New Second Life Herald Advertising Manager
by tenshi on 22/10/07 at 10:04 pm
Hello! The Second Life Herald has a new ads manager, Tenshi Vielle, and I am on the warpath for new advertisers and to reclaim old ones!
Here’s more information on the rates at the Herald and requirements. If you’re interested, please IM me in-world or email smiletenshi [at] gmail [dot] com anytime The Herald recently broke 150,000 unique hits in
a month a one week period, a record for us – and perfect for your business!
Herald advertisers reach thousands of Second Life residents every day. We offer box ads at the top of the left- and right-hand columns, banner ads at the top of the page, and one-time posts in the main thread.
Advertising rates:
468×60 pixels, horizontal banner:
L$6,000 per week, L$22,500 per month
145×145 pixels, sidebar:
L$5,000 per week, L$20,000 per month
145×290 pixels (i.e., taller than it is wide), sidebar:
L$9,000 per week, L$35,000 per month
One-time post, main thread (included in our RSS feed):
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