Archive for August, 2008
BettieAnne Baxton — Post 6 Grrrl
I saw Bettie when I tried to fight the lag on the Retrology sim to collect all the birthday presents they had scattered everywhere. As a total sucker for anything retro/rockabilly the little red-haired pinup beauty immediately caught my eye and I checked her profile. Though only one day in world, she had a perfect [...]
Full StoryThe Merczateers – One Life, One Fate
One of Second Life’s largest military forces — from the perspectives of its members, its allies, and its enemies. by Caine Constantine When it comes to armed combat in Second Life, there may beno more recognized military force than the Merczateers. They are massive, clocking in at 254 members as of thewriting of this article. With [...]
Full StoryRobot Closet Sex In Google’s Lively Chatrooms
Experience the joy of the lively tentacle by Pixeleen Mistral, International Affairs desk players rejoice as robot closet thrusts it’s tentacles on demand Google claims their Lively 3D chatroom is a de-sexualized platform where players can safely interact with each other. But the players have other ideas, and have even found a way have virtual [...]
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