Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in SL
by lavinia on 28/11/08 at 11:16 am
by Lavinia Carver
While I was browsing around the other day, something just caught my eye. According to the advertisement, it was the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade in Second Life. Now, at first I was skeptical. I thought, "Come on, the Macy’s parade in Second Life? I know almost anything is possible in SL, but wouldn’t it be more fun to watch it in RL?"
But I was wrong about that! This parade was fun to watch. Perhaps it didn’t have the interesting camera angles or fun commentary of the real one, but it was still fun all the same. See, what the owners did, was set up the parade, and then built a miniature version of New York around it! It was just too much fun! Of course I stayed and watched it twice! (while I folded napkins and placed them on the table. )
The turkey balloon! *gobble gobble*
Now, not many people were playing SL on Thanksgiving – the missing were people in the U.S. celebrating in RL, I hope! – so I can safely tell you that only a handful of people were there. The owner was standing right next to me in the BEST place to watch – the VIP box. I can’t really say she was much of the conversationalist, but she looked like she could be a good person to talk to – just not to me, I guess. Back to the parade. though! There were tons of floats, balloons, and even playing marching bands! some of my favorite characters – and I hope other people’s too! – were there, including Spongebob, Charlie Brown, and the ever present (forgive the pun) Santa.
They even had the Monopoly man, which looked very much like a real balloon to me.
Sadly, I couldn’t find the famous Snoopy balloon.
But the parade was not the only thing to do. There was ice skating, free gifts, and an Empire State building you could climb and for a great view of New York!
The famous Empire State Building – with guest
All in all, I would wholeheartedly suggest that everyone should at least go and check it out! There are tons of things to do! It’s open until Christmas, so hurry on down. Here’s your limo:
Alyx Stoklitsky
Nov 28th, 2008
Funny that one should celebrate such a thing by recreating huge symbols of capitalism.
Nov 29th, 2008
what no rick astley?
Two Worlds
Nov 29th, 2008
The irl Macy’s Parade didn’t have lag, theory refuted.
Cocoanut Koala
Dec 2nd, 2008
That looks just adorable!
Thank you for the limo!
FrannyDJ Dean
Nov 10th, 2015
I am the creator of the parade. This was years ago. You should see it now! over 80 floats and balloons and totally interactive. You are the star of the parade riding on great animations and given props attachments to go with the float
Come see the newest version. Look it up in SL events as MACY’S THANKSGIVING PARADE for the sim it will be on this year. Have fun