Meeroo Food Supply Safe At Last Thanks To Cordon Sanitaire?
by Pixeleen Mistral on 07/08/11 at 7:34 pm
Scammers denied access to sim-edge no-rez exploit
Roo sim - the home base for in-world access to vital Meeroo food supplies - is now encircled with a quarantine corridor in hopes of blocking scammers from using an exploit to create objects in unauthorized areas. Will this novel parcel configuration become a "best practice" for those concerned with controlling object creation on their virtual land? More important - will Linden Lab discount land tier fees to compensate landowners for loss of full use of their virtual land?

Starved Meeroos wander off into the wild - but pay again and they might return
Saturday, I stopped by Roo sim, and discovered the landowners have divided the sim into two parcels. The central parcel is publically accessible, but a 10 meter wide strip encircles the entire outside edge of the sim. Access to this strip of land is limited to the Roo sim administrators - a virtual cordon sanitaire.

ban lines around the edge of the island
This unique land configuration has a certain logic - while it sacrifices 15% of the land area, it also keeps scam artists away from the edges of the sim where they can create objects at will and overlay legitimate food vendors with their own devices.
It is not surprising that some players are sacrificing a part of their land. Consider the glacial progress of the Lab in patching the well-know rez-on-no-rez land exploit and how the Lab hid behind a "privacy policy" after the Meeroos nearly starved.
Now consider that the Lab reportedly had revenues of over $75M for each of the last three years, and is bragging on taking in $7M/month currently. You would think fixing these sorts of exploits would be a high priority. Think again.
Perhaps the Lab should discount the land tier fees by 15% for island owners as a show of good faith and compensation for loss of use. The Lindens should be able to afford it after one of their best quarters ever and record revenues - unless the god's game is now focused on cost cutting and milking the platform for cash.
Meeroos slipper svälta | OPENSWEDEN
Aug 7th, 2011
[...] om hur säkerhetszoner på 10 meter ska hindra skapandet av saker vid utkanterna av simmar. Tydligen användes detta när attacken mot Meeroos utfördes och eftersom nu en prim kan vara [...]
Ouchquack Stern
Aug 7th, 2011
Hey Pix,
Good reportage. I am glad you are still fighting the good fight.
Aug 7th, 2011
LL is too busy blaming residents for the awful LL client and sim performance. Oddly Phoenix does not have the same problems LL’s client has. Must be the people at LL can’t code worth a shit. Oh wait they don’t even try.
Obvious Schism
Aug 7th, 2011
Surely the bigger news story is that there is actually a some news in the Herald?
Why doesnt’t the Herald report on that?
At0m0 Beerbaum
Aug 7th, 2011
I’ve done this, and I’m shocked they havent done it sooner.
in fact I wonder why they even allow public build perms on a sim that has stuff for sale in the first place.
James Freud
Aug 7th, 2011
Can we have more articles about black slaves, please?
Jim Tarber
Aug 8th, 2011
“The central parcel is publically accessible, but a 10 meter wide strip encircles the entire outside edge of the sim.”
For the record, you can’t make a 10m-wide strip of land in SL.
Aug 8th, 2011
protip: scripters interested in abolitionism should note that the Laura combat system, which is what most all collars/chains used by slaves in SL operate on, not just in Gor, uses unencrypted messaging that is easy to spoof. its not hard to script a device that will free all slaves in a given sim at once, and it also can kill slave owners wearing the combat system as easily. Have fun…
Aug 8th, 2011
Who really cares if scripted breedable prims that cause nothing but lag can be fed now? Breedable pets are a blight on any sim and the creators are only out to make money by enslaving people to buy virtual food. If you buy a LoLo pet you can feed it for free.
Linden Lab give a discount for their mistakes? If they did that they would be bankrupt. That will be the day.
Aug 8th, 2011
Oh let’s charge people 350 a pop to get their meeros to return, what a scam.
Who really cares if scripted breedable prims that cause nothing but lag can be fed now? Breedable pets are a blight on any sim and the creators are only out to make money by enslaving people to buy virtual food. If you buy a LoLo pet you can feed it for free.
Linden Lab give a discount for their mistakes? If they did that they would be bankrupt. That will be the day.
Aug 9th, 2011
Clever idea, but it the no access portion isn’t wholly unusable. The region/parcel prim count is not reduced and builds by those with authorized access can be placed in that zone. Since the land is useable in those “normal” respects, your idea that land tier should be discounted is based on an informal fallacy. Further, the no access portion actually has an increased value as it protects commerce. Security can be priceless. Just add a sim/parcel-sized megrim of sufficient thickness to block the altitude workaround and its a good solution.
Nelson Jenkins
Aug 10th, 2011
@ Uccello
I think you missed the point.
Aug 10th, 2011
Go getem Tiger
meeroos still a mystery « @thene @lts inc.
Aug 11th, 2011
[...] [...]