GameCrush – Hawt Online PlayDates for Basement Dwellers
by PaleFire on 05/10/10 at 11:53 am
Gamers have been frequently stereotyped as having poor social skills. Consider, for example, Felicia Day’s Web series The Guild that relates the stories of a group of dysfunctional World of Warcrafters who are good at looting and farming, but not at interacting with one another or maintaining a relationship. But help is on the way for our anti-social geeks. With the assistance of Game Crush they, too, can get a life by finding a PlayDate!

online playdates for hire
Weird? Not really. After all, finding a chick who actually likes to game (AND is good at it) is every boy’s wet dream. And Game Crush promises to make that happen. Through its recently redesigned Web site, gamers can select the platform they want to use, the level of interaction (designated as “zones”) they want to experience, and the gender of their future partner with whom they want to kick ass. Offering private PlayDate game sessions for as little as $.55 per minute, the site challenges the player to take his game to the next level, “Enter a private, video-enabled game session and you can find a PlayDate to play practically ANY multiplayer console game out there.” Private game sessions start at $.60 per minute with discounts for buying more credits at one time.

come play with SexyJen
The description of available “zones” (which apparently has replaced “moods” with suggestive names such as “flirty” and “dirty”) seems to be an attempt to give a more official appearance to the site that looks and feels like the cross between MySpace and the personals: “Zones help both Players and PlayDates define the game experience they are looking for. They don’t mean the actual game being played, just the vibe of the game.”
Judging by the profile pictures posted on the site, there may be something more than gaming that takes place in these “private” sessions. Young women who bare their legs, necks, bras, tattoos, and piercings appear as the possible PlayDates available through the site. And if you open and account, you can even chat with them!

CherryLix, KatiPanties, Lady_cherry, and more
Sure, there are guys few and far between displayed among the profiles… but their scarcity is a strong indicator of who the primary clientele is. When browsing these delicious pictures, however, one wonders whether there could be this many gamer chicks who are good at (and even interested in) kicking virtual butts. Knowing the extent to which people like to role play online, one also wonders if it is actually them who are the drivers behind the joystick… or another dude riding the fantasy train. Even if these are genuine profiles, the remains the possibility that the site could becoming a gold mine for predators who uses it for purposes other than gaming.
Pappy Enoch
Oct 5th, 2010
So the truth must come out: I are one of the gals in the first photygraph.
Hoo whee.
Just don’t tell my lovey-dove Omar Sharif (as I done telled y’all many times, I lives on his yacht in Monaco) that his little “hillbilly luv dumplin” am helpin’ fat men fap and makin’ some money to pay for her Coke habit.
Gundel Gaukelei
Oct 5th, 2010
That’s how you get laid nowadays? What happened to our good old tools of trade: blatancy, deception and a decent bottle of some cheap alcohol from Dad’s not so secret locker (which luckily also contained some sort of instruction manual)?
Oct 5th, 2010
Lessee … average dumbass geek male playing video games all day takes 2 minutes to get off. $120 for one session. That’s what? L$500 for 2 minutes?
Looks like the price of Zindra SLutz just went up. Or time per session dropped. One or the other.
Oct 5th, 2010
err… $1.20 that is…
hey pappy must be you on the right eh? she looks like she know how to slop hogs.
Emperor Norton hears a who?
Oct 5th, 2010
Pappy Enoch @ “So the truth must come out: I are one of the gals in the first photygraph”
There no end to the lies Pappy? We believed in you!
Remember one day those hot, tight abs of your super model body will fade and then you will *wish* you were some fat, drunken hillbilly.
Basement Bargain
Oct 5th, 2010
After all, finding a chick who actually likes to game (AND is good at it) is every boy’s wet dream.
Is it? Personally I’d settle for one that isn’t TOO fat.
Alyx Stoklitsky
Oct 5th, 2010
This was on Kotaku months and months ago, and kotaku are known for being slow.
Guess what that makes you.
Oct 6th, 2010
I’d rather stay home and watch Mike “The Situation” on Dancing with the Stars
Little Lost Linden
Oct 6th, 2010
Looking at the GameCrush hotties, the only thing that comes to mind right now is “Lay em down and smack em yack em. Cold got to be!”