Today in Second Life, Thursday April 12, 2007

by prokofy on 12/04/07 at 12:55 pm


By Prokofy Neva, Meaningless Numbers Cruncher and Irrelevant Facts Driller

Today in Second Life:

o if you add up all the numbers of today’s date, you get the number 7, which is the number of holes in the human head
o Some Linden must be getting a pay-off as there are $26,000 in SINKS for April under the “Stipends” category which is supposedly only SOURCES.
o the maximum sale on the LindEx yesterday was a wierdly suspicious 1,111,111
o the number of avatars who spent more than a $1 in March was 1,964,406
o Supply Linden sold $825,100 US dollars printed out of thin air in March, and now has already sold $222,488 US dollars printed out of thin air so far in April, which is devaluing our labour and property.
o only 325,362 spent $500-999 by contrast with $200-499 spent by 781,169 which is an indication that the hos need to lower prices per hour to accommodate an influx of many third-world spenders
o only 6 percent of all registered SL residents logged in this week
o the number of premium accounts has crashed from nearly 60,000 late last year to less than 30,000 today. Huh?
o I have 262,656 square meters on one account of which 568 are available for purchase
o 153 prims are used up out of 351 prims on the parcel at Barton, 104, 214, 71, and 3 have been returned.
o at 9:45 SLT there were 22 discussions planned on the Events Calendar, 3 Pageants, 98 Cultural Events, and 403 Nightlife/Entertainment Events
o I have 17,467 items in inventory. How many do you have?
o Calleta’s Hobo infohub has a traffic of 11,690 and Nova Albion-Grignano has 501
o Reuters has a traffic of 1205 with the search term “news” and Pharos Lighthouse, home of Prok’s InfoNut, has a traffic of 1107.
o Capture Roleplay group has 1,459 members but Capture Roleplay Chat has 1,483 members (!)
o Tiny AOs are still for sale in Agriopis (84, 33, 27)

15 Responses to “Today in Second Life, Thursday April 12, 2007”

  1. Cocoanut Koala

    Apr 12th, 2007

    And Critter Cottages for Tinies are still for sale at Coco’s Cottages (and still selling!).

    I am proud to say that through diligent effort (namely boxing most things up), I have been able to reduce my inventory and keep it at UNDER 6,000, despite the fact that I am a builder and I’m over two years old.

    It’s mostly textures. Not to mention SHOES. And clothes! And my dog Spike, and his toys.

    It’s an inventory to be proud of, I’ll tell ya.


  2. cickmy lunt

    Apr 12th, 2007

    oh wow i didnt know you could advertise on here! everybody come to the baku arcology and buy my overpriced stupid cat avatars! tia!

  3. humanoid

    Apr 12th, 2007

    That’s a cool submarine from what little I see of it. Is it some sort of article-related symbolism that’s gone over my head?

    Sailed over?


  4. Joshua Nightshade

    Apr 12th, 2007

    Yay free advertising, better than sheepsearch!

    I make tiny robotic avatars and am about to open a new line of avatars and accessories in the next few weeks!

    Search for Joshua Nightshade in my picks, it’s called Abstract Avatars.


  5. BANS-HE

    Apr 12th, 2007

    ::yawns:: slow news day?

  6. Cocoanut Koala

    Apr 12th, 2007

    They are SUCH pains in the butt, and follow you all over the web. And they have all day to do it, too.


  7. Thraxis Epsilon

    Apr 12th, 2007

    Stipend Sinks are from failed registrations, it was explained at least twice on the forums in the last year.

  8. Inigo Chamerberlin

    Apr 12th, 2007

    Can’t believe that one about Premiums being down Prok – in today’s brave new (expanding) world, how is that possible?

    And your inventory: Now we know who’s knackering the database!

  9. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 12th, 2007

    Wow Thraxis, thanks for that tip! You can’t be everywhere at once and you can’t be expected to read the forums, even um “twice”. The Lindens should have a footnote on the economics page. Failed registrations shouldn’t continue to pay out somewhere and even be reflected, of course.

    I’m wondering if there is some broken data somewhere, that is so WIERD with that premiums stuff.

  10. RZ

    Apr 12th, 2007

    Where is that premium account number given?

  11. Thraxis Epsilon

    Apr 12th, 2007

    BTW… Prokofy… learn to read a chart. The number of Premium Accounts doubled from October of 2006 to February 2007. The rate of Premium account growth is what has decreased, from around 25% down to just below 17%.

    Really… do you do ANY form of fact checking before you post something?

  12. bryan campen

    Apr 12th, 2007

    I want a Greenspan Linden: He would make the market rise and fall depending on what tortured and obtuse thing he said that day. And he would play clarinet and read a disturbing amount of Ayn Rand.

  13. Nacon

    Apr 12th, 2007

    Prok must be bored out of her/his/its mind.

  14. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 13th, 2007

    bryan, we had a Linden like that once, named T-bone. But they drowned him.

    I’ve just been talking to the Lindens. They say that the premium accounts crash thing has to be a mistake. It has to be wrong, and they will look into it. It did seem odd, even allowing for the fact that most people have figured out now that they don’t need a premium with stipends and can just buy the Lindens for cheaper.

  15. Thraxis Epsilon

    Apr 13th, 2007

    “I’ve just been talking to the Lindens. They say that the premium accounts crash thing has to be a mistake.”

    How very FIC of you…

    But again, if you are reading this graph:

    You are reading it wrong and talking to the Lindens is wasting their time fixing the problems you bitch so much about. The blue line on the graph that dropped is the rate of growth, the shaded area is the total number of accounts. The Blue line uses the axis on the right, the shaded are the axis on the left.

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