Elease Graves – Post 6 Grrrrl
by justine on 04/01/08 at 9:41 pm
[Note from Justine- A friend said I simply have to meet Elease Graves, she's gorgeous and talented. Several weeks later we met and I was not disappointed with her beauty nor with her incredible list of accomplishments and activities! Elease is a great gal and as you can hopefully see from my pictures, a true SL beauty.]
Salutations Post 6 Grrrrl Admirers! I would like to introduce myself… I’m Elease Graves from the Western USA. I’m a 28 year old female.. yes I’m all woman in real. My Passion in life is my photography, Graphic Arts and Art in real. I also have a passions for Enhanced Photography, Modeling and Fashion in Second Life. Click this link for some examples of my work.
For the two years I’ve been in Second life I have been through a number of leaps and bounds some for the worse but in recent times, all for the better! One of the betters was the great privilege to participatein the July 2007 Budweiser Select Lingerie Modeling Contest which was a brilliant and thrilling experience for not only myself but for the other gorgeous models in the competition and made great friends with many of them. Also was graced with getting #6 of the Top 10 winners for JCNY Model Search November2007. I’ve worked so hard to get where I am in second life. I with the help of my team have also released a new Magazine in second life called Graves Style "Fashion with a Twist". Here’s a link to Graves Style and here is the address ….also under construction, our own domain website.
Thanks to my love Darkside Emmons and my best friend Arabella Graves (Graves Style CEO’s) many of the things I have now in second life probably would never exist.
In addition to this I’ve been working very hard on getting my new line of clothing out, and my first skins! The skins may take a little longer to be released, am working on making them just perfect before their grand debut!
I’m also proud to have such wonderful second life family & friends that are super supportive of my talents, accomplishments, and goals. I was so happy and willing to be a post 6 grrrrl for Justine and being many of my friends have been posted I thought I would learn to dance in the rain and face the criticizers and sweet comments then walk away with a smile no matter what they say.
Thank you Justine for allowing me to take part in the Post 6 Grrrl, it’s an honor.
Uma Troell
Jan 4th, 2008
OMG!!! Elease I love you! I am so glad you did Post Sixx! You look gorgeous as always. You are one of the sweetest girls I have met in SL and are a real girls girl (like me…hehe) Plus you are so creative and so friggin talented…you’re pics never cease to amaze me. Anyone reading this really must check out her flicker pics…they are incredible! I am proud to be part of the Graves Style Team and to be your friend…love you to bits sexy! As Elease would say…Hoooooooo!!! LMFAO!!!!
Watt Juneau
Jan 4th, 2008
Justine nailed it. Elease is an all around pleasure. She’s an incredibly talented person that brightens everybodies day with all she gives back to Second Life. Way to go Elease!
Graciana McMillan
Jan 4th, 2008
Ok I’ll admit up front that I’m totally biased for Elease…if you knew her and heard that awesome laugh that she has, she’d rope you in just the same! Elease you are so talented and I think your wet t-shirt pic is HOT! Check out the flickr! She is just amazing!
Scarlett Niven
Jan 4th, 2008
Elease looks fabulous as always!! She had been a great friend and a great supporter…Luv ya!!
Elease Graves
Jan 4th, 2008
Thank you so much Uma, Graciana, Watt !
Arabella Graves
Jan 5th, 2008
*grins all cheesy and proud like pointing* That’s muh mama right there…need I say more? Hehehe!! *does the ninja turtle dance* GO MAMA! GO MAMA! GO GO MAMA!!
Jan 5th, 2008
I feel sad that Elease wasn’t allowed to submit her own photos for publication because once again I feel that the model has been let down by the photography – especially in the second shot above.
Compare the photos above with these three from Elease’s own flickr stream:
Ilsa Munro
Jan 5th, 2008
Hey! That’s the wall paper in my house in that second shot
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jan 5th, 2008
Faerie: “Photography:”
I lol’d.
Let’s say it together now, shall we? “Screeeeeen-shots”
Justine Babii
Jan 5th, 2008
You’re right, those are great pictures. However, Models ARE welcome to use their own pictures. See Quest Jarico’s post 6 from a couple of weeks ago.
Jan 5th, 2008
I prefer the Herald photos versus the ones linked on Flickr. The person who heavily edited the Flickr photos could make ANYONE look attractive… possibly even our “SL god” Phil Linden (http://lindenlab.com/about/management) -Lao-Tzu-
Jan 6th, 2008
That’s some hot pixels right there.
Jan 6th, 2008
Those Flickr photos are fantastic! Nice work.
MilosZ MilosZ
Jan 6th, 2008
I’d hit it.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Jan 7th, 2008
“being many of my friends have been posted I thought I would learn to dance in the rain and face the criticizers and sweet comments then walk away with a smile no matter what they say”
Good for you! If you worry too much about what other people think, then you won’t have any time left for you. Good luck and stay strong.
Elease Graves
Jan 7th, 2008
Omg… thank you all for your wonderful comments. I’m so flattered. Hope you all live wonderful lifes is second life
Jan 7th, 2008
Those tattoos make it look like she has hairy arms! XD
Archie Lukas
Jan 8th, 2008
Elease has a pretty face, very attractive indeed.
But the quality of the photo on her bod is disappointing,
its simply matt and dull.
I was hoping that by now some expertise in lighting would be engaged to the benefit of us all
At least she has round boobs this time and quite an decent pair.
Just a Thought
Jan 8th, 2008
Why is it that most of the people chosen for this column have a business/blog/etc to promote? “Hi omg I’m a model/designer/blog writer extraordinaire, please come see me cuz I’m sooooo cool!”. Seems alot like they are just out for the free advertising for them.
It’d be nice to see some average everyday women in here who look good but don’t have ulterior motives in posing.
Just a Thought
Jan 8th, 2008
Why is it that 99.9999% of the people chosen for this column have a business/blog/etc to promote? “Hi omg I’m a model/designer/blog writer extraordinaire, please come see me cuz I’m sooooo cool!”. Seems alot like they are just out for the free advertising for them.
It’d be nice to see some average everyday women in here who look good but don’t have ulterior motives in posing.
Elease Graves
Jan 9th, 2008
I’m sure the herald would allow any woman that has works hard on there personal style to be a post 6 grrrl … as long as they ask. And it really takes guts to be a post 6 grrrl with alot of the comments that are made. We are normal everyday women that want to be successful in second life and want to do things we don’t normally do in real life. We only like to share what we do and our hobbies or we would have a blank page.
“Just a thought”.. I don’t know what your idea of a normal everyday woman is .. I’m sorry no one is normal we are all different and do different things…you need to read all the posts alot of them aren’t just models, writers, designers, etc.
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, It’s about learning to dance in the rain”
marilyn murphy
Jan 10th, 2008
just a thought: i agree with elease. the ladies discuss what is going on with them, and it may be blogs/business/whatever. btw. i was a post sixx and i did not promote any business venture at all. post sixx lets a girl talk about herself and what she does. i guess she could talk about the last session of congress if she wanted to. i would rather hear about her business myself.
Penny Sautereau
Jan 11th, 2008
Gorgeous, stylish, and Classy. ALMOST makes me want to do a Post 6 Again now that I’m a bit more practiced with my creations.
Synthia Gynoid
Jan 11th, 2008
OMG! I just checked SLH today for the first time in a while, was just passing the time scrolling through the articles, and suddenly *OMG that’s Elease!*, lol!
) Wow, this was such a surprise, I had no clue you were going to do Post 6. I love your pictures!
For whose who don’t know Elease, she’s simply a fantastic, sweet person, a wonderful friend, with a truly gorgeous sense of style and a really cool new magazine, Graves Style. Definitely check it out! And check out her flickr stream, where you can get a much better sense of her delicious fashion photography and stunning self.
Congratulations, honey!
Elease Graves
Jan 12th, 2008
Thank you sooo much Marilyn…Penny… Synthia
Archie Lukas
Jan 16th, 2008
Discuss Congress?
Ohhh yes – we Euros would find that enthralling.
Why not discuss World peace and teaching the poor children of the world to sing?
Of course therse’s the ambitious plan to study for a pHD and find the cure for cancer.
On the whole, I’d rather hear about what they get up to in SL.
If a girl has the courage to bare all for the cameras, give her some air time.
That excludes the fully clothed ones of course – chicken!
Elease Graves
Jan 25th, 2008
Archie… fyi… I don’t think you have seen my flickr photos I have done of myself for over 200 contacts that look there that are fans of mine I have many unclothed photos there … we were going to a unclothed nude but the sim went down during my shoot… maybe you should think first before you judge or not judge at all.