Talks between Alliance Navy and Merczateers Stall. Will it be War Without End?
by Urizenus Sklar on 09/04/07 at 11:35 pm
I was going about some routine editorial work in the Herald bunker in Jessie when an urgent communiqué from a Herald informant splashed onto my screen. According to the informant, the two great armies of Second Life – the Aliance Navy and the Merczateers were engaged in skirmishes again. It had been months since they had a full-on war, but an uneasy low grade conflict had been going on ever since. I decided to investigate and teleported to the Merzcateer base in order to seek out my old acquaintance Proteus Hand.
I materialized on a dock outside the Merzcateer headquarters, and it appeared that a conflict was already in full swing. Sniper fire rang out and from time to time I could hear he burst of automatic weapons and the concussion of heavy explosives.
I was immediately challenged by a Merzcateer in a small pod-like flying vessel.
“State your business here,”
His shipboard guns were ominously trained on bald, elegantly shaped head.
“I’m looking for Proteus Hand.”
“He’s right behind you.”
I turned and saw no one, but moments later Proteus materialized. A cloaking device? Server lag? In Second Life one never knows.
Proteus: “It’s hairy out here, follow me.”
I followed Proteus into the doorway of what I took to be a concrete bunker. Later I was informed that the bunker was actually much deeper below us and these were merely tunnels to the command offices. As I followed Proteus though the maze of tunnels I could still hear the gunfire and percussion of explosives outside. Now and then I could hear orders being barked, as Merczateers of various rank ran past us in the tunnels.
Even in the company of Proteus – an infantry commander — I was challenged on many occasions. Then, suddenly, Proteus crashed out leaving me alone in the tunnel to explain myself to security officers and soldiers that came running through on what seemed to be important martial business of some form or other. Clearly I was not blending in with my steampunk clothing and double bridged mirrorshades.
Finally Proteus returned and asked me to state my business, which was, of course, to get the story. What was the conflict about? How did it start? How did he think it would end?
Proteus nodded …“Ah good good, wait a second.” Proteus then showed me something of his outside-the-box thinking skills.
“I think it would be good if you got both sides, I’ll see if Harlequin can join us.”
Harlequin, as in Harlequin Salome, is a high ranking officer of the Alliance Navy. A few minutes worth of IM’s and a meeting was arranged.
It was soon clear to me that my role in this drama was going to be much larger than being a mere reporter. This is a phenomenon that Herald staffers have observed since the early days of Alphaville and it was aptly chronicled by Walker Spaight in his piece on the Showdown in Street City. Reporting for the Herald carries with it the much larger responsibility than just getting the story, it carries the added burden of civic duty, and, when times call for it, being a peacemaker. The story would have to wait. My job now was to try and stave off war.
It was established that I would be moderating a sit-down meeting between the leaders of the Alliance Navy and the Merczateers. Perhaps a peace treaty could be negotiated, or so I hoped. Perhaps a great deadly conflict and the ensuing collateral damage could be avoided. At a minimum perhaps the groups could come to understand each other better and lay the foundations for future settlements.
I arranged for the meeting to take place in Shivar, in the shadow of the great citadel built by Yadni Monde. Both leaders arrived with fellow officers and security forces in tow. Proteus came with General Melly Deemster, General Mean Emoto, Marshal Lurdan Huszar, General fat Pow and General Anthony Lehane. Harlequin came with Marine Commander Mikael Khalomov, AD Wing Commander Judge Hocho, and Admiral Nanao Mahfouz. (At points in the discussion below I indicate the group affiliation of these officers, using ‘AN’ and ‘M’.)
The two groups were a study in contrast. The Merczateers came in the ratty black uniforms of band of anarchists that had been quickly yet efficiently organized for battle and damn the pomp and circumstance. Proteus wore a long dark soviet-style military coat, sat in his chair hunched forward as though the responsibility for the welfare of an entire army rested on his shoulders. His white prim hair hung in front of his face and I wondered if perhaps he was becoming ground down by the years of virtual warfare.
But now and then his eyes flashed out from behind the locks of white hair and one could see the focus and intensity of an agile and vibrant leader. When he spoke, he was no less agile, and the illusion of a tired old soldier melted away. He suddenly looked not so much tired as coiled and ready to strike.
Proteus was flanked by General Deemster, General Emoto, and Marshal Huszar. Fat Pow was position slightly behind Harlequin – clearly a security measure. General Lehane positioned himself behind me – was I a security risk too? General Deemster appeared to be some sort of nekko, but I couldn’t be sure – tails are no longer a reliable indicator. All wore black battle gear that showed the scuffs and wear of numerous urban warfare campaigns and all seemed to be coated with the fine white dust that concrete bunkers yield to the constant drum of heavy bombardment.
Harlequin and his men were anything but scuffed and dusty. Their uniforms were bright and polished and all stood at attention, fingers always resting on the triggers of their guns. Harlequin himself sat upright in a Gorean chair, never raising the mirrored visor of his helmet. One was left to guess about the soldier inside.
As I was to learn, their respective attire said a lot about the history of these two organizations. The Alliance Navy had been skimming the cream of the crop of recruits for years now. They accepted no slackers. Only the most skilled scripters and disciplined soldiers were brought into the fold. Those that did not live up to expectations were expunged. On the other hand, the Merzcateers seemed to have been cobbled together from the fragments of dismantled armies (like the Novo Ordo Imperialis), vigilantes and paramilitary death squads (like the Republic of Germany Army), loners and even griefers. And as it turned out, this was one of the points of contention – the safe harbor that the Merczateers provided to the castoffs and pariahs of the metaverse.
Following is the edited and annotated transcript of this meeting. I have kept the elisions to a minimum; given the epic historic significance of the meeting, it is important for future historians to have as much information at their disposal as possible.
The Alliance Navy’s Charges against the Merzcateers:
1) theft of AN property
2) admitting griefers
3) a property dispute
4) a prim copying incident
Urizenus Sklar: well where should we begin… Harlequin can you give me some background on this conflict?
Harlequin Salome: Just this current flare-up, I assume. I’ll leave out the past histories, to keep from rambling. Since the group known as the Ordo [Novo Ordo Imperialis] fell apart, the Mercz and the AN have been at odds… in fact, somewhat before then. The Ordo’s general membership tended to be made up of folks that had proven to have stolen our gear, given things out, and such. Therefore, we took offense when [Ordo] members joined the Merczateers in great numbers.
Nanao Mahfouz (AN): [They were] welcoming griefers to the fold, simply enough.
Harlequin Salome: We lodged official protest with the Merczateers High Command, and we were brushed off. We let the matter lie for awhile, and were in fact given assurances that said people would be removed. They finally were [removed] when we threatened war.
Shortly thereafter, the Merczateers gained a sim as a gift from someone. They lost said sim after a few days. Since the AN was in the sim at the time, they blamed us. What happened after that is murky, but it was at least clear that the Mercz were making deals with a great number of groups. They welcomed in other known griefers, and as an anti-griefer group, we decided to cut all ties.
The final straw came with an accusation of prim-copying by one of Mercz High Command. So we used force as an extension of diplomacy, as it were. The Mercz’s response was to fight back and, to quote Lurdan (M). “Know all those people you wanted us to kick? We’re letting them back in.”
Urizenus Sklar: What griefers have joined with the Merzcateers?
Harlequin Salome: I’ll not list names, then it seems like I am pursuing a personal vendetta. But there is Timmahy Widget, a rather well known thief that was quite welcome there. In addition, the Republic of Germany are now their allies. The ROG of course being openly racist. Telling me and Jim, both Jews, that we should die in ovens.
Nanao Mahfouz (AN): More than allies; they’ve joined the Mercz.
Lurdan Huszar (M): Timmahy never joined us.
Melly Deemster (M): Indeed.
Harlequin Salome: And the Federation, who have members that IM some of our folks and threaten them, via alt, with rape and worse. I could go on, but again, I’d hate to ramble.
The Merzcanteers respond to the charges: “we are a reformation camp”
Urizenus Sklar: These are strong accusations. Proteus, you may wish to respond
Proteus Hand: alright. Well… personally, I do not know if any of this is true concerning the Federation or the ROG, but I’ve caught them in their down time, and it fits the bill. However…
Urizenus Sklar: are the Merzcateers welcoming known griefers?
Proteus Hand: No.
fat Pow (M): No.
Lurdan Huszar (M): No.
Proteus Hand: In fact, we act more like a reformation camp, and I believe that Harlequin’s theories are slightly misplaced, however intelligent they may be.
Urizenus Sklar: Harlequin, do you have evidence for your charges?
Harlequin Salome: Allow me to look for the access list for Badnarik, when it was being built.
Proteus Hand: Timmahy widget was on that list. This is because members of Titan industries and ex-NOI [Novo Ordo Imperialis] happen to be very close friends with the Merczateers.
Harlequin Salome: There were others as well, but Widget was the only one in the shot I have. Shall I display it or just show you, Uri?
Harlequin Salome: And is KCGANGSTA not a Grunt, Proteus?
Proteus Hand: No. He is a recruit.
Lurdan Huszar (M): Just joined.
Judge Hocho (AN): As is Tristan Mineff.
Proteus Hand: Just recently, the ROG collapsed, however, they have shown no griefing under our command.
Harlequin condemns the Merzcanteers for admitting ROG member Tristan Mineff.
Harlequin Salome: Aye, Tristan. Who when learning someone is gay or bi, will scream “Faggot” using shout. This as of 2 days ago.
Proteus Hand: This is against SLSALT? I don’t think so, Harlequin.
Lurdan Huszar (M): Yes, he may be a bit immature, but he hasn’t broken any of our established rules, and therefore is welcomed..
Proteus Hand: In fact, it is freedom of speech.
Harlequin Salome: SLSALT is not a way to decide when war is just. As you would know. Had you read it.
Judge Hocho (AN): It is against TOS, Proteus. Harassment.
Proteus Hand: Only if someone considers being called a “faggot” harassment.
Nanao Mahfouz (AN): From Tristan’s profile picks, “i can see nanao running from german troops, on the back of his pajamas is “I <3 Fags" as we mow him down. What plesure it brings." If my understanding of the TOS is correct, such remarks are defamatory.
Urizenus Sklar: The question on the table is the charge that the Mercz are welcoming griefers into their group
Harlequin Salome: I believe they’ve already admitted such. The claim to “rehabilitate” them was the counter to such. Given that Lehane and Tristan showed up the other day, and Tristan screamed “Faggot” at me at the time, after Lehane had died, shows the contrary.
Proteus explains why he in morally compelled to give griefers a second chance and admit them into the Merzcateers.
Proteus Hand: Do you know why I do this, Harlequin? Because, it would be wrong for me to deny such to any other griefer.
Harlequin Salome: That is your choice.
Proteus Hand: Before I joined the Merczateers, you and Nanao both know what I was. Sky Raiders. Scum, that’s what we were, now that I look back upon it. I’ve recently reached the rank of Infantry Commander, without a griefer offense under my belt since. I think it is wrong to deny such right to our Mladshiy’s whatever their status may be. Under such an arbitrary scale you have constructed.
Uri turns to the topic of alleged (prim copying) theft.
Urizenus Sklar: But what of these charges of theft?
Proteus Hand: Debunked. The original “thief” was Jonathan Arna.
Harlequin Salome: Actually, no.
Proteus Hand: Well.. Christoph, in Adscita. But we’d rather not mention him.
Harlequin Salome: There was more, Proteus. Since the AN are the ones who were offended against, please do me a favor and let me and mine respond.
Proteus Hand: Gladly.
Lurdan Huszar (M): I could break out both knives right now and show you all, they are not exact copies, not even close, I even watched Commander Arna build the knife grip without any aid. But, I cannot ignore the fact that he did look at Luca’s blade for reference, but did not “prim-copy” it.
Nanao Mahfouz (AN): You watch him build the C4 he copied off Eata Kitty, Lurdan?
Lurdan Huszar (M): No, I haven’t even seen that C4 yet, nor heard much about it. Only a rumour to me.
Proteus Hand: I saw him attempt it….
Lurdan Huszar (M): How?
Proteus Hand: Hole & Rappel. I was a lower rank at the time, and was ordered to leave the room, however, so I cannot confirm the details.
Lurdan Huszar (M) Well I haven’t seen anything solid.
A digression on a sex scandal involving Luca, when he was a Merczateer.
Proteus Hand: Luca, being a former Merczateer Elite until he went AWOL and admittedly had sex with a recruit on Marshal Huszar’s desk.
Melly Deemster (M): I heard a rumor about that, what’s that about? I heard something about it being on a skybox, from someone. like a few months ago.
General Mahfouz (AN) returns the discussion to prim copying.
Nanao Mahfouz (AN): Let’s not cherry-pick here, gentlemen. Luca’s knife is not the only thing I’ve seen Jonathan Arna try to steal, nor the only thing the General admitted to. The fact is there were many incidents which led up to this conflict, which we have routinely shrugged aside and turned the other cheek to, and when our personnel were fired upon and banned from your facility upon attempts to question what Arna was up to, I felt it was time to let the gloves come off.
Nanao Mahfouz (AN): Callous disrespect and disregard can only be ignored and suffered for so long.
Proteus Hand: True, which is probably why he fired on you. heh. I could bring out logs as proof. or is it not necessary. anyone? It was a rather important event in Merczateers history.
Urizenus Sklar: where are we then
Proteus Hand: Where should I begin?
Proteus Hand: We have… The Woofer, incident. which was what originally stirred our ranks. despite the Alliance Navy denies that they took the sim, which was claimed by the Merczateers at the time. now the Alliance Navy’s largest Headquarters.
Proteus Hand: But I’ll let that slide.
Harlequin Salome: Because after the sim was taken back by the landowner, he approached us.
Proteus Hand: I can understand that you bought it.
Harlequin Salome: Since he knew we were willing to purchase a sim, and had the cash.
Lurdan Huszar (M): The sim was named “Alliance Navy – Pending” a mockery of the name I gave it, just after all of my work on the sim had been returned.
Lurdan Huszar (M): But I believe that was the landowner.. who did that. He seemed a bit enthusiastic.
Harlequin Salome: We had nothing to do with that, Lurdan (M).
Lurdan Huszar (M): Yes, I know.
Judge Hocho (AN): Our presence there does not mean that we stole the sim from you. Rodgers removed you, of his own accord, and offered to sell it to us, again with no persuasion on our part. This matter was cleared up in the past.
Proteus Hand: still seemed to be an underhanded maneuver, being that we were allies at the time.
Judge Hocho (AN): He did not sell it to us for over a month after he removed you.
Proteus Hand: Does it matter?
Nanao Mahfouz (AN): That was the landowner who did that; we had, at the time, decided against the offer due to moral qualms and the fact that it would not have been under our control to begin with under the terms with which the sim was offered. If we accepted, we would have been open to the same risk of being pushed out at a whim, just as the Mercz had been.
Harlequin Salome: What should we have done? Spent over a grand on purchasing a sim to honor an alliance that you never honored unless under duress?
Proteus Hand: I, personally, honored it. And, I will admit, the Alliance Navy helped us quite a bit, during Hjalmer.
Lurdan Huszar (M): Yes, I was there just before he decided to turn it in, Harlequin could have easily assured him that we could have handled the sim, but instead continued to tell him how much of an awful pack of people we are. I didn’t like this obviously, Harlequin often tells me he’s looking out for me.
Harlequin Salome: Lurdan, he was feeling personally insulted by your people. I am honored that you think I have so much power with my words.
Judge Hocho (AN):: As commanders, there is no ‘personally’; there is only the reflection of what the people under your command and associated with your organization do that you are judged by.
Urizenus Sklar: Well gentlemen…I see there is a long and difficult history here, but perhaps we can focus on the present. Is there no hope of a negotiated settlement or is it beyond that?
Proteus Hand: It could be arranged… but the consequences of a compromise are undesirable… for both sides, I believe.
Urizenus Sklar: What would a compromise look like?
Proteus Hand: It would more than likely result in something happening to General Arna, possibly the most honest, and hard worker in our group — albeit bad tempered.
Harlequin Salome: That is part of the long history. We’ve made more deals with the Merczateers than I can count. None have been honored. As far back as when Christoph Naumova was in their group, griefing and primcopying. We went to the Mercz, and over a month of ‘we’ll remove him, honest” went by before he staged a sneak attack on us. When we finished the battle, we had more assurances. Nothing occured. I feel the Merczateers have proved that “settlements” mean nothing. I personally feel that they have no capital, so to speak. No credibility.
Proteus Hand: We feel the same towards the Alliance Navy.
Harlequin Salome: If I may. Proteus, what agreements have we violated? I will admit that Christoph was… despicable, and he was the worst decision we ever made.
Proteus Hand: Oh, I wasn’t talking about agreements I was talking about lack of credibility.
Lurdan Huszar (M): Heheh, you said you’d let us make the first move, remember Harlequin?
Proteus Hand: They considered Arna the first move. I think…
Harlequin Salome: No, we considered Nanao being shot and thrown out the first move.
Nanao Mahfouz (AN): Myself, and two of my Marines, and a noncombatant mediator.
Harlequin Salome: We tend to consider shooting our people to be acts of war. We’re funny like that.
Urizenus Sklar: So war is the only solution now?
Nanao Mahfouz (AN): Unfortunately for any peaceful resolution, war is the only possible outcome to deal with a group which has demonstrated a callous lack of regard and control over the rank and file, so to speak. One cannot back up their credibility as a leader when they cannot assure that their orders or regulations can be respected.
Urizenus Sklar: Gentlemen, back to the present. What will you gain from warfare here? What will count as a victory?
Lurdan Huszar (M): That’s tough to define in my eyes..
Melly Deemster (M): Victory to them, was when the ordo disbanned was it not?
Urizenus Sklar: Proteus, do you really think you could destroy the AN?
Proteus Hand: No, It is impossible to destroy anything. in SL military, everything is given up willingly.
Urizenus Sklar: Well Ordo was destroyed
Lurdan Huszar (M): Not by physical harm..
Melly Deemster (M): Cause Aryte disbanded it cause he got fed up with AN.
Proteus Hand: They never disbanded. Aryte left, but they never disbanded, in his memory.
Melly Deemster (M): True.
Harlequin Salome: May I counter, Mr Sklar?
Urizenus Sklar: yes Harlequin
Harlequin Salome: War in SL is more than just killing. You’re looking at it like you would a real fight, and it isn’t. Real fights are about killing the foe, and taking territory, and those are meaningless here.
Proteus Hand: very true.
Urizenus Sklar: then what is the goal? how do we measure victory?
Melly Deemster (M): Being the most well organized Military?
Harlequin Salome: Breaking the foe’s will to resist. Clauswitzian Total War.
Proteus Hand: Harlequin is exactly right.
Lurdan Huszar (M): Destroying them psychologically, breaking their will..
Harlequin Salome: When the Mercz first sneak attacked us, we struck and struck hard, about a year ago or so. We attacked for over 5 hours of hell. In fact, I personally saw Mercz surrendering.
Proteus Hand: Back in the Adscita days. And before that.
Melly Deemster (M): I wasn’t around for that.
Proteus Hand: Same, I wasn’t there.
Anthony Lehane (M): I really think at this point it’s nearly impossible to do that to eachother, AN to Mercz or Mercz to AN. It’s usually a tactic that works against a smaller group from a more larger experienced, one.
Proteus Hand: Like what we did to say….
Harlequin Salome: It worked with you before, Anthony.
Proteus Hand: Dynastic Navy? This was the Second Life Marine Corps. Officially, it wasn’t even the same group.
Lurdan Huszar (M): Right now, I really think we’re just as powerful as each other, maybe with a few holes here and there, but yeah. Breaking one of us seems impossible at this point.
Harlequin Salome: I would see victory come in the form of the Mercz admitting fault, and removing griefers rather than harbor them. *shrugs quietly* I’d prefer that not come as a result of violence.
Proteus Hand: However, the first one to suggest a compromise would, in my eyes, seem to show a surrender. Which I do not tolerate.
Urizenus Sklar: Harlequin, do you believe you can break the will of Proteus and the Merzcateers?
Harlequin Salome nods slowly. I think so. I’ve seen our fights, and generally they are lopsided until people resort to using sittargets, spawncamping, and the like. I don’t thin the AN is anything but the Immovable Object. We also are the Irresistable Force. I honestly feel that even if I could not make, say, Mr Hand admit we’re better, I could make it so he never raised a hand against the AN again. Its not about winning, its about making the foe realize not fighting is better than the alternative
Urizenus Sklar: Proteus, do you really think you can break the will of the AN?
although, I have had several strategies, but they were rather distasteful, not illegal, just against my personal method of doing things. I could not break Harlequin or Nanao. Or any member of the AN high command. I think they could say the same about us. the eight of us, are possibly the most stubborn people in second life.
Harlequin Salome: Honestly, I’ve never considered any options that were not on the level and fair. I’m rather surprised you have.
Proteus Hand: I consider everything. It’s what I do that makes the difference. But, at least I will admit it.
Harlequin Salome: Proteus, I’m getting a little annoyed at the veiled insults. We’re treating you with respect. Do the same.
Proteus Hand: My insults are slightly less veiled than yours are, oh worthy adversary.
Urizenus Sklar: Gentlemen …
Avil Creeggan
Apr 10th, 2007
A few notes:
*This headline was accurate a few months ago. Talks have been stalled for months, and the war has also been on for, well, months. One references Alliance Navy Operation “CRUCIFIX”, April 6-8, with results that I’m sure both parties involved will gladly speak of in the comments to come.
*Proteus contacted Mikael Khalamov, command officer, Alliance Navy Marines, who in turn contacted other members of the Alliance Navy High Command, including Harlequin. On Harlequin’s arrival, Proteus Hand summoned additional members of the Merczateers, after a short mention of “oh crap” in local chat.
*Since I’m suspecting it’s going to come up shortly, it’s also of point to note that since the beginning of our issues with the Merczateers, Jonathan Arna has resigned from his general position in the Merczateers, made personal reparations and apologies with members of the Alliance Navy, and was extended a conditional acceptance of his application to join as a recruit.
–Avil Creeggan
E-9, Alliance Navy Fleet.
Avil Creeggan
Apr 10th, 2007
Okay, I’m done.
Myrrh Massiel
Apr 10th, 2007
Jim Herbst
Apr 10th, 2007
Two notes/comments from me:
1: I’m the commander of the AN (as proven by a previous article on the herald) Harlequin is one of the two gentlemen who are 3rd in Command.
2: 10 pence says that a majority of comments proceeding mine will be a lot like the one directly above this one.
Apr 10th, 2007
You spelled “Merczateers” wrong in the title.
(sighs, stupid editors)
Avil Creeggan
Apr 10th, 2007
They spelled “Alliance” wrong too, if you didn’t notice.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 10th, 2007
I know which side I’m on here. Life is about choices.
Commander Cirius Montale
Apr 10th, 2007
Urizenus, I must applaud you on what is possibly the first ever well written independent article written regarding the Alliance Navy.
You managed to present both sides of the debate coherantly, and gave an imaginative description of setting and atmosphere, something that on the whole the Herald has a habit of ignoring in favour of ‘dramatic licence’ and untruth. Your claim that the Herald believes in ‘civic duty’ is a comment that whilst I’m sure may be true for yourself, needs re-evaluating for the rest of the Herald.
As Commander of the Alliance Navy Fleet Division, I apologise for being unable to attend this lively meeting, but the AN is a global organisation, and the other hemisphere does occasionally need sleep.
However, I digress. SL moves on quickly. This debate is already long finished. Operation Crucifix, an attack on the Merczateers that did not let up for 38 hours, has come and gone. The AN has shown what co-operation and organisation in SL can achieve. My thanks go out to everyone who participated, even the Mercz, who, aside from those who resorted to sitting on prims and flying around the sim, fought with honour.
Those Mercz who have recently sent me requests for acceptance into the AN, I will get around to processing your applications today, and we will welcome you into the AN despite your choices in the past. The personal surrenders and requests for application forms will be dealt with when I have time.
And Prokofy, if life is indeed about choices, I’d rather that for once, please, for the love of god, you attempted to steer clear of one debate. Your opinions are on the whole overtly hostile to well, pretty much everyone in SL. Despite the fact that you support the AN here, frankly the AN would rather have no association with you whatsoever.
Fleet Commander Cirius Montale.
AN Signal Corps Media Representative.
Ares Artizar
Apr 10th, 2007
Haha and yet, what nobody suspects, is that the AN has already gained control of Sparta, and intends to use Sparta against the AN. This is because Bruno Ziskey, ruler of Sparta, has been brainwashed by the AN into liking them. I hope the Mercz never surrender!
Apr 10th, 2007
Gentlemen, I’ve corrected some of the errors above — the fault of Audry in typesetting for the most part. Also, the original title was by Chip, our headline writing monkey. obviously we know the war is on, as I came to the mercz base when it was in full swing. The real issue is whether this conflict will rage for 100 years or whether there may some day be a resolution. We all pray for the latter. Peace, noble warriors.
Tsukasa Keiko
Apr 10th, 2007
I suggest anyone who wants a follow-up on this story go read the article about Operation Crucifix at our website;
-Tsukasa Keiko
E-6 Fleet
Commander Cirius Montale
Apr 10th, 2007
Many thanks for correcting the article so soon after its publication. You can understand our overwhelming desire for accuracy in matters such as this.
Brainwashing. An interesting term. I’d like to know just Mr Artizar has managed to convince himself that the Alliance Navy has the power to manipulate an individual into completely changing his mind. Not to mention the fact that his complete statement makes no sense whatsoever.
I have found Mr Bruno Ziskey a polite, intelligent individual, with a capacity to think for himself. He is not, as you seem to believe, an Alliance Navy ‘puppet’.
Commander Cirius Montale
AN Signal Corps Media Representative.
Bruno Ziskey
Apr 10th, 2007
Thank you Mr. Montale for your kind words, I must say the same about you and others in the Alliance Navy.
Ares, stop dispensing with this lying ramble of yours, the AN is not evil, and they have not brainwashed me, we simply have mutual respect for one another, not something you would understand. Its interesting though, that the very fact that Ms. Pixeleen took an interest in Sparta and said she might do an article on us was because you sent a message to her about how the AN is controlling Sparta. If Sparta gets an article written about it in the Herald, allowing us to advertise ourselves and get the word out that people can join a group thats fair and does not grief aka Sparta, then perhaps I should thank you for your stupidity and paranoia.
Bruno Ziskey
Spartan King
Apr 10th, 2007
Looks like the whiny emo army is comin for the gay rainbow space navy, It’l be an epic battle of crying and overall faggotry.
Anonymous. We Are Legion
Apr 10th, 2007
Commander Cirius Montale
Apr 10th, 2007
Indeed it is Mr Legion. It’s quite serious, it’s all about a series of tubes.
And quite frankly, I’d rather be the gay rainbow space navy than the whiny emo army if the choice is there. our pretty pink fleet ships and primary coloured armour really does cheer me up when I’m feeling down.
Hmm, that’s given me an idea for a rainbow coloured Fleet ship…the ANS ZIPPY?
The Alliance Navy thanks you all for your continued interest, helpful suggestions and capitalised cries of 11!!ELEVEN
Commander Cirius Montale
AN Signal Corps Media Representative.
Harlequin Salome
Apr 10th, 2007
Just a side note. The folks that make fun of us are far less well spoken than we, and incapable of making a coherent point. They resort to child-like insults and jabs, making it, I think, very clear that the accusations of “childishness” agaisnt us are unfounded, and in fact mroe than slightly incoherent.
Or let me put this in words you might understand. “DIAF”.
Thank you.
Bruno Ziskey
Apr 10th, 2007
*nods in agreement with Harlequin* Its amazing how so many people that verbally (and sometimes virtually) attack military groups are so illiterate. They might actually be able to be persuasive if they were to start speaking as adults.
Apr 10th, 2007
“The folks that make fun of us are far less well spoken than we, and incapable of making a coherent point.”
“They resort to child-like insults and jabs, making it, I think, very clear that the accusations of “childishness” agaisnt us are unfounded, and in fact mroe than slightly incoherent.”
More like accusations of “INTERNETS! SERIOUS BUSINESS” and general faggotry.
Apr 11th, 2007
Whilst the Alliance Navy expresses the ultimate in concern and interest in the cogent declarations of Mr/Ms Legion, it would like to indicate that the utilisation of coherant quotations from previous statements does not conclude in an equally coherant argument.
Commander Cirius Montale
AN Signal Corps Media Representative
Apr 11th, 2007
Also disregard the above, I suck cocks. I wish to be the little girl and travel around in the pink penguin airship of d00m!!111! <– me being random LoL!
Commander Cirius Busness
AN Signal Corps Media Representative
Apr 11th, 2007
hay guys wuts goin on in dis thread
Apr 11th, 2007
It is coherent, not coherant. Your thesaurus fails, fag.
Cirius Montale
Apr 11th, 2007
My apologies Mr Legion.
Even after two years of teaching the language, the odd error will still emerge with the inevitability of a child playing near an electrical socket. I apologise for exciting your sensibilities, and endeavour to maintain an accuracy of 100% in all my responses from now on.
Commander Cirius Montale
AN Signal Corps Media Representative
Apr 11th, 2007
Doubt it, fag.
Bruno Ziskey
Apr 11th, 2007
Legion, your feeble attempts at insulting Mr. Montale are no less than childish, seeing as how you keep referring to Mr. Montale as a “Fag,” and you seem to always wanting the last word. This only goes to prove my point that people who oppose military groups such as AN, Mercz or Sparta keep talking to us as if they are children, and I have a strong suspicion that many, if not most, of them are. I am amazed that Mr. Montale would even desire to refer to you as Mr. I would only refer to you as *looks in dictionary* ass, birdbrain, blockhead, bonehead, bore, buffoon, chump, clod, clown, cretin, dimwit, dolt, donkey, dope, dork, dumb ox, dunce, dunderhead, dupe, easy mark, fair game, fall guy, fathead, goat, gomeral, gomeril, goose*, halfwit, idiot, ignoramus, illiterate, imbecile, innocent, jackass, jerk, lamebrain, laughing stock, lightweight, loon, lunkhead, meathead, moron, nerd, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, numskull, oaf, omadawn, ownshook, pushover, sap, schlemiel*, silly, simpleton, stooge, sucker, turkey, twerp*, twit.
Yes, all those, and many more. *grins politely* So shut up, as you have no ability to outperform many of us educated people (or robots) in communications. Your virtual breath is simply wasted, causing more lag in an already laggy game.
Harlequin Salome
Apr 12th, 2007
For those that wonder *why* the Alliance members tend to be a little bit touchy…
Look at Mr Legion. Multiply him by a hundred. That is the average SLer that we encounter on a daily basis.
Now, ask me why I’m irritable.
Apr 12th, 2007
You are irritable because of “lol internets serious fucking business”
And because you obviously have no first life, sex life, or social life. You are fail
Bruno Ziskey
Apr 12th, 2007
They are fail? Funny, I thought they were the Alliance Navy…
Katch Flaman
Apr 14th, 2007
We are not “fail,” your grammar skills are “fail.” Mr. Legion, if you feel the need to attack the Alliance Navy, please refrain from immature, petty, childish insults, and speak with a mature and educated manner. That is all.
Katch Flaman
Apr 14th, 2007
For reference, I did not mean -physically- attack, I meant -verbally- attack.
The Griff (Sergeant Griffith)
Apr 15th, 2007
Uh, Feds threatening to -RAPE- AN members? Excuse me, wtf?
AN, don’t slander my men with such a serious accusation. If it truely did happen and you had HALF the brain you think you do, you would IM me the instant they spoke with you. I’ve made it more than clear that all problems with Federation troops need to be reported to the members of the Federation Justice Division. Real cute, AN.
Also, why does AN seem to spam all military-related articles with “OMFG DAT EEZ NO FAYR WTF YO DAT NEDZ 2 BE TKEN OF UV DIS SYTE!!!111111111one!1111!112111tehshiftplustehone!1111″
AN really needs to deal with it, not whine and complain. I don’t see a million comments by Feds, hell, ANY other army, spamming Herald Articles. They spam slander.
If AN doesn’t like the fact that the residents of SL don’t like them, they can leave. We honestly don’t want to hear their whining and lies (Except for a few of us, of course).
Proteus Hand
Apr 16th, 2007
Yeeeah.. This had loads of holes in it from where Uri crashed… thus… the whole story wasn’t told, and bits and pieces were mixed up.
Mikael Khalamov
Apr 17th, 2007
I provided Urizenus with a full chat log at the completion of the interview, so the whole story was, in fact, told.
Mikael Khalamov
AN Marine Commander
Apr 18th, 2007
“We are not “fail,” your grammar skills are “fail.” Mr. Legion, if you feel the need to attack the Alliance Navy, please refrain from immature, petty, childish insults, and speak with a mature and educated manner. That is all.”
This is Meme. It is made up of Pete and Repete. Or, if you are really that dumb, Repeat.
Proteus Hand
Apr 18th, 2007
No, it wasn’t.
Whether or not he had the whole story… the whole thing wasn’t told.
I distinctly remember there being:
Harlequin Salome patiently waits for his turn.
Harlequin Salome : Mr Hand, would you please stop flinging your insults and kindly stop interrupting me? I am growing quite irate.
Harlequin Salome : Mr. Huszar, I hope will one day return to the AN, he was a damn good leader.
Proteus Hand : Harlequin and Nanao are just a few examples of some excellent Merczateer Generals.
Proteus Hand : Turned tin.
Proteus Hand
Apr 18th, 2007
This is the full version.
[15:54] Harlequin Salome: *salutes* Admiral Mahfouz, Commander Khalamov. We’ve been asked to take seats.
[15:55] You: o.O
[15:55] Urizenus Sklar: well where should we begin…
[15:55] Mikael Khalamov: Colonel Hocho is on his way.
[15:55] Dark Caliber is Offline
[15:55] Mikael Khalamov salutes.
[15:55] Urizenus Sklar: Harlequin can you give me some background on this conflict?
[15:56] Lurdan Huszar is Online
[15:56] Harlequin Salome: Just this current flare-up, I assume. I’ll leave out the past histories, to keep from rambling.
[15:57] Lurdan Huszar: One moment.
[15:57] Harlequin Salome: Since the group known as the Ordo fell apart, the Mercz and the AN have been at odds… in fact, somewhat before then. The Ordo’s general membership tended to be made up of folks that had proven to have stolen our gear, given things out, and such. Therefore, we took offense when said members joined the Merczateers in great numbers.
[15:57] Multi Gadget v1.51.0 by Timeless Prototype
[15:58] Nanao Mahfouz: An “anti-griefer” group welcoming griefers to the fold, simply enough.
[15:58] Harlequin Salome: We lodged official protest with the Merczateers High Command, and we were brushed off. We let the matter lie for awhile, and were in fact gien assurances that said people would be removed. They finally were when we threatened war.
[15:59] Harlequin Salome: Shortly thereafter, the Merczateers gained a sim as a gift from someone. They lost said sim after a few days. Since the AN was in the sim at the time, they blamed us. What happened after that is murky, but it was at least clear that the Mercz were making deals with a great number of groups. They welcomed in other known griefers, and as an anti-griefer group, we decided to cut all ties.
[16:00] Harlequin Salome: The final straw came with an accusation of prim-copying by one of Mercz High Command. So we used force as an extension of diplomacy, as it were. The Mercz’s response was to fight bac and, to quote lurdan. “Know all those people you wanted us to kick? We’re letting them back in.”
[16:00] Urizenus Sklar: What griefers have joined with the an?
[16:00] Urizenus Sklar: sorry the mercz
[16:00] DevilDog Dielli is Offline
[16:01] Proteus Hand: back
[16:01] Urizenus Sklar: wb
[16:01] Proteus Hand: have we begun?
[16:01] Harlequin Salome: I’ll not list names, then it seems like I am pursuing a personal vendetta. But there is Timmahy Widget, a rather well known thief that was quite welcome there. In adition, the Republic of Germany are now their allies…
[16:01] Urizenus Sklar: ic
[16:01] Harlequin Salome: The ROG of course being openly racist. Telling me and Jim, both Jews, that we should die in ovens.
[16:01] Lurdan Huszar: Timmahy never joined us.
[16:02] You: Indeed.
[16:02] Nanao Mahfouz: More than allies; they’ve joined the Mercz.
[16:02] Harlequin Salome: And the Federation, who have members that IM some of our folks and threaten them, via alt, with rape and worse.
[16:02] Urizenus Sklar: These are strong accusations
[16:02] Harlequin Salome: I could go on, but again, I’d hate to ramble.
[16:02] Urizenus Sklar: Proteus, when you get caught up in chat you may wish to respond
[16:02] Proteus Hand: alright.
[16:03] Proteus Hand: Well… personally, I do not know if any of this is true, concerning the Federation or the ROG, but I’ve caught them in their down time, and it fits the bill.
[16:03] Anthony Lehane is Online
[16:04] Chris Khalamov is Online
[16:04] Proteus Hand: However.
[16:04] Urizenus Sklar: are the Merzcateers welcoming known griefers?
[16:04] Proteus Hand: No.
[16:04] fat Pow: No.
[16:04] Lurdan Huszar: No.
[16:05] Urizenus Sklar: Harlequin, do you have evidence for your charges?
[16:05] Proteus Hand: In face, we act more like a reformation camp, and I believe that Harlequin’s theories are slightly misplaced, however intelligent they may be.
[16:05] Harlequin Salome: Allow me to look for the access list for Badnarik.
[16:05] Proteus Hand: fact*
[16:05] Harlequin Salome: When it was being built.
[16:05] Proteus Hand: Timmahy widget was on that list.
[16:06] Proteus Hand: this is because members of Titan industries and ex-NOI happen to be very close friends with the Merczateers.
[16:06] Harlequin Salome: There were others as well, but Widget was the only one in the shot I have. Shall I display it or just show you, Uri?
[16:06] Harlequin Salome: And is KCGANGSTA not a Grunt, Proteus?
[16:06] Jeremy Duport is Offline
[16:06] Proteus Hand: No.
[16:06] Proteus Hand: He is a recruit.
[16:06] Lurdan Huszar: Mladshiy.
[16:06] Proteus Hand: Mladshiy.
[16:06] Lurdan Huszar: Just joined.
[16:06] Mikael Khalamov: As is Tristan Mineff.
[16:07] Proteus Hand: Just recently, the ROG collapsed, however, they have shown no griefing under our command.
[16:07] Harlequin Salome: Aye, Tristan. Who when learning someone is gay or bi, will scream “Faggot” using shout.
[16:07] Anthony Lehane: holster
[16:07] Harlequin Salome: This as of 2 days ago.
[16:07] Proteus Hand: This is against SLSALT?
[16:07] Proteus Hand: I don’t think so, Harlequin.
[16:07] Lurdan Huszar: Yes, he may be a bit immature, but he hasn’t broken any of our established rules, and therefore is welcomed..
[16:07] Proteus Hand: In fact, it is freedom of speech.
[16:07] Harlequin Salome: SLSALT is not a way to decide when war is just. As you would know.
[16:08] Harlequin Salome: Had you read it.
[16:08] Mikael Khalamov: It is against TOS, Proteus. Harassment.
[16:08] Nanao Mahfouz: From Tristan’s profile picks, “[18:22] You: i can see nanao running from german troops, on the back of his pajamas is “I ♥ Fags” as we mow him down. What plesure it brings.”
[16:08] Proteus Hand: Only if someone consideres being called a “faggot” harassment.
[16:08] Anthony Lehane: I just got here, what are we arguing about…
[16:08] Anthony Lehane: hah
[16:08] Lurdan Huszar: .. excuse me for a moment, I have to relog..
[16:08] Anthony Lehane: Oh.. I see..
[16:08] Lurdan Huszar is Offline
[16:08] Proteus Hand: considers*
[16:08] Proteus Hand: (quite a few typos today, forgive me.
[16:08] Proteus Hand: )
[16:08] Nanao Mahfouz: If my understanding of the TOS, such remarks are defamatory.
[16:08] Flashbang Grenade whispers: Flashbang, Concept and Design by Anthony Lehane, Scripted by Sirlor Stonecutter
[16:08] Lurdan Huszar is Online
[16:08] Urizenus Sklar: The question on the taqble is the charge that the Mercz are welcoming griefers into their group
[16:08] Nanao Mahfouz: (is correct*)
[16:09] Harlequin Salome: I believe they’ve already admitted such. The claim to “rehabilitate” them was the counter to such.
[16:09] robyn Paperdoll is Offline
[16:09] Harlequin Salome: Given that Lehane and Tristan showed up the other day, and Tristan screamed “Faggot” at me at the time, after Lehane had died, shows the contrary.
[16:10] Proteus Hand: Do you know why I do this, Harlequin?
[16:10] Proteus Hand: because, it would be wrong for me to deny such to any other griefer.
[16:10] Alenzia Epsilon is Online
[16:10] Harlequin Salome: That is your choice.
[16:10] Proteus Hand: Before I joined the Merczateers, you and Nanao both know what I was.
[16:10] Proteus Hand: Sky Raiders.
[16:10] Proteus Hand: Scum, that’s what we were, now that I look back upon it.
[16:11] Urizenus Sklar:
[16:11] Proteus Hand: I’ve recently reached the rank of Infantry Commander, without a griefer offense under my belt since.
[16:11] Urizenus Sklar: Congratulations Proteus
[16:11] Proteus Hand: I think it is wrong to deny such right to our Mladshiy’s whatever their status may be.
[16:11] Jeremy Duport is Online
[16:11] Urizenus Sklar: But waht of these charges of theft?
[16:11] Proteus Hand: Under such an arbitrary scale you have constructed.
[16:11] Proteus Hand: Debunked.
[16:12] Harlequin Salome: …
[16:12] Proteus Hand: The original “theif” was Jonathan Arna.
[16:12] Proteus Hand: “thief”*
[16:12] Harlequin Salome: Actually, no.
[16:12] Proteus Hand: rather.
[16:12] Proteus Hand: Well.. Christoph, in Adscita.
[16:12] You: Well, the ordo have differeny perspectives of it, and i’m not really clear on it.
[16:12] Proteus Hand: But we’d rather not mention him.
[16:12] Domine Diage is Offline
[16:12] Harlequin Salome: There was more, Proteus. Since the AN are the ones who were offended against, please do me a favor and let me and mine respond.
[16:12] Proteus Hand: Gladly.
[16:13] Lurdan Huszar: I could break out both knives right now and show you all, they are not exact copies, not even close, I even watched Commander Arna build the knife grip without any aid.
[16:13] Domine Diage is Online
[16:13] Harlequin Salome: It will take a few minutes for me to hunt up the images of the false AN Air Division unifrms. Please carry on in my stead, Admiral Mahfouz.
[16:13] Lurdan Huszar: But, I cannot ignore the fact that he did look at Luca’s blade for reference, but did not “prim-copy” it.
[16:14] Proteus Hand: Luca, being a former Merczateer Elite.
[16:14] Nanao Mahfouz: You watch him build the C4 he copied off Eata Kitty, Lurdan?
[16:14] Proteus Hand: until he went AWOL and admittedly had sex with a recruit on Marchal Huszar’s desk.
[16:14] You: I heard a rumor about that, whats that about?
[16:14] Lurdan Huszar: No, I haven’t even seen that C4 yet, nor heard much about it.
[16:14] Proteus Hand: Marshal*
[16:14] Lurdan Huszar: Only a rumour to me.
[16:15] Proteus Hand: I saw him attempt it….
[16:15] Lurdan Huszar: How?
[16:15] Proteus Hand: Hole & Rappel.
[16:15] Proteus Hand: I was a lower rank at the time, and was ordered to leave the room, however.
[16:15] Proteus Hand: So I cannot confirm the details.
[16:16] You: I heard something about it being on a skybox, from someone.
[16:16] You: like a few months ago.
[16:16] Lurdan Huszar: Well I haven’t seen anything solid.
[16:16] Nanao Mahfouz: Let’s not cherry-pick here, gentlemen. Luca’s knife is not the only thing I’ve seen Jonathan Arna try to steal, nor the only thing the General admitted to. The fact is there were many incidents which led up to this conflict, which we have routinely shrugged aside and turned the other cheek to, and when our personnel were fired upon and banned from your facility upon attempts to question what Arna was up to, I felt it was time to let the gloves come off.
[16:16] Nanao Mahfouz: Callous disrespect and disregard can only be ignored and suffered for so long.
[16:17] Proteus Hand: True, which is probably why he fired on you.
[16:17] Proteus Hand: heh.
[16:17] Proteus Hand: I could bring out logs as proof.
[16:17] Proteus Hand: or is it not necessary.
[16:17] Proteus Hand: anyone?
[16:17] Urizenus Sklar: I hope someone can give me the chat logs when we are done
[16:17] Nanao Mahfouz nods and smiles, “As could I.”
[16:18] Urizenus Sklar: I lost everything
[16:18] Nanao Mahfouz: I would be happy to, Mr. Sklar.
[16:18] Judge Hocho: I have them as well.
[16:18] Urizenus Sklar: thanks nanao
[16:18] Proteus Hand: most of us have them.
[16:18] You: Aye
[16:18] Proteus Hand: It was a rather important event in Merczateers history.
[16:18] Urizenus Sklar: where are we then
[16:19] Proteus Hand: Where should I begin?
[16:19] Proteus Hand: We have… The Woofer, incident.
[16:19] Proteus Hand: which was what originally stirred our ranks.
[16:19] 1337 Seattle is Online
[16:19] Proteus Hand: despite the Alliance Navy denies that they took the sim, which was claimed by the Merczateers at the time.
[16:20] Proteus Hand: now the Alliance Navy’s largest Headquarters.
[16:20] Proteus Hand: But I’ll let that slide.
[16:20] Harlequin Salome: Because after the sim was taken back by the landowner, he approached us.
[16:20] Proteus Hand: I can understand that you bought it.
[16:20] Harlequin Salome: Since he knew we were willing to purchase a sim, and had the cash.
[16:21] Lurdan Huszar: The sim was named “Alliance Navy – Pending” a mockery of the name I gave it, just after all of my work on the sim had been returned.
[16:21] Lurdan Huszar: But I believe that was the landowner.. who did that.
[16:21] Harlequin Salome: We had nothing to do with that, Lurdan.
[16:21] Lurdan Huszar: He seemed a bit enthusiastic.
[16:21] Lurdan Huszar: Yes, I know.
[16:21] Mikael Khalamov: Our presence there does not mean that we stole the sim from you. Rodgers removed you, of his own accord, and offered to sell it to us, again with no persuasion on our part. This matter was cleared up in the past.
[16:21] Proteus Hand: still seemed to be an underhanded manuever, being that we were allies at the time.
[16:22] Mikael Khalamov: He did not sell it to us for over a month after he removed you.
[16:22] Proteus Hand: Does it matter?
[16:22] Nanao Mahfouz: That was the landowner who did that; we had, at the time, decided against the offer due to moral qualms and the fact that it would not have been under our control to begin with under the terms with which the sim was offered. If we accepted, we would have been open to the same risk of being pushed out at a whim, just as the Mercz had been.
[16:23] Harlequin Salome: What should we have done? Spent over a grand on purchasing a sim to honor an alliance that you never honored unless under duress?
[16:23] Dark Caliber is Online
[16:23] Lurdan Huszar: Yes, I was there just before he decided to turn it in, Harlequin could have easily assured him that we could have handled the sim, but instead continued to tell him how much of an awful pack of people we are. I didn’t like this obviously, Harlequin often tells me he’s looking out for me.
[16:23] Proteus Hand: I, personally, honored it.
[16:23] Proteus Hand: And, I will admit, the Alliance Navy helped us quite a bit, during Hjalmer.
[16:23] Harlequin Salome: Lurdan, he was feeling personally insulted by your people. I am honored that you think I have so much power with my words.
[16:24] Judge Hocho: As commanders, there is no ‘personally’; there is only the reflection of what the people under your command and associated with your organization do that you are judged by.
[16:24] Proteus Hand: Also, we know, that Current alliance navy marine/marine cadet Special Fugazi, and former Alliance Navy Marine Ishida Dye, were friends of the sim owner.
[16:24] Lurdan Huszar: A half an hour before everything was returned, I sent a group notice, laying down strict rules in the sim Mr. Rodgers was wanting to be made, and from that point until the sim was returned, there were no more incidents from my group.
[16:25] Harlequin Salome: Special, when that occured, IMed me with one of the angriest IMs I’ve ever recieved.
[16:25] Harlequin Salome: And he was a member of the Mercz at the time, Proteus. Please have your facts straight.
[16:25] Lurdan Huszar: When I sent that notice, Rodgers and I agreed that nothing more will happen, and all will be well.
[16:25] Lurdan Huszar: I don’t know what happened to that.
[16:25] Proteus Hand: Yet, he’s one of your marine’s now.
[16:25] Proteus Hand: what does that tell you about him?
[16:26] Nanao Mahfouz: Special was also a member of the Merczateers. He left them only recently, in light of disagreements with the Mercz high command; Arna and Huszar specifically.
[16:26] You: Actually Special wasn’t in a group.
[16:26] You: He left mercz, and just hung out there.
[16:26] Proteus Hand: And, until recently, the Alliance Navy HAS been winning the war, due to severe air superiority.
[16:27] You: …hah.
[16:27] Proteus Hand: Their fleet division, still, is able to level our sim.
[16:27] Harlequin Salome: I’m sorry, did we switch tot he state of the war…?
[16:27] Proteus Hand: What has this been about?
[16:27] Harlequin Salome: I was under the impression we were dealing with leveled accusations.
[16:28] Proteus Hand: Well, I was dealing with the reasons for the war.
[16:28] Proteus Hand: This is….. what the entire interview is about.
[16:28] Proteus Hand: But I saw fit to invite the AN, to have a less, one sided storey.
[16:28] Proteus Hand: story*
[16:28] Harlequin Salome: Well, lets be sure our host is satisfied with the responses to his original query.
[16:28] Xyekep Richez is Online
[16:28] Proteus Hand: I’m sure I don’t have ALL the facts… but I know you are.
[16:28] Proteus Hand: ahem.
[16:28] Harlequin Salome: We are, after all, here by his invitation.
[16:28] Urizenus Sklar: Well gentlemen…
[16:29] Harlequin Salome: Please refrain from personal attacks, Mr Hand. We can deal with our own issues later, at your homepoint.
[16:29] Urizenus Sklar: I see there is a long and difficult history here
[16:29] Urizenus Sklar: but perhaps we can focus on the present
[16:29] Urizenus Sklar: Is there no hope of a negotiated settlement or is it beyond that
[16:30] Proteus Hand: It could be arranged… but the consequences of a compromise are undesireable… for both sides, I believe.
[16:30] Jonathan Arna is Offline
[16:30] fat Pow: Excuse me, I need to leave, I have Mladshiy training to attend to.
[16:30] Proteus Hand: take care.
[16:30] Urizenus Sklar: What would a compromise look like?
[16:30] Lurdan Huszar: Bye, Fat.
[16:30] fat Pow: Bye, everyone.
[16:30] You: See you.
[16:30] Urizenus Sklar: bye fat
[16:30] Judge Hocho: Cheers.
[16:30] Proteus Hand: It would more than likely result in something happening to General Arna, possibly the most honest, and hard worker in our group.
[16:31] Proteus Hand: Albeit bad tempered.
[16:31] Harlequin Salome: That is part of the long history. We’ve made more deals with the Merczateers than I can count. None have been honored. As far back as when Christoph Naumova was in their group, griefing and primcopying. We went to the Mercz, and over a month of ‘we’ll remove him, honest” went by before he staged a sneak attack on us. When we finished the battle, we had more assurances.
[16:31] Harlequin Salome: Nothing occured. I feel the Merczateers have proved that “settlements” mean nothing. I personally feel that they have no capital, so to speak. No credibility.
[16:31] Urizenus Sklar: So war is the only solution now?
[16:31] Proteus Hand: We feel the same towards the Alliance Navy.
[16:32] Harlequin Salome: If I may. Proteus, what agreements have we violated?
[16:32] Proteus Hand: I will admit that Christoph was… despicable, and he was the worst decision we ever made.
[16:32] Proteus Hand: Oh, I wasn’t talking about agreement,s I was talking about lack of credibility.
[16:32] Proteus Hand: agreements*
[16:32] Lurdan Huszar: Heheh, you said you’d let us make the first move, remember Harlequin?
[16:33] Proteus Hand: They considered Arna the first move.
[16:33] Nanao Mahfouz: Unfortunately for any peaceful resolution, war is the only possible outcome to deal with a group which has demonstrated a callous lack of regard and control over the rank and file, so to speak. One cannot back up their credibility as a leader when they cannot assure that their orders or regulations can be respected.
[16:33] Proteus Hand: I think…
[16:33] Harlequin Salome: No, we considered Nanao being shot and thrown out the first move.
[16:33] Meia Cosmos is Online
[16:33] Proteus Hand: Do I hear Prince singing?
[16:33] Nanao Mahfouz: Myself, and two of my Marines, and a noncombatant mediator.
[16:33] Harlequin Salome: We tend to consider shooting our people to be acts of war. We’re funny like that.
[16:34] Proteus Hand: Oh yes, Superbowl, half time show.
[16:34] Proteus Hand: remember that?
[16:34] DevilDog Dielli is Online
[16:34] Proteus Hand: Then again.. we considered it a joke.
[16:34] Lurdan Huszar: That was a joke..
[16:34] You: I wasn’t there for that.
[16:34] Harlequin Salome: That was a fun diversion. Lurdan and I always talked about fun war. No hate, just amusement.
[16:34] Harlequin Salome: And afterwards, Lurdan and I and others laughed our asses off.
[16:34] Proteus Hand: Most of that has changed, now.
[16:34] You: Eh?
[16:34] Urizenus Sklar: Gentlemen, back to the present
[16:35] Urizenus Sklar: What will you gain from warfare here
[16:35] Proteus Hand: Presently, the alliance navy and the Merczateers haven’t launched any memorable attacks on each other.
[16:35] Urizenus Sklar: What will count as a victory?
[16:35] Proteus Hand: the last large attack was… earlier this year…;
[16:35] Lurdan Huszar: That’s tough to define in my eyes..
[16:35] Proteus Hand: year..*
[16:35] Proteus Hand: Mostly, it’s a probaby, one… maybe two people.
[16:35] You: Victory to them, was when the ordo disbanned was it not?
[16:36] Proteus Hand: Air strikes by the AN, which only kill maybe a couple.
[16:36] Lurdan Huszar: Proteus, you weren’t here for the attack they made on us yesterday, hm?
[16:36] Proteus Hand: And a few sneak raids by the Merczateers.
[16:36] Proteus Hand: I wasn’t.
[16:36] Harlequin Salome quietly waits for the Mercz to cease so he can respond.
[16:36] Lurdan Huszar: It was.. pretty large Proteus.
[16:36] Urizenus Sklar: Proteus, do you really think you could destroy the AN?
[16:36] Proteus Hand: No, It is impossible to destroy anything.
[16:36] Proteus Hand: in SL military, everything is given up willingly.
[16:36] Urizenus Sklar: Well Ordo was destroyed
[16:37] Proteus Hand: They never disbanded.
[16:37] Lurdan Huszar: Not by physical harm..
[16:37] Harlequin Salome: May I counter, Mr Sklar?
[16:37] Lurdan Huszar: (War)
[16:37] You: Cause Aryte disbanend it cause he got fed up with AN.
[16:37] Urizenus Sklar: yes Harlequin
[16:37] Proteus Hand: Aryte left, but they never disbanded, in his memory.
[16:37] You: True.
[16:37] Harlequin Salome: War in SL is more than just killing. You’re looking at it like you would a real fight, and it isn’t. Real fights are about killing the foe, and taking territory, and those are meaningless here.
[16:37] Proteus Hand: very true.
[16:37] Urizenus Sklar: then what is the goal?
[16:37] Lurdan Huszar: Mhm.
[16:38] You: They did
[16:38] You: erm
[16:38] Urizenus Sklar: how do we measure victory?
[16:38] Harlequin Salome: Breaking the foe’s will to resist. Clauswitzian Total War.
[16:38] You: Being the most well organized Military?
[16:38] Proteus Hand: Harlequin is exactly right.
[16:38] Lurdan Huszar: Destroying them phycologically, breaking their will..
[16:38] Harlequin Salome: When the Mercz first sneak attacked us, we struck and struck hard, about a year ago or so. We attacked for over 5 hours of hell. In fact, I personally saw Mercz surrendering.
[16:38] Proteus Hand: Back in the Adscita days.
[16:38] Xyekep Richez is Offline
[16:38] Special Fugazi is Online
[16:38] You: I wasn’t around for that.
[16:39] Proteus Hand: And before that.
[16:39] Proteus Hand: Same, I wasn’t there.
[16:39] Anthony Lehane: I really think at this point it’s nearly impossible to do that to eachother, AN to Mercz or Mercz to AN. It’s usually a tactic that works against a smaller group from a more larger experienced, one.
[16:39] Proteus Hand: Like what we did to say….
[16:39] Harlequin Salome: It worked with you before, Anthony.
[16:39] Proteus Hand: Dynastic Navy?
[16:39] Proteus Hand: This was the Second Life Marine Corps.
[16:39] Proteus Hand: Officially, it wasn’t even the same group.
[16:40] Lurdan Huszar: Right now, I really think we’re just as powerful as eachother, maybe with a few holes here and there, but yeah. Breaking one of us seems impossible at this point.
[16:40] Anthony Lehane: We didn’t disband at that point Harle, it was only a victory on your part. And I could explain why it was, Jim’s even told me, but I won’t go into that.
[16:41] Harlequin Salome: I wuld see victory come in the form of the Mercz admitting fault, and removing griefers rather than harbor them. *shrugs quietly* I’d prefer that not come as a result of violence.
[16:41] Proteus Hand: However, the first one to suggest a compromise would, in my eyes, seem to show a surrender.
[16:41] Proteus Hand: Which I do not tolerate.
[16:41] 1337 Seattle is Offline
[16:42] Urizenus Sklar: Harlequin, do you believe you can break the will of Proteus and the Merzcateers?
[16:42] You: Well Mercz got edgey of AN back in Hjalmer cause they felt AN was trying to control them. Sorry adding a last statment
[16:43] Anthony Lehane: Harbouring greifers shouldn’t be much of an issue, Proteus as an example. Once they are under our body of laws, there is nothing they can do to break free of them, unless they want to be booted. This is just a game, after all. Some would disagree with me but that is my opinion. People can change very easily if they’re given the right means to.
[16:43] Harlequin Salome: Please give me the courtesy of letting me respond, gentlemen and lady.
[16:43] Anthony Lehane: Go on..?
[16:44] Harlequin Salome nods slowly. “I think so. I’ve seen our fights, and generally they are lopsided until people resort to using sittargets, spawncamping, and the like. I don’t thin the AN is anything but the Immovable Object.”
[16:44] Urizenus Sklar: Proteus, do you really think you can break the will of the AN?
[16:44] Harlequin Salome: We also are the Irresistable Force. I honestly feel that even if I could not make, say, Mr Hand admit we’re better, I could make it so he never raised a hand against the AN again.
[16:44] Harlequin Salome: Its not about winning, its about making the foe realize not fighting is better than the alternative
[16:45] Proteus Hand: I believe… you could not arrange that.
[16:45] Anthony Lehane: Which I think is nearly impossible to acheive between our large experienced groups.
[16:45] Proteus Hand: If I may muster a rebuttle to this.
[16:45] Urizenus Sklar: yes Proteus
[16:46] Proteus Hand: No, I do not doubt I can break the will of the AN, although, I have had several strategies, but they were rather distasteful, not illegal, just against my personal method of doing things.
[16:46] Proteus Hand: I could not break Harlequin or Nanao.
[16:46] Proteus Hand: Or any member of the AN high command.
[16:46] Proteus Hand: I think they could say the same about us.
[16:47] Proteus Hand: the eight of us, are possibly the most stubborn people in second life.
[16:47] Harlequin Salome: Honestly, I’ve never considered any options that were not on the level and fair.
[16:47] Harlequin Salome: I’m rather surprised you have.
[16:47] Proteus Hand: I consider everything.
[16:47] Proteus Hand: It’s what I do that makes the difference.
[16:47] Proteus Hand: But, at least I will admit it.
[16:48] Urizenus Sklar: Gentlemen this was most informative, but I have to leave soon. But…
[16:48] Harlequin Salome: Proteus, I’m getting a little annoyed at the veiled insults.
[16:48] Nanao Mahfouz: A return to diplomatic relations and an unconditional admission of wrongdoings on part of the Merczateers in my eyes is, for all intents and purposes, a win in my book. We’ve done so before, and if we must do so again, by force if necessary, then so be it.
[16:48] Harlequin Salome: We’re treating you with respect. Do the same.
[16:48] Urizenus Sklar: before I go let me ask each of you to make a prediction Proteus and Harlequin
[16:48] Proteus Hand: My insults are slightly less veiled than yours are, oh worthy adversary.
[16:48] Harlequin Salome: After you, Hand.
[16:48] Proteus Hand: Thank you.
[16:48] Urizenus Sklar: What do you think will happen over the next three months. Where will we be?
[16:49] Proteus Hand: I cannot say, honestly, The Merczateers are grinding themselves down to match the Alliance Navy’s technology, whilst staying within our roleplaying standards.
[16:49] Proteus Hand: (Psuedo Russian motif… )
[16:50] Proteus Hand: I can say, that The alliance Navy will also…
[16:50] Lurdan Huszar mutters under his breath. “We’d have fleet ships by now, if we weren’t so damn Russian..”
[16:50] Proteus Hand: do the most they can to counter us.
[16:50] Proteus Hand: I know them to be hard workers.
[16:50] Proteus Hand: And capable ones as well.
[16:50] Proteus Hand: And if we wish to catch up with them, we have much work to do.
[16:51] Proteus Hand: We win a few battles, here and there, but for the most part, and I tell my troops this often.
[16:51] You: We did just revamp our group, twice now.
[16:51] Proteus Hand: They have us in a barrel, and are just picking off pock-shots at us.
[16:51] Proteus Hand: Our best and brightest are wearing down….
[16:52] Harlequin Salome quietly waits for his turn.
[16:52] Harlequin Salome snirks.
[16:52] Proteus Hand: poor guy…
[16:52] robyn Paperdoll is Online
[16:52] Proteus Hand: must have a terrible connection.
[16:52] Proteus Hand: anyways…
[16:52] Harlequin Salome: Welcome back, Mr Sklar.
[16:52] Urizenus Sklar: ty
[16:52] Proteus Hand: yes, welcome back.
[16:53] Proteus Hand: Like I was saying…
[16:53] Proteus Hand: Recently, we finished our A-BATS.
[16:53] Proteus Hand: Our answer to the outstanding ANAD.
[16:54] Proteus Hand: Since the fall of the NOI, they have controlled the skies, recently regaining it, only losing it to the Ordo’s mamba.
[16:54] Proteus Hand: However, the engineer of this craft recently left us…
[16:54] Anthony Lehane: If I may i’d like to add something in a bit…
[16:54] Proteus Hand: And is part of the Alliance Navy Roleplay.
[16:54] Lurdan Huszar: Not anymore.
[16:55] Proteus Hand: In fact, Harlequin and Nano are both Ex-Merczateers.
[16:55] Proteus Hand: Both a pair of our best.
[16:55] Proteus Hand: Turned tin
[16:55] Proteus Hand: It’s an uphill battle, Mry. Sklar.
[16:55] Proteus Hand: Mr.*
[16:55] Harlequin Salome: I was actually asked to leave. I was told I was “ruining the group, and that no one .”
[16:56] Proteus Hand: But, may I say, I have enjoyed it so far, and in three months from now, I hope it to stay the same.
[16:56] Harlequin Salome: Please, I must ask that if you’re going to speak of my past, at least get it correct.
[16:56] Proteus Hand: Harlequin has done quite well in the alliance navy.
[16:56] Proteus Hand: and in the time in which you have been in command, it has flourished.
[16:56] Proteus Hand: as well as nanao..
[16:57] Proteus Hand: Your turn, Mr. Salome.
[16:58] Harlequin Salome: Well, Im not going to posture about what weapons and such the AN is developing. *shrugs* We’ll advance as the group requires, and you didn’t ask for boasting on my part. So I’ll speak to the heart of this matter, the question of the two groups.
[16:59] DevilDog Dielli is Offline
[16:59] Zeal Zenith is Offline
[17:00] Zeal Zenith is Online
[17:00] Harlequin Salome: I see the Mercz being as they are now. Just barely held in check by their commanders, their ranks basically doing as they will, and their officers not taking responsibility. I see the AN being as strong as ever,and having finished up another expo or two, I think… I see mpre than a few Mercz officers having left, and possibly, should we meet here again, being with us here on this spot.
[17:00] Proteus Hand: Actually, we have been well aware of that, Harlequin.
[17:01] Harlequin Salome: Proteus, this is the last time I’ll tell you to not interrupt me.
[17:01] Harlequin Salome: I let you finish.
[17:01] Lurdan Huszar: We have taken very.. large steps to prevent that, and have been very successful.
[17:01] Harlequin Salome: Do the same, *please*
[17:01] Harlequin Salome: Or, more hopefully, I see the Mercz ceasing their death throes, and finaly dying, and Lurdan preferably wearing the rank of an AN officer. Because he’s a damned good leader, overall.
[17:01] Harlequin Salome: but realisticaly, I see more broken promises, more broken “Generals”, and the AN, as always, standing tall. We’ve prevailed over far worse.
[17:02] Tatha Niangao is Offline
[17:02] Harlequin Salome: Now I am finished. Do go on.
[17:02] Proteus Hand: As far as the untamed ransk go, we were well aware of this problem.
[17:02] Proteus Hand: ranks*
[17:02] Proteus Hand: which is why we now have 55 recruits.
[17:03] Proteus Hand: slowly rebuilding our ranks.
[17:03] Proteus Hand: Into something more… structured.
[17:03] Anthony Lehane: I’d like to add something if we have some time.
[17:03] Proteus Hand: Because, since Mid gangwon, things haven’t been good.
[17:03] Proteus Hand: of course.
[17:03] DevilDog Dielli is Online
[17:03] Urizenus Sklar: Gentlemen, dinner calls me. Thank you for the courtesy of this discussion
[17:04] Urizenus Sklar: I’ll start working on the transcript
[17:04] Proteus Hand: pleasure takling to you.
[17:04] Urizenus Sklar: night all
[17:04] Proteus Hand: I hope we can continue this sometime.
[17:04] Lurdan Huszar: Mhm, good night Mr. Sklar.
[17:04] Harlequin Salome: Have a good dinner, Mr Sklar, and thank you for offering us this opprotunity.
[17:04] Urizenus Sklar: yes, lets do continue
[17:04] Nanao Mahfouz: Evening, and enjoy your dinner, Mr. Sklar.
[17:04] Proteus Hand: And it was a delightful debate, Mr. Salome.
[17:04] Proteus Hand: I hope to continue that too.
An Fucking Hero
Apr 19th, 2007
I can’t even imagine how fat these roleplayer dorks are in person. The amount of real-life blubber concentrated at that meeting would be truly fucking epic.
PS: Anonymous is Legion, remember that shitheads
Fox Mainline
Apr 23rd, 2007
i want to remain mutual here, but im witing a history of the war and need to know more. can some one IM me with details?
Fox Mainline
Apr 23rd, 2007
I might be Merc, but im not biased. plz IM me.
if you can, arrange a meeting.
go to the OFO base in Carra, halfway point.
May 2nd, 2007
AndrewUK Ferraris
Jul 13th, 2007
I left second life and im now happy, and why do you take this so serious.
Its all a bit of fun.
AndrewUK Ferraris
Jul 13th, 2007
I left second life and im now happy, and why do you take this so serious.
Its all a bit of fun.
Unidentified Tomorrow-SLMN Reporter
Sep 19th, 2007
Mr Ferraris, ‘I left second life and im now happy, and why do you take this so serious.’
You know, It’s funny, ’cause I swear I saw you hanging round the AN Sim of Tethys shouting rubbish about Wanting to ally with the AN.
I May of course be mistaken, but Can I also ask, if you do not like SL Anymore why read the herald?
And why make pointless comments about the story if you consider it ‘geeky’? I would say typing random and pointless comments on the herald every time a military story comes up is FAR More geeky than having a SL War. It is just the same as playing a PS2 War game, but with more interraction.
I ask you not to spam the herald in future. It takes up server space.
-Unidentified Tomorrow, SLMN Press Officer.
Bruno Ziskey
Oct 7th, 2007
Proteus Hand has now joined the AN….interesting, eh?
Dec 20th, 2007
AN = massive army of griefers, otherwise known as the PN
Dec 20th, 2007
Anon = fucktard who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Jan 14th, 2008
Interesting that IntLibber Brautigan makes comments on a -very- similar vein to Anon, eh?
Blade Syakumi
Apr 23rd, 2008
I’m sorry, but I was looking over some old articles, and I found this. Without a doubt. This is one of the most poorly written, bias, disgraceful pieces of reporting I have read in my life.
It saddens me to think that such issues or portrayed with such disgraceful sloppiness. Names; spelled incorrectly, ranks wrongly reported, and an obvious leaning towards the Alliance Navy.
Izaea Qinan
Feb 21st, 2009
In the interest of history, the “war” this article speaks of has ended as of december, 2008.