Alphaville Herald Celebrates 8 Years on October 6!
by Pixeleen Mistral on 06/10/11 at 4:29 am
After months of frantic preparations, the mushroom cave in Shivar is ready for an historic moment - the 8th birthday party celebration of the most vital, trustworthy, erudite, and incisive newspaper in the metaverse - the Alphaville Herald.
Herald founder Urizenus Sklar and managing editrix Pixeleen Mistral invite our readers to join us as we celebrate the power of the virtual press to enlighten, inform, entertain, influence policy, and provide a convenient earth-friendly wrapper for piscine foodstuffs in transit.
The festivities are scheduled to begin at 6:30 PM SLT / 8:30 PM CDT / 9:30 PM EDT on Thursday October 6th with a traditional contest - wrapping pixelated fish in a discarded Herald newspaper.
The winner will be awarded a plywood cube.
While wrapping fish is normally the highlight of Herald parties, a surprising development will allow Herald readers to judge Rodvik Linden building skills and political leanings for themselves. Is Rodvik Linden's gift pony a sign of anti-vigilante sympathies?

Rodvik send the Herald a ponie
Look for a diverse crowd of party people as SLebrities, virtual world students, and obvious alt accounts visit scenic Shivar sim to dance the night away.
Dave Bell
Oct 6th, 2011
Unfortunately, zombie season has started.
Maintain good fire disciplne: short bursts and be careful with that white phosphorous.
Oct 6th, 2011
On a thursday? Couldn’t you guys have picked a more convenient day?
Senban Babii
Oct 6th, 2011
I would have come but as the party doesn’t start until 0230 hours here in the UK and as it’s a school night, you’ll have to manage without the European contingent I imagine.
Verdict: Pants
hobo kelly
Oct 6th, 2011
um, would there be any crazy cat lady talking hand puppets at this party? i get so excited at just the thought.
Obvious Schism
Oct 6th, 2011
I am being given away as a prize? That’s the first I’ve heard of it.
I guess its OK as long as I go to a deserving winner and a good home.
Oct 6th, 2011
@ Obvious Schism
The winner has to promise to keep you well oiled and shined. I hope that helps you feel better about the contest.
Now, since we’re talking ’bout plywood cubes, I think I’ll go to Lemondrops and take another look at the archeological dig that unearthed the ‘oldest prim’ in SL.
Orca Flotta
Oct 6th, 2011
As Senbii already pointed out, with a start time at 6:30pm this will be an event solely for US residents. Aaaaaw :/
Urizenus Sklar
Oct 6th, 2011
Since when is 2:30 AM not an appropriate time for a party? Some would say that is the *optimal* time. This is a *party*, not tea.
Senban Babii
Oct 6th, 2011
Pff Orca and I could party you into the middle of next week Uri, it’s not our fault you wanted to party in the early evening so you could have an early night in your favourite Spiderman jammies so you wouldn’t be Mr Grumpypants in the morning
Oct 6th, 2011
should ‘paul’ break cover and come to this? if I do, will destruction reign down on my sim as Tux comes to ‘entertain’ me?
Oct 6th, 2011
As much as I would love to entertain (Paul), I do in fact think I will already be asleep. I hope there are plenty of pictures.
I wonder if Rodvik will show? Make sure you have media off Rod, wouldn’t want your alt discovered by the moap privacy invaders.
Have a great time one and all!
Senban Babii
Oct 6th, 2011
I wonder how many JLU alts will turn up?
Urizenus Sklar
Oct 6th, 2011
Ms Babii says: “Orca and I could party you into the middle of next week Uri”
Oh its on. Name the time and the place and the spiritual condiments and I will party you into the eternal bliss that will be your everlasting nap time.
Obvious Schism
Oct 6th, 2011
@ JustMe
OK thanks. Yes that’s put my mind at ease about everything now.
I do enjoy a good polish.
Oct 6th, 2011
8 Years!
What a complete waste of time…
IntLibber Brautigan
Oct 6th, 2011
One would think by now that the JLU would get a clue that internet stalking and cyberbullying is a crime…
Oct 6th, 2011
Congratulations Herald on your eight years.
SLNN used to claim to be Second Life’s premiere news source, They’ve been out of business for years while the Herald is still here. So much for that claim, eh?
I look forward to stopping by the party. Of course since in SL I have a well respected, mild-mannered, industry leader, identity/persona that has nothing to do with my Edna here, you’ll never know it’s me…
Senban Babii
Oct 6th, 2011
“Oh its on. Name the time and the place and the spiritual condiments and I will party you into the eternal bliss that will be your everlasting nap time.”
Ooh nap time!
/me curls up on Uri’s couch and zonks
Tomorrow I shall make a lot of shiny things mine.
Denovo Broome
Oct 7th, 2011
That was fun.
hobo kelly
Oct 7th, 2011
There were pink Linden Bronies everywhere, and their eyes, their eyes they kept watchin me like Torley Linden was inside of them or something. He may have actually been spying on a jumpy kind of guy because Jumpy seemed visibly shaken by them and kept mumbling Torley’s name over and over like: “Torley is gonna get me…”. the Pink Bronies seemed polite enough. One tried to say hello to the crazy cat lady talking hand puppet, but they recieved no love in return. as might be expected. several people ended up drunk on their feet and passed out on top of other people. pink pom poms fluttered in the cavernous airs in sync to some cheering that helped to keep the crowd awake and chatting. a mob gathered with flaming torches and pitchforks and revenge on their minds: they were heading to Ravenglass to find the Frankenstein monster that lives there and string it up or something, but one lone girl that chases foxes persuaded the crowd not to go, I think, or was it… oh well. then some more people showed up sloshed on martinis from mars, while some stalker guy in the audience got outed and started flipping all around the place. and the bugs creeped in too. from the sea. the maritime tactical weevels. it was dry in the cave so they didn’t stay long. but it was touching. really. for bugs. everyone had long run out of roach powder by that time anyway and they didn’t seem interested in Peyote or Hashish. it was some time after they left that Pixeleen unveiled her new super sekret plans. in between pom pom thrusts. I swore to silence on that subject I am afraid. I guess in the end it will be bittersweet. Im still not clear on some of it like death and reincarnation or why we reincarnate at all, or why after reincarnating several times we stop reincarnating alltogether. the veil between the 2 worlds is thinning. halloween is coming. Whoa right then somebody said that they were very leery of all the “residents” in the crowd, people with that as their last name. When everyone was almost gone, I mean when the place was almost emptied out of people celebrating 8 years for the Herald, one of the few remaining “residents” said something like: “in the halls of the interwebs you may never know who I really am, mua hahaha”. There were other things that happened but I have to get some sleep now if this hand puppet will just quiet down…
Orca Flotta
Oct 7th, 2011
Uri writered:
Ms Babii says: “Orca and I could party you into the middle of next week Uri”
Oh its on. Name the time and the place and the spiritual condiments and I will party you into the eternal bliss that will be your everlasting nap time.
Unfortunately some of us have rather busy second lifes so we can’t party with you kids all the time.
/me wishes for an easypeasy job like being a “founder”.
Dontspill McGinnis
Oct 7th, 2011
I would have attended but as my home PC has blown up, I would have had to break into my office to get there.
I’m sure you all had nearly as good a time, free from Dwarven influence.
Of coarse all attendees will have been flagged as “pinko commie woodberry cyber talibanski terroristas” by the JLU alt lurkers simply for being in attendance.
I wonder if Rodvik realises he will be a “Griffer Linden” now, for sending the pwnie?
Senban Babii
Oct 7th, 2011
“Of coarse all attendees will have been flagged as “pinko commie woodberry cyber talibanski terroristas” by the JLU alt lurkers simply for being in attendance.”
I’ve only just finished adjusting the uniform for The Pink Hands. God only knows what the uniform for the Pinko Commie Woodberry Cyber Talibanski Terroristas would be like but I bet it would be cool
Dontspill McGinnis
Oct 7th, 2011
@ Senban
I look awesome in pink. It sets off my beard.
If I can get my hands on a borrowed laptop, I may well be modelling my The Pink Hands uniform sometime this weekend!
Senban Babii
Oct 7th, 2011
“I look awesome in pink. It sets off my beard.”
You totally rock the pink, I saw you in Ely’s picture
Oct 7th, 2011
This picture pretty much sums it up all right:
I guess it’s safe to say that the padded cell is lined in pink leatherette; hopefully in a tuck & roll pattern for effect. Spill actually looks terrible in pink. Don’t know about the beard part but it certainly does “set off” some alarms for those of us standing in the hall-way and peeking into the padded cell.
Oct 8th, 2011
‘Don’t know about the beard part but it certainly does “set off” some alarms for those of us standing in the hall-way and peeking into the padded cell.’
You believe you are standing in the hall-way? Are you really peeking in, or in reality are you, in fact, peeking out?
Oct 8th, 2011
aw, i love all the pictures, I have a good memory, I will carry it in my head as I walk to the library
Amsterdam Cyberstar
Oct 28th, 2011
Hmmm… I seem to recall that it was the Secondlife Herald, and one day Linden Labs forced you to take on another name?
So much for “8 years of Alphaville Herald” then.