting battles that you couldn’t possibly win to save your life. Get a life! Do something constructive! They maybe at least some people might respect you.
Cristiano Midnight
May 2nd, 2007
One Song:
You confirmed the very thing you claimed I am lying about, which is that you had someone who was openly racist and attacking SL members as a high ranking officer in your group, and defended him. Those are your own words. Learn some grammar, basic reading comprehension, and to not accuse someone of lying while proving their point at the same time. At least Prokofy is an intelligent and witty person to argue with, you’re as dumb as a rock.
BTW, glad also to see you clarified your position on gays – you don’t mind using gay terms as a slur, but you tolerate gay people as long as they don’t do anything in public where you have to see it. Nice. You are a really winner and portrait of tolerance, my friend.
Brent Recreant
May 2nd, 2007
Prof Neva-
You are aware they re-raised the Stipend back to 500, right, Just today. Look at the people cheering in Resident Answers.
Also, alot of the problems CM listed in his Open letter are also happening to me, a Normal grid-using shopper and not at the head of a SL Fortune 500 Company. I’ve experienced and all my friends have experienced heavy inventory loss the past couple of months. It needs to stop.
Basically, I just think your bitch with a bug up your ass. Kthxbai
Brent Recreant
May 2nd, 2007
BTW, everybody, if you were ever wondering, Nacon is a SL last-name. And it goes with the first name “Vincent” to make “Vincent Nacon,” who is the SL avatar who is such a persistent troll on the forums. If you wish to send a note of protest for his behaviour, send him a parrot out of the Libary, since most of what he does is parrot back something someone says with some nasty barb that he thinks passes for insight.
Gosh, you have to love it when Herald stories unearth old feuds that are like 4 years old now lol? Even when they are 2 years old it’s funny enough.
I’m seriously wondering what Cristiano’s next move is, and whether now he has the grand masses of 1,500 behind his white flowing robed back, whether he will now actually push for change, or let down The People once again.”
-Prof Neva
Funny, what have you done for SL besides bitch on a third party website and hold crap-tac-u-lar meetings?
So far these issues have appeared on the blog, at least showing us that the Lindens are aware of these issues, and ever since they raised the Stipend again, I’m becoming hopeful and hope they fix things.
I also do think that they have to put a cap on the unverifieds “Freeloaders”. They waste server spaces for paying customers. All other MMORPG’s do this, and SL should be no different! Make the freeloaders lessen’ up!
May 2nd, 2007
A lot of people already knew my first name, Prok. The only reason why you felt like you had to mention it because you thought it would make me feel… less private? I don’t care, but… isn’t that something you shouldn’t post on the Herald for personal information without their permission? Kinda like the case with Plastic Duck, no? Heh.
Your only problem is lying and that’s not a good thing. If you didn’t, then why are you being told about VT with Moo Money whom was “greifing” after you knew it was me doing the candle thing, which is by the way, REAL people were trying to be supportive for you. In case you don’t get it… it’s a joke when you don’t take it that way or even realize your own problem.
I only did you a favor so you can “somewhat” see yourself.
Keep posting, Prok, cause you have become embarrassing again.
Allana Dion
May 2nd, 2007
>”I’ve called people dykes, homosexuals, trannies. But I never insulted anyone by they ethnic background.”
May 2nd, 2007
Dear Cristiano Midnight;
Two things.
1) You said “batshit insane”. Are you a /b/-tard or /b/-affiliate, perhaps you have some /b/-tarded friends?
2) Would “Negative Neva” work better than “Negative Nancy” for our dear Prok?
Sling Trebuchet
May 2nd, 2007
The contrast between the above exchanges and what *must* be in Philip Rosedale’s “Love Machine” is extreme. It illustrates why LL are hiding in the bunkers.
Extract from the Rolling Stone piece:
“The Love Machine is basically the Linden’s neo-hippie version of a perpetual Valentines. Throughout the day, Lindens post little affirmations to each other online. “Thanks for having too much integrity for one single person,” reads one message to Rosedale. “It feels wonderful,” he says.
Rosedale uses the Love Machine to evaluate employee performance. The more love you receive, the better you do.”
See? Any contact with residents who are not gushing love is dangerously toxic. Any Linden who raises “issues” internally will not be perceived as a good lover. They’ll get less love in the Love Machine. They won’t make Philip “feel wonderful”.
“Now he wants to move it from Linden Labs into Second Life, so that Residents can heart the Lindens too. ‘I would like everyone within Second Life to be able to send us love’ he says, locking eyes.”
So there you have it from the horses mouth (so to speak). If you want to influence things, speak with love to Lindens.
DO “I love you to bits. It would be really great if you could enhance my login experience.”
DO NOT “I can’t freaking log in! Fix it!”
DO “I’m in a really great sim that your hard work has enabled. You are wonderful! It would be really cool if I could TP to other sims like it. I love you : Kisses!”
DO NOT “I can’t freaking TP! Fix it!”
If the reality was that we were paying customers of a business, maybe the ‘DO NOT’ would get results. That’s not the reality.
Read the Rosedale bit in Rolling Stone (again?) – and slowly. That culture is what you are trying to influence.
In closing, I’d like to say that I love you *all* insanely.
And remember, if loving was easy, everybody would do it.
Prokofy Neva
May 2nd, 2007
>A lot of people already knew my first name, Prok. The only reason why you felt like you had to mention it because you thought it would make me feel… less private? I don’t care, but… isn’t that something you shouldn’t post on the Herald for personal information without their permission? Kinda like the case with Plastic Duck, no? Heh.
Yes, Vincent Nacon, when you use the pages of the Herald, to incite people to come inworld and spam me with objects because of something I’ve written you don’t like, yes, Vincent Nacon, you forfeit your right to keep your first name private, which, as you point out, gosh, lots of people knew, but now everybody knows, so they can now feel free to ban/mute you or at least know a inveterate troll is coming their way.
Next time you have a concern about keeping your name out of the paper, don’t incite spamming and griefing of people inworld.
>Your only problem is lying and that’s not a good thing. If you didn’t, then why are you being told about VT with Moo Money whom was “greifing” after you knew it was me doing the candle thing, which is by the way, REAL people were trying to be supportive for you.
No, dickwad, they aren’t being supportive of me, they’re being incited to griefing and TOS violation by you using the Herald. Stop it.
>In case you don’t get it… it’s a joke when you don’t take it that way or even realize your own problem.
No, it’s not a joke, it’s you being an asswipe, and inciting people to harass me inworld.
>I only did you a favor so you can “somewhat” see yourself.
Um, there’s nothing to see except…you are an asshole capable of using the pages of the Herald to incite griefing of me inworld. Oh, and, gosh, I got 3 candles. So, your powers of incitement are, um, about as big as your dick.
>Keep posting, Prok, cause you have become embarrassing again.
Always happy to provide a mirror for your own deep inadequacies, Vincent Nacon : ) : ) : )
Prokofy Neva
May 2nd, 2007
Funny, what have you done for SL besides bitch on a third party website and hold crap-tac-u-lar meetings?
>Lots of stuff, um, but I usually don’t enumerate all my good deeds to people who use terms like “crap-tac-u-lar”.
>So far these issues have appeared on the blog, at least showing us that the Lindens are aware of these issues, and ever since they raised the Stipend again, I’m becoming hopeful and hope they fix things.
I didn’t realize they raised the stipend, didn’t see any announcement of it, and just the other I was helping someone inworld who had $300 in a new account, so I guess it just went into effect?
>I also do think that they have to put a cap on the unverifieds “Freeloaders”. They waste server spaces for paying customers. All other MMORPG’s do this, and SL should be no different! Make the freeloaders lessen’ up!
This is a widely held, and deep-seated, but totally unsubstantiated view.
Most of the people logging on and staying long hours and filling up server space tend to be verifieds, who own land or buy Lindens to buy lots of stuff.
A lot of unverified try-mes don’t come back and don’t stay for long periods.
We don’t have reliable figures from the Lindens how many of the unverifieds become paying customers but some percent, do.
Many paying customers keep an unverified alt.
SL isn’t like other MMORPGs because it’s not a RPG per se.
And so on.
Jim Perhaps
May 2nd, 2007
The tide I believe is turning. Second Life is a fascinating place but it was hyped so much in the press and now the press is starting to take a closer look. These big virtual stores are empty and people have invested in islands and such can’t get their guests and customers there. There are just so many broken things. They opened the gates to all these no verification accounts and never considered how they would manage the growth.