Archive for May, 2009

Metaplace Opens Beta Starts Now

Raph Koster opens the doors after avatars run wild at closed beta party Wednesday by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk   "We are opening the beta TOMORROW MORNING" shouted Raph, and I prayed that my screen grab was going to be fast enough – held my breath – and immediately saved the historic picture to [...]

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Underground in Gor: Panther Country

Sim line saves Wanderer from sex-slavery in part 4 in a series by the Wanderer The kajira looked up at me, worry in her eyes. “They will capture you and rape you, Master.” “Who?”“The forest-girls.  Don't go into the forest.” A noob Gorean like me can sure be stupid.  Despite several warnings, I went into [...]

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Avatars & Humans Unite to Fight Facebook

 Facebook group to petition for avatar identities on Facebook by Pixeleen Mistral, News Idoru A sadness tinged with arousal – Facebook is already an MMORPG The grand tradition of self-referential emergent behavior in social software continues as Facebook users have formed a group to petition the Facebook gods to allow avatar and pseudonym personalities to [...]

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Lab To Cripple Furry, Tiny Avatars With Faux Bug Fix

Player protests on JIRA leads to 1 day suspension from Second Life by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Maya Remblai was given a one day suspension from Second Life last friday after some vigorous discourse with BigPapi Linden caused BigPapi to start SHOUTING IN ALL CAPS on the JIRA bug tracking system, while refusing to [...]

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But Does That Make Me Gay?

by Lapis Philosophorum Reading "The Wanderer's" Gor series, there is an overarching concept that truly bothers me.  The Wanderer writes that he will not besexually using or abusing the female slaves of Gor because it is morethan likely that there could be some gay guy fapping in the background — an all too common concern [...]

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Rose-Tinted Monitor

by Kris Dibou, warrior poet/pirate I saw the world through a rose-tinted monitorIllusions in a pixel painted boxLove and beauty, hope and faithAll in one place, we talked There it was, within our graspWorld peace and brotherhood of menThe end of war, the end of famineAn electronic Eden once again So paint the world as [...]

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“Secret” NDA for Huxley: The Dystopia Leaked!!!

Shhhhhh… don't tell anyone by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk now being translated for your convenience Huxley is a long anticipated Korean bloodfog-oriented MMO now accepting signups for a closed beta in north america. The trailers for the game include just barely enough cybergrrrls with guns to make the first person shooter look interesting, and [...]

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1st Quarter Second Life Economic Results In: QPC holding steady for now

by Jessica Holyoke After weeks of waiting, Linden Lab recently finally released the numbers needed for the Herald's Economic Department to report Quarter 1's Quarterly Profit per Capita for SL (QPC).  Or at least, most of them. For as long as the Herald has been publishing the QPC, it has been based on an average [...]

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The Escapist Discovers The Griefing

…and the results are underwhelming. Another fine post by Uri.

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Underground in Gor: Playing by Their Rules

by the Wanderer The girl's bare feet whisper over the fine rugs, as her Master sits, brooding, watching the gyrations of the dancer in the pit.  Her only rag, a mere wisp of silk, rustles as she kneels carefully, lowering the bowl of cold paga into his waiting hands.  She looks up, bashfully, into his [...]

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