Lab Breaks Vehicle Brakes – Causes Hundreds of Fatal Accidents
by Pixeleen Mistral on 25/09/11 at 10:39 pm
AnnMarie Otoole suspended after Q&A-challenged Lindens nerf prim-physics switch
Linden Lab's unfathomable player disciplinary actions scaled new heights of absurdity with news that AnnMarie Otoole was slapped with a 3 day suspension after her vehicles were broken by an error in Linden Lab's latest "upgrade" to Second Life server software. Apparently the Lab's latest server release was pushed out the door with less than complete testing and a broken physics switch function used by many Second Life content creators.

AnnMarie Otoole returned to Second Life to clean up the mess after a 3 day suspension
The issue was acute in the case of Ms. Otoole. The broken server code took the brakes off her vehicles resulting in massive pileups, collisions, parcel encroachment - and a wave of abuse reports against Otoole which were swiftly acted on by the Lab's governance team, although the Lab created the problem in the first place.
This issue has affected products from dolphins to vehicles, all of which depend on the ability to turn on and off physics. As Ms. Otoole said in the Jira bug tracker thread for this issue, "My vehicles rely on llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_PHYSICS,FALSE]); to stop suddenly to avoid collisions. This is not working in Blue Steel resulting in hundreds of fatal accidents".
While a workaround is possible by changing scripts to use a different physics function, this does nothing to address products that have already been sold and are in use - particularly if the creator is blocked from Second Life. Understandably upset at her treatment, Ms. Otoole tried to reason with the Lab in the Jira comments:
AnnMarie Otoole added a comment - 22/Sep/11 8:58 AM
Due to the borked instruction I have vehicles running off the road all over SL as fast as the system can rez new ones. Not being able to set PHYSICS off creates vehicles with no brakes.
I've been suspended for 3 days for vehicles running off the road. DUH.
So it will be at least 3 days before I can go in and reprogram the vehicles and get replacements out to 70 rez sites.What possible good does a suspension do if
1. It was not my fault?
2. It prevents me correcting the problem?
3. I can't go in and remove all the dead vehicles?
4. It increases the number of encroachments and in particular to the person that filed the AR?

cab now retrofitted with working brakes - until the Lab breaks the server code again
Today I spoke with Ms. Otoole as she finished updating her vehicle with new models that work around the broken Linden code - and cleared away the remaining vehicle pileup.
Pixeleen Mistral: hi - did you get un-suspended yet?
AnnMarie Otoole: Yes served my time. Out cleaning up the mess. I'm zooming all over SL to trouble spots. Working on about 70 dead end roads that didn't dead end.
AnnMarie Otoole: Unfortunately, they pile up when scripts are off and they can't get back to the road but that also means they can't report in to the data base.
Pixeleen Mistral: Is the real problem Linden incompetence?
AnnMarie Otoole: Its not so much incompetence, it is "isolated intelligence". Each department is good at what they do but don't know what is happening outside their circle.
Pixeleen Mistral: sounds like a dysfunctional organization to me
AnnMarie Otoole: Or not enough supervision to hold it together. Everyone is scared of making a decision. LOL
Pixeleen Mistral: so you have updated your vehicles now and are getting the new version out
AnnMarie Otoole: Yes, finished about an hour ago and got replacements out to about 70 rez sites.
Pixeleen Mistral: and you would have done this earlier if you had not been suspended for 3 days?
AnnMarie Otoole: If I had been on line, I could have shut down all vehicles within 5 minutes. Without access there were over 2000 a day returned to Lost and Found and nothing I could do.
Pixeleen Mistral: In the Jira comments you mentioned something implying that Linden Lab is a dictatorship
AnnMarie Otoole: LOL yes, this ain't no democracy.
Pixeleen Mistral: true
AnnMarie Otoole: What "God" says goes.
Pixeleen Mistral: and "God" has a secrecy policy, too
AnnMarie Otoole: Therein likes a big problem for me. If I have a trouble spot and vehicles run off the road, I get suspended which does nothing to help solve the problem and the TOS prevents them from telling me where the violation took place so it is guaranteed to happen again since I can't repair it.
Pixeleen Mistral: What would you suggest Linden Lab change to improve the situation?
AnnMarie Otoole: Change the TOS so griefing is defined as "intentional" griefing. Give the AR department the flexibility to decide if the perpetrator INTENDED to disrupt or not. The AR guys are actually very helpful and supportive but they are tied by the TOS rules.
Pixeleen Mistral: What about the Linden quality assurance program for software releases? How much do they test?
AnnMarie Otoole: Just like many industries, give it an in house check and if it looks OK put it on the market and let the customer find the problems. Consumer oriented quality control. They don't have enough people and time to do all the testing in house.
AnnMarie Otoole: I do not blame the software guys, mistakes and oversights can happen and they are severely overloaded. Some supervisory control would have let the different departments COMMUNICATE and minimize the damage.
AnnMarie Otoole: I saw the PHYSICS problem weeks ago but didn't recognize it, I just blamed local lag.
Pixeleen Mistral: communication and coordination across groups is management's job - perhaps there are management issues inside LL
AnnMarie Otoole: Agree.
Not surprisingly, a rising tide of anger among the content creator class is visible on the Jira bug tracker. For instance, Ayesha Askham questions the ability of Linden Lab to produce working code, saying
This is the second consecutive "error" in released code which has broken content and as such casts real doubt on the quality of Linden Labs QA procedures. These type of errors in some industries would result in out-and-out efforts to remedy the breakages and compensate customers for their losses. Not so in SecondLife, since we really are not "customers" of Linden Lab, merely "users" of its facilities.
While Andrew Linden claims to have a fix for the problem, he apparently cannot step outside the Lab's process to expedite deployment - unless enough people complain. But Linden Lab has effectively nerfed nearly all communication channels with it's customers and is notorious for refusing to admit mistakes.

Rodvik uses his trusty "privacy" shield again
Supporters of Ms. Otoole posted pleas to Rodvik Linden's page, and were rewarded with the usual claims that Linden's "privacy" policies somehow magically create a shield that is impervious to common sense.
Is it time to rethink both the Lab's management structure, quality assurance, and customer support policies to avoid repeating the mistakes that left AnnMarie Otoole watching helplessly as her cars crashed - before Second Life itself runs into the ditch?
IntLibber Brautigan
Sep 25th, 2011
Typical, just typical. Fortunately for me, I’m not scared of pissing off the Lindens, so unlike Ms. O’Toole, I am free to say the truth: LL is totally incompetent, its management and interdepartmental communication are terrible to nonexistent, and their arrogance in refusing to apologize to the people they’ve wronged, compensating them for the damage, and seeking to make it right as quickly as possible, is more proof that this company is totally ignorant of how a real company should be run. The idiots at the lab think “customer service” means that they get to bend their customers over and fuck them repeatedly…
Orca Flotta
Sep 26th, 2011
Never was a fan of Mrs Otoole’s vehicles or any other halfbaked and badly excuted atttempts by the lab to make their dead grid look more lively (such as the always empty but o so laggy Linden ferries in public waterways) but this incident tops it all.
Really, just how outstanding ridiculous is it to suspend one of your own collaborateurs? And for something she isn’t even remotely responsible for?
So, what did LL accomplish now? Driving even more continent dwelling residents off the mainland into the safe zones of private estates, that’s the long term result of stupidities like this. Just how many more vehicles has poor Anne to pile up now to make the mainland look more llively?
Next Up for Linden Lab: 2D Text Games for iPads? | The Alphaville Herald
Sep 26th, 2011
[...] disenchantment among the Second Life players if the Lab is unwilling or unable to address both technical and political problems in the current [...]
Baloo Uriza
Sep 26th, 2011
This is why unmanned vehicles are a bad idea.
Sep 26th, 2011
Well, unmanned vehicles are fine if scripted right. There are always potential failures. If Ms. O’Toole had scripted her vehicles so they would check the parcel owner, would be one thing (of course that wouldnt help on a nonscript parcel), but i also have to ask why it is that her vehicles dont use a preset list of waypoints for navigation, which is pretty SOP for unmanned vehicles travelling a set course, they would never leave the preset course.
Sep 26th, 2011
I would hope LL has scratched the suspension from Ann’s record, because this was, after all, their fault.
Related news: That bitter old sow, Prok, seems to be celebrating LL’s actions. I bet she would soon complain if the broke her rental boxes though!
AnnMarie Otoole
Sep 26th, 2011
“This is why unmanned vehicles are a bad idea”
DUH?? What is your reason for the bad idea? Because they fail when the Lindens screwed up one of the scripting commands? Is EVERY object that got borked by this a bad idea too? I agree, we should ALWAYS write scripts that avoid commands that the Lindens will subsequently damage.
“Well, unmanned vehicles are fine if scripted right.”
Who is to judge what is right? 3 years work on it and over 50 years computer programming experience. So far it is as “right” as you can get. They are setting the standards since no one else has been able to do it at all.
“If Ms. O’Toole had scripted her vehicles so they would check the parcel owner, ”
LOL Of course they check parcel ownership, that is how they navigate. To keep lag low, no navigation scanners are used. They look for the boundaries of the Linden road, calculate a center line and drive down it. They create a virtual map internally to follow.
“but i also have to ask why it is that her vehicles don’t use a preset list of waypoints for navigation”
Now that is a good question and has many answers.
1. I wanted physical vehicles that follow the terrain. When they first started there were very few paved roads and they would navigate the rough terrain like off-road vehcles. I was sorry to see the paved roads put in.
2. Waypoint vehicles fly at a low altitude, don’t follow terrain and lack realism. My vehicles slide back down hills and try again, bump off hazards, each other, and unfortunately, people playing on the freeway.
3. Waypoint creation is a massive undertaking, only one person has had the time and tenacity to do that. From the day I finished my first self navigating script the vehciles had access to all the roads, railroads and waterways. There are waypoint segments at intersections and some double sim crossings but over 98% of their paths are self navigated.
hobo kelly
Sep 26th, 2011
Prokofy Neva brags about how Rod Humble is her suckboy from back in some previous shitsandwich virtual world they were in together and now he does her bidding for her, blah blah blah, and she has been ARing annmarie otoole for months and months, even before sl8B about having autonomous vehicles on the grid. So once again, the whole JLU thing, Neva included, takes out another perfectly fine Resident just because that paranoid old cow told that piece of shit Rodvik to do it. What a tool…
Groundhog Boa
Sep 26th, 2011
I don´t see the point of having those ugly build vehicles roaming the mainland roads. Nobody ever uses them and the only thing they´re good for is creating lag and scaring my customers when they drive, uninvited, on my land. Isn´t there a Jira somewhere to have them removed?
Dave Bell
Sep 26th, 2011
This certainly doesn’t make the Lab look good. And, with no feedback on ARs, how can we know we’re making the right reports?
I’m one of those people who have doubts about the automatic vehicles. Sim-crossing just isn’t reliable, for one thing, while a lot of Linden roads have the prims overlapping neighbouring parcels–have they fixed that parcel-full affecting vehicles bug yet? But, whether or not these things are a good idea, this incident was mis-handled.
I Agree
Sep 26th, 2011
I totally agree LL breaks something and the users take fault for it I mean I have been suspended many times from SL myself LOL, and honestly I am a Troll, and could be called a griefer sometimes myself, but hey unintentional griefing should not be a problem for people for example.
If a person rez an object in a sim someone gives them and it griefs then there should be a kill command in all clients that allow the user to wipe all objects owned by them out of an entire simulator such as a sandbox this way if they accidently do something or grief by accident, or even if LL breaks something its easy to deal with.
Linden Lab currently allows certain people to break the SL terms of service/Community Standards and get away with it.
Zfire Xue, was IP Logging disclosing alts without consent.
Skills Hak, is still logging information, using malcious viewers.
JLU is still doing things behind residents backs keeping records and sharing them among themselves true there is no way to stop this but when hackers broke into their so called database and stole all their information or it got leaked it is their responsibility to protect people they didn’t.
JLU also uses phantom Zone, along with the SL Police Department AKA Residentaul Assistance, and they both break the TOS by banning residents without reason from many places they don’t even own usually accusing of griefing but fail to provide hard evidence.
Skills Hak’s system Ash Qin does the same thing with appeals they deny an appeal, and if a user is accused of using a malicious viewer for any reason they get denied, he says that CDS is not accusing people of anything, but on the SL market place readout it says it stops copybots yet it doesn’t claim anything else really that people are innocent until proven guilty nor do people get an actual appeal.
Why because its a massive defame system that breaks the community standards/ TOS & Must be removed from the grid as well as JLU’s piece of shit system.!
Senban Babii
Sep 26th, 2011
I have to admit, I’ve never seen one of these vehicles out in the wild. Can someone suggest where they can be found? A SLurl would be handy and then I can go take a look later.
Sep 26th, 2011
Sen, just try driving a vehicle on any random Linden road on the mainland, one will get in your way before too long
Miss J
Sep 26th, 2011
Just stand around some mainland road and you will more than likely run into her spamming tip me vehicles. Before the bug they were piling up and going off road for some time. Now, it just took the bug to point out what she is doing is in excess.
The unmanned zombie vehicles are weighing mainland down.
Oriella Charik
Sep 26th, 2011
I have friends who live at the end of a Linden road, and it’s entertaining watching Otoole Motor Co vehicles attempting U turns. I must ask them if they’ve had their yard full of lost ice cream vans and taxis…
Gaius Goodliffe
Sep 26th, 2011
“… a preset list of waypoints for navigation, which is pretty SOP for unmanned vehicles travelling a set course, they would never leave the preset course.”
Assuming you’re talking about a fantasy world with stable physics and no lag. Meanwhile, back in the real virtual world, physical vehicles following waypoints will behave somewhat unpredictably, as they either turn on a dime or overshoot their waypoints by somewhat random amounts, depending on sim performance. Non-physics-based vehicles tend to move more predictably, but less fluidly.
Nelson Jenkins
Sep 26th, 2011
@ AnnMarie Otoole
Sorry, but I made more reliable automated cars with 3 days work and 5 years programming experience. Not only that, but they accurately represented traffic flows and – gasp! – didn’t need 20-something scripts to run. And they drove at around 40 MPH! And they didn’t use ugly freebies! And – this is the best part – they crossed through several regions flawlessly! Even homesteads! And I don’t solicit people to pay me to ride them!
I could go on, but honestly, your cars are no big achievement. I have never seen a single person genuinely enjoy the presence of the irritating things. Every last one of them looks horrible, they have god knows how many scripts to lag up sim crossings, and they’re constantly blocking roads with their 1 MPH internal speed limit.
Please let me know, though, if you can think up any benefits to the cars. Spare me the “it livens up the grid” line, I would much rather stay hungry than chow down on a turd sandwich just because it “fills me up”.
Sep 26th, 2011
Go getem Tiger
Sep 26th, 2011
Actually we have had plenty of fun riding Ann’s vehicles. You see they do break the monotony of the unused Linden roads. They also allow you to sight see. Admittedly we was killing time (about two hours at one point), but it does allow you to go places where you would normally avoid.
Personally I think LL should prevent teleporting on the mainland and implement a full road network with public transport. If people can’t just tp to their skybox in some half abandoned mainland sim, perhaps they will all start to have some pride in their surroundings and try to improve them.
I congratulate Ann on using an otherwise unused abandoned resource!
AnnMarie Otoole
Sep 26th, 2011
“I don´t see the point of having those ugly build vehicles roaming the mainland roads. Nobody ever uses them and the only thing they´re good for is creating lag and scaring my customers when they drive, uninvited, on my land. Isn´t there a Jira somewhere to have them removed?”
1. Many of the vehicles are freebies I used to populate the freeways. If you have a full mod vehcle you want to see on the roads, send it to me.
2. Since January this year 45,071 different people have taken 93,657 rides on the vehicles. Occupancy about 5% average
3. Lag is negligible if no one is aboard. If they have a rider the avatar introduces 20 times more lag than the empty vehicle.
4. They do not (or should not) drive uninvited on your land. If they are, send me the location and it will be corrected promptly.
5. They do not violate the TOS so there is no basis for a JIRA.
“I have to admit, I’ve never seen one of these vehicles out in the wild. Can someone suggest where they can be found? A SLurl would be handy and then I can go take a look later.”
Traffic density is carefully controlled so that on AVERAGE a vehicle will pass any place on an SL road about once every 10 minutes. If you don’t want to wait, visit the Endurance Cars sale lot at . Most are free but there is a L$100 license fee to use the script.
“Just stand around some mainland road and you will more than likely run into her spamming tip me vehicles. Before the bug they were piling up and going off road for some time. Now, it just took the bug to point out what she is doing is in excess. The unmanned zombie vehicles are weighing mainland down.”
They do NOT spam “tip me”, that is incorrect. Walk down any road if you want to experience REAL spamming from roadside parcels. If you go for a ride in one, you are given the privilige to tip the drive AFTER 2 MINUTES RIDING. If you hated the ride so much, how come you sat it in for 2 minutes? If vehicles are “piling up” send me the location and it will be fixed promplty. WEIGHING MAINLAND DOWN? Perhaps the SKY IS FALLING?.
“Sorry, but I made more reliable automated cars with 3 days work and 5 years programming experience. Not only that, but they accurately represented traffic flows and – gasp! – didn’t need 20-something scripts to run. And they drove at around 40 MPH! And they didn’t use ugly freebies! And – this is the best part – they crossed through several regions flawlessly! Even homesteads! And I don’t solicit people to pay me to ride them!”
Waypoint vehicles are elementary, there are freebie scripts for that, it shouldn’t take 3 days.
Everyone thinks its easy and predicts that when everyone is doing it the Lindens will regulate them. Well its been a few years now and I don’t see the predicted traffic jams.
40MPH is stupid, my vehicles are intentionally controlled to allow the scenery to rez before you zoom past it. Relax and enjoy the ride, if you are in a hurry, just teleport.
Awww congratulaions, you got through several regions. My vehicles go through THOUSANDS of regions. The record life to date is a fraction under a WEEK with average life around 8 hours when sims are not being restarted.
I have never “solicited people to pay me to ride them”.
Sep 26th, 2011
I feel the same way about robot cars and ferry boats the way I feel about “mannequin” avatars in a store, skyboxes hovering 30 m above the surface, fake landscape facades with mountains or palm trees painted on them, and ban lines. They all seem pretty ‘fake’ and diminish the experience of the mainland, and since the whole experience is literally fake, that is saying something.
AnnMarie Otoole
Sep 26th, 2011
LMAO, Heaven forbid that I should use FAKE vehicles. Hangs head in shame.
Sep 26th, 2011
@AnnMarie….yeah, Ironical, isn’t it?
Sep 26th, 2011
Linden Lab punishes you for their own bugs/mistakes!
Sep 26th, 2011
Linden Lab’s policy needs a work-over all-around. People shouldn’t have booboo’s and get stripped on the back for it. Bugs happen, glitches happen. On SL however, your not allowed to have those human-mistakes. Perfection is needed in a virtual “citizen” world, get it?
Apparently LL thinks its okay to have bugs sat on for ages, but if a customer screws up, here comes the mighty ban-hammer!
This is one of the worst sloppy companies i’ve seen handle their customers so far…in need of a total revamp all-around.
Sep 26th, 2011
Didn’t pork get banned from Sims Online?
AnnMarie Otoole
Sep 26th, 2011
I’m partly responsible for the bug so I shouldn’t complain.
My home sim is a Blue Steel version where the roll-out was tested and I saw physics problems a couple of weeks ago but paid no attention because the symptoms were similar to symptoms caused by lag and I didn’t investigate. In retrospect I should have investigated much closer.
The roll-out system is designed to test changes on the hope that residents will find problems and report them in time and I failed to recognize an obvious problem so the system failed.
That doesn’t justify banning for 3 days.
Miss J
Sep 26th, 2011
Why should residents of mainland IM you every time one of your zombie vehicles begin to pile up? Shouldn’t this be your responsibility to clean up and keep track of every item you rez from your inventory?
AnnMarie Otoole
Sep 26th, 2011
Good question, Miss J.
Yes I am responsible but I can only respond to “pile ups” that I know about. Unfortunately they occur on land where scripts (and object return) are turned off otherwise they would find their own way back to the road. If scripts are off they cannot report problems so it is difficult to know where the problem is.
This is a problem for all vehicles, occupied or otherwise and if you travel the roads you will see numerous abandoned vehicles.
A number of us suggested a solution since there is no script command to delete vehicles stuck on no-script land. The Lindens acknowledged the need for such a command but have no one to work on it.
I track all vehicles in a data base. The only way to know one crashed is it no longer reports in to the data base. When this happens the last known location is stored it a Lost and not Found file that I check frequently. If a quantity show up in the same general area I go there and determine the cause. If it is my problem I update the script. If it is a road problem Michael Linden is very cooperative on making road repairs, usually in 24 hours. I’ve filed just under 1,000 road repair tickets.
SO I do rely on people to let me know where there are undetected problems, just like the Lindens rely on the public to report SL problems. Most are very helpful and it is greatly appreciated.
FIling an AR on vehciles that have run off the road does not get the problem solved because if I get a warning or suspension the TOS rules do not allow them to tell me where it happened so you can guarantee it will happen again.
Obvious Schism
Sep 26th, 2011
So the real purpose of all these vehicles is to get the roads fixed?
AnnMarie Otoole
Sep 26th, 2011
LOL, No, the real purpose of fixing the roads is so the vehicles can run uninhibited but all other vehicles benefit from my repairs.
anti JLU
Sep 26th, 2011
It is funny, how lack of scripting skill got her shit to fail. Then some ppl here with ACTUAL skills point out how horrible (20 scripts!?!?) it is been scripted to begin with.
Then you see a pic, of indeed freebee crap you can get at any street corner.
The best part is how Otoole is able to defend her FLAWS, instead of her good doing. Perhaps stop being the joker with 50years under the belt, your a noob if your cars really need 20 scripts to follow a path and cross sims !!
Sorry imho, i agree with Nelson Jenkins. He is spot on…
Erwin Solo
Sep 27th, 2011
AnnMarie Otoole’s vehicles are one of the true wonders of Second Life. She deserves a large scoop of respect on top of a slice of awe.
Sarge Misfit
Sep 27th, 2011
I used to enjoy driving those roads. Got tired of dodging those bot-cars
IntLibber Brautigan
Sep 27th, 2011
@AntiJLU: Exactly, I could do it with two scripts, one for the vehicle, and another for the dataserver.
IntLibber Brautigan
Sep 27th, 2011
And despite AnneMarie O’Toole’s claim, a waypoint following vehicle doesnt need to “fly above the road”. Maybe a poorly scripted vehicle would need to do that, but I wouldnt script it that way.
AnnMarie Otoole
Sep 27th, 2011
All these Monday morning lounge quaterbacks who’ve never even tried it, put up or shut up. Theory is great but so far I’m the only one in the game and likely to remain so. The only competition to self navigating vehicles I’ve seen was one that followed the road prims but it had too many problems.
Many of my scripts are for support things like the Morph program that can convert a road vehicle to water craft or railroad vehicle while on the move. At any one time, perhaps 90% of the scripts are idle waiting for a condition that needs them and some not even running until needed.
“two scripts, one for the vehicle, and another for the dataserver.” Hmm, so how do you get 4 (or 2 double) wheels to rotate? How about 6 avatar seats, how do you do that with one scipt. The dataserver is minimal script, why do you need it separate?
Nelson Jenkins
Sep 27th, 2011
Waypoint vehicles are elementary, there are freebie scripts for that, it shouldn’t take 3 days.
Did I say anything about waypoint vehicles? These cars followed unscripted roads in several city regions, responded properly to traffic signals and road signs, and randomly picked routes until they came to a specified rez/derez done, where they deleted themselves. (In this case, it was the ends of two sim-border tunnels.) There were no “waypoints” involved and they were fully physics-based.
Everyone thinks its easy and predicts that when everyone is doing it the Lindens will regulate them. Well its been a few years now and I don’t see the predicted traffic jams.
That’s because you can’t stand around all of the hundreds if not thousands of sims your objects roam around in at once. You yourself said that there were 70 rez points which are almost always uninhabited from what I can tell (you certainly haven’t shown up along any mainland roads that I’ve been on, at least). When 3 ice cream trucks get pushed off the road and are stuck sideways against someone’s wall, blaring that incessant music that we’ve all grown to hate, I’d count that as a traffic jam, wouldn’t you?
40MPH is stupid, my vehicles are intentionally controlled to allow the scenery to rez before you zoom past it. Relax and enjoy the ride, if you are in a hurry, just teleport.
Intentionally set at 1 MPH? Are you still in the 90s? Most of us can rez sims perfectly fine now, thanks. Regardless, the 40 MPH speed is to accurately represent traffic flow (and this was only permitted on the highway, I think the speed on surface streets was something around 15). Most drivers grew to like the traffic, it made the city scene complete, so to speak – while your 1 MPH road hogs prevent any practical use of the Linden roads without a serious collision.
Awww congratulaions, you got through several regions. My vehicles go through THOUSANDS of regions. The record life to date is a fraction under a WEEK with average life around 8 hours when sims are not being restarted.
You say that like it’s a good thing… thousands of regions burdened with your junk? Like I said, there were no waypoints, it wasn’t linear, so unless the cars happened to find one of two or three rez/derez points, they traveled indefinitely. I don’t recall ever having an issue with a stuck car, either – and since I was practically always in the area, I could actually monitor them instead of pull wild claims of scripting perfection out of my ass.
I have never “solicited people to pay me to ride them”.
Asking for tips is solitication.
FIling an AR on vehciles that have run off the road does not get the problem solved because if I get a warning or suspension the TOS rules do not allow them to tell me where it happened so you can guarantee it will happen again.
Unless you get banned, in which case your crap would be removed and the problem would be permanently solved, not this hogwash “IM me with problems” excuse.
I should go to a sandbox, start setting off nukes, and complain to people that nobody reported the lag to me. I mean, if they wanted the problem solved, they should have asked me to fix it instead of getting me suspended! How absurd of them!
At any one time, perhaps 90% of the scripts are idle waiting for a condition that needs them
This shows how poor of a scripter you are. Idle scripts are not the same as no scripts. Crossing sims = loading scripts into that region, regardless of their state.
Hmm, so how do you get 4 (or 2 double) wheels to rotate?
Yeah, gee, how DO you do that? I mean, you certainly don’t know, since most of your cars don’t spin their wheels either.
How about 6 avatar seats, how do you do that with one scipt.
Why in the world would you need 6 avatar seats? My car IRL doesn’t even have 6 seats.
AnnMarie Otoole
Sep 27th, 2011
Oh, OK thanks Nelson. It appears from your description we are talking about different subjects. My vehicles run on SL mainland roads, not private roads.
Sep 27th, 2011
Oh no.
Looks like a noob, smells like a noob.
Vehicles are noob too.
Ranma Tardis
Sep 27th, 2011
Ann Marie, I wish you luck in the coming days. I have seen your vehicles while on the sl trains. Nothing like a garbage truck running the rails
I like the poster about “ruining” the mainland “experience”, ah what is he smoking? About the Lindens, oh the “founders” Inworldz are becoming more and more like Lindens every day. Again good luck!
Groundhog Boa
Sep 27th, 2011
It seems to me that there´re a lot more contras than pros for your cars, busses, taxis, tanks, limousines, … etc. My question is: Why do you do it? What´s the point if nobody wants the bloody things? Why don´t you go and rez your vehicles on private land, owned by people that welcome them? They absolutely do not contribute to the beauty of sl, nor do they liven up the roads … but if someone uses his own car to drive around they will surely meet yours, blocking the road and jumping around like a mad dog. Have you ever watch them crossing a laggie sim and trying to get out of a ditch? No? Well you should! … and after seeing car number 712 making his mad jumps, it´s not funny anymore. I understand that you´re proud of your scripting capabilities … but if they were mine, I´ld crawl in a big virtual hole hiding from shame. And what´s the point of those hideous tanks? You can´t sit in them and when you touch them they fire a giant, ugly, smoking bullet! Do you rez those just to annoy people?
We all (me and my neighbors) work hard to make or spot on the mainland look good, without visual skyboxes and to the best of our abilities. We don´t need your help AnnMarie!
Groundhog Boa
Sep 27th, 2011
“Oh, OK thanks Nelson. It appears from your description we are talking about different subjects. My vehicles run on SL mainland roads, not private roads.”
She can´t read either, no wonder that her scripts suck
Gundel Gaukelei
Sep 27th, 2011
… diminish the experience of the mainland
Which would be God-forsakenness, traversed by shitloads of banlines, banning nothing.
Gundel Gaukelei
Sep 27th, 2011
@AnnMarie Otoole
How about scripted tumbleweed?
Luci Koenkamp
Sep 27th, 2011
Maybe it´s time for you to look for new challenges. It is true that your vehicles cause a lot of lag when they cross my land and frequently they get stuck on it after driving over my customers
. Take an example of the flying blimp, no lag, no bumps, no accidents … and most importantly it doesn´t play the same jingle over and over, nor does it shoot bombs at me and they don´t come in flocks that compete with each other for a place on the road. I´ve seen your cars for many months now and maybe it´s just time for something new, I´m sure that you´re a creative woman with many talents and that you´ll soon come up with a bright idea to replace the bumping cars.
Sep 27th, 2011
The Lab screwed up it’s server code in turn screwing up some resident builds again? Basicly ever time Linden pushes a new server update something breaks, or is lost, or the UUID gets mixed up. WE ALL KNOW THIS by now. as for AnnMarie Otoole I can see by her profile that she is Old Skool SL, how the hell could she still be getting upset when linden screws up and bans her? Has she not gotten usto it by now like the rest of us have!
hobo kelly
Sep 27th, 2011
well I think the autonomous vehicles are really neat. before the slobbering hordes run their mouths dry slobbering all over themselves about their opinion of autonomous vehicles, they should remember that DARPA the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has been hosting the Grand Challenge where a big buttload of money as a prize awaits the first person / group that can produce an autonomous vehicle in real life. These algorythms and concepts that annmarie is refining will directly cross over into real life with some adjustments for sensors and control and are EXACTLY the kind of work that DARPA is looking for. On top of that, Linden Labs has come out and said that one of the intended uses of Second Life in the future is for modeling Military weapons systems of many and varied design. So slobber on you pea brains and get out of her way.
Sep 27th, 2011
Yeah…SL is REALLY that important and relevant. Honestly. We do REALLY REALLY important stuff in there.
Sep 27th, 2011
Currently you cannot even drive vehicles around mainland without them shooting off into the void on sim crossing. Only to land on some random person’s parcel and pissing them off. And since LL is abandoning SL for stupid text based games on ipads they appear to be intentionally destroying Secondlife to drive their customers away. Hopefully Open Sim will soon see a surge in development so people can discontinue funding someone’s new hobby of taking our money we pay for services and spending it on their gaming hobbies instead of delivering what we paid for.