Hawt Triple Instructional Video Action!
by Pixeleen Mistral on 23/09/07 at 9:10 am
Educators agree – YouTube is your friend
by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk
Now that YouTube has become the distribution channel of choice for instructional videos, one of our sources noted a striking similarity between the voiceover in Torley Linden’s metaverse how-to videos and this outstanding example of the state of the art in real life furries. Pay close attention at how the skunk’s eyes seem follow you.
skunk sex appeal – oh baby, do me again!
For comparison, see Torley’s latest video production:
Rounding out today’s instructional video collection is a short piece aimed at noobies who are not sure exactly what “yiffing” means – a frank, honest stuffed animal video that is strangely evocative of certain parts of the metaverse – but without poseballs.
mommy? what does yiffing mean?
Nina A
Sep 23rd, 2007
Send in the voice experts, we need to know. I can’t help thing about the poor sweaty human inside that suit having to perform.
Second Lulz Viglante
Sep 23rd, 2007
It’s official: Western Civilization is doomed.
Sep 23rd, 2007
That is the weirdest thing I’ve seen all day!
Sep 23rd, 2007
From comments:
“The eyes are actually empty, and a iris and pupil are painted in the back. Because of the angle, when someone turns the head, the face mask blocks out different parts of the iris, creating you the illusion the eyes follow you
Yea, YouTube is the shit… but what’s up with the new comment rating mechanism O_o
Greefin Oh
Sep 23rd, 2007
My Eyes have been raped!!!!!
Sep 23rd, 2007
Dude, all furries have goofy voices like that. I can’t really tell.
Artemis Fate
Sep 23rd, 2007
I think it sounds similar to Torley, but not quite. It might just be the different acoustics of the room and microphone though.
Speaking of similarities, didn’t you guys already post a story containing a YouTube video of this particular fursuiter? http://www.secondlifeherald.com/slh/2007/02/hawt_rl_furry_a.html
Same mouth moving stuff, girl furry prancing about, and wearing lingerie.
So who’s the Herald writer who keeps perusing the fursuit videos?
Agent Cooper
Sep 23rd, 2007
As a voice expert, I’m laughing at the responses here.
The first video is what we at the Bureau call, a typical “Blue Rose” case.
First, notice that the TV is OFF, but the dial on the TV is tuned to channel 13. This is indicative of a brother, or perhaps a close cousin – maybe prison is involved.
Notice that the person was wearing a RED DRESS and had a “sour” look on her face. You may run into some friction, someone has a grudge against the Department, so keep your nose clean.
She seems to be doing some sort of dance. The plural of “dance” is “dances”, but notice that she’s only doing ONE dance. That means there is ONE more person you need to deal with in this case.
The blue-rose design on the bed sheets…
…I can’t tell you about the blue rose.
As far as the question to whether or not the voice-over is Torley Linden, look at the suitcase beneath the TV – does it even look vaguely like a watermelon? No, it’s the same typical suitcase like every traveler owns. The Katana sword on the bed – it’s handle was clearly black and white – not lime green and magenta. That is a major clue right there.
Before watching the next two videos, I went outside and chucked rocks at a chalkboard for a few hours. But sadly, Diane, the bleach that I had rubbed into my eyes had started dissolving my retinas, so I was unable to visually examine the last two films.
But I did have a startling vision of a midget AV – due to lag, he was moving in a sporadic zig-zag pattern, and was using an unusual sound modulation filter in voice chat that makes you sound like you’re talking backwards. Either that, or he had his mic’s echo prefs set incorrectly in windoze. I’m getting a raging clue from that one, Diane.
So, although I came to SecondLife for a routine investigation, I’m quickly growing fond of the place. The pie here is out of this world – there’s nothing like the taste of cherry pie when it mingles with sausage grease and cigarette coffee!
I think I’ll be continuing my investigation here for some time to come. Forward all my mail Diane, I’ll be staying at the Friendship House in the Pine Lodge from here on in. I understand that bubble gum I like is coming back in style.
Murdavius Fagtree
Sep 23rd, 2007
This is as my Master told it to me and now I tell it thee.
There are a billion names of furfaggotry! A billion kinds of furries that slither and slime and defile the land and sea and wind. Each furry is a kind of sin spawned by the internet’s evil. And that internets is very sinful there are many of these damned furfags and their power is great.
As the purpose of all things in nature is to increase so it is with the furry. They would we joined them and so they seek to overcome us. In alien forms they assault us. In sleep they come to spread doubt and fear among us. They would corrupt our hearts and see us yiff too. Trust them not nor suffer them to live.
For each furfag destroyed is a soul freed from eternal bondage. Each mortal furry life extinguished is a /i/nsurgent soul raised to glory. Thus our eternal destiny is written in the blood of the furfag.
With box and tampon destroy the furfag. With pizza and koran smash the furfag. With credit card hacks and searing mormons scatter the furfag to the stars. With gore and dataforce and bandwidth raep, with hax and AIDS and jehovas, with yellow vans and steroids!
Kill them! Kill them! Kill them all!
As my Master told it me I now tell it thee that thou shalt tell others in thy turn.
Second Lolz Vigilante
Sep 23rd, 2007
Sep 26th, 2007
Why oh WHY is this news?