A Chance to Do Some Good

by Pixeleen Mistral on 09/06/07 at 9:21 am

by peppermint fizz

ArtinthegardenSecond Life Herald Readers looking to take a break from reading about broadly offensive behavior might want to look into pursuing some charity work in Second Life this weekend.

Want to raise a little money to fight Muscular Dystrophy and get some art at the same time? Head over to Artisan Galleria Legacy Towers for the first annual “Art in the Garden Gala- to Benefit Muscular Dystrophy” to be held on Sunday June 10th at 12pm. SLT

Want to be a superhero and help fight Multiple Sclerosis? Go on over to The Illusion Factory West Island at 9:00 p.m. SLT on June 10th and get started with the MS Fly event, a fun scavenger hunt that is sure to appeal to your adventurous side as well as your philanthropic side.

The Art in the Garden Gala- to Benefit Muscular Dystrophy, at Artisan Towers at noon on Sunday is an art sale to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy. Featuring several of SL’s top artists, patrons will have the opportunity to buy art with the proceeds going to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. In addition to the sale, there will be an auction to bid on a one of a kind sculpture that will be made on site during the event!


The MS Fly is an entirely different event. Sponsored by major corporate players like Scion and movietickets.com, the MS Fly is a week long scavenger hunt that kicks off on Sunday night. People interested in participating can attend the kick off celebration mentioned above, or just sign up at the website (www.themsfly.org) and start in the hunt any time before June 17th.

Go on SL, get out and do some good, you’ll be glad you did.

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