Superman In Disgrace – JLU Mole Haruhi Thespian Tells All
by Pixeleen Mistral on 17/03/10 at 11:43 pm
In an exclusive interview, Haruhi Thespian describes the infiltration of Kalel Venkman’s Justice League Unlimited of Second Life – a daring mission that led to the exposure of the JLU’s formerly secret wiki. The publication of the wiki resulted in revelations of the virtual superhero’s coordinated program of secret surveillance and harassment of other community members and – if we can believe the wiki – what appears to be active encouragement and participation by at least one Linden Lab staff member: Plexus Linden.

Haruhi Thesbian in the JLU command center (click image to expand)
How is it that such sensitive documents were released to the Internet at large? Haruhi Thespian explains how she gained the confidence of the JLU, and provides several pictures taking during the JLU infiltration operation – including views inside the carefully guarded Justice Island headquarters and access to the Brainiac wiki in-world by JLU members – a possible ToS violation.
Pixeleen Mistral: I looked at those pictures – the one of you with Kalel was classic
and one with the Brianiac running seems to show that Brianiac users can access ToS violating information in world
Haruhi Thespian: That was what i was trying to show I’m glad
Pixeleen Mistral: ok, so let’s take this from the beginning – how did you decide to do an infiltration of the JLU?
Haruhi Thespian: I didnt come up with the plan. It was Robble Rubble’s desire to see what else was in the wiki, he was talking to Old Rae about this while I was in the room. I was very curious about what was going on since it looked fun.
Old rae saw my rez date and immediately suggested I go in as the mole
As I had no affiliation to woodbury with Haruhi Thespian, that alt was chosen to be the character
I had no idea who the JLU were
and was just going along with Old and Robble
Pixeleen Mistral: was there a plan to try to appeal to the JLU somehow? like the choice of the avatar look?
Haruhi Thespian: Um, not really. We did chuckle at the idea that kalel might become gaga, but the only real advantage was that people don’t expect a female to be a spy. Its not a real active thought, its just kinda how it is.
Pixeleen Mistral: so – did Kalel become gaga?
Haruhi Thespian: Not smiten with romance per se, but I do believe he felt a father connection with me. As you know, I was brought to Justice Island on the say day I had expressed intrest in joining.
Oh btw, here is a list of the Wrong Hands and their role in the operation,
Robble Rubble: Tactician Head of the Operation
Information Core: Selector and Support
Haruhi Thespian: Intelligence Operative
Doctor Yootz: Financial Support
The Man With The Lion Face: Software and Support
Cam Mitchell: Software and Support
Hydrogen2 Oxygen: Scripting and Support
Tayste Waydelich: Holistic Detective
Mullet Handsohn: Support
Old rae is info core*
Pixeleen Mistral: so were your interactions with the JLU in text chat? voice?
Haruhi Thespian: Text chat
I had the persona of a female, and didn’t want to really ruin that.
chatlogs of every thing I said, as proof to lindens that I had done nothing wrong
Pixeleen Mistral: smart
did the JLU ever try to get you to do voice chat?
or are they a text only operation?
Haruhi Thespian: Not once actualy. People actualy dont voice that much to be honest. But some do people being the JLU
I did hear Kalel speak
Pixeleen Mistral: voice would mess up their roleplay
Haruhi Thespian: He was telling the other JLUers that Kara Timtam was feeling very depressed over a mistake she had made after JB hancroft left, she made justice island public
and so a couple of woodbury members made a visit
but were swiftly ared and kicked off the land.
even though they didnt do anything
but hey
what ever.
Um they actualy don’t roleplay too much
They felt the GLC roleplay too much and dont get work done.
and chose to go the other direction
Pixeleen Mistral: the JLU is serious business then
Haruhi Thespian: In their eyes
HUD used to access JLU database (click image to expand)
Pixeleen Mistral: so how hard was it to win the JLU’s trust?
Haruhi Thespian: No, its was shockingly easy
Throughout the campaign I was in constant communication with the Wrong Hands through skype
they all felt suprised that I had managed to get so far
I think it might have somthing to do with being a Thespian in real life and also an award winning Improvist.
Pixeleen Mistral: did you have to ask The Wrong Hands for advice on how to handle situations? did you use Skype to coordinate your actions?
Haruhi Thespian: One of the most important time I used the chat was when Kalel was on to me
In a way
I was sweating stones and Tiz just told me to ask him for boy advice
this worked like a charm
and kalel forgot about the whole thing
Pixeleen Mistral: you put him in Daddy mode
Haruhi Thespian: I have no doubt in my mind that Kalel is a very loving man, The path to hell is paved with good intentions after all.
he is just a different person when online
and hold a deep grudge agaisnt the Woodbury Community
Pixeleen Mistral: so what got Kalel suspicious of you?
Haruhi Thespian: I was "Too Good"
Pixeleen Mistral: nods
Haruhi Thespian: I can post the chat log of it right now
[13:57] Kalel Venkman: I have to admit I’m having trouble figuring you out.
[13:57] Kalel Venkman: You just seem like the perfect applicant, and that’s just uncommon.
[13:58] Haruhi Thespian: hehe, is that a compliment?
[13:58] Kalel Venkman: Every now and then we get a really good one that hits all the marks.
[13:59] Kalel Venkman: Anyway, it’s just so rare, it takes me by surprise when it happens.
[13:59] Haruhi Thespian: I dont know what to say hehe
[13:59] Haruhi Thespian: >.<
[14:00] Haruhi Thespian: I’m so good its Criminal? (quote from the anime Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
[14:01] Kalel Venkman: Sort of.
[14:01] Kalel Venkman: We’ve got a pile of people from Woodbury trying to sneak their way into the JLU, and on the whole they’re not very clever.
[14:01] Kalel Venkman: If somebody did get in, it would have to be somebody who looked like as good an applicant as you do.
[14:02] Haruhi Thespian: it seems I’ve applied at a bad time >.<
[14:02] Haruhi Thespian: thats unfortunate
[14:02] Kalel Venkman: And at the same time, we’ve just gone through an episode with JB Hancroft.
[14:03] Kalel Venkman: Now he was a problem, because nobody trusted him, and everybody was afraid to say so.
[14:03] Kalel Venkman: And I had nagging doubts too, but I suppressed them, thinking it was just me.
[14:03] Haruhi Thespian: Its understandable I guess
[14:03] Kalel Venkman: Always listen to your gut feelings, Haruhi. They’ll never steer you wrong.
[14:04] Haruhi Thespian: I’ll take that advice to heart
[14:04] Haruhi Thespian: So… this is kinda awkward? hehe, I’m sorry
[14:06] Haruhi Thespian: Hey Kalel, can I ask you for some advice?
[14:06] Haruhi Thespian: its about RL boy troubles
[14:07] Kalel Venkman: Sure.
[14:07] Kalel Venkman: Being an RL boy, I have some perspective.
[14:07] Kalel Venkman: I’m a little older, though.
[14:07] Kalel Venkman: Snow on the roof, so to speak.
[14:08] Kalel Venkman: What’ve you got?
[14:08] Haruhi Thespian: Well as you said about following your gut feelings, I get the gut feeling he isnt quite faithful with me.
[14:08] Haruhi Thespian: I dont really have any evidence on it
[14:08] Haruhi Thespian: and he seems really nice
[14:08] Haruhi Thespian: its just
[14:08] Haruhi Thespian: he is always to busy to see me
[14:09] Kalel Venkman: If he’s too busy to see you, then that should be your first clue that something’s wrong, and you’re right to worry about that.
[14:09] Kalel Venkman: If he’s too busy to see you now, it’s probably not going to get any better later.
[14:09] Kalel Venkman: Especially in the early parts of a relationship.
[14:10] Kalel Venkman: Believe me, if you really lit his afterburners, he’d MAKE the time.
[14:10] Haruhi Thespian: hehe
[14:11] Haruhi Thespian: thank, that was a much better response than from my other girl friends who just wait for me to say something and agree with me
[14:11] Haruhi Thespian: thanks*
[14:12] Kalel Venkman: Most women want emotional understanding and bonding in these situations, not instructions.
[14:12] Kalel Venkman: Guys tend to think in terms of solving problems, not being emotionally accessible.
[14:12] Kalel Venkman: Naturally, you need both.
[14:12] Haruhi Thespian: you are so right
[14:12] Haruhi Thespian: haha
[14:12] Kalel Venkman: But there’s a strong gender-based tendency toward one or the other response.
[14:13] Kalel Venkman: Men need to understand the difference between "I’m feeling bad and need a friend" and "Help me fix this."
[14:14] Kalel Venkman: Most don’t get it.
Pixeleen Mistral: oh wow – total misdirection
Haruhi Thespian: My favorite line is "If somebody did get in, it would have to be somebody who looked like as good an applicant as you do."
They didnt even look at my References. Did you know that?

Justice Island contains trophies from Woodbury University
Pixeleen Mistral: amazing
Haruhi Thespian: This could not have gone smoother
Pixeleen Mistral: so you won their trust – then what?
Haruhi Thespian: Then we had the Wiki, I had about 3 different website rippers fail to take the site before I got one that actualy did a decent job
once we had it we then had a chat about what we would do
We chose to tell the JLU, as I was getting really tired of being a spy. it was not enjoyable at certain moments and as Robble puts it I should mention "the sheer amount of whining I did over voice you gay babby" I did complain a lot and I wanted out. We were overjoyed to have the wiki so soon and chose to reveal the fact we had it on sunday the 10th of January, making it 01-10-10, a date to remember.
*about the sheer amount of whining you did over voice you gay baby
Pixeleen Mistral: copies of that wiki were seeded at quite a few file sharing sites the friday evening before you told Kalel about the leak, so by the time Kalel knew it was to late
Haruhi Thespian: Well fun fact! I have never hosted this wiki. I only put copies of it in a rar file in the wronghands skype chat
what ever happened to the wiki after that was out of my hands
Pixeleen Mistral: did you construct a backstory to use when talking with Kalel, or just make it up as you went along?
Haruhi Thespian: I made it up, but I have a great talent of being able to keep stories straight and become someone else when needed, I owe this to the stage.
Pixeleen Mistral: its a talent. not many can do it well. So after the wiki had been leaked, the JLU was not very happy
Haruhi Thespian: Haha no they were not. They had me suspended for an hour
I had sent a notecard to everyone in the group
and this was reported as Spamming
Pixeleen Mistral: LL suspended your account?
Haruhi Thespian: Yes.

JLU members meeting on Justice Island
Pixeleen Mistral: crazy
Haruhi Thespian: The contents of the card, I must say, was demeaning
If you would like it i can paste it here
Pixeleen Mistral: please
Haruhi Thespian: "Gods are selfish beings who fly around in little red capes and don’t share their power with mankind. No, I don’t want to be a god. I just want to bring fire to the people. And… I want my cut." Lex Luthor
Well boys and girls, its been real. I wanted to give you all a nice big thank you for the Wiki and all the information your loose lips have slipped. There are a few of you who I would like to thank by name, and they are:
Kalel Venkman, the first person I spoke to and third biggest help. You know, truth be told, Before I was asked to go on this mission I didnt even know who the JLU were. But after a small briefing I decieded to IM Kal about the JLU and how to apply. He was more than helpful and made the process simple, clean, and friendly. He once told me to allways listen to my gut as it will never lead me astray. Well it seems your gut has led you astray Kalel, but thank you for the wonderful Wiki.
Maverick Grunfeld, what can I say. He has been the second biggest help to me. He gave me some lindens for my beautiful avatar and took me on patrols and taught me what it ment to be JLU. That is, how to be a creepy stalker, how to bend the ToS to AR anyone who makes you mad, how to break the ToS and not let anyone know, how to lie, how to cheat, and how to be the biggest prick on earth. Thank you Maverick, and btw, when lnformation said he liked the old batman better, he ment JB.
But there is one more person who really made this work.
It was truely Kara Timtam, who made this whole thing happen so fast and easy. You and your constanct stream of slip up has weakened the JLU to a laughable state. If you were not so emo depressed over the -visit to Justice Island, you might have been more aware of the danger to invite someone no one in the JLU knew. I’m so glad to have had you on the team and you have no idea how much fun I’ve had. I hope you place a small place in your heart for me, as I have for you :3
Pixeleen Mistral: that would not make them happy
Haruhi Thespian: No it didnt, reports say Kara was cut deepest by then, admitting she was at fault and logging off.
I had been banned from Justice Island so I dont know how accurate this is though
Pixeleen Mistral: and then the wiki hits the news
Haruhi Thespian: yes
Pixeleen Mistral: and the DMCA takedowns start flying – did Kalel come after you?
Haruhi Thespian: I have reports that say he did. Including Maverick telling me that the FBI has been told and are investigating. It seems this was hot air. Kalel never contacted me though. Well, he did IM me to say (loose quotes) "You have some soul searching to do"
Pixeleen Mistral: would you do it again?
Haruhi Thespian: As long as the JLU continue to collect information on residents and share it will all their little JLU pals, then yes. I don’t personaly want JLU to fall or anything like that, I think they just took things too far. I won’t stand for that.
Pixeleen Mistral: what about Kalel saying that the wiki was stolen or accessed by deception?
Haruhi Thespian: Kalel claims that I had unauthorized access to the wiki. Which I guess makes sense in his head, but not in mine. He gave me an account and said welcome to the wiki feel free to browse
don’t know how much more authorization I could get
Another fun fact
Tiz was not told about this operation until after I was given access to Justice Island, at aprox 5:50PM on Dec. 28th (the day that I was brought into the operation.)
Pixeleen Mistral: did Kalel have good advice for the boy trouble?
Haruhi Thespian: It was good advice, but I had heard it before from my parents haha
Haruhi Thespian: Oh funny thing, this article will official reveal to the JLU that i’m actualy male haha
Oh also the JLU are convinced I am in fact Jordan Bellino.
So thats cool I guess
Pixeleen Mistral: they need to demonize Jordan to hold their group together
Haruhi Thespian: Very true
Pixeleen Mistral: one of the oldest tricks in the book
Mar 18th, 2010
Having known him since he first joined Second life, I can say without a doubt that this “Robble Rubble” freezes his poops and uses them as dildos.
Mar 18th, 2010
Robble technically does nothing wrong. He is a very smart man/lady. I cannot tell becuase i ahve never heard him on voice. The JLU have went too far in many way, but this experaince may help them wake up a little bit. Now as for GLE and Mav, they are not pricks. They are ok, GLE as I have said before does not do all the retarded bull jlu does. In other words he can click teh damn file abuse report button before playing with the wiki shit and writing reports. Mav just seems to not even patrol much. Back when I was griefing me and my entire group saw him like 3 times. We saw Kara (she was not effective at all in doing ANYTHING, ecxept for shrilly screaming and writing her reports) a bunch of lesser known JLU, some BLC (jsut give it up already you are so stupid you even asked me tons of times PLEASE STOP!!!!
that adds fuel to teh fire). Last thing real quick since i dont want to bother correcting my spelling or even ending in a some what decent thought as sl is utter shit and i have happily moved on to other mmorpgs that i can actualy play and enjoy.
you all lost the game. oh and hai ^_^
Mar 18th, 2010
“Robble technically does nothing wrong. He is a very smart man/lady. I cannot tell becuase i ahve never heard him on voice.”
Imagine if a retarded man with a cleft palate talked to you right after doing helium wippits and getting kicked in the balls.
Mar 18th, 2010
I notice the first picture has them monitoring a number of Furnation sims, I thought that the JLU weren’t allowed in Furnation? Does this mean that they’re continuing to secretly monitor and perhaps even patrol Furnation sims against the owner’s consent?
Tux has already proved that there’s no Opt-out for the Wiki, so I’m not surprised that there’s no Opt-out for JLU’s “Service” besides banning them like all the other griefers.
Mar 18th, 2010
“Haruhi Thespian: I have reports that say he did. Including Maverick telling me that the FBI has been told and are investigating”
Maverick trying to get the FBI to investigate this? hahaha what the hell would the FBI do?
“Hi FBI, My group has been spying and collecting information on residents in an online game, then we did a poor job of checking recruits and let a spy in and knowingly gave her (him) access to the wiki. Can you please have them killed? Thanks! – Maverick (Batman)”
Scylla Rhiadra
Mar 18th, 2010
Well, this makes for really unappetizing reading. Ick.
I’m not at all sure about my attitude towards the JLU, Haruhi, but I think I have a pretty good sense of how I feel about you now.
Ick again.
Judge Joker
Mar 18th, 2010
They monitor a number of Furnation sims, because thats where they expect trouble to occur, if a sim goes down I’m sure they would have been in the area “another sim” to monitor the situation.
Judge Joker
Mar 18th, 2010
What you need to ask yourself is if Corsi + Furnation admins have forbid JLU from patrolling, monitoring, and assisting Furnation Sims.
Who’s the traitor? who has planted the JLU prim that maintains the active connection to check on the Sim status?
Where by I mean I believe there’s two ways to monitor a Sim,
1. Pinging the IP of the server? I presume if a port is open and active then it’s allowing the use of the Sim.
But if the Sim crashes and the port is still active that equates to a fail way to check?
Plus when it comes back up would it be on the same IP?
2. A prim sending a http request stating the Sim is up and active.
So if Corsi Mousehold is not lying when he states the JLU are not welcome, who’s the traitor? a JLU Furrie? or a JLU Admin?
Or has Corsi Mousehold lied to you in order to maintain some secret spy network for monitoring you, please take note that Corsi Mouseholds JLU wiki entry has only one entry and maybe only one purpose.
To mislead you into believing he has no association with JLU?
While he could be stabbing you in the back? and using JLU to monitor you.
We await your reply and investigation from an independant source.
Senban Babii
Mar 18th, 2010
Haha! I’m glad this part of the story has now been publicly revealed. I was incredulous when Haruhi told me some of these details a while back but she backed them all up and of course now everyone can see the facts for themselves.
I’d love to be at the JLU morning meeting today. There’ll be shouts, recriminations and general panicking as they shred the incriminating files and smash the hidden surveillance equipment.
Keep watching though, this story isn’t over yet
“I’m not at all sure about my attitude towards the JLU, Haruhi, but I think I have a pretty good sense of how I feel about you now.”
It’s the nature of spying that those who find themselves in that role have to go to unpleasant places and do things that in normal circumstances they would balk at. Firstly, Haruhi clearly recognised that fact and put herself in that position anyway because she felt the price was was worth paying in order to achieve a greater goal. Secondly, Haruhi didn’t appear to take pleasure from her subterfuge and even decided to bring it to a close once the goal had been achieved. I imagine that staying in that situation and having to deceive people continually would have been unpleasant and difficult. Personally I take my hat off to Haruhi for being willing to carry out this role and to then show a sense of morality and decency in her subsequent actions.
Incidentally, Tux, thanks for that message, it made my day to know that 8P Ssssh, secrets
Judge Joker
Mar 18th, 2010
I said JLU admin, I mean Furnation Admin.
Mar 18th, 2010
“Who’s the traitor? who has planted the JLU prim that maintains the active connection to check on the Sim status?”
Much as I love a good conspiracy theory/paranoid rant, you may want to take a look at
before investing too much time in this one!
Mar 18th, 2010
@Senban Babii
did you ever think about the role aomeone as Plextor Linden takes in that dirty game?
There is a third possibillity to monitor Furnation – some kind of “God Mode”, given by a Linden. if you are the “master of network”, you are able to make several things possible a normal user wouldn’t even think about.
I don’t know Corsi Mousehold, nor do i know any furnation admins. but you simply say “They may be lying” – think about the third way.
The Role of Lindens in this subterfuge tragedy has to be analyzed – even if Lindens don’t like it.
And, if necessary, it must have consequences. Not only for JLU, but maybe for some Lindens.
(Sorry for my english it’s not my native language)
Mar 18th, 2010
That one photo where the JLU are at the meeting all sitting around the round table is priceless. I copied that one for further inspection but I have already carefully recorded all the names. There are some distressing elements to that photo in regards to the various non-jlu uniforms that are being worn by some of them. There are at least 2 or 3 individuals there that I have been secretly tracking for close to 4 years now. They interest me because I have experienced the detrimental effect of having come into direct contact with the JLU and GLC as it tried to seep into an SL community that had no need or desire for comic book superhero busybodies and their self-important narcissistic mincing. As far back as as 2006 I have monitored secret midnight meetings between these JLU and GLC and if I had to characterize what I have seen they could only be summarized as some kind of evil non-human life form from another planet who have come here to infiltrate our human race and subvert our innocents to their twisted brain-entraining ways of alien hive-like conformance. There is an organization tasked with covertly monitoring and containing the harm that these alien life forms can cause, whos agents must stay in deep cover. And from looking at that photo above there may be more spies inside the JLU than they realize. At least they had better be a spy in deep cover and not one of our agents that have gone bad. I will be checking on that, but let me say to Robble Rubble and Haruhi Thespian: WOW. Nice job. Stunning job. We had no idea that another set of operatives were working this JLU case. I wonder though, when going into this, if you really knew the severe dangers involved in dealing with this alien infection that has taken hold and is manifesting in Second Life disguised as just goofy adults wearing lycra-spandex and acting like they are 12 year olds. Your direct action versus our long-term monitoring was a bold move and required advanced planning and execution to be able to outsmart their alien hive mind which never sleeps in its desire to control and subvert us all. And your prize was their wiki, a treasure trove of information into their inner workings and thought processes that will set back their agenda months if not years and allow the rest of us who are tasked with their containment more time to create an end-game senario that results in their elimination or ejection back to whence they came. Again, thank your for your work against this un-natural infection of our world.
Scylla Rhiadra
Mar 18th, 2010
Senban, there are a number of places in this account where Haruhi seems to indicate that she enjoyed her work rather too well, but the one that I find most distasteful is the “demeaning” notecard she sent out when she went public. This was an entirely gratuitous touch that served no purpose but to grind the noses of Kalel, Maverick, and most especially Kara into the dirt. What Haruhi seems to find most amusing is that these people were foolish enough to be trusting and accepting.
I’m not a big fan of vigilantes, and I certainly don’t condone the collecting of RL information about people. But Haruhi’s animus against these people seems to go well beyond a disapproval of their methods. It is clearly personal, spiteful, and, to my mind, unpleasant.
Gaara Sandalwood
Mar 18th, 2010
Still no home net, doing this quickly from a college laptop.
I searched the wiki dox some more recently. I actually found that there are occasions in which the JLU(specifically Kalel)admits to AR partying people. Fun.
And now with that above picture I may have more names to check.
Hm……I hope Tux keeps the Opt-Out group running still. As little good as it does, it is a symbollic representation that few will tolerate this bs now.
Gundel Gaukelei
Mar 18th, 2010
I admit in the beginning they almost had me convinced that this was a freedom fighter vs. online bully case. I still think the JLU are bullys. But I don’t think this case is about freedom. Its about pwnage and which gang rules the neighborhood.
There is no honor in putting the boot in.
Mar 18th, 2010
With a rare chance to spoil the JLU’s fun from the inside, it makes sense to want to go over-kill. Mostly because you won’t get that chance again… for a while at least.
Mar 18th, 2010
I imagine if the situations were reversed, and it was the JLU infiltrating the PN or something and found a big secret wiki, they would have done the same thing.
I don’t necessarily agree with it, but I can understand the feeling of wanting to leave with a bang after all that work.
Judge Joker
Mar 18th, 2010
Thank you for clearing that up, I was not aware of a 3rd option aka Linden Labs scripts allowing llRequestSimulatorData to call checks on other simulators without the need to be on that actual Sim.
Makes sense though if your using it for your own monitoring system, but the way he uses it? that clearly is not morally right.
As for the “master of network” thing being able to do anything they want, I was told once directly “or bullshitted to” on the phone by TJ Linden about them not being able to block any script traffic to any outside IP website.
Basically said he could not block my website IP from being script DDOS from their simulators, and said even if he could he would not because I was on a shared server at the time.
And even if I moved to a single IP server he refused too, a contradiction from to what he first said.
Master of network? my ass….
@Corsi I apologise for calling you a possible liar, I just have a nasty compulsive habit of not liking you based on your reputation, and that direct instant message abuse you sent me.
Haruhi Thespian
Mar 18th, 2010
One thing that people don’t seem to see is that I was just a piece of the operation. The Wrong Hands is a group of people. We all played our part.
“…served no purpose but to grind the noses of Kalel, Maverick, and most especially Kara into the dirt. What Haruhi seems to find most amusing is that these people were foolish enough to be trusting and accepting.”
I agree, that note-card was meant to attack their spirits. I spent time wording it right and made sure it would be as cold as ice. It wasn’t nice. It wasn’t made to make me feel good about myself or what I did. You don’t have to like Haruhi, in fact, you are not supposed to like her (in the end) Her personality is that of a beguiler and she did her job.
On another note, what I actually found most amusing was Kalels love of Bad Puns. I’m sure everyone in the JLU would agree, those never get old. In fact, you guys should add a part in the quotable quotes section of the wiki and just collect and document all his puns
I’m still open for IMs in World. Feel free to contact me with questions. Whether you be For or Against us, I’m all ears.
Vince Braver
Mar 18th, 2010
Much love to the wrong hands, haruhi, and Robble.
Excellent work.
Gundel Gaukelei
Mar 18th, 2010
@Judge Joker
> “Makes sense though if your using it for your own monitoring system, but the way he uses it? that clearly is not morally right.”
Oh, shure, monitoring the status of some server is really low. So ICMP #8 is your straight ticket to hell then, ZOMG!!!1 I’m doomed!
> “As for the “master of network” thing being able to do anything they want, I was told once directly “or bullshitted to” on the phone by TJ Linden about them not being able to block any script traffic to any outside IP website.”
There is a rule: ppl you get on the phone, don’t know shit about whats really going on.
Mar 18th, 2010
Hahah the section of the JLU leaked wiki “The Fray” has a section titled “Griefer Groups Claim Moles in the JLU”. The section talks about groups claiming that they had infiltrated the group, and then goes on to brag:
“I believe it’s [Rumors of infiltration] due partially to people not understanding the incredible levels of security the League maintains. It may seem effortless to you or I, but our processes and procedures were forged during the height of the grid wars of 2007 and through the spring of 2008 and are some of the tightest and most secure in all of Second Life, if not the most secure.” – Kalel
Partly I mention this because of the irony of the statement in a wiki that would soon be leaked, but also it points out that this is one reason why the infiltration happened in the first place. They’ve pumped up their own ego so much so that they thought an infiltration was impossible, so that they were doing more bragging about their defenses then actually strengthening them.
Playing up their ego seems to be the quickest way into their trust, Haruhi uses that expertly as a distraction first by mentioning “boy trouble” then by complimenting the “wisdom” of Kalel’s advice, even though it was generic and obvious. The whole wiki is full of ego-pandering statements and bragging, little events where anyone seems to admire them or when “griefers” seem to fear them are recorded and commented on in loving detail.
Mar 18th, 2010
Honestly “The Fray” section of the wiki is full of all kinds of interesting information, like one section titled “Unmasking Anonymous Trolls” where Kalel, Samantha Lowell, and Rainey Paderborn discuss the merits of abusing the legal system to obtain the real names and addresses of griefers, even acknowledging that what they’re thinking about is an abuse of the legal system.
“Whether the suit has merit or not is probably irrelevant to whether information can be requested, but one should be prepared to go to trial with a suit like this. The legal system is not kind to people who use the system in unintended ways.” — Kalel
This proves that the JLU is willing to abuse the law in order to obtain compromising information not normally available to them on indivudals they don’t like.
and suggests that the JLU would be willing to put this information on their wiki, which goes against GreenLantern Excelsior’s claim that all personal information on the wiki is easily available through google searches or SL profiles.
Mar 18th, 2010
Simple people with simple minds being confused by simple things.
Go figure.
GreenLantern Excelsior
Mar 18th, 2010
@ Scylla Rhiadra
“Senban, there are a number of places in this account where Haruhi seems to indicate that she enjoyed her work rather too well, but the one that I find most distasteful is the “demeaning” notecard she sent out when she went public. This was an entirely gratuitous touch that served no purpose but to grind the noses of Kalel, Maverick, and most especially Kara into the dirt. What Haruhi seems to find most amusing is that these people were foolish enough to be trusting and accepting.
I’m not a big fan of vigilantes, and I certainly don’t condone the collecting of RL information about people. But Haruhi’s animus against these people seems to go well beyond a disapproval of their methods. It is clearly personal, spiteful, and, to my mind, unpleasant.”
I agree. The note was treating people not like insects to be ignored or stepped on, but like insects to be killed by focusing the sunlight on them through a magnifying glass, killing them in the most painful way possible. My personal idea of hell is a place where I will feel the pain of every creature I killed when I was a Mean Little Kid.
I call it “casual cruelty” when you disregard that there’s a person just like you behind the keyboard and you treat them like an animal or a bot. I’m hoping that some of the folks responsible for this will someday grow a conscience and realize that they caused real pain to real people just for fun. While it may not happen in Second Life, it’s often true that what goes around, comes around, and karma can indeed be a bitch.
@ We
“I imagine if the situations were reversed, and it was the JLU infiltrating the PN or something and found a big secret wiki, they would have done the same thing.”
If JLU had found something similar, we wouldn’t have posted it in public. We would have kept the link secret among ourselves and monitored it for interesting information.
@ Gundel Gaukelei
“But I don’t think this case is about freedom. Its about pwnage and which gang rules the neighborhood.
There is no honor in putting the boot in.”
It was a deliberately planned drive-by shooting where multiple targets were hit indiscriminately. Even innocent bystanders were hit, i.e., the folks whose private information was once protected behind passwords and is now posted in public for all to see. In this thread, the gang members are boasting about who supplied the weapons, who did the shooting, and who got shot. I think it’s disgusting.
Mar 19th, 2010
“It was a deliberately planned drive-by shooting where multiple targets were hit indiscriminately. Even innocent bystanders were hit, i.e., the folks whose private information was once protected behind passwords and is now posted in public for all to see. In this thread, the gang members are boasting about who supplied the weapons, who did the shooting, and who got shot. I think it’s disgusting..”
Ou~ you mean the kind of thing that the JLU Wiki was practically designed for? Especially towards Woodbury. This little circle jerk of the Wrong Hands is nothing but a drop in a bucket compared to the circle jerks the JLU do in regards to “griefers”.
The JLU’s arrogance is the real offender if you want to cast any sort of blame. Thinking you’re entitled to anyone’s personal information without their consent. Just goes to show that the Wiki’s potential harm far out-weighs the good it can cause. Way to go, you’ve failed to protect.
Mar 19th, 2010
@GreenLantern Excelsior
“If JLU had found something similar, we wouldn’t have posted it in public. We would have kept the link secret among ourselves and monitored it for interesting information”
I know you would, because hoarding information is the only way for your group to fit it’s goal of gaining power. My point was less about what you would do with the information, and how the JLU would rub it in that they had it in a similar way.
“It was a deliberately planned drive-by shooting where multiple targets were hit indiscriminately. Even innocent bystanders were hit, i.e., the folks whose private information was once protected behind passwords and is now posted in public for all to see. In this thread, the gang members are boasting about who supplied the weapons, who did the shooting, and who got shot. I think it’s disgusting.”
Let’s not forget that the reason those “innocent bystanders” were hit, is because your group is storing information in the first place, without the right or need to do so. This information isn’t helpful to your group, your group is not in a position to make judgements on groups or enact punishments, nor are they appointed for peacekeeping. The information can’t even be supplied to any authority because they don’t need it or won’t accept it. Linden Lab can get more information than you can, and if something happened in real life that required the police, they would have to file their own investigation. The only reason the JLU keeps all this information is because it gives the JLU a feeling of being powerful and fits into the superhero roleplay. The Justice League in the comics kept a large database full of criminal data, therefore the Justice League in Second Life should.
“I’m hoping that some of the folks responsible for this will someday grow a conscience and realize that they caused real pain to real people just for fun.”
I hope the same for the JLU, that one day they will grow a conscious and realize the immorality of their actions done for the sake of roleplaying a superhero.
Danziel Lane
Mar 19th, 2010
I am happy that the discussion goes away from the DMCA thingy to the real crime done.
Some admirer of the JLU told me in another thread: “griefers are criminals”
No, they are not. The worst they can do to me is rezzing 15k prims on my sim, putting nasty pics on them, crashing the sim or making me relog. Nothing that can’t be repaired within a few minutes or by tping to another sim.
But there ARE criminals in SL, people that use the commotion of a war griefers vs. police group to hand me a “griefer defense neclace” that tries to take my money or transmits some data of me to some http server when attached.
Like in the internet there are people that want our money and our private data and credit card access o collect and store and then start their unlawful and annoying action, using our data to mail us about viagra or other bs or just to use the private data collected for anything up to credit card fraud.
For me the police groups are focussing some annoying activity of people and so destracting and helping real criminals that use their activity to share their “defense tools” among their victims. Plus, when these police groups start collecting and harvesting private data, they do exactly the same crime that people do that send us phishing mails or lead us to spy websites.
Collecting private data is a crime and I wonder that there are still people that think about the wiki as a good thing. To claim copyright on that stolen data is just another, the second, unlawful action of Kalel and his gang.
Claiming this is like stealing a car and then getting upset, if it’s found and told to the owner.
So, from me: thanks to Haruhi and your group for your action. Your notecard might be somewhat mean, but hey … this is just the language they speak and understand, and we must not forget that what they wrote and suspected and told about people they tagged as griefers was much meaner than your nc.
Tux Winkler
Mar 19th, 2010
First off I would like to thank Haruhi for listing The Wrong Hands. This clearly shows I did not start this whole process (Kalel). Also thanks for giving me such a laugh. In all my time in SL I don’t think I have had so many laughs.
As for the opt-out group, I have no plans to disband it, but it goes no where. Maybe some people could have some ideas for it (as it would seem I sometimes make groups which go wild on the controversy stakes).
And I couldn’t end my post without addressing GLE:
“I call it “casual cruelty” when you disregard that there’s a person just like you behind the keyboard and you treat them like an animal or a bot. I’m hoping that some of the folks responsible for this will someday grow a conscience and realize that they caused real pain to real people just for fun. While it may not happen in Second Life, it’s often true that what goes around, comes around, and karma can indeed be a bitch.”
- Right, and I believe karma just came round and smacked Kalel and Kara upside the head. Seriously, look at the info they have on Rob. It is outrageous to take a pop at Haruhi for that notecard (which I found quite pleasant – I am sure I would have done it differently) when the JLU has been doing far worse to loads of residents.
“If JLU had found something similar, we wouldn’t have posted it in public. We would have kept the link secret among ourselves and monitored it for interesting information.”
- This is because information is power. And you (meaning the JLU) would exploit it to its extreme. Don’t think for a minute that the JLU alts go unnoticed. They would be less conspicuous if they wore their underpants over their trousers!
“It was a deliberately planned drive-by shooting where multiple targets were hit indiscriminately.”
- not indiscriminately, the JLU got hit by karma (you said it)
“Even innocent bystanders were hit, i.e., the folks whose private information was once protected behind passwords and is now posted in public for all to see. In this thread, the gang members are boasting about who supplied the weapons, who did the shooting, and who got shot. I think it’s disgusting.”
- I am sorry, but once more this sets me off:
- – private information: which was not in your place to collect
- – protected behind passwords: protected from whom?
- – protected behind passwords: protected by whom?
- – protected behind passwords: what qualifies access?
- – - Did this protection prevent abuse? No, let me explain, in the wiki RL information is kept on someone. Ok it says not to be used to harrass, but that wasn’t the case. The JLU telephoned, but guess what, the number was wrong. The address was for some ex-air force guy. So turns out the superheroes griefed a retired serviceman because they thought him a ringleader in SL.
- – As a member of no such gangs I feel I am qualified to speak. When all is said and done, no one group or groups could have done this without the JLU. You supplied the motive, the weapon, the ammunition and even pulled the trigger (you let Haruhi in). All people have done is catch the shrapnel.
Ultimately until the wiki is dropped or heavily modified, you will be forever looking over your shoulder. No more will you think:
“Kalel Venkman: We’ve got a pile of people from Woodbury trying to sneak their way into the JLU, and on the whole they’re not very clever.”
I love that line. Did he supply his own egg after the wikis release or was it a drive-by egg on your face attack?
Eggsackly what he deserved if you ask me!
Mar 19th, 2010
Oioi~ if we’re going to be pulling some CSI cheesy one liners let me be the first to say.
…just got served!
Glenn Beck
Mar 19th, 2010
You who else went around spying on people?
You know who else had a wiki?
You who else wore leotards?
You know who else thought he was a “super man”?
You know who else wore a leotard and pretended to be “super man”?
Glenn Beck
Mar 19th, 2010
Is this Kalel or Hitler? I can hardly tell at this point:
Scree Raymaker
Mar 19th, 2010
You know who just invoked Godwin’s law ('s_law)?
Glenn Beck
Mar 19th, 2010
“You know who just invoked Godwin’s law?”
FourCents Badger
Mar 19th, 2010
I have to agree with Scylla, and Gundel (I think) and GLE- Haruhi really does not come off well here.
That notecard was meanness x10 and excusing the ability to be a completely deceitful snake as an homage to “my award winning improv skillz” is even worse. I hope there’s some serious soul searching in your future Haruhi, you seem like a perfectly self-absorbed, egotistical and despicable boy.
Fwiw- This article makes me more sympathetic to the JLU, who I have known to be creepy stalkers for years, because we see what sort of self serving and slimy creatures the “griefers” are.
I’ve always been a little nervous about “internet culture” because it seems that most of the boys use the anonymity to be even bigger asshats than they are in RL. Getting lulz by wrecking someone else’s fun is what “griefers” do, and in the hubbub about the JLU’s wiki and Venkman’s takedown orders made it easy to lose sight of that.
This interview brought it back into perspective that if griefers weren’t immature dildos in the first place, Kalel and his nerdy chums would be roleplaying superhero adventures instead of viewing themselves as SL’s police force.
Don’t get me wrong, I think JLU’s collecting of info, and their tracking devices, and all that is uber creepy. However, I’ve never been all that bothered by them because I’m not interested in “ruining your Second Life” so I know that I don’t interest them and will not end up in their wiki or their brainiac or whatever.
But I have been on many sims that have been attacked, and my system has crashed when SL locked up, and I have had to deal with griefers in my travels around the grid, so, as this article reminds me, while yes the JLU are the kids who went from Hall Monitor to Hall Nazi, it’s the dumbass millenials like Haruhi who started all this crap in the first place.
For once I agree with Scylla. Ick.
Senban Babii
Mar 19th, 2010
You know who just invoked Hitler’s Law?
For those who don’t understand Godwin’s Law and don’t want to read a load of pseudo-academic waffle on Wikipedia, watch this educational film instead. Because if you don’t, then you’re a NAZI and display HITLER-LIKE TENDENCIES! 8D
Glenn Beck
Mar 19th, 2010
Senban Babii,
I know better than you intellectual liberal slime who sit in their ivory towers and tell people how to act. Sorry if what I do isn’t “politically correct.” But do you know who spend his whole life trying to be “politically correct”?
Karl Marx.
Ohh and who did he inspire? …Hitler.
Senban Babii
Mar 19th, 2010
Wait, I read your post and laughed but then I suddenly realised you were serious so I went back again and laughed harder! Because somehow it seems I inadvertently trolled you and got a bite!
Effortless troll is effortless 8D
Seriously though, why did you take a joke so badly?
Hey wait.
You just compared me to Karl Marx.
Now, please go back and watch the funny video I posted, it will lighten your day and fill the air with the droppings of the bluebird of happiness.
Gaara Sandalwood
Mar 19th, 2010
“As for the opt-out group, I have no plans to disband it, but it goes no where. Maybe some people could have some ideas for it (as it would seem I sometimes make groups which go wild on the controversy stakes).”
Well I was thinking trying to get more members as a representation of the common determination the group is supposed to represent.
Oh yeah, I’d like to state I am a supporter of ToH. I fully support what they did and for what reasons.
But GLE, I’m still open to conversation and discussion as to the JLU’s arguments on this matter. I would also like to request seeing if you can get the big man himself, Kalel, to unmute me and be upfront instead of leaving other League members to answer questions(although most others gave me a run-around or muted me(yes, you Kara)). Not that I don’t think your word counts, but I wish to see what the guy himself thinks. I can’t really get a feel based on what someone else said, and thus far have only discriminated against him based on his actions.
To actually talk to the guy without him accusing me of being a griefer and ignoring me would be nice for a change.
I mean it’s not like I’m asking for a tour of Justice Island(something that he’d do reluctantly only for the actual reporters and stuff, as well as using my being in WU and supporting ToH as “major risks to security). Just some actual reason, and not “it was the collective work of our comrades”, “What you did was wrong even though we basically had spies in WU ourselves relaying information to us”, “Be warned all your words are on record”.
I mean, GLE, it’s been proven that no matter how much ANYONE wishes to opt-out of whatever little thing you and the JLU are doing, you’re gonna still keep adding info to the wiki. No matter how many times I myself claim I wish to not have my shit in the wiki, Kalel’s gonna do it anyway, right? He did the same to Tux, just for hosting the wiki, whilst openly claiming he feels Tux helped steal their private info(which was really our private info, and which Tux had no part in acquiring).
I mean, look, I wanna go back a bit here. Back to that incident “you” guys caused at the Zeide Kamp sim(although you didn’t really cause anything, you flew around ZK and the surrounding Gwampa sims with your shield on).
Maverick and Kara were waiting for me. Mavy didn’t pull wiki information to show as evidence but showed he knew shit that was only said in group chat, and in a manner that seemed full of self confidence and gratitude.
Kara did her Supergirl thing and chose to remain floating in the air while constantly telling me “I think you should leave now”, despite me doing nothing at all to grief the sim but hanging out there, and her having no actual power in the sim.
Then later Kalel basically threatened me that my chat logs were already sent to LL in an AR after I told him that you guys were in the wrong that night, as if I insulted him personally.
And to top that all off, when I talked to Kara and told her that their actions got me banned from several sims for no reason, she simply replied that they had mis-information, but never apologized. Just said that, ignored everything I said, said she was muting me, and did so.
Super heroes are of valor. Of respect for the common folk. Of actual politeness and manners. This JLU is none of that, has displayed such in their own actions constantly, and, tbh, Kalel makes himself out as Overlord Superman or whoever the hell the dude was.
Point is, all I’ve seen besides my small chat with you in-world so far is the JLU going around claiming they’re right and everyone else is wrong, but not presenting much actual information to support such, just opinions and opinionated facts. If they want people to believe them, they shouldn’t shut out/ignore/mute those who seek actual answers from them, but act like civilized individuals and let them ask, and try to answer honestly, and not just spout their self-important hinting bs.
Oh, one last thing. If the Neo who made a comment previously that Mark(Pix)is just a crossdressing has-been programmer is really Kalel, I will reply with this:
Considering what I saw in the information(legitimate information, not anything from you), that crossdressing programmer accomplished A LOT more than you irl.
Selkit Diller
Mar 19th, 2010
@Judge Joker:
I’ve already commented on the article where Corsi specifically speaks out against JLU, and as the chair of FN’s admin staff, I can assure you that there’s no love for them in our structure. I’m actually mildly irritated that they are monitoring our status, in fairly flagrant defiance of our telehub-posted warning that JLU will be banned on sight (Not even activity; Sight). After finding that a communique of mine back in 2007 with someone I believed was Proactive Security was logged on Brainiac, I do not believe even an “off duty” JLU member can be trusted.
corona anatine
Mar 19th, 2010
given that the nazi’s highlighted a part of human nature
would this not be true of everyone
Kalel and the JLU have ‘greifers’
others have their own ‘out group’
it is how you deal with this aspect of human nature that counts
what the JLU cant seem to grasp is the immorality of their actions
regardless of the legality a group calling itself ‘pro-justice’ should put morality first
or is the concept of ‘justice ‘ only applicable to the JLU?
if so the then JLU being labled as facist is totally accurate
corona anatine
Mar 19th, 2010
Is this Kalel or Hitler? I can hardly tell at this point:
SSuberman maybe ?
No one cares anymore
Mar 19th, 2010
no one cares anymore, quit dwelling on immaterial bullshite and revealing your immature ways
i mean, seriously
Mar 19th, 2010
If this is truely going on then i call for SL to ban every member of JLU not the AV name but by there account contact info and end thios once and for all do to ToS being broken and there herassment of others on game.
Glenn Beck
Mar 19th, 2010
Senban Babii,
now you are invoking K-PAX into this? How did we as Americans come to this point? Is it the greedy capitalists? Is not enough social justice? Is it because of healthcare or those evil republicans?
Or is it because we lost faith in God? You know who else was an atheist? Stalin AND Hitler.
Senban Babii
Mar 19th, 2010
Haha, took me a minute to get the K-PAX reference 8P
As this thread is now sinking into the Friday evening mire of weird and random posts, I’d like to point out that in the canteen at work today, they were selling something called “Rustic Balls” Seriously, what the hell are rustic balls? And no, I wasn’t prepared to try them! They actually did look like cattle gonads in some kind of sauce and I just decided I wasn’t hungry after all O.O
IntLibber Brautigan
Mar 20th, 2010
Excellent work, Haruhi.
For those dissing Haruhi for her notecard being “mean”: think about who the JLU are, what they do, not even for a living, but for FUN. They behave as a secretive group of informants who don’t even get their abuse reports right enough to be considered “crime fighters”.
In real life, historically, when collaborators with tyrants and oppressors secret police agencies are publicly identified, and the truth comes out about those they victimized, they typically don’t live more than 24-48 hours on the streets. And you decry a little “meanness”? How about the meanness of the JLU in getting countless innocents permabanned from SL for the mere act of being a black avatar, or saying an internet meme in chat, or being falsely abuse reported with impossible charges (like “copybotting a megaprim owned by Michael Linden”), or participating in public protests.
Yes, these people deserve a lot more than “a little meanness”. Lets get it straight, they are snitches, rats, stool pigeons, LIARS, defamers, collaborators, trespassers, and instigators. Siobahn McCallen, who resided in my sims with her girlfriends yet worked with JLU in defaming me and encouraging my residents to leave. These sort of people don’t deserve niceness. DianaPrince Carter and her fantastically false abuse reports…
As for the question about monitoring sims: the data the JLU collects is beyond whats possible remotely, and the remote monitoring is far too time lagged to be of any real use unless you have a scripted device in the sim to send update pings on a timed basis. I notice Fluffy (aka Angel Fluffy) posted here trying to deny things for Kalel, when in fact it was Angel and his buddy Kiroja Fluffy who set up these monitoring systems, they once had them in my sims, they require a scripted prim in the sim, and they not only monitor sim health, they log to a database all avatars entering and exiting a sim.
Why would they do this? Because they figured out that griefers who engage in sim crashing (or just idiots who like to wear laggy/faulty scripted items, like out of date versions of MistyTool, which could crash a sim when you tp while wearing it way back when) could be detected by logging all the avatars entering a sim and correlating that tp database with the table of changes in sim health.
Anybody who teleports into a monitored sim within 5 minutes before a sim crashes gets logged to their db as a suspect, and given a score. The number of times this happens jacks up your score. Your score is further handicapped by how young your avatar is and what your payment status is (helps to catch throwaway alts quickly).
Any account that scores too highly on this system gets automatically abuse reported by a bot to Linden Lab, no further investigation done by human hands.
This CAN be remarkably effective in shutting down griefers, but it also can very easily sweep up innnocents who happen to teleport to popular sims too much when sims are overloaded. This is why we removed these devices from my sims (in addition to the JLU using the list of avatars visiting my sims to contact with defamatory and false information).
Angel Fluffy’s version of the system was run by him and Pat Harlow and existed on Banlink as a group known as “PNT” which stood for “Patriotic Nigra Terminators”. Their database was housed on Angel and Pat’s “Midnight Glade” server, but they didn’t make any efforts to secure the data, it was publicly available information, you just had to know where to look for it (tsk tsk, Angel, security through obscurity? oi vey!).
Kalel operated an identical system through brainiac and it was going to serve as the core of the new Phantom Zone system.
Gundel Gaukelei
Mar 20th, 2010
@We: “I don’t necessarily agree with it, but I can understand the feeling of wanting to leave with a bang after all that work.”
So can I. Hell, who wouldn’t? There has to be a reason evolution favored the middle finger so it became longer than the others
I’m just objecting the attempt to glorify 0wning into an act if altruism. Also, if you want to convince the public, you better hide some of the more gory details. They are ruining their whole case because they can’t resist to show it off.
@GLE: “Even innocent bystanders were hit, i.e., the folks whose private information was once protected behind passwords and is now posted in public for all to see.”
The information wasn’t private when it was in the wiki, just because someone took it uppon himself to decide whos given access. Thats like stealing a car and saying “but I handled it with care”. There is a reason, collecting private data of others is prohibited (at least in my country). Amongst others its because you got no right to decide what to do with information that belongs to others plus there is always a risk it ends up in, well, the wrong hands (q.e.d. btw
). The only way you can make shure it doesnt, is not to collect it in the first place. The JLU can’t blame that piece of the causality chain on others.
@Danziel Lane: “‘Griefers are criminals’”, No, they are not. The worst they can do to me is rezzing 15k prims on my sim, putting nasty pics on them, crashing the sim or making me relog. Nothing that can’t be repaired within a few minutes or by tping to another sim.
There is more than physical or monetary damages. We could start removing the air from your cars tires every night until you get the concept. Hey, nothing that can’t be fixed with some minutes of work. Or lets play music you don’t like at 200dB next to your bedroom. If you don’t like it, just leave and stay elsewhere. Or if you also don’t care about that one, I’m optimistic we would find something _you_ actually care about.
Furthermore, guilt is a individual thing. Just because someone else is doing worse doesn’t turn your wrongs into right. Thats something that somehow got a little lost in this “You are worse!” “No. You are the criminals!” “No you!” debate.
And one last word to the proponents: you shouldn’t be worried about us who still come here writing critical comments but about those who already left in disgust or you will end up preaching this JLU story to the choir (in some way you already are there).
Alyx Stoklitsky
Mar 20th, 2010
In all honesty I’m more surprised that the name ‘Haruhi Thespian’ wasn’t a dead fucking giveaway in and of itself.
Personally, I wouldn’t have outed myself, but rather just remained as a mole as long as possible – which is what the JLU themselves do with groups they don’t like.
It doesn’t surprise me atall to hear that they think you’re Tizzers – like Prok, the JLU leaps at shadows and assumes anyone hostile to them who they can’t identify is a potential Tizzers alt.
This is a particularly amusing assumption indeed, because Tizzers’ use of alts has always been very minimal, and none of them were ever used to do anything like this.
In regards to the wiki leak, I suspect the best stuff is missing – the discussion pages. Why you outed yourself before getting them is beyond me. A truely amatuerish, piss-poor job if there ever was one.
Kalel was his usual self in the chatlogs posted here – kind, pleasant, and of course, hypnotized by his own beliefs. As Haruhi said, I too believe Kalel is a nice guy. I’m certain that he believes what he does is moral and just. He is blind, though, and nowhere is his blindness more apparant to me than here:
“We’ve got a pile of people from Woodbury trying to sneak their way into the JLU, and on the whole they’re not very clever.”
It’s not the irony of these words that make them stand out to me – no matter how spectacularly he shot himself in the foot. What makes these words stand out is that in the 2 years I spent active in Woodbury’s Administration as one of Tizzers’ closest confidants, there was no talk of even a single plan to infiltrate the JLU – let alone a ‘pile’ of them. We had always wanted to read the wiki, but frankly we didn’t care enough to actually make any effort to do so. The fact that Tizzers was not aware of the actions of the wrong hands group until they were already underway comes as no surprise to me, and I have no trouble believing it – for it is exactly what I would expect from woodbury, 4chan and goon culture in general.