Memorial for Benazir Bhutto
by Jessica Holyoke on 02/01/08 at 6:55 pm
by Jessica Holyoke
On January 6th, a remembrance service will be held for Pakistani politician Benazir Bhutto. A memorial has been built in Wells to remember the courageous woman.
I had an opportunity to talk with the builder and the creator of the Pakistan SL group. Jennette Forager built the memorial and had this to say:
"SL is a very powerful tool for connecting with people throughout the world.
When I heard the news of Bhutto’s assassination, I felt grateful to have the SL platform to express my feelings of sadness and concern for Pakistan; and indeed, the entire world.
Among the implications of this horrific act, we can all be grateful that ordinary people like me can do their part to promote peace and understanding. SL is a tool — a wonderful tool –to reach out and express our compassion.
Hundreds of people (if not thousands) have come to visit the memorial and it has given visitors a chance to share their pain and offer heart-felt sympathy for the loss of a remarkable woman.
The politics of Pakistan are irrelevant. What is important to me is that I express my sympathy for the pain and suffering of the Pakistani people and the Bhutto family. Through SL I am able to create an opportunity for all of us to offer them our support and compassion.
I think it is of utmost important to recognize the suffering and fear that this event has inspired, and reach out to one another and express our support for peaceful solutions to political differences.
With the world all to easily drawn towards war and with hatred towards others of different political or religious views being far from rare, I offer this memorial as a means for people to publicly demonstrate their compassion. empathy and unity to their aversion to violence."
Waqas Rau, Any1 Gynoid, and Hope Mcalpine
Waqas Rau created the Pakistan SL group. Currently living in the United Kingdom, he shared his appreciation of how much people from other countries care for the tragedy that occurred in Pakistan. And while it is too soon to know the whole truth about Bhutto’s assassination, it is important that the people who perpetrated this crime be brought to justice so that democracy can prevail.
From the official press announcement by any1 Gynoid:
BENAZIR BHUTTO MEMORIAL SERVICE Please Join Us! 2pm Sunday 6 Jan 2008 for a special Memorial Service at the Benazir Bhutto Memorial of SL. Witness and share statements of remembrance. Planned: Special Music Programme. BENAZIR BHUTTO (Born: June 21, 1953, – Assassinated: December 27, 2007) was a Pakistani politician who chaired the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), a centre-left political party in Pakistan. Bhutto was the first woman elected to lead a Muslim state… twice elected Prime Minister of Pakistan. Peace Be Upon Her!
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jan 2nd, 2008
I give it approximately 10 minutes before it’s covered in dicks.
Jan 2nd, 2008
ok now this is silly.
now we ALL know she was sent back to die and its all political so i give it 1min 22seconds and it’ll be covered in b/tards
Why Bother
Jan 2nd, 2008
“now we ALL know she was sent back to die and its all political so i give it 1min 22seconds and it’ll be covered in b/tards
Statements like these and the usual /b/tard mockery of tragic events is the reason why /b/ and all the Chans are so despised and should be wiped off the net. Yeah, I know, all you /b/twips wear this notion like a badge of honor. So what.
The way the /b/tards will use an event like this for lulz, in and out of SL, is deplorable. The way the /b/tards made light of a kidnapping, saying they’d like to rape the little girl, a couple of months ago was horrid.
PN and /b/tards are some of the most sick minded fucks on all the internet. I will say not ALL of them are sick minded fucks, but I’d say 90% of the PN/b/chan/anonymous are.
Now watch as they say I’m “BAAAWWWWWWing” Go ahead.
Plot Tracer
Jan 3rd, 2008
Statement from Labour Party Pakistan spokesperson Farooq Tariq and general secretary Nisar Shah
Pierre Luigi
Jan 3rd, 2008
The comments on this page are just typical of this blog. It’s an absolute disgrace that the editor of the herald doesn’t remove such rubbish. In real life you’d lose your job. There are no words for the idiots that stoop so low as to make a mockery of this tragic event.
Jan 3rd, 2008
“Now watch as they say I’m “BAAAWWWWWWing” Go ahead.”
Well, yeah, you are BAWWWWWWWWing, because in reality nobody really cares one way or the other, they just do it to piss you off. You are aware of it and yet you let yourself get pissed off. Which is hilarious.
Barry Goldwater
Jan 3rd, 2008
“The politics of Pakistan are irrelevant. What is important to me is that I express my sympathy for the pain and suffering of the Pakistani people and the Bhutto family.”
The politics of Pakistan are what got the lady killed. If you want to do something more important than making yourself feel good, why not start a campaign against Islamofascist killings? Make protest signs and hold demonstrations outside the Saudi-financed mosques and madrassas that are teaching young people to hate Jews and “infidels.” Start a petition to outlaw the Taliban worldwide. Take an action that’s more meaningful than putting up the lady’s picture with a bouquet of flowers beside it.
Jan 3rd, 2008
just what the world needs for the start of 2008
a nation possessing nuclear weapons
developing the potential for a civil war
Happy new year everyone
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jan 3rd, 2008
>>Statements like these and the usual /b/tard mockery of tragic events is the reason why /b/ and all the Chans are so despised and should be wiped off the net.
Go back to whichever anti-griefer hole you came from, ‘Why Bother’ (or should I say Kalel?) JLU, Proactive Security, or whoever the hell you are, you are no better than the worst of the worst that /b/ and the PN have to offer.
All you are is the other side of the same coin.
You can sit on your percieve high-horse all you like, but at the end of the day, you are nothing but a fascist dictator – just one of the many sorts of people the world would be better off without.
That said, cry moar, fgt.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jan 3rd, 2008
>>”There are no words for the idiots that stoop so low as to make a mockery of this tragic event.”
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jan 3rd, 2008
Why Bother
Jan 3rd, 2008
Thank you for proving my point. And no, what you Channers do is not satire since you really have nothing to try expose since you “just do it for the lulz.”
“Go back to whichever anti-griefer hole you came from, ‘Why Bother’ (or should I say Kalel?) JLU, Proactive Security, or whoever the hell you are, you are no better than the worst of the worst that /b/ and the PN have to offer.
All you are is the other side of the same coin.
You can sit on your percieve high-horse all you like, but at the end of the day, you are nothing but a fascist dictator – just one of the many sorts of people the world would be better off without.
That said, cry moar, fgt.”
Jan 3rd, 2008
Go ahead and Godwin the thread Alyx. You’re one step away from it anyway. When people BAW about “fascists” I just laugh at the irony of them telling others they are bawwing. That kind of appeal to emotion logical fallacy is bawwwwing of the highest order, you projecting, closeted homo.
I think it’s funny how people who think they are non conformist freedom fighters against some perceived status quo are the real sheeple. Buying into all sorts of memes and congregating to share in their self imposed misery.
Have fun in the hive mind children. Someday though, you’ll have to shed the Peter Pan costume and enter the real world where mommy and daddy don’t allow you to spend exorbitant amounts of time giggling with your dick in your fist on the intertoobs.
They have to get sick of you first though and kick you out, and I am not sure that is going to happen, because deep down, they may realise that you are incapable of conducting your life unguided.
So, I am not holding my breath.
Penny Sautereau
Jan 3rd, 2008
sat·ire /ˈsætaɪər/ Pronunciation Key – Show Spelled Pronunciation[sat-ahyuhr] Pronunciation Key – Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.
2. a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.
3. a literary genre comprising such compositions.
Which proves Why Bother right to an extent about the chantards, since mocking a murder to get a few yuks doesn’t qualify. Besides, satire is meant to diffuse pompous politicians or celebrities. All the Chantards do is try to insult people like high-school losers so they can laugh when people get pissed off. Satire is supposed to be clever and witty. Nothing any PN or the like has ever done was ever clever or witty. But they’re hardly the worst of humanity. They’re stupid assholes who take joy from hurting others emotionally yes, but that’s 90% of humanity. Humans are cruel and generally suck. Kindness and compassion are forgotten outdated concepts to most people. Chantards don’t actually rape or murder people. They’re just nerds with no girlfriends and no self-esteem who, like most human beings, need to hurt other people’s feelings to make themselves feel good. So Why Bother? Just realize what they are and laugh at them or yawn. Telling them they’re the worst in humanity just feeds their fragile egos, because upsetting you enough that you’d exaggerate their importance so ridiculously and thus validate their boring unimaginative stupidity just encourages them.
My condolences to the dead politician’s family. Only cowards afraid of the truth murder someone for standing up to them.
Why Bother
Jan 3rd, 2008
“So Why Bother? Just realize what they are and laugh at them or yawn. Telling them they’re the worst in humanity just feeds their fragile egos, because upsetting you enough that you’d exaggerate their importance so ridiculously and thus validate their boring unimaginative stupidity just encourages them.”
Good point that is. I shall take that advice into account. Thanks.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jan 4th, 2008
We need html or bbcode on here – I could go for a fifty-hitler-post right about now.
>> “So Why Bother? Just realize what they are and laugh at them or yawn. Telling them they’re the worst in humanity just feeds their fragile egos, because upsetting you enough that you’d exaggerate their importance so ridiculously and thus validate their boring unimaginative stupidity just encourages them.”
Quiet, Penny – don’t ruin my fun.
Jan 4th, 2008
HEY, you know what will make the funeral, and everything in second life better? Arguing about it with random people online, its a surefire success plan. How could it fail? Oh, wait.
I cant believe I still read these comments and stories. They attract stupid like a bug zapper attracts bugs.
Blak Hax
Jan 4th, 2008
Your amateur psychology is the exact thing you accuse PN of, you’re just blowing smoke out your ass in an attempt to make people feel bad and boost your own self esteem.
You can’t define what a channer-/b/tard-anonymous is.
Granted there are some basement dwellers with no gf and emotional issues (there are none of those in SL though lol)
But you’d be surprised how many people are channers and what kind of people they are. VERY suprised.
Personally I troll because its funny. Watching somebody’s marbles roll around because I violated their e-space is like watching an episode of family guy or something. I’m not emotionally invested in the internet enough to have sympathy for the guy who’s addicted enough to take my sl trolling seriously.
Ordinal Malaprop
Jan 4th, 2008
“My condolences to the dead politician’s family. Only cowards afraid of the truth murder someone for standing up to them.”
This is slightly ironic, considering that Mrs Bhutto and her husband had her brother murdered by the police.
Penny Sautereau
Jan 4th, 2008
Blak Hax; I’m still right. Besides, by posting what you just posted you’re doing the same thing. What’s that term you losers like? Oh yes. MOAR LULZ PLOX.
See, you could be Donald By God Trump and if you trolled people for fun you’d still be a loser, because getting laughs by intentionally trying to hurt other people is still the recourse of the emotionally bankrupt and the morally deficient. No one says you have to be emotionally invested in the internet. But guess what? NOBODY IS. People get emotionally invested in OTHER PEOPLE on the internet. Maybe they’re too shy to go meet people in real life. Maybe like me they’re disabled. Maybe they have too low of a self-esteem to think they can meet anyone RL. Or maybe they just get sicking of trying in rl and running into twits like you. Whatever the reason, it’s THEIR life and THEY have the right to expose their heart online if they choose. You don’t have the right to shit on them for it just because you’re so shut off emotionally that you can’t fathom why they open up. It’s only funny to you and your fellow chantards. If only the people telling the joke are laughing, the joke just isn’t funny.
So yes, the PN/Chantards etc ARE all losers, regardless of any RL financial success or other such things. Being a true loser is in how you behave. And your little groups behave deplorably.
Prokofy Neva
Jan 4th, 2008
I’m glad Ordinal has injected a bit of realism into this discussion.
Basically, what I see going on with this event in SL is a cover for Left Unity and other hard left groups to “organize the masses” under “popular issues” that they think are going to help them make “broad fronts” and hands across the sea. Well, no, they’re just about, um, “Left Unity” rofl. Unite for unity, I always say!
Regardless of how…complex…we might feel Mrs. Bhutto and her husband were in their nation’s complex politics, we still can’t but feel sorry and condemn this summary execution by terrorist forces. It should be thoroughly examined and Scotland Yard shouldn’t be the entity doing the forensics.
Now, the question is, why do the left love this stuff so much? Why as this become such a cause celebre? It’s not only because this party is “centre-left” as they love to describe it. It’s more about the “hate America first” thing — but probably even more than that, so I await enlightenment.
Can “democracy prevail” if the people who perpetrated this crime are brought to justice? Well, no. Because for the justice to even occur, you’d have to have a complete transformation of the society, you’d have to deal with the madrassahs and whole bunches of other stuff.
I think another effect of this tragedy is to expose the idiocy of all these people who were arguing that “Even extremist Muslims will never kill women because they respect women” blah blah. Well, no, they don’t. When extremist ideologues have a concept of making women over-protected and kept in the home in burkas and all the rest, that’s not protection, that’s oppression, and the ultimate form of protection is murder, if necessary, which some people in these countries don’t hesitate to do on issues like bride-burning and adultery and such. There was never any special protection accruing to Mrs. Bhutto because she was female as “we now know”. So let’s put *that* to rest now, shall we?
Jan 4th, 2008
So Prok approves of our dick spam.
Jan 4th, 2008
penny – spoiler, /b/ isn’t made up of a bunch of fat nerds in their mother’s basement, they’re made up of normal people
you, however, will always be what you claim they are – a fat dyke.
another anon
Jan 5th, 2008
penny – spoiler, /b/ isn’t made up of a bunch of fat nerds in their mother’s basement, they’re made up of normal people
you, however, will always be what you claim they are – a fat dyke.”
I salute you!
Alyx Stoklitsky
Jan 5th, 2008
Indeed, let’s not pretend Mrs.Bhutto didn’t knowingly put herself in a dangerous position – afterall, this wasn’t the first assassination attempt.
Penny Sautereau
Jan 11th, 2008
@another anon
So I’m a fat dyke. (Yes, dyke, not dike, a dike is a dam in Holland). That only means 2 things you know.
1) I can and am losing weight, so unlike your stupidity and boorishness which is unlikely to ever change, my fat is hardly permanent.
2) I’m proud I’m a dyke, and damn straight it’s permanent. You just begrudge my getting more pussy than you I expect. That IS the real reason most het men hate us.