Sexy Avies’ Reunion – Post 6 Grrrrls & Guys!!!

by justine on 16/02/08 at 8:52 am

[Justine Babii has totally outdone herself this time - with the ultimate photoshoot of the sexiest avatars in the known metaverse. I don't even want to think about the lag that these models endured to create these historic pictures - I just know it was totally worth it! - the Editrix]

click image to enlarge

Most of the credit lies with Siobhan OFlynn, who actually suggested a reunion, but some of that same credit should also go to newcomer Aloe Stradling, who happened to make a comment in the Post 6 Model Group Chat that she was honored to be in the group, which opened the conversation, which led Siobhan to suggest a reunion.

The next thing I knew, I was standing on a deck with a dozen or so of the most beautiful people in Second Life.


It was not long after that that I realized that lag and SL’s performance of late would not help me, and I would not be getting any world class pictures of this group. Instead of lighting, clothing and hair, I just worried about getting everyone more or less in line and happy with their outfit without runaway lag causing the slightest of movements to send a model careening into the group, scattering models like bowling pins. (You can see I didn’t do well with this either, as I think each picture obscures a different model!) Ten minutes into the shoot, I gave up on being Picasso and I opted to get a drink and enjoy the company of these good people.


And wow, it was fun. I got to meet several models whose pictures Marilyn Murphy had taken, and they all got to meet the other models for the first time. I hope I haven’t missed anyone, but those that showed up included Siobhan OFlynn, Cicatrice Oh, Bells Semyorka, Fortunate Szondi, Uma Troell, Musimba Yellowknife, Daeynaries Lane, Aloe Stradling, Aurel Miles, Perphides Capalini, Angelica Ludovico, Patrice Cournoyer, Scarlett Niven and Celebrity Trollop. We talked about SL and the things we do here and what it means to them to have been a Post 6 Model.


Siobhan said, for example, "I thoroughly enjoyed being a Post 6 Grrrl.  Posing for Marilyn was a really amazing experience.  I’d never had anyone take "professional" pictures of my avatar before and that whole morning was just so special.  We talked and laughed so much, it took twice as long as it should have, but I wouldn’t trade that experience for the world.  Waiting for the article to appear on Friday night, I had major butterflies in my stomach, I have to admit.  It was the riskiest thing I’ve ever done with my avatar in her (now over 4) years in SL.   I wondered if I was doing the right thing "for her."  It was probably the most exciting week I’d ever had in Second Life and I was ultimately very glad I did it.  My friends really came through for me in the comments, too.  All in all, a positive experience."


Bells Semyorka echoed Siobhan’s words when she said "I loved being a Post 6 Grrl! Post 6 was something I aspired to do since first reading the Herald in 2006. It meant a lot to have this dream of mine fulfilled.*smiles*  I also loved reading the comments after my entry I found them to be quite funny, some of my friends have now turned the comments into our own inside jokes. Doing post 6 has made me a braver and a tad stronger, after all I survived the firing squad."


Though the idea was born of a random comment in a conversation, something fun came out of it, and I look forward to more group get-togethers with the Post 6 Models group in the near future. In fact, if you are a club owner or store owner and would like to host a wild bunch, give me a shout, as I think we’re a party looking for a place to land! If you have posed for Post 6 and are not in the Post 6 Model group and would like another invite, IM me!.

Next week we’ll be back with another new member of the club, until then, I hope you enjoy the mini stroll down memory lane!

58 Responses to “Sexy Avies’ Reunion – Post 6 Grrrrls & Guys!!!”

  1. Friend O T3h P3nn3rs

    Feb 20th, 2008

    I hope Penny DOESN’T keep that promise dickface, because she’s more coherant than you and a fuck of lot nicer a human being, and at least she has more intelligent things to post here than to just stupidly attack people while trying to sound superior to them like you creeps do. You fucktards just trash on her because you know she’s a better person than you are. And the “Glass of” crack? Thanks, you just proved Penny right, you ARE a pompous psuedo-intellectual snot. You clearly think you’re better than everyone, too bad Penny will always be your better.

  2. like_ummm

    Feb 20th, 2008

    yip – there she goes. posting under a different name this time though. That writing its so obviously her “style”.

    big surprise – turns out penny’s only friend is herself.

  3. Winter

    Feb 20th, 2008

    “And the “Glass of” crack? Thanks, you just proved Penny right, you ARE a pompous psuedo-intellectual snot. You clearly think you’re better than everyone, too bad Penny will always be your better.”

    It wasn’t a glass of crack, dearest AlternaPenny, it was a glass of a rather tasty red. I pity those who feel that wine is only enjoyed by snobs, perhaps to have any sort of credibility in your eyes I would have been better off bunging a keg… or whatever one does with a keg. *shrugs*

    And I also extend my sympathies to those who feel that a vocabulary that surpasses that of a third grader automatically denotes one as a pseudo-intellectual. Me found it umpossible to fail english.

    I don’t feel myself to be everyone’s better. Just… almost everyone’s. Exceptional people. I’m still searching for them though.

  4. Friend O T3h P3nn3rs

    Feb 21st, 2008

    Lord pork are you retarded or just stupid? You just proved yourself an idiot you know.

    “You seem to think that most people reading this board are clapping you on the back”

    She’s only said like a hundred times she doesn’t think anyone cares but the fucktards. So BUZZZZZZZ you fail.

    And like-um? Yeah, nice try. Can’t accep Penny could POSSIBLY have friends so I MUST be her right? God you’re so fucking transparent in your complete and utter worthlessness. I’m not gonna say my in-world name but I ain’t Penny. I’m someone who loves her dearly so I can’t be Penny, since Penny fucking hates herself because of losers like you. She in fact asked me NOT to post here but screw that, I’m gonna say whatever the fuck I feel like to you bastards because you’re the fucking scum of the internet. Only kiddie-porn traders are worse than hurtful trolls like you.

    A lot more people like Penny than you or she thinks. I wish she could see that so she’d stay here writing because she’s good at it. She’s funny and witty and thoughtful and I wish she could just see that.

    I’m tired of seeing her crying because assholes like you won’t leave her the fuck alone.

  5. Lord Pork of Trenchcoat

    Feb 21st, 2008

    Friend O T3h P3nn3rs = Penny

  6. Penance Sautereau

    Feb 21st, 2008

    Right, thanks, post a diatribe telling them they actually DO get to me. Thanks. That helps SO much.

    There’s a REASON I asked you to stop defending me here Mae. A) You can’t change them, B) I’ve already deflated them whether they accept it or not and nothing else need be said, C) You really aren’t helping, and D) As they just proved, they think you’re me anyway so anything you say has no effect except to make them think they’re actually right. So I’m asking you again, publicly;

    Stop Posting Here In Defense Of Me.


  7. Second Insanity

    Feb 22nd, 2008

    Oh Penny. You can’t even get along with the people that defend you. You’re beyond pathetic. So glad to see you leaving.

    (Here’s where you write a “scathing” diatribe in response, ha ha.)

  8. Perphides

    Feb 24th, 2008


    I really hate to get involved in this kind of nitwittery, but at a certain point one just can’t resist:

    1. Of course it couldn’t just be that you aren’t in the group that is represented in the shoot, could it? It must be because you are disliked, or something personal that makes you a “victim”, because seeing yourself as an attention whore/bully who comes on a thread and tosses around accusations and vulgarity in an attempt to make everything about themselves just doesn’t fit, does it?

    2. How on Earth can you even suggest that you don’t hijack threads, Penance? Everyone in the group was invited to the shoot, and of course if it was something that you would have had interest in I am sure you would have been in the group, right? No matter, you have managed to make the whole thread about you anyway. I guess I missed the “Wow, great pics! Sorry I missed the shoot” post like the one Marilyn did under all the “Me-Me-Me-Me-Me-Me” posts. I am not clear on exactly what you think you are “winning” when you so “effortlessly” …. what do you call that anyway? Refuting? Rebutting? Ranting?

    3. “1) I don’t “hijack” threads nor do I TRY to get on people’s nerves. We already know what’s “wrong” with me; I’m too honest and have a compulsion to deflate assholes like you who attack me unprovoked by calmly telling the actual facts to counterbalance the twisted distorted ones you post to justify the time you devote to acknowledging me at all.”

    Do you really stand by that in light of the page after page of your ranting about yourself and your troubles and your history?

    4. “@poke penny – Um, again, no, nice try but you don’t get a copy of the home game. I don’t read Prok at all unless she posts directly about me, which she stopped doing and thus I stopped mentioning her in kind since that last article.”

    Doesn’t that count as mentioning Prok? And what of your self-trumpeted gender sensitivity? Isn’t Prok’s av male? Why are you referring to Prok as female? What up, yo?

    Anyway, that is just my two cents’ worth as someone who doesn’t care much for bullies, and, unlike you, while I do hope that this can serve as food for thought and growth for you, Penance, I also accept the fact that in all likelihood I am simply provoking another unstable and poorly reasoned reaction. Well, here is to hope:)

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